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Beautiful pictures of Iran

oh god!
my monitor almost broke
she's not a pretty gal

is she Iranian Iranian? like an immigrant or parsi/Irani?

she is Iranian Iranian settled in Norway.. she was a dancer in Bollywood (Indian) movies.. but then they found out she was illegally settled in India or something like that and they deported her. Yeah her lips are really weird..too much botox... :rofl:

she is Iranian Iranian settled in Norway.. she was a dancer in Bollywood (Indian) movies.. but then they found out she was illegally settled in India or something like that and they deported her. Yeah her lips are really weird..too much botox... :rofl:

oh stop it lol
wtf is wrong with Iranian women and plastic surgery!!!!
They look a billion times better w/out all that ****.
she looks like a horse btw
lol no I wasn't mad @ you
And I'm not trying to convince them of anything, they have completely lost their "Iranianism"
they think Iran=Persia just because we have had two fascist regimes one after another. The shah wanted to make Iran a Persian state and these mullahs aren't much better (though they're forced to keep a leash since the western world and even turkey are trying to break Iran apart, "divide and conquer"). They can be w/ever they want. What's funny to me is that they're trying to convince Iranian Azeris that they're not Iranian LMAO
In Iran the most patriotic people are azeris and the most religious are azeris, in fact all the fanatic mullahs are mostly azeri!
Their hate also has a lot to do with our relationship with Armenians.

It is just like the Pashtuns of Pakistan and Afghanistan.. The most partiotic people in Pakistan are Pashtuns.. but Afghan Pashtuns keep on doing all the propaganda that they are oppressed to create unrest in Pakistan. If you meet all the Pakistani Pashtuns on this forum - Swatithebrave, Jana, AdiosAmegos, SilentNinja, MJNaushad etc you will see who patriotic they are.. There is a 180 degree turn between the thoughts of Afghan and Pakistan Pashtuns.
It is just like the Pashtuns of Pakistan and Afghanistan.. The most partiotic people in Pakistan are Pashtuns.. but Afghan Pashtuns keep on doing all the propaganda that they are oppressed to create unrest in Pakistan. If you meet all the Pakistani Pashtuns on this forum - Swatithebrave, Jana, AdiosAmegos, SilentNinja, MJNaushad etc you will see who patriotic they are.. There is a 180 degree turn between the thoughts of Afghan and Pakistan Pashtuns.

lol yeah I know, the desperate will bark the most
But Azerbaijan's case is even more hilarious
before 1900 there was only one Azerbaijan, and that was a province in Iran!
In the 1920's Russia created a country called Azerbaijan from Iranian land and 30 000 km of Armenian land!!! Azerbaijan is a country of 7 mill whereas in Iran alone there is smtg like 20 mill Azeris!!!!!
hahah go figure
lol yeah I know, the desperate will bark the most
But Azerbaijan's case is even more hilarious
before 1900 there was only one Azerbaijan, and that was a province in Iran!
In the 1920's Russia created a country called Azerbaijan from Iranian land and 30 000 km of Armenian land!!! Azerbaijan is a country of 7 mill whereas in Iran alone there is smtg like 20 mill Azeris!!!!!
hahah go figure

But Azerbaijanis do have a point when they said this.. :p:P

Like said stop acting as an Azeri first of all. Do you want to talk to me in our language? But I don't want to go there. So just finish it.

We are at least honest Muslims. Aren't you guys the same Iranians who dislike Arabs because you became Muslims?

But we don't have such issues, we became Muslims by our own will.

Now you call yourselves as "Islamic" Republic but your actions can be seen clearly.
But Azerbaijanis do have a point when they said this.. :p:P

that doesn't even make any sense!!!!
here's a map of Iran when arabs attacked and Iran became muslim
check out Azerbaijan!
the guy is acting like Azerbaijan is a separate entity from Iran!
"we became Muslims by our own will."
all of Iran became muslim by force!
man these Russian Azeris are :cheesy:
Since i cant post any pictures, i have to post some of my favourite videos.

Here's Gogoosh and Layla Forohar my all time favourite iranian singer:

sadly this song was available in half.
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and here's arabs dancing to your all time fav singer
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that doesn't even make any sense!!!!
here's a map of Iran when arabs attacked and Iran became muslim
check out Azerbaijan!
the guy is acting like Azerbaijan is a separate entity from Iran!
"we became Muslims by our own will."
all of Iran became muslim by force!
man these Russian Azeris are :cheesy:

The map of Sassanid Empire you posted, it is showing 70% Pakistan as part of Iran and one of its various provinces. That doesn't mean that all Pakistanis are "Iranic". The map is showing majority of Sindh as part of Persian empire, but Sindhis are different people.

The reason I doubt Iranian Azeris claim that they are just Persians who got turkified and started to speak turkish dialect is because other Iranic people and countries don't consider Azeris are "Iranic". It is only Azeris of Iran who love to claim that they are Persians and they got turkified, maybe because they are not proud of their turkish roots. If you visit Afghan or Tajik forums, they don't count Azeris as "Iranic" people.. neither do wikipedia... and neither do present day azerbaijanis

Iranian peoples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


But then what do I know.. i am not an authority on who is Iranic and who isn't...
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nice pics can u post some of of kish island ? i've heard from iranians it's like the dubai of iran
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