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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

Now look at the timing of all these incidents:

1.Burma mobilising troops.
2.Indian COAS in Burma visit.
3.BD-US military exercise.

I wonder how are they related.

Read the article in post #162, gives plenty indepth analysis what indians are up to.
How many Divisions have Burmese mobilised last i heard the number was nine??
It is not nine divisions that Burma has mobilized, but nine battallions. One division may consist of 10,000 to 15,000 troops and one battallion may consist of 500 to 1,000 troops. Whereas a brigade may consist of 3,000 to 5,000 troops.

I do not think, a small Burmese force like this can initiate an offence. They must mobilize 50,000 to 100,000 troops to try that.
Burmese is like a whore in this region. Chinese are helping, Indians are helping, Pakistains are helping, North Kroeans are helping even Bangladesh helped. What is going on here? Everybody is in loggerhead only to help Burmese the worst regime on the face of the earth after North Korea.

It is only because Burma has oil and gas. I have heard USA oil companies are also there. In a BD-Burma conflict USA may ultimately cut a deal with that regime.
It is only because Burma has oil and gas. I have heard USA oil companies are also there. In a BD-Burma conflict USA may ultimately cut a deal with that regime.

Even BD has more proven gas than Burmese. They have only 7 Tcf proven reserve so far. The only difference is that Burmese sell all of it to feed its military.
lol let burma wait 3 more years then our reseveres soldeirs will destroy them

RANGAMATI, Oct 12 (BSS): Director General of Ansar and Village Defense Party, Major General Rafiqul Islam said that modern weapons would be provided to the members of the Ansars by 2012 in order to maintain law and order and combat terrorism.

The training of the members of Ansars would be provided with Chinese rifles instead of 303 rifles, the DG told local journalists Sunday at Rangamati following his visit to the district office of Ansar and VDP.

He said steps are being taken to solve the accommodation problem of the members of Battalion Ansar and regularisation of services of Ansars is under the active consideration of the present government.

Major General Rafiqul Islam also said that once the process of regularisation of services of the Ansars is completed they would get facilities including ration.

District adjutant of Ansar Habunur Rahman Hussainy detailed the DG with the activities of Ansars in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT).

Assistant director Mohammad Saifur Rahman and range commander of Ansar and VDP accompanied the DG during his visit.

Earlier, the DG visited the 4th battalion of Ansar and VDP at Ghagra under Kaukhali upazila of the district where he released fish fries at the adjacent water body after holding a darbar there.

In the evening, he visited Shilchhari and Boraichhari battalions under Kaptai upazila of the district.
It is not nine divisions that Burma has mobilized, but nine battallions. One division may consist of 10,000 to 15,000 troops and one battallion may consist of 500 to 1,000 troops. Whereas a brigade may consist of 3,000 to 5,000 troops.

I do not think, a small Burmese force like this can initiate an offence. They must mobilize 50,000 to 100,000 troops to try that.

with 400,000 + troops that can be easily done, the warships have already faced off, they are giving the bangladeshis a false sense of security before they overwhelm them.
US = United States = Uncle Sam
BD = Bangladesh = Big Daddy

IN = India = Intolerable Neighbor
PK = Pakistan = Power King

Got it? :agree:


This should go to the humour section..really.
lot of money in Burma to fuel any war effort

Burma?s military dictatorship to gain over US$12 billion in profits — Indo-Burma News

Burma’s military dictatorship to gain over US$12 billion in profits
by admin — last modified 2009-04-23 20:07

New report: Burma's military dictatorship to gain over US$12 billion in profits
from western Burma gas finds Burma's military regime stands to profit by US$12-17
billion dollars from the Shwe Gas project in western Burma, according to a new report released by the Shwe Gas Movement today. The report, titled Supply and Command, details how the sale of natural gas to regional neighbours India and China, threatens to
entrench the junta, and will lead to extensive human rights abuses in Arakan and Chin States.

A consortium of Indian and Korean corporations, led by Daewoo International, in cooperation with the regime, has been exploring gas fields off the coast of Arakan
State after the discovery of "world class gas reserves" in wells labeled "Shwe" (the Burmese word for gold) in late 2003. The Shwe wells are expected to lead to one of the largest gas yields in Southeast Asia.

