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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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Crows also eat dead bodies of animals but dead bodies of cows/cattle is a rarity at least in the towns/cities I've visited and lived....

Have any dog died near your house????? If not removed by municipality what will happen it will decay - right???? And it will smell fowl - right????????

Then what you will do - you will bring hell down on your municipality for not removing the dead corpus of dog!!!!!!!!!

How many dogs die around you and how many you notice ?????????????? Very Few !!!!!!!!!

You notice very few because many dogs dies in road accidents which sometimes are in such bad conditions that it becomes really difficult to scrub the dead meat from the tarmac!!! Hence you know that a dog has died.

So what is your point you rarely see a dead body of Cattle.

What is sickularism?

Your version of a definition please.

Also do explain Sicular Hooliganism.

Oh I am equal to CHAANDAL or ASURA now.. lol.....

And you must be the Angel/ DEVA , the pure among the pure, the abode of love from GOD will be upon you, right?

Sicular Hooliganism is going in this country since first Prime Minister which was an "ACCIDENTAL HINDU".

As per Shastra if you eat beef you are CHANDAL.
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so you mean vegetarians or those who dont eat beef cant do Hard labour and extensive physical work???
60% Indians are vegetarians so by your logic they cant do hard work??
in case you used your eyes to read my post carefully,
you would have seen that I have quoted an Indian Hindu who also served in Indian army.
its not MY opinion

the other thing i mentioned is pound for pound beef has more nutrition and more protein and to beat that one has to eat a lot of lintels.

but that doesn't affect the religious beliefs that should take precedence of course and I respect that.
if you have difficulty in understanding then ask someone else to read my previous post and this post again and explain it to you.
So,Modi's vision for India is a nation of vegetarians without nutsacks.:coffee:
[QUOTE="Raul_AD, post: 6863208, member: 161913"

Sicular Hooliganism is going in this country is going on since first Prime Minister which was an "ACCIDENTAL HINDU".

As per Shastra if you eat beef you are CHANDAL.[/QUOTE]

I asked what it is...

So before the first PM , it was all good?

As per shastra , then most people around the world also must be CHANDALS including all the people who worked for good of humanity , if they had eat beef.

I like this new breed of online warriors who brand others and give them titles.

Reminds me of groups in middle east and neighbourhoods.
[QUOTE="Raul_AD, post: 6863208, member: 161913"

Sicular Hooliganism is going in this country is going on since first Prime Minister which was an "ACCIDENTAL HINDU".

As per Shastra if you eat beef you are CHANDAL.

I asked what it is...

So before the first PM , it was all good?

As per shastra , then most people around the world also must be CHANDALS including all the people who worked for good of humanity , if they had eat beef.

I like this new breed of online warriors who brand others and give them titles.

Reminds me of groups in middle east and neighbourhoods.[/QUOTE]

Hehehehehehe Colonial master created congress as security vent to release pressure against them. And no major revolt take place against them, as the revolt of 1857!!!!

They also started their secular beacons, by slapping Lord Macaulay's Education system, so that the pride in local population for its culture can be destroyed.

This education system has produced TONS of self hating Hindus over the course, and is still continuing.
Hehehehehehe Colonial master created congress as security vent to release pressure against them. And no major revolt take place against them, as the revolt of 1857!!!!

They also started their secular beacons, by slapping Lord Macaulay's Education system, so that the pride in local population for its culture can be destroyed.

This education system has produced TONS of self hating Hindus over the course, and is still continuing.

Dude what is sicularism and sicular hooliganism...in easy simple words... not colonialism and education blah blah blah..

A simple explanation.
the logic of this 'Pro-Beef Brigade' is here.. bringing every argument not even related to the topic.. like agriculture, deforestation, dogs on street,vultures, ganga, south India, aghori, etc.. and getting failed every time debating with us and next day, bringing again something new.

@MokshaVimukthi @Raul_AD @ravi kiran @wolfschanzze @SarthakGanguly @itachiii @About.to.be.banned @Srinivas @Echo_419 @IndoCarib

I don't see any cattle-vulture drama in cities. What are you saying?

We never said it, what we say that it is banned in our religion. Because cow is used as a sacred animal, may you say due to economic reason (can feed you with dairy products for years). And rather religious we have discussed here more economic and scientific reasons for banning beef. :)

I will tell you why beef ban is scientific. Couple of months ago I attended a seminar by the German Nobel laureate Prof Zur Hausen (same guy who won Nobel for proving Human Papilloma Virus causes cervical cancer). In the seminar he presented his next research area “beef consumption and colon cancer”. The audience was mostly American and few Indians. He presented a series of stats and charts that showed high prevalence rates of colon cancer in high beef consumption countries. EU, US, New Zealand had high colon cancer rates. In China colon cancer rates are increasing which he said is related increasing beef consumption. India had very low colon cancer rates which obviously is because of our diet habits. After the talk, few of us Indian met him over dinner. He said ‘you Indians have the most scientific dietary habits’. Dont be like China.' Need I say more ?
I will tell you why beef ban is scientific. Couple of months ago I attended a seminar by the German Nobel laureate Prof Zur Hausen (same guy who won Nobel for proving Human Papilloma Virus causes cervical cancer). In the seminar he presented his next research area “beef consumption and colon cancer”. The audience was mostly American and few Indians. He presented a series of stats and charts that showed high prevalence rates of colon cancer in high beef consumption countries. EU, US, New Zealand had high colon cancer rates. In China colon cancer rates are increasing which he said is related increasing beef consumption. India had very low colon cancer rates which obviously is because of our diet habits. After the talk, few of us Indian met him over dinner. He said ‘you Indians have the most scientific dietary habits’. Dont be like China.' Need I say more ?

The problem is , in our country people try to show off by eating beef, that they are the direct descendent of greeks or whites. This due to inferiority complex they have. And this is the source of all troubles. These poeple will tell you each and every name of wine and taste, but when you ask them what is matha or chanch. They will laugh and say, you are baackwaard.
The problem is , in our country people try to show off by eating beef, that they are the direct descendent of greeks or whites. This due to inferiority complex they have. And this is the source of all troubles. These poeple will tell you each and every name of wine and taste, but when you ask them what is matha or chanch. They will laugh and say, you are baackwaard.

And one more thing. The same morons support PeTA and other animal activists when then try to ban culling of animals. But when a BJP govt does it it is communal :frown:
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its against humans rights as i think humans have freedom to eat drink wear whatever they like to
its against humans rights as i think humans have freedom to eat drink wear whatever they like to

Din't allah and muhammed tell you something different ? :azn: ....... like don't eat pig or drink alcohol ? Are you accusing them of violating human rights ?
According to the latest research going on. Many developed countries are trying to implement a highly advance system for food distribution according to climate, geography, suitability of food and season. They will regulate what types of vegetables, meat must be allowed and when.
EHP – Climate Change and Food Security: Health Impacts in Developed Countries
so now gov will decide what we eat ? lolzz

Din't allah and muhammed tell you something different ? :azn: ....... like don't eat pig or drink alcohol ? Are you accusing them of violating human rights ?
give me fried or BBQ pork boneless and dalmore or red label bottle now i feeling hungry and thirsty beta
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