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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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What about Sicular Middle East, and now which is harboring ISIS????? Which is on the Door Step of India also????
Sorry, target lost - not a muslim. try again.:tdown: You people saw only Muslims eat beef in India? You are wrong.
We are eating beef for centuries you dimwhit! In Kerala, it is a very common food. Hindus have not become murtad after eating that. you imagined India is equal to North India? You want to enforce Hindu sanghi rule on our food?
Take your cry to Vatican you converted clan!!!
We are eating beef for centuries you dimwhit! In Kerala, it is a very common food. Hindus have not become murtad after eating that. you imagined India is equal to North India? You want to enforce Hindu sanghi rule on our food?

That's why ulcer is more prone due to bad eating habits in south, plus beef. damn!!. Go by your natural vegetation and something which you can digest properly.
Alright, since we can't have a logical discussion due to your extreme faith in Hinduism (not that I have any problem with it) but I will give you an example, even in Bangladesh non-Muslims can buy pork and alcohol and consume them at special places or privately. But whatever India is doing in Maharashtra is religious intolerance and if they cared about animal rights, they would have banned the consumption and slaughter of other animals too.

I am having a logical discussion. But it is based on my faith since we are talking religion and philosophy.

Hinduism do not believe in "tolerance", it believes in Mutual respect. A Far noble idea, enshrined in our collective psyche and our civilizational values.

Think of it as the difference between Tolerating your Parents and Respecting your Parents.

Hinduism also asks its believers to Protect the Cow in unambiguous terms.

The Only other alternative to banning cow slaughter is to ask Hindus to attack those involved in cow slaughter. Which is a better alternative ?

Killing and consumption of other animals is left to the individual conscience. They shall reap what they sow.

PS: Also wanted to add that his extreme religious belief was also held by Buddha.
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Early symptoms of radicalism. Hindutva terrorists are destroying India. they are enforcing their religious rules as mandatory. India is a secular country with beef eating minorities and they cannot stop eating that because virat Hindu aatankwadi wants cow slaughter ban.

We will be eating beef like it was before. RSS cannot enforce what people are eating. With so many cattles roaming around the Indian villages and cities without any use and Gosala's(cow shelters when poor are living in the streets and dying), India is vasting a lot of free nourishment, better to encourage beef eating especially in the central-north Indian states where religious bigotry is- I suspect, is a real problem. Like Sanghi free Chai campaign, spread free Beef and Paratha campaign across North India can overcome this religious taboo. It can create a revolution as breeds that are good for beef (beef cattle) can be raised in every villages across the country. Beef also helps the people grow muscle mass and healthier. Instead of burning, consider this - Beef is much more tastier - Red meat is not poison as these veggies propagate.

Maybe you should read more about Prions and Mad Cow disease, but I guess bible gives you all the answers. :P
Take your cry to Vatican you converted clan!!!
Not interested in vatican or european christianity. fail! We lived here and will be living here also.

It is a real good idea to rear cows for beef in a big country like India. I hope one day this will happen after the destruction of radical Hindu (RSS Sanghparivar). See cows and buffaloes as domestic animals which are used for milk and *meat*. Don't bring your orthodox culture to blame beef eaters.
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So, the tigers, lions, wolves and other animals are going to pay in their "this life or next". People can't survive by only being a vegetarian, at least not live a healthy one. They need medical supplements for the nutrition they are missing out on. Thus it proves that, you need meat to live a healthy life.

Well, you RSS hinduvtas seem to be more concerned about BD than Bangladeshis, so why don't you go and take a bath in cow piss. Maybe that will cool you down.
I have heard of this cow piss every now and then.. Let me make this clear once and for all./.

The medicinal value of Gomutra/cowpiss is best when it is fresh.. stored one dangerous..
Cow piss or Go-mutra contains organic sulphur which is quite good anibaterial. The analysis of cow urine shows it contains nitrogen, sulphur, ammonia, copper, phosphate, sodium, potassium, manganese, carbolic acid, iron, uric acid, urea, silicon, chlorine, magnesium, calcium salts, Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, minerals, lactose, enzymes, creatinine, Aurum hydroxide. It is detoxifying and cleansing in nature.
Many Ayurvedic medicines use cow urine as an ingredient: Shiva Gutika, Panchagavya Ghrita, Maha Panchagavya Ghrita, Gomutra Haritaki,Mandoora Vatakam. Some Ayurvedic medicines recommend cow urine to be drunk along with their medicines: Punarnavadi kashayam, Mahayograj Guggul - in the treatment of anaemia. Vyoshadi Guggulu,Khadiradi Kashayam – worm infestation, kankayan Vati - to treat abdominal lump due to kapha origin.

It is used along with Pathyadi Lepa churna, an herbal powder, to prepare a paste applied externally to relieve skin diseases such as dermatitis.

