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Beautiful pictures of Iran

yeah, Gilan, Mazandaran and Golestan all border the Caspian sea and have semi tropical climates!
They're greener than Vancouver!
I personally hate them though. I love the loneliness of the deserts and the semi arid mountains of shiraz. Much more peaceful. I was in an Iranian desert 3 years ago and we had just come back from Venice and Dubai. I still think that desert was the most beautiful part of our trip.
I'll definitely post some of both.

Well ofcourse you will love Shiraz because you are from Shiraz :D.. but I prefer greenery over deserts..

I think Shiraz is also known for Shirazi cats.

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Well ofcourse you will love Shiraz because you are from Shiraz :D.. but I prefer greenery over deserts..

I think Shiraz is also known for Shirazi cats.

you mean Persian cats?
Shiraz is in the Pars province or as it was called in the old days, Persis.
cats all over Iran look the same though, no such a thing as shirazi cat. All Iranian cats look the same.
And deserts are awesome!
No stupid bird singing, no people, no cars NO NOISE
they're awesome :smitten:
you mean Persian cats?

yes but in Pakistan we call these kind of cats as "Shirazi billi" or "Shirazi cats".. I dont know whats the story behind calling them "Shirazi" though...

The Shirazi cat Shirazi cat

The Shirazi cat is one of the most beautiful cats of all kinds. It is also one of the oldest pure breeds. You can find Shirazi cats in many different colors and shapes. It has extremely long fur and round beautiful eyes. The Shirazi cat is well known to be neat and clean, but its long fur makes it a bit difficult to bathe itself, which makes it need an owner to continuously bathe it and carefully dry it afterwards. The Shirazi cat needs a lot of love and affection, as it is considered to be a house cat rather than a street cat. Shirazi cats love being around people and most of all they love people’s attention. The best thing about this breed is its love for human beings unlike many other cat breeds, there is also something classy about the Shirazi, it is also known for its warm and peaceful personality.
yes but in Pakistan we call these kind of cats as "Shirazi billi" or "Shirazi cats".. I dont know whats the story behind calling them "Shirazi" though...

The Shirazi cat Shirazi cat

The Shirazi cat is one of the most beautiful cats of all kinds. It is also one of the oldest pure breeds. You can find Shirazi cats in many different colors and shapes. It has extremely long fur and round beautiful eyes. The Shirazi cat is well known to be neat and clean, but its long fur makes it a bit difficult to bathe itself, which makes it need an owner to continuously bathe it and carefully dry it afterwards. The Shirazi cat needs a lot of love and affection, as it is considered to be a house cat rather than a street cat. Shirazi cats love being around people and most of all they love people’s attention. The best thing about this breed is its love for human beings unlike many other cat breeds, there is also something classy about the Shirazi, it is also known for its warm and peaceful personality.

lmao thanks for that
now I can have smtg to boast about
you see in shiraz we only have our past history, other than that we're famous for being the laziest people, drunks and also for always being late! hahaha
For example in Shiraz EVERY store closes in the afternoons. People open in the morning and go home during afternoons and have lunch and sleep for a few hours. They go back in the evening and stay open until very late! A modern city of 2 million runs like a village lol
Well ofcourse you will love Shiraz because you are from Shiraz :D.. but I prefer greenery over deserts..

I think Shiraz is also known for Shirazi cats.

you should see the cats that come from Van Province, south-eastern Turkiye.

they are so exotic that it is illegal to export them out of the country. My old landlord had one in Istanbul. I'm a dog guy, i dont care much for cats; but i'll make exception in this case.
that doesn't even make any sense!!!!
here's a map of Iran when arabs attacked and Iran became muslim
check out Azerbaijan!
the guy is acting like Azerbaijan is a separate entity from Iran!
"we became Muslims by our own will."
all of Iran became muslim by force!
man these Russian Azeris are :cheesy:

First of all, having empires and conquering other lands at some point of history dosen't makes those as yours. Do you claim all that area as Iran? The Turks should claim almost all of Middle-east, North Africa and Balkans as Turkey?

