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Beard in Islam Sheikh Yusuf Estes

and the fact is generation after generation travel all over the world to gather knowledge about those who narrated Hadis and wrote it down

and Hadis wasn't written 200 years later. It was "collected" in Hazrat Umar bin AbdulAziz era

Just google it....
jhagra kis bat hai hai ab , bahio personal or social acts main fark karna sekho ,

if some one is beard or not it his personal act many beard persons are criminals and delusional , where as many non beard persons are very kind and social.
i dont need to google it. but ok lets do this thing too

this is want i find. One who collected Hadis in Umar bin Abdul Aziz era

Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

can you do some maths. Is it really after 200 years???

and whats your verdict on those ayats i posted????

Interesting. but have a look at this link as well

Read the last 2 paragraphs of this link:


just see the start
The only criteria to judge the authenticy of hadiths was to verify the chain of transmitters of Prophet Muhammad's time which is considered by Sunnis to be "science" of collecting hadiths referred to as “Ilm al Rajal” or “Isma Al Rajal” knowledge of people.

tells it all. Thats not the only criteria

Bukhari did not explain many Chapters (Surahs), completely ignoring them in his 'Sahih' Bukhari. The Shiias on the other hand believe that nobody can understand Qur’an except (Ahl e Bait) so their hadiths consists of Ahl e Bait and their Imams.

looks like the writer woke up and thought should write an article

and those examples wat are they for????

People even say the punishments given in Quran are harsh.

2nd link
collection started coming out at the end of first century. I gave you a link earlier. Still you wanted me to read last 2 paragraphs???

3rd link

too much wrong in it. Just one thing for him. Did he even know there are different punishment for married and un-married people (lashing and stoning)?????
I have a class fellow. He is Atheist

He say all Quranist will one day become atheist. They can try as hard as they can but there is a definitely a relation between Quran and Sunnah and you cant follow just one of them.
Have been asleep all your life? I think the expats are far more patriotic and culturally loyal than the youth living there
100% listens to indian music
100% looks at india for fashion
100% watches indian movies
100% doesnt care about the ideology that made pakistan
100% believe in army budget cuts
90% vote for whatever their parents have been voting for for generations
Yea! And Uchiha want to vote for Altaf Hussain.... Carry on.. Nobody is listening to you..
MR ALLAH asked us to follow orders of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and he ordered males to keep beards when you don't know about Islam sir please first read Islam

Hmmm that will definitely be a very big issue. Haven't you judged by his posts that he is uneducated!
God condemns Hadith by the name in the Quran: See page 3 in this link



WHATS WRONG WITH YOU??? Ever considered seeing a shrink, since healthcare is free in Canada why dont you do YOURSELF a favor and see one!!

Respected members just ignore this guy, Mods please block him for flaming thread and posting BS!!

The Document quoted by you is written by this guy, an Israeli JEW:


dr. A. (Arik) Cheshin - University of Amsterdam

http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/a.cheshin/bestanden/Arik Cheshin - CV.pdf
last line of his CV:
Israeli Defense Forces –Paratrooper unit of the IDF (1995 -1998).
MR .ALLAH asked us to follow orders of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and he ordered males to keep beards when you don't know about Islam sir please first read Islam

La ilaha il Allah, Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Allah
Yea! And Uchiha want to vote for Altaf Hussain.... Carry on.. Nobody is listening to you..

I don't like Altaf Hussain as he is a bastard anyways like all other leaders out there. I don't care because this is Uchia's personal opinion. You need to try to give some space.
WHATS WRONG WITH YOU??? Ever considered seeing a shrink, since healthcare is free in Canada why dont you do YOURSELF a favor and see one!!

Respected members just ignore this guy, Mods please block him for flaming thread and posting BS!!

The Document quoted by you is written by this guy, an Israeli JEW:


dr. A. (Arik) Cheshin - University of Amsterdam

http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/a.cheshin/bestanden/Arik Cheshin - CV.pdf
last line of his CV:
Israeli Defense Forces –Paratrooper unit of the IDF (1995 -1998).

So? What wrong with a Jew? Have you ever tried to notice there is life because of Jews? They are educated. Biased views like your's will only create more ego.

What is it he wrote that makes you wanna kill him? Everything he writes an analysis on is from Quranic verses.

If there was no Judaism, then there would be no Islam.... Get you're facts straight.

By the way, did you know that there are Jewish Rabbis out there against the formation of Israel? yeah i can see you don't know all this.... From next time try looking at positive sides as well....
I have a class fellow. He is Atheist

He say all Quranist will one day become atheist. They can try as hard as they can but there is a definitely a relation between Quran and Sunnah and you cant follow just one of them.

Why do you all assume that i'm an atheist? ---- WHICH I'M NOT. Athiest does not necessarily mean a non-believer. They believe in something. They may just lack faith and or the notion of excepting afterlife i.e heaven and earth.

Everything in this world is not Black and White

I'm not sure but they can believe something related to Science, Greek/Roman Mythology, Philosophy, Evolution..... etc....

They are quite a lot of atheists out there including former Jews that are famous for regardless of what their beliefs lie in:

I will shortlist it for you:

Adolf Hitler
Karl Marx
Ivan Pavlov
Jawahralal Nehru
Paul Dirac
Noam Chomsky
James D. Watson
Peter Higgs
Steven Wienberg
David Suzuki
Bruce Lee
Steven Hawking
Mark Zuckerburg
Sir Alan Sugar
Lance Armstrong
Fidel Castro
Che Geuvera
Mao Zedong
Rafael Nadal
George Clooney
Jack Nicholson
Larry King
Warren Buffet
Richard Dawkins
Richard Branson
Bill Nye
just see the start

tells it all. Thats not the only criteria

looks like the writer woke up and thought should write an article

and those examples wat are they for????

People even say the punishments given in Quran are harsh.

2nd link
collection started coming out at the end of first century. I gave you a link earlier. Still you wanted me to read last 2 paragraphs???

3rd link

too much wrong in it. Just one thing for him. Did he even know there are different punishment for married and un-married people (lashing and stoning)?????

While the title of the articles i posted you explain what the analysis will achieve in at conclusion, you on the other hand have pinpointed only to the parts (in the beginning) that were going to explained and or impacted on. Arguing with you and others is dumb. I'm leaving this thread now for good.
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