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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

If we thought about advantage,why the hell are we even discussing in Internet?
This is discussion forum,we are free to discuss.

And its not only in PDF,but everyone is critical of FM.She has not been successful.Our PM said there will be a revaluation of the performance,I just hope she takes the right decision and replace Dipu Moni ASAP.

ok... your call.

But why wash dirty linen in public.
Myanmar brings in everything​
Troops, tanks, warships, frigate to spread tension further; Dhaka terms it routine exercise
M Abul Kalam Azad and Ahmede Hussain
The Myanmar military brought in heavy tanks, artillery guns, 12 warships and a frigate along its border with Bangladesh in the last 24 hours ended yesterday evening as part of its preparation for a large-scale conflict with Bangladesh, sources at the Bangladesh Armed Forces said.

Bangladesh also has strengthened its military build-up in a bid to repulse a