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Begging vs Charity

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Another phrase to keep in mind is charity begins at home. Try to seek out people close to you, neighbours, people in your area, the friends/families of your maids and cleaners and try and assist them if you can with charity.
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I am not a nice guy my friend. I am just like everyone else. Not right in the head.

It pains me when the haves and the have nots of the society think twice about charity and consider the beggars as sub humans when we are not sure about ourselves how halal is our earnings.

Oh I concur (to the second para)!

And the first too!
I am not a nice guy my friend. I am just like everyone else. Not right in the head.

It pains me when the haves and the have nots of the society think twice about charity and consider the beggars as sub humans when we are not sure about ourselves how halal is our earnings.

I don't see what is wrong, with the above statement, in bold. Please explain how that makes you "Not right in the head" ?
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@SherDil @El Sidd @Well.wisher and all on this thread
Who could be more charitable and generous than the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him). One of his companion came to Holy Prophet for help. He was really a destitute mired into the deep poverty so he really deserved to be helped. Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) asked him "What do you have?", and he replied "I possess only two items ya Rasool ullah: (1) a blanket half of which I spread on the floor and with half I use to cover myself, (2) a bowl for eating". Holy Prophet asked him bring those two things, and once he brought the items, Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) auctioned both items to the highest bidder, asked him to buy an axe-head and the wooden handle and gave rest of the money to him to buy food. Holy Prophet assembled the axe-head and wooden shank into axe with his blessed hands and gave him...He went into forest, cut wood and sold... and after some years he became quite well off. (May Allah forgive me for any mistake in narrating this incident) @I.R.A @Khafee..guys you can help me if I missed something there

Now there are some key questions and lessons for us that can lead to a prosperous society. The guy asked for food and Holy Prophet could have provided him either from his own blessed home or asked any of his companions. Similarly, an axe is not that expensive comparing to Holy Prophet made appeal to his companions for setting free some slaves, buying water-well etc..so it could also be arranged easily but Holy Prophets asked him to sell the only items he had? Do you know what Holy Prophet did there in modern terms: turned the beggar into an entrepreneur and that too without any bank loan on interest...just from the two simple items he owned: a blanket and a bowl. Holy Prophet sat an example for the able-bodied young men of ummah till the last day that never beg, try to do whatever is possible within your means. Assert yourself.

Today, I see a lot of educated young men in Pakistan, waiting for some job, cheap low level jobs, but very few of them try to open a business and think innovative. They become parasites for their parents and society. All I hear is there are no jobs as if job is the only option. That's ingratitude of gigantic proportions but we don't understand. Trade and business have the largest blessing. There are skills a person can learn instead of wasting times on social media and with friends. But neither our education system, nor the community promote the culture of entrepreneurship and small business.

Charity has an enormous importance in Islam especially for the people who can afford, they should give it to the destitute, but just don't give them the fish rather the angle/net to catch the fish and let them become a useful part of the society.
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@I.R.A @Khafee..guys you can help me if I missed something there

You know my views about the hear say bai. Though you conveyed a very positive message ........ good but

  • A blanket and a bowl would be cheaper than a metal axe head
  • Forests in Arabia are nearly non existent
  • And I don't agree when narrations always try painting companions of Prophet Messenger (Peace be upon him) as poor, needy and destitute.
Setting up small businesses is very much possible, skilled people should be encouraged and financed to open their own businesses. You are right the society needs to have a right approach and attitude to achieve this, for the time being the most favorite own business is realtors, property dealers etc ..... and these businesses are full of lies and dishonesty.
A blanket and a bowl would be cheaper than a metal axe head
First of all you forgot the essential piece of information. Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) sold it to the highest bidder and when Holy Prophet is asking his companions to buy something, they won't haggle over the price..right. They would try to pay as much as they could so definitely their valuation was much higher of those products. Also remember there used to be no MSRP labelled on the products so everything was sold through a mutual agreement ..a truly free market.

Furthermore, I don't know how you say blanket and a bowl would be cheaper, at least, today the blanket I use is multiple times more expensive than best of the axes available in the market.

We don't know about the prices of those items in that time. If you have some source, please do share. But we can compare their prices today

Blanket Prices

Axe Prices
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Let me tell you a real life story of (I think of a man from Rawalpindi), He started selling Dahi Bhally and Gol Gappas at some place in Rwp in a handcart, after some hard days, he was well known for his quality and taste. His small business grew faster and later he was well earned and a famous Gol Gappa seller in the area.
After sometimes his son was graduated and was searching for job. His father asked him several times to help him as his business was expanding and after-all he will take his seat but his boy refused and said " Kia itnaa parh kr mein gol gappy bechunga ".

The reason for telling this whole story is that we (the youth of Pakistan specially) just want a white-collar job and never think and understand that our religion taught us to be a hard-worker and The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said that one who earns by struggle is a friend of Allah (al-kasib habibullah). Our planet contains enormous resources sufficient to fulfill the needs of all of humanity and the rest of Allah's creations.

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

هُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ لَكُم مَّا فِي الأَرْضِ جَمِيعاً ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى إِلَى السَّمَاء فَسَوَّاهُنَّ سَبْعَ سَمَاوَاتٍ وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ

Al-Baqara (The Cow) 2:29

"He it is who has created for you all that is on earth, and has applied His design to the heavens and fashioned them into seven heavens; and He alone has full knowledge of everything"

I think you remember that a few days back someone opened a thread about samosas by Bengali Bhai in Islamabad. The guy started with zero and despite being ethnically different he worked hard and now he owns quite a few properties in Islamabad worth 10's of millions.. and he still sells samosa and inspects himself. How much does it cost to start a makeshift samsoa kiosk but many of our young men make their parents spend thousands or even a million Rs on their education just to look for jobs and then they do all types of wrong things to secure one...
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It's not bad to earn something as skillful professions are the best way to earn as compared to any sort of Job but our mindset is so disgraced that we feel shame in it. The best Halal rizq is what we earn by hand and yet we are stuck in finding a job after graduation. Even our engineers are now searching for job and don't even think of starting own business and guess what ? they stay at their parents doorstep for long time and increase their burden.
Forests in Arabia are nearly non existent
Have you ever heard about the palm-dates, you know they grow on trees. Now if Amazonian forests are your references that's another matter but my friend there were and are a lot of trees especially around Madina (Yathrib)

  • And I don't agree when narrations always try painting companions of Prophet Messenger (Peace be upon him) as poor, needy and destitute.
Narration in this instance stated only one companion as destitute the rest were buying his stuff. But what is the problem...Do you believe that Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) was a surrounded by rich people?
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