It is used in the process of making of Loha Bhasma

Our old texts like Atharva Veda, Charaka Samhita, Rajni Ghuntu, Vridhabhagabhatt, Amritasagar, Bhavaprakash, Sushruta Samhita extol the benefits of cow urine. The Cow Urine Treatment and Research Centre, Indore has conducted research and claim that that it is capable of curing diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, heart disease, blockage in arteries, fits, cancer, piles, prostrate, arthritis, migraine, thyroid, ulcers, acidity, constipation, gynaecological problems, ear and nose problems, varicose veins and dysmenorrhoea, ringworm, skin problems, acne. The major claim is for curing Aids – and it would be such fun if this turned out to be true. Villagers use cow urine as a disinfectant and apply it on wounds.
I certainly think it should be used as both pesticide and bio fertilizer. Hundreds of case studies have been done. In one , 11 farmers of Kali Talavadi in Maharashtra have made a club that uses cow urine as bio fertilizer on cotton, groundnut, maize, castor, chillies. They say that spraying 100-200 litres per acre increases the production of crops and of course reduces the cost of production because the urine is collected from the village cows. The farmers reported that chilli production increased by 10%.and maize by 15%

At present some families are using cow urine as a bio fertilizer in the area and they say that if cow urine is used on the fields for three years , you will never need chemical fertilizers and pesticides again.

Hindu Talibanization ??
Is it really?? Saving one religions faith is talibanization??:what::what: May be perhaps you can say killing the innocent Tamilians in northern Srilanka was very human work isn't it??:nono::nono:
Take your cry to Vatican you converted clan!!!

Converted? lol. You have no idea how many hindus eat beef do you? Well first of all I dont think cows are slaughtered in India so the beef what we get is bull or buffalo. Anyways what that poster is saying is right how can someone enforce his/her beliefs on someone else? What is the difference between Taliban and hindu extremists? Nobody should control what people eat. Like this ban will not be possible in cosmopolitan cities and Kerala as a whole. And I doubt this rule is going to be effective, beef eaters in Maharashtra will continue eating them. But my only concern is when the animals even if they are for slaughter should be treated with care, transported properly etc etc just because you eat them does not mean you be cruel to them. People who are cruel to animals should be punished.
Early symptoms of radicalism. Hindutva terrorists are destroying India. they are enforcing their religious rules as mandatory. India is a secular country with beef eating minorities and they cannot stop eating that because virat Hindu aatankwadi wants cow slaughter ban.

We will be eating beef like it was before. RSS cannot enforce what people are eating. With so many cattles roaming around the Indian villages and cities without any use and Gosala's(cow shelters when poor are living in the streets and dying), India is vasting a lot of free nourishment, better to encourage beef eating especially in the central-north Indian states where religious bigotry is- I suspect, is a real problem. Like Sanghi free Chai campaign, spread free Beef and Paratha campaign across North India can overcome this religious taboo. It can create a revolution as breeds that are good for beef (beef cattle) can be raised in every villages across the country. Beef also helps the people grow muscle mass and healthier. Instead of burning, consider this - Beef is much more tastier - Red meat is not poison as these veggies propagate.
Pigs are not worship-able for Muslims..:nhl_checking:
The medicinal value of Gomutra/cowpiss is best when it is fresh.. stored one dangerous..

I am a Biomedical Scientist and any Biochemist knows that Urine, whether from Cow or from any other living being has no medicinal value of any sort. If urine indeed had any medicinal or therapeutic or nutritive value, the body would have never let it go in the first place. Urine's medicinal value is only in the head of those who want to believe it has some value just like certain Chinese wish to believe that Ginseng root is good for health, or the Bird Nest soup is beneficial, or acupuncture does wonders. There is practically nothing good found about these wonder medicines when tested in well designed assays or pre- or phase 1&2 clinical trials. Please get over this obsession.
I just wanted to have one final say.

Of the Million Billion Life Forms on earth, only 0.00001% is lucky to be born as Humans.

It is not an opportunity that will come again so easily. The Laws of probability is stacked against it.

So it is better to make the best use of this life and evolve into something better, than waste it in seeking temporary pleasure that comes from murder and mayhem and greed.

Its a bit like winning a lottery ticket and then not en-cashing that bit of luck.
I just wanted to have one final say.

Of the Million Billion Life Forms on earth, only 0.00001% is lucky to be born as Humans.

It is not an opportunity that will come again so easily. The Laws of probability is staked against it.

So it is better to make the best use of this life and evolve into something better, than waste it in seeking temporary pleasure that comes from murder and mayhem and greed.

Its a bit like winning a lottery ticket and then not en-cashing that bit of luck.

Re tune to mhaari aankhe khol di chhore.
Hindu Talibanization ??

Being too much liberal is also equal to being taliban. ''Do what ever you want to do'', that is a wrong message. Limit is a necessity.

An american Rum company investing in arms company, to develop weapon used against Muslims because they are anti alcoholic is not different than talibani. ;) Or is it? :D
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