Gas from the Yadana and Yetagun pipelines in eastern Burma is currently the regime's largest source of legal export revenue. The Shwe project, however, would increase the junta's revenues from gas by at least 150% and they would stand to profit by approximately US$ 580-824 million per year. Previous gas earnings
have been directly linked with military arms purchases and allow the regime to continue its oppressive grip on the whole of Burma's population in defiance of international pressure.

"The hopes of many people in Burma for democratic change will be dealt a serious blow by the Shwe gas project if it goes ahead," said Wong Aung of the Shwe Gas Movement.

Experience from the infamous Yadana and Yetagun gas pipelines provides evidence that the Shwe project will lead to increased Burma Army presence in the area, forced relocation of villagers, land confiscation and slave labour. Supply and Command already cites human rights abuses linked to the Shwe project.

"Burma's military regime has built 15 new bases along the proposed pipeline route in Kaladan River valley since 2003. The Arakan and Chin people have already been suffering from human rights violations and if the project is implemented, the situation will go from bad to worse," said Kim of the Shwe Gas Movement in India.

While the regime purchases more arms with gas revenues, the local population remains in poverty. Arakan and Chin states are both excluded from the national electricity grid; ninety percent of the population uses candles for light and firewood as their primary source of cooking fuel. People are denied their rights to participate in decision-making
about any development projects, including the extraction of local resources.

The Shwe Gas Movement is centered around campaign groups in Burma and its neighbouring countries.
"Indian and Korean corporations involved with the Shwe project should freeze all current business with the military regime until a dialogue can be held with a democratically elected government," says Aung Marm Oo of the Shwe Gas Movement in Thailand.
Come on!!! Its only some 500 millon per year. They wont be able to sustain a war more than 3-6 mos with BD. They even cant pay for their own import bills. I know, our exporter has to exchange commodity with them as they dont have cash to pay for their imports.
Secondly 400000 soldiers is not much for Burmese as they have 40+ sepratist group to be taken care of. I doubt they can bring 100000 or more troops in BD border keeping other frontier wide open.
BD can engage all of its resources against Burmese. BD also can get a quick UN security council resolution and legalise the war. China not going to Veto for them, at best they will abstain. BD can pay 10 billion dollar cash to buy hardwares for the war. That will pay for 70 F-16, 10 Frigates, couple of submarines,1000 tanks and many more.....
Can Burma match those hardware??? They are doomed. I am just worried about our civilians in Chittagong. Nothing else.
Come on!!! Its only some 500 millon per year. They wont be able to sustain a war more than 3-6 mos with BD. They even cant pay for their own import bills. I know, our exporter has to exchange commodity with them as they dont have cash to pay for their imports.
Secondly 400000 soldiers is not much for Burmese as they have 40+ sepratist group to be taken care of. I doubt they can bring 100000 or more troops in BD border keeping other frontier wide open.
BD can engage all of its resources against Burmese. BD also can get a quick UN security council resolution and legalise the war. China not going to Veto for them, at best they will abstain. BD can pay 10 billion dollar cash to buy hardwares for the war. That will pay for 70 F-16, 10 Frigates, couple of submarines,1000 tanks and many more.....
Can Burma match those hardware??? They are doomed. I am just worried about our civilians in Chittagong. Nothing else.

dnt worry myanmur will be to afraid
Look what they got... :eek:

Junta said to be supplying chemical mortars to army
New Delhi (Mizzima) - In what seems to be a sinister design, the Burmese military junta, while reinforcing its troops in Shan state for a massive offensive against ethnic ceasefire groups, is supplying its army with mortars laced with chemical ingredients, sources said.

According to the Thailand-based ethnic Kachin News Group (KNG), the junta’s troops since last month have been stockpiling a strange type of mortar shell, marked with red, yellow and green colours.

“We have our source in the army. Our source tells us that the army is bringing in these mortars, which are made of chemicals. But they have been strictly told not to use it without orders from higher ups,” said Naw Din, Editor of the KNG, quoting a military source.
Naw Din said, the mortars, according to an insider, were imported from North Korea and have a deadly chemical impact, once fired.

“When the mortars are fired, it contaminates the air and causes people to faint, results in bleeding of the nose, causes breathing difficulties and blurs the eye sight,” Naw Din said.

