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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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One common thing with any religious types they get offended so easily and resort to personal insults, where did i insult you now? Anyways I am going to ignore that.

You only say buffaloes are not of any religious significance then why is there a ban on them as well?

Again you are assuming i am an Abrahamic religion follower, so much of similarities between you and many Pakistani religious guys. I am neither Christian or Muslim. But my religion does not matter here. I know many Muslims and Christians who do not eat beef. I know many people consider cows as mother because it gives milk, so how does it justify to even ban bull or buffaloes?

And what you have posted was not INSULT TO "INDIA" my mother nation.

This type of mentality breaks the nation and you are definitely a ANTI NATIONAL.
lol, all of Israel is predominantly jew.. and the fact is that while some religious folk are unhappy and calling for a ban, it's still available.

why do you want India to go the way of Saudi/Iran etc with all these religious bans ?

it's just food, get over it...

LOL yourself.

In 1956 Israel passed a law giving town and city governments the power to forbid or restrict the raising of pigs and marketing of pork products. In 1962 Israel passed another law banning pigs from being raised or kept in Jewish communities for the purpose of food (zoos and research are okay). Since then, several Israeli towns and cities have passed laws forbidding or restricting the sale of pork.

Its just a Law, get over it :coffee:
One common thing with any religious types they get offended so easily and resort to personal insults, where did i insult you now? Anyways I am going to ignore that.

You only say buffaloes are not of any religious significance then why is there a ban on them as well?

Again you are assuming i am an Abrahamic religion follower, so much of similarities between you and many Pakistani religious guys. I am neither Christian or Muslim. But my religion does not matter here. I know many Muslims and Christians who do not eat beef. I know many people consider cows as mother because it gives milk, so how does it justify to even ban bull or buffaloes?

There should be a research too, on two things

Beef and alcohol. How much tendency do Indians have and their digestive system to adapt alcohol and beef. According to the weather conditions. It may give different details depending on regionwise.

Because in India, land is fertile and in other countries when you go towards west, fertility of land reduces hence those people depend more on flesh. We have everything thing, fertile land, water, good climate. Why to be an Idiot and adapt other eating habits :)
On the contrary.. Passing an observation in a online forum.. One post and your insecurities have exploded.. The thread is about India and beef.. i suggest you stick to that.. Wanna talk about Aussie affairs come over to the East Asian sub section

Its your insecurities that is on display here, not mine.

My nation has passed a law and I am quite happy about it and quite secure in the knowledge that my got. listens to me :coffee:

I don't give a crap about aussie affairs ....... ... but its fascinating to see you itch about Indian affairs.
How, i fail to understand it is a belief of any religious group to eat cow meat?
There is a difference between state controlled and state imposed. This is a matter of control not imposing anything.

You are very quick in concluding it as a fascist belief.

It's not a case of beef eating or not it's a case of imposition of a religious belief of a state.. How hard is that for some of you to comprehend.. Seriously you dont need a law degree now do you ?
LOL yourself.

In 1956 Israel passed a law giving town and city governments the power to forbid or restrict the raising of pigs and marketing of pork products. In 1962 Israel passed another law banning pigs from being raised or kept in Jewish communities for the purpose of food (zoos and research are okay). Since then, several Israeli towns and cities have passed laws forbidding or restricting the sale of pork.

Its just a Law, get over it :coffee:
Thats rich.. Lol, Especially coming from an Indian, Any way stick to the topic please.. So according to your beliefs Hinduism a faith of millions of people depends on Cows ?? I think thats degrading.. Your comprehension skills seems to be limited, My post had nothing to do with cows it's all bollocks i say (pun intended)

It's about a state imposing religious beliefs on people irrespective of their's.. Which is fascist just like the Taliban/ Nazi.. You can coin any term you like
Hindus have religions faith dating quite a log time.. Cattle were considered wealth.. Many of the economical factors depended upon the cow and its lineage. This prompted people to worship cow as a form of god..

About bullocks, they are good source of dung.. Although they can also be used for farming, but the efficiency compared to mechanized devices is low. After few decades, there would be scarcity of natural gas.. Only alternative to it would be renewable sources of energy.. Many institution in India are working on storing of Biogas in cylinders.. This would be a great alternative to the power hungry world... Not sufficient, but yet some percent of need would be satisfied..
First of all we are NOT a secular country. Our Laws does depend on the religion your follow. Hence the muslim personal law board etc...

We ARE a Hindu Rashtra. Its called BHARAT. We are heading to reclaim our role in this world.

WHY is cannibalism accepted as a crime ? Ever thought about that ? you think it has something to do with Religion ??? Why is abortion a crime in the US ? Why is Cloning a Crime ? You think religion has a role to play in all this ?

