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Beautiful pictures of Iran

my gay side is telling me this guy is cute
Danial Ebadi


my gay side is telling me this guy is cute
Danial Ebadi



he is very cute.. by the way you should tone down with the pictures of Sarah Shahi... especially the 2nd and 3rd... they are too revealing before some moderator comes and delete them.. especially the 2nd pic....Isn't she the great-great-granddaughter of some king of qajar dynasty ? And also she isn't pure iranian.. she is mixed - Iranian, Azerbaijani and Spanish

Nadia Bjorlin is also mixed.. Norwegian and Persian

and so is Princess Soraya bakhtiari - who is persian and german
he is very cute.. by the way you should tone down with the pictures of Sarah Shahi... especially the 2nd and 3rd... they are too revealing before some moderator comes and delete them.. especially the 2nd pic....Isn't she the great-great-granddaughter of some king of qajar dynasty ? And also she isn't pure iranian.. she is mixed - Iranian, Azerbaijani and Spanish

Nadia Bjorlin is also mixed.. Norwegian and Persian

and so is Princess Soraya bakhtiari - who is persian and german

well Azerbaijani is Persian/Iranian
Azeris, qashqais etc... are 100 percent the same as Persian and kurd except that they speak a turkish dialect. But I didn't know about her spanish side. Actually I don't even know who she is.
and I just googled Nadia Bjorlin, had no idea who she was

speaking of mixed people
here's a half Iranian half Japanese model/actress
Sahel Rosa
"Her background is unclear as her family died in the Iran-Iraq war and her adoptive mother moved to Japan where they lived in poverty for many years. She is popular in Japan because she looks Japanese but yet also exotic, and her story is a true rags-to-riches one."

well Azerbaijani is Persian/Iranian
Azeris, qashqais etc... are 100 percent the same as Persian and kurd except that they speak a turkish dialect.

I think you haven't read the views of Azerbaijanis on this forum.. They are very very mad about Iran and Iranians.. Google this forum member "ASQ-1918" who is Azerbaijani and see what he has to write about Iran, according to him you guyz supported Armenia against them. I am quoting him here

Don't listen to "Abi". Azeris, neither the ones in Iran or Azerbaijan or elsewhere are not Iranic. We were called as Caspian Tatars before. Azeri is a new name.

Persians always discriminate, insult Iranian Azeris but when in discussion, apperantly they make them as "Iranic" to support their own discussion.

Then Iran should be splitted into peices.

Azeris in northwest

Turkmens in northeast

Kurds in west

Arabs in southwest

Balochs in south-east

See how much that was...
Although I don't know much about Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis.. they themselves claim that they are Turkic people and they are Pro-Turkey and Pro-Pakistan. And they want Northern Iran (Tabriz etc) to join Azerbaijan.
Although I don't know much about Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis.. they themselves claim that they are Turkic people and they are Pro-Turkey and Pro-Pakistan. And they want Northern Iran (Tabriz etc) to join Azerbaijan.

lmao that's all bull ****
I'm technically half Qashqai turk
Qashqais=Azeris except that in the 1600s the king of Iran @ the time, shah ismael I think, brought them down from the north to fight the Portuguese in the south and they settled there.
30 percent of Iran is azeri but we all look the same! less then 10 is kurd but we all look the same! 40 is Persian but again we look the same! An Azeri from Azerbaijan (the country) will look IDENTICAL to a Persian from shiraz except that the shirazi might be browner from all that sun lol
remember that Azerbaijan is a former soviet republic and in all those years they were brainwashed to serve the needs of the soviets. Their religion, alphabet, thinking etc... were all manipulated to separate them from their brothers and sisters to the south. For example do North Koreans and South Koreans look different?
Azerbaijanis and Iranian azeris are the same and Iranian azeris are identical to kurds and Persians, they just speak a turkish dialect!

