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Beard in Islam Sheikh Yusuf Estes

Beard is purely optional thing , and who likes should have it and who don't like shouldn't have it , most of the people don't like it so they do not practically have it , but they don't say it because of hypocrisy .
Their is nothing optional HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW have clearly ordered to grow it
yes who isn't aware of the sacrifices made by MQM leaders for there people i mean London England is part of Karachi and is very well run by MQM plus the freedom given to Urdu speaking Pakistanis by uneducated idiots who instead of going to school and becoming something chose to pick up a gun instead of pen is legendary Today all freedoms that were never given to Urdu speaking Pakistanis are thanks to those so called leaders and who can forget MR freedom fighter himself ALTAF bhai yes he fights for his people from LONDON England i mean that's what leader ship is all about.

Its Oxford in oxfod second BB policies were good she was never given a chance big difference its funny how people in Pakistan cant see real leadership but worship cowards hiding in different country as there leaders.
You know nothing about the MQM-ers in the west, my dad personally knows many - and guess what! They work hard all say to feed their kids, and live as normal middle class citizens not like BB and co. living in mansions made of Pakistanis' TAX and never worked in their life.
BB killed her brother(the actual descendant of Bhutto as he was purehearted) and sent her mother into comma, and her mother hated her always.

---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 PM ----------

And if not altaf, who's going to give us freedoms? You?
This is undenieable fact: Karachi used to be a lame boring fishing village before WE came
You should try to understand the difference between Western civilians and Western Government. There is huge big difference. When you are talking about Mushi, well he ranks among the people who used harraam money to get to one place.

You should try to understand that not all Pakistanis here in the West become rich. majority of them are poor doing odd jobs like in Mcdonalalds, KFC, etc. However, the great thing is experience. Anyone here without looking at your race colour can become anything only if you work hard. Pakistanis living in Pakistan idiots and are still stuck in 15th centuary doing hajj every year, praying god, but yet commiting most number of crime. Pakistanis in my experience are liars and should not be trusted. Even communism won't do anything.

Saudi Arabia is a more complicated country.
You have no idea how Pakistanis are treated. Most of them are either taxi drivers or construction workers that work in daylight all day long. Sometimes, they don't even get paid money. Is this the type of islam you say we want, coming from a country where Islam originated from. If you think Saudis have paid Pakistan a lot of free bees then your blind. From Osama bin ladin to terroritist fundings, Saudis have caused us the most damage in the country. Wow, now we Pakistanis will now say ummah, ummah, excitedly

While i agree that West will collapse sooner than later, most of the brains and leaders in education will always be them. Regardless of whether China and India dominate. These people naturaly and purposely become close to them. Eveyday, i see chinese business coming from mainland china. Why? well they have an inferiority complex and they have cash money.

There are Pakistani muslims coming from Pakistan. What do they do? they come having never lived here to take Western Passport illegally. Social benefits like free health care and housing from the country I'm living in are used by these people. So through many illegal means, Pakistanis from Pakistan are very unfair. So in the end there is a difference between muslims actually liviing in the west and muslims that are not living in the west but are holders of western passports. These fake westerners even buy properties and cuz of them it is expensive for a local citizen to buy a house. Housing market is high cuz of these bastards. Doesn't Islam teach you this? And how you should avoid this?
Well! Western countries have their own voting process and their representators are chosen by them .. So just like world Curse whole Pakistan for their government's blunders ,The same philosiphy repeated for the western world.. and we know better about majority west that how much they are proudy on theirselves. The Mushi was supported by west so west is equally responsible about those blunders were done by Mushi and now west has imposed Zardari,Nawaz etc kind of politicians on us..There accounts damn saved in western countries.. and yet they only consider thereselves as the most rightous representators..

I never said that all Pakistanis are rich niether I blamed all Pakistanis for this mess... But mostly Outsider ,or Out born Kids always regrets about Pakistan ideology etc...My question is how can they love Pakistan if they haven't spent their atleast 15 years ... You know wat now todays youngster of Pakistan damn Hate those outsiders who claimed to be Pakistani and defending others and bashing Pakistanis...Even there are only few Outsiders who defend Pakistan ... mostly are damn! Nothing, even we can't called them traitors cuz they never know about us...

Nobody do Hajj every year. for your knowledge hajj is only done for once in whole life.. so again your claim is proved you a nut head.. and lack of knowledge.

My relatives are in Saudi Arabia and I know about them.. I don't know why are bringing Ummah talk again here on this thread... Those Pakistanis are only there for job... Like I said before United Ummah is to be a strong Muslim foundation who can raise voice for muslims right...and It never depends upon only Arab..