Religions were the FIRST laws for almost all Human society. ALL Laws have evolved out of them.

Beef is not a source of food in India. Pork is not a source of food in Israel and Gulf. Dog meat is not a source of meat in the USA. Ignorance is not a crime, but it is a shame.

But our constitution and what I was taught in school clearly states India is a secular country. Just cause India is called Bharat it does not mean we are a Hindu Rashtra. Is India called Hindu republic of India or just Republic of India?

Cannibalism is a crime because it involves killing of a fellow Human. Abortion is a crime because it involves killing of a human more or less. Cloning is a crime because it will lead to anarchy. I am sure religion were the first laws for human society, tell me what good has it done other than divide people and kill in the name of god.

How about the animal sacrifices done in Hinduism, i seeen slaughter of buffaloes goats etc for god, so is that right? Israel and Gulf are religious countries, India is not a religious country as you claim. If you do not want to eat beef dont eat it. Live and let live.

Ignorance due to religion is the biggest form of shame there is to the human IQ all over the world.
LOL yourself.

In 1956 Israel passed a law giving town and city governments the power to forbid or restrict the raising of pigs and marketing of pork products. In 1962 Israel passed another law banning pigs from being raised or kept in Jewish communities for the purpose of food (zoos and research are okay). Since then, several Israeli towns and cities have passed laws forbidding or restricting the sale of pork.

Its just a Law, get over it :coffee:
I've heard you can easily get pork. Let's flag someone down and ask them.

@500 .. do you guys get fined and thrown in jail if they find you eating bacon ?
So, the tigers, lions, wolves and other animals are going to pay in their "this life or next". People can't survive by only being a vegetarian, at least not live a healthy one. They need medical supplements for the nutrition they are missing out on. Thus it proves that, you need meat to live a healthy life.

Well, you RSS hinduvtas seem to be more concerned about BD than Bangladeshis, so why don't you go and take a bath in cow piss. Maybe that will cool you down.
Mate please go somewhere else to beg:lol:.We are getting tired of jamaati beggars like you.Bhai bhikkha chaile bhodrobhaba cha diye debo ebabhe nirlojjer moto sob jaygay eshe keno bekar nijeke r nijer puro Jamaati Quom ke opomanito korchis:sarcastic:!!
It's not a case of beef eating or not it's a case of imposition of a religious belief of a state.. How hard is that for some of you to comprehend.. Seriously you dont need a law degree now do you ?
"It's about a state imposing religious beliefs on people irrespective of their's"

Now you are contradicting yourself.
This thread is about cows and your bollocks.. Stick to the subject matter.. You dont seem that bright

Open another thread if you want to discuss about ethnic matters in Sri Lanka

Changing the Direction would not help you!!!! Read the Thread Title before you post. It is about a LAW PASSED IN AN INDIAN STATE.

Which is none of your concern. NOW GET LOST.
Its your insecurities that is on display here, not mine. My nation has passed a law and I am quite happy about it and quite secure in the knowledge that my got. listens to me :coffee:

I don't give a crap about aussie affairs ....... ... but its fascinating to see you itch about Indian affairs.

Nope no itch what so ever.. Like i said one observation and some of you have dragged in Australia, Sri Lankan civil war and even the right of a poster to post in a online forum.. If thats not insecure i dont know what is.. :-)

Btw you may be happy but there are many Indians themselves who arnt, Even in this very thread

In 1963, Lahav established the Institute for Animal Research with guidance from leading scientists from the Hebrew Uniersity's Faculty of Agriculture, which is the only research facility in Israel specializing in raising pigs. According to a 1963 law, pigs can be legally raised in kibbutzim (or more generally on land leased from the state) only for research purposes, but meat from surplus animals may be sold. While all other kibbutzim abandoned pig farming to comply with the 1963 law, Lahav transferred its pig farm to its new organization, the Institute for Animal Research.
Balanced budget to promote corporate investment and rapid economic growth of India without going into populist crap done for so many years at first and now this.

All the right strings being pulled.

Respecting the sentiments of the majority community is also a good move. Congrats to all those from Maharashtra.
Today's Hinduism is strictly based on rules, that includes the choice of eating habits.

You are not free to decide anymore.

Cattles who are in 500 milion+ in numbers are holy. They are everywhere.

If you hit it with a car, you do a sin, If you mock them its a sin, if you allow external bulls to fcuk them its a sin, if u keep it in dirt or make it stand under sun its a sin, if u shoo away from ur young ones its a sin, if u steal its milk which is for its kid its a sin and ofcourse if u eat them it is also a sin.
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