He added the army source told him that at least two military trucks carrying these mortars were sent to the Burmese Army’s No.1 Nyaung Pin military base on the mountain top near Mongkoe in Northeast Shan State, in early September.

While the supply and possible use of chemical mortars by the junta’s troops cannot be independently verified, sources on the Sino-Burma border said Burmese troops are being heavily reinforced.

Following the Kokang incident in late August, the Burmese junta has been directing its army to borders of the territory of the United Wa State Army (UWSA), the strongest armed faction among the ceasefire groups, and Mongla areas, where the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA) is based.

Sein Kyi, Assistant Editor of the Thailand-based Shan Herald Agency for News (SHAN), said the junta while increasingly pressurizing the ethnic ceasefire groups to accept its proposal of transforming to the ‘Border Guard Force’ through negotiations and meetings, is also increasing its military presence in northern and eastern Shan state.

“In recent weeks, the Burmese military commanders have proposed meeting lower ranking officials of the UWSA, in order to split the group. But UWSA officials rejected the plan saying they should contact their headquarters,” Sein Kyi said.

In the meantime, Sein Kyi said, the junta is also reinforcing its bases with more troops, and stockpiling supplies, in what looks like a preparation for a massive offensive.

“I don’t have any updates on the possibilities of stockpiling chemical mortars, but earlier about a year or two ago, I had been told by our sources inside the military that they have chemical mortars made in North Korea,” Sein Kyi added.

While he said he did not know of the recent supplies of chemical mortars, he did not rule out the possibility.

“It would be very deadly if these mortars are used. It would impact not only soldiers but all the people, villagers and civilians alike,” he added.

With the Burmese military junta setting the deadline for ethnic ceasefire groups to respond to their proposal of transforming into Border Guard Force to October, sources said, fighting is likely to break out soon.

But with about a 20,000 armed force, the UWSA is unlikely to submit to the junta and a clash between the two could end in a bloodbath.

“The junta will attack the UWSA and other groups sooner or later, but we don’t know how and whether they will launch a direct military campaign or not. They might also rely on other tactics as they did in the Kokang incident,” Sein Kyi said.

But sources said, the junta is likely to look for Chinese signals and it would largely depend on China whether the junta would launch a direct military campaign because the Wa are largely seen as being backed by the Chinese.
Junta said to be supplying chemical mortars to army
why would China go against them in UNSC if they are backing them??delivery of any big ticket items may not come in time for the war.
with 400,000 + troops that can be easily done, the warships have already faced off, they are giving the bangladeshis a false sense of security before they overwhelm them.
400,000 troops of the Burmese central govt is not even enough to control the continuous rebellions by their Provinces. Why do you think they can mobilize all their troops in the BD border? Note that our militia (ANSAR) strength is more than 5,000,000. These militias, given order, can take over the Burmese State of Arakan. You are talking about Burmese 400,000 troops!

These ansars (number was about 30,000 in 1971) fought against Pakistan army in 1971, with .303 rifles. More than 650 of them were killed. So, better you do not have doubts about our bravery. Pakistan and India both know it. Now, it is time that Burma knows it.

What Burmese warships of 12 coasters and 2 jet planes in the nearby Sittwe can do to our 30 ship fleet? Moreover, our jets can fly low over the sea without being detected by the Burmese radars, go straight to the south, and then turn east, bomb the Rangoon garrison, and come back. The jets will still have fuel in their tanks.

In a war, Burmese Junta will suffer most. Burmese dislike them and will not support in times of war. By the way, BD needs this kind of foreign conflict. Anti-India jargons are not liked by many retarded Muslim Bangali Babus - the intellectuals. But in case of a conflict with Burma, these Babus cannot shout anti-military slogans. It will be a good opportunity for the military to purchase modern equipments and strengthen itself. War is not always bad.
in a real war, i do not see why india would support us...given that myanmar does not have any gas field conflict with india in the bay of bengal. if u see the map of conflict in the bay of bengal, it's like a bloody set theory where india and myanmar take our gas fields without interfering with each other's. this is shaping up badly. how's the war going to look like with bangladesh and myanmar fighting and india siding with myanmar?
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