The Last Para, If Better ask the same thing frm those so called selfish but unfortunatly Fake westerners or fake Pakistanis..
I don't know how they will defend thereselves ... But they are headache for everyone ....They are Playing double standard .. Its personal error ..Religious or National ideology must not be blamed for those...
Time for a clean-up of posts and warning the members have come for this thread. People are ridiculing each other and the thread has turned to another topic.
Well! Western countries have their own voting process and their representators are chosen by them .. So just like world Curse whole Pakistan for their government's blunders ,The same philosiphy repeated for the western world.. and we know better about majority west that how much they are proudy on theirselves. The Mushi was supported by west so west is equally responsible about those blunders were done by Mushi and now west has imposed Zardari,Nawaz etc kind of politicians on us..There accounts damn saved in western countries.. and yet they only consider thereselves as the most rightous representators..

I never said that all Pakistanis are rich niether I blamed all Pakistanis for this mess... But mostly Outsider ,or Out born Kids always regrets about Pakistan ideology etc...My question is how can they love Pakistan if they haven't spent their atleast 15 years ... You know wat now todays youngster of Pakistan damn Hate those outsiders who claimed to be Pakistani and defending others and bashing Pakistanis...Even there are only few Outsiders who defend Pakistan ... mostly are damn! Nothing, even we can't called them traitors cuz they never know about us...

Nobody do Hajj every year. for your knowledge hajj is only done for once in whole life.. so again your claim is proved you a nut head.. and lack of knowledge.

My relatives are in Saudi Arabia and I know about them.. I don't know why are bringing Ummah talk again here on this thread... Those Pakistanis are only there for job... Like I said before United Ummah is to be a strong Muslim foundation who can raise voice for muslims right...and It never depends upon only Arab..

The Last Para, If Better ask the same thing frm those so called selfish but unfortunatly Fake westerners or fake Pakistanis..
I don't know how they will defend thereselves ... But they are headache for everyone ....They are Playing double standard .. Its personal error ..Religious or National ideology must not be blamed for those...
Have been asleep all your life? I think the expats are far more patriotic and culturally loyal than the youth living there
100% listens to indian music
100% looks at india for fashion
100% watches indian movies
100% doesnt care about the ideology that made pakistan
100% believe in army budget cuts
90% vote for whatever their parents have been voting for for generations
Well she was 100% better than Nawaz Sharrif and Musharraf. I feel proud that she was the first Pakistani female prime minister. I think Zia-ul Haq supporters and malwaees like some of them over here in this thread will disagree with me on that. She was smart like her father and there was no dobut about that. I never really understood her politics i guess she was sort of like those typical landlords.

Her policies were simple she had started the privatization of crown corporations plus she was starting to implement and simplify taxation while reducing the red tape.
Well! Western countries have their own voting process and their representators are chosen by them .. So just like world Curse whole Pakistan for their government's blunders ,The same philosiphy repeated for the western world.. and we know better about majority west that how much they are proudy on theirselves. The Mushi was supported by west so west is equally responsible about those blunders were done by Mushi and now west has imposed Zardari,Nawaz etc kind of politicians on us..There accounts damn saved in western countries.. and yet they only consider thereselves as the most rightous representators..

I never said that all Pakistanis are rich niether I blamed all Pakistanis for this mess... But mostly Outsider ,or Out born Kids always regrets about Pakistan ideology etc...My question is how can they love Pakistan if they haven't spent their atleast 15 years ... You know wat now todays youngster of Pakistan damn Hate those outsiders who claimed to be Pakistani and defending others and bashing Pakistanis...Even there are only few Outsiders who defend Pakistan ... mostly are damn! Nothing, even we can't called them traitors cuz they never know about us...

Nobody do Hajj every year. for your knowledge hajj is only done for once in whole life.. so again your claim is proved you a nut head.. and lack of knowledge.

My relatives are in Saudi Arabia and I know about them.. I don't know why are bringing Ummah talk again here on this thread... Those Pakistanis are only there for job... Like I said before United Ummah is to be a strong Muslim foundation who can raise voice for muslims right...and It never depends upon only Arab..

The Last Para, If Better ask the same thing frm those so called selfish but unfortunatly Fake westerners or fake Pakistanis..
I don't know how they will defend thereselves ... But they are headache for everyone ....They are Playing double standard .. Its personal error ..Religious or National ideology must not be blamed for those...

I know that hajj should be done once in a lifetime. However, you don't realize the fact that there are Pakistanis out there who do it every damn year. Never heard of Turkish, Malaysian, Indians, or Indoneasians who do it so many times. Go and read about all this it online. if not then try to read arab made newspapers. Saudis have placed restrictions on those now who are trying to come every year. But Pakistanis illegally find themselves through.