Turkic tribes settled in Azerbaijan in large numbers at 11th century, because of its vast green plains, since they were nomadic peoples with horses. That was after Arabs were gone but they were already Muslim because Arabs had helped them in a battle. And from the time, they conqured almost whole Iran and made all other peoples its vassals and pay tribute.
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lol yeah I know, the desperate will bark the most
But Azerbaijan's case is even more hilarious
before 1900 there was only one Azerbaijan, and that was a province in Iran!
In the 1920's Russia created a country called Azerbaijan from Iranian land and 30 000 km of Armenian land!!! Azerbaijan is a country of 7 mill whereas in Iran alone there is smtg like 20 mill Azeris!!!!!
hahah go figure

First of all, from mid 11th century to mid 12th century there was state called Atabegs of Azerbaijan, also called Eldeghezids after its founder, Shemseddin Eldeniz, of Kypchak origin. Wich included parts of modern Azerbaijan up to Kura river and South Azerbaijan (Iran) like Tebriz, Ardebil, Maragha etc... Later, they even expanded as far south as Kermanshah deep into Iran.


Iranian land? Hohoho. Armenian land? Maybe you need to read how Russians settled Armenians from Ottoman empire, Syria, Iran etc...to lands of Azerbaijan and now there lies state of Armenia!

So Russians created Azerbaijan?

Azerbaijan declared its independence from Russian empire during 1918, also becoming the first democratic and secular republic of the Muslim world.

Get your facts right.
I'm sensing upcoming political tensions here.

I remember I used to post on Iran Defence forum; Azeri and Iranian nationalists were always shooting eachother down on the forums.

With regards to Azerbaycan, I believe they are entitled to reclaim (peacefully or militarily) Nagorno-Karabakh which is defacto occupied by Armenian.

Azerbaycan is friendly to Pakistan; we should continue to work closely to help Azeris meet their defence needs.

However, this is a topic used to celebrate the beauty of Iran. Let us make seperate thread on this other subject.
The Shirazi cat needs a lot of love and affection, as it is considered to be a house cat rather than a street cat. Shirazi cats love being around people and most of all they love people’s attention. The best thing about this breed is its love for human beings unlike many other cat breeds, there is also something classy about the Shirazi, it is also known for its warm and peaceful personality.

sounds like the standard high-maintenance woman!!

especially them Lahorishers & Karachiites!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::woot:
I'm not the thread starter but I'll post one even though I think it's one of the ugliest masjeds in Iran. The gold dome is ugly as sin.

Thanks for the picture but you should think before posting such opinions on things like this. I highly doubt that you are Muslim.
you should see the cats that come from Van Province, south-eastern Turkiye.

they are so exotic that it is illegal to export them out of the country. My old landlord had one in Istanbul. I'm a dog guy, i dont care much for cats; but i'll make exception in this case.

I googled Van cats.. are these the cats you are talking about?

I love cats... even though I am allergic to them! :D
the cats of Van, Turkey are famous due in huge part to the fact that they have one blue eye and one yellow/greenish one.

quite exotic and peculiar at the same time.

I don't mind cats; though i think they are a bit too self-centered. I love dogs. Especially my loyal German Shepherd. He's a soldier.
the cats of Van, Turkey are famous due in huge part to the fact that they have one blue eye and one yellow/greenish one.

quite exotic and peculiar at the same time.

I don't mind cats; though i think they are a bit too self-centered. I love dogs. Especially my loyal German Shepherd. He's a soldier.

wow cool!! I want that cat now!! :smitten:
wow cool!! I want that cat now!! :smitten:

my old landlord in Istanbul had one. I think she used to breed them too.

Taking them out of Turkey is strictly banned. So you'll either have to move to Turkey; or pull a fast one on Turkish authorities by hiding a kitty in your purse and taking the fast train to Greece!!


those eyes though......pretty crazy.

you wanna see something else crazy? do a google search for

"turkiye aslan kopek" and go to images :D
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