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Beautiful pictures of Iran

yeah they're a good looking bunch.

The Cristiano Ronaldo of the team lol
he worships himself but I'm a big fan of him. He's also the captain.
how come you are a big fan of every good looking guy? :rofl::rofl: Just kidding
Awesome pics, Nima!

Haha I feel thankful we don't have a so-called 'Islamic dress-code' in Pakistan.

OH YEAH, AND IF YOU THINK WE'RE A BUNCH OF RELIGIOUS MULLAHS, THEN NO SIR, WE ARE NOT. And tell your friends to open their eyes too. Only 1 in 7 Pakistani girls wear 'Hijab'. 1 in 1000 wear Burka or Chador or w.e you call it.

Now I understand why the 'Islamic Revolution' hurt Iran more than it helped it.

lol jinxed girl already slapped some reality into me about that earlier but unfortunately we Iranians are very ethnocentric. As a whole we're very ignorant about others. I'm sure ahmad (is he afghan?) can tell you all about that if he's had experience with us.

And yeah, I was telling my dad that I hope the Islamic republic stays for another decade and he almost murdered me lol every decade people are becoming more and more anti Islamic. My grand mother says that during shah's time people were MUCH MUCH MORE religious than today.
the pashtun ones or the tajik ones? :azn:

Well I can't differentiate between Pashtuns and tajik women but from what I've seen their women are very naturally beautiful. Iranian women have a habit of wearing too much makeup and that ruins their look.
Iranian men singing under khajou bridge in Isfahan
the second singer is the ****
how is the standard of living in Iran, i mean facilities, entertainment, the cost of living etc can u kindly tell me.
minar jonboun
The minaret literally shakes if you push it and yet it has been standing for centuries. You can go in there and people will shake it from outside. I remember going there as a kid.
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lol jinxed girl already slapped some reality into me about that earlier but unfortunately we Iranians are very ethnocentric. As a whole we're very ignorant about others. I'm sure ahmad (is he afghan?) can tell you all about that if he's had experience with us.

And yeah, I was telling my dad that I hope the Islamic republic stays for another decade and he almost murdered me lol every decade people are becoming more and more anti Islamic. My grand mother says that during shah's time people were MUCH MUCH MORE religious than today.

We don't blame you guyz... many Pakistanis are also very very ignorant about Iran... they think everyone in Iran is religious fanatic... they force Islam on their women etc etc.. I have dispelled many myths about Iranians on this forum because I am part Iranian.

And I have to thank you for saving my grace in some other thread... When someone asked you about the probability of an Iranian marrying a Punjabi in early 1900... I was praying to God that "Oh God.. Nima don't end up saying No or Impossible"... but you gave an honest answer and I was like PHEW!! At that time all Indian members were expecting that you will end up saying no.. :rofl:

I don't know about all the probabilities... but it did happen.. my grand mother was a doctor and she fell in love with Iranian and they got married :smitten:, nothing wrong with it. :D
Well I can't differentiate between Pashtuns and tajik women but from what I've seen their women are very naturally beautiful. Iranian women have a habit of wearing too much makeup and that ruins their look.

I have created a thread on Afghan models and actresses.. you should visit it...

But in my honest opinion Persian women are prettier than Afghans.. Afghan women are pretty but they don't have the same amount of refinement, grace and femininity like Persian women. Maybe it has to do something with hardships, wars and low standard of living.
how is the standard of living in Iran, i mean facilities, entertainment, the cost of living etc can u kindly tell me.

facilities? you mean infrastructure?
In this area Iran is good. We're light years away from pakistan and India in this area. I mean even the poorest villages have electricity, running water etc...
And most bigger cities are no different than European cities in terms of infrastructure.

There are parks, cinemas that's it. And even here you got police in every intersection. No clubs, bars etc... of course.
Iran is a totalitarian theocracy afterall

cost of living:

one word inflation
We don't blame you guyz... many Pakistanis are also very very ignorant about Iran... they think everyone in Iran is religious fanatic... they force Islam on their women etc etc.. I have dispelled many myths about Iranians on this forum because I am part Iranian.

And I have to thank you for saving my grace in some other thread... When someone asked you about the probability of an Iranian marrying a Punjabi in early 1900... I was praying to God that "Oh God.. Nima don't end up saying No or Impossible"... but you gave an honest answer and I was like PHEW!! At that time all Indian members were expecting that you will end up saying no.. :rofl:

I don't know about all the probabilities... but it did happen.. my grand mother was a doctor and she fell in love with Iranian and they got married :smitten:, nothing wrong with it. :D

of course, as I said, my grandmother married again after her husband died and WITH A YOUNGER MAN THAN HER, MUCH YOUNGER.
That was very taboo but the country isn't a tribal society and neither is Pakistan. Things like this happen.
I have created a thread on Afghan models and actresses.. you should visit it...

But in my honest opinion Persian women are prettier than Afghans.. Afghan women are pretty but they don't have the same amount of refinement, grace and femininity like Persian women. Maybe it has to do something with hardships, wars and low standard of living.

link me plz
and yeah that's it

I mean have you seen a recent pic of this girl?

she looks like a grand mother now. But if she lived in the west that wouldn't have happened.
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