There are lots of wrong perceptions out there. First of all, i believe that those who have lived or were born in a western countries are truth worthy, they aint street smart like those in Pakistan. Whatever they belief is, liking Pakistan, or hating Pakistan, as long as they are good and honest muslims, there is no problem. The perception is, they are drinkers, which in fact majority of them are not. When i last went to Pakistan, i was astonished by the knowledge that they love drinking and smoking weed. In restaurants, they give you alcohol in a mug. There are hundreds, if not, thousands who go to mosques. Their families sometime help making new mosques. To build a mosque is an achievement in the western world as it costs millions of dollars to build.

In a mosque one day, there was a stupid immam that basically said in his khutba that we should try to make U.S and Canada a muslim state. LOL, who did the guy think he was, a missionary?, and immigrant who came to the land of white to impose islam on them? Religons have always caused wars, A guy should leave Christians, jews bhudiststs, hindus as it is. muslims can't control muslims, so now they expect to cause something that will create more than sunni shi'te related problems worldwide.
Uchiha;2511821]You know nothing about the MQM-ers in the west, my dad personally knows many - and guess what! They work hard all say to feed their kids, and live as normal middle class citizens not like BB and co. living in mansions made of Pakistanis' TAX and never worked in their life.
BB killed her brother(the actual descendant of Bhutto as he was pure hearted) and sent her mother into comma, and her mother hated her always.

Stop spreading rumors and talking gibberish and Listen Kid before accusing others of not knowing you might wanna visit Karachi Hyderabad if u like i can arrange the meetings between you and the so called hardworking leaders then i will take you to the grave yards where people who actually believed them live now not in middle class neighborhoods and guess what there parents have to work in there 70s and 80s to keep themselves feed oh did i forget to mention some of those kids were just in there teens and only child of the family some times so please spare me this B.S.

And if not altaf, who's going to give us freedoms? You?

Freedom from what do share us with us all 1)Are you allowed to vote 2)Are you allowed to buy property 3)Are you allowed to practice your religion as you wish 4)Are you allowed to move freely within Pakistan.And lets talk about the freedom fighter for Urdu speaking Pakistanis he the Leader himself never comes to Pakistan and lives in posh apartment who do you think is paying for that before you complain about BB do you have any idea how much it cost to live there plus day to fay expenses who is paying for all that.

This is undeniable fact: Karachi used to be a lame boring fishing village before WE came.

Karachi was the capital of Pakistan so unless you came in the 1700s i dont think so.
Muslims throughout the world have extremely high standards of personal hygiene, because Islam places great emphasis on both physical and spiritual, cleanliness and purification. While humankind in general usually considers cleanliness to be a pleasing attribute, Islam insists on it. Muslims are required to take care of their personal hygiene by assuring that they are well groomed, and that their bodies, clothing, and surroundings are clean. Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, informed his companions and thus all of us, about the importance of cleanliness when he said, “cleanliness is half of faith.”[1] The Quran is more specific and says,

“Truly, God loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves.” (Quran 2:222)

Now please share with me where does it says in Qur'an and only Qur'an that you have to grow a beard and never trim it and please spare me he said and she said.
I know that hajj should be done once in a lifetime. However, you don't realize the fact that there are Pakistanis out there who do it every damn year. Never heard of Turkish, Malaysian, Indians, or Indoneasians who do it so many times. Go and read about all this it online. if not then try to read arab made newspapers. Saudis have placed restrictions on those now who are trying to come every year. But Pakistanis illegally find themselves through.

There are lots of wrong perceptions out there. First of all, i believe that those who have lived or were born in a western countries are truth worthy, they aint street smart like those in Pakistan. Whatever they belief is, liking Pakistan, or hating Pakistan, as long as they are good and honest muslims, there is no problem. The perception is, they are drinkers, which in fact majority of them are not. When i last went to Pakistan, i was astonished by the knowledge that they love drinking and smoking weed. In restaurants, they give you alcohol in a mug. There are hundreds, if not, thousands who go to mosques. Their families sometime help making new mosques. To build a mosque is an achievement in the western world as it costs millions of dollars to build.

In a mosque one day, there was a stupid immam that basically said in his khutba that we should try to make U.S and Canada a muslim state. LOL, who did the guy think he was, a missionary?, and immigrant who came to the land of white to impose islam on them? Religons have always caused wars, A guy should leave Christians, jews bhudiststs, hindus as it is. muslims can't control muslims, so now they expect to cause something that will create more than sunni shi'te related problems worldwide.

what my dear friend use to say is over 100,000 Pakistanis go to Hajj every year yet we are the Most corrupt Nation on the planet no one questions that so you are wasting your time explaining any thing.
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