And yes Iran has always supported Armenia and will forever support them. I think today Iran's ONLY true friend and brotherly nation is Armenia. Turkey and Azerbaijan however are Armenia's enemy and hate Iran for supporting them. Turkey and azerbaijan are also spending millions by broadcasting propeganda bs into Iran to create unrest.
btw MOST of Iran's political figures are azeri. Iran's supreme leader is azeri, does he look different than other Iranians?
lmao that's all bull ****
I'm technically half Qashqai turk
Qashqais=Azeris except that in the 1600s the king of Iran @ the time, shah ismael I think, brought them down from the north to fight the Portuguese in the south and they settled there.
30 percent of Iran is azeri but we all look the same! less then 10 is kurd but we all look the same! 40 is Persian but again we look the same! An Azeri from Azerbaijan (the country) will look IDENTICAL to a Persian from shiraz except that the shirazi might be browner from all that sun lol
remember that Azerbaijan is a former soviet republic and in all those years they were brainwashed to serve the needs of the soviets. Their religion, alphabet, thinking etc... were all manipulated to separate them from their brothers and sisters to the south. For example do North Koreans and South Koreans look different?
Azerbaijanis and Iranian azeris are the same and Iranian azeris are identical to kurds and Persians, they just speak a turkish dialect!

And yes Iran has always supported Armenia and will forever support them. I think today Iran's ONLY true friend and brotherly nation is Armenia. Turkey and Azerbaijan however are Armenia's enemy and hate Iran for supporting them. Turkey and azerbaijan are also spending millions by broadcasting propeganda bs into Iran to create unrest.
btw MOST of Iran's political figures are azeri. Iran's supreme leader is azeri, does he look different than other Iranians?

lol! Don't get mad at me.. I only told you what I heard from Azerbaijanis.. Good luck with convincing Azerbaijanis that they are "Iranic".. Abi tried that without any luck.. :rofl::lol:
btw in Iran Azeris call azeris in Azerbaijan republic "azari farangi" which means foreign azari. Another name is Russian azari lol
lol! Don't get mad at me.. I only told you what I heard from Azerbaijanis.. Good luck with convincing Azerbaijanis that they are "Iranic".. Abi tried that without any luck.. :rofl::lol:

lol no I wasn't mad @ you
And I'm not trying to convince them of anything, they have completely lost their "Iranianism"
they think Iran=Persia just because we have had two fascist regimes one after another. The shah wanted to make Iran a Persian state and these mullahs aren't much better (though they're forced to keep a leash since the western world and even turkey are trying to break Iran apart, "divide and conquer"). They can be w/ever they want. What's funny to me is that they're trying to convince Iranian Azeris that they're not Iranian LMAO
In Iran the most patriotic people are azeris and the most religious are azeris, in fact all the fanatic mullahs are mostly azeri!
Their hate also has a lot to do with our relationship with Armenians.
btw in Iran Azeris call azeris in Azerbaijan republic "azari farangi" which means foreign azari. Another name is Russian azari lol

I hope Azerbaijanis especially ASQ-1918 is not reading all this.. it is funny.. Anywayz.. changing the topic.. Negar Khan who was an item girl in Bollywood films is also Iranian, she is the girl on the right in pink

lol no I wasn't mad @ you
And I'm not trying to convince them of anything, they have completely lost their "Iranianism"
they think Iran=Persia just because we have had two fascist regimes one after another. The shah wanted to make Iran a Persian state and these mullahs aren't much better (though they're forced to keep a leash since the western world and even turkey are trying to break Iran apart, "divide and conquer"). They can be w/ever they want. What's funny to me is that they're trying to convince Iranian Azeris that they're not Iranian LMAO
In Iran the most patriotic people are azeris and the most religious are azeris, in fact all the fanatic mullahs are mostly azeri!
Their hate also has a lot to do with our relationship with Armenians.

I know the Azeris of Iran are very patriotic people.. SphagettiMonster from AF was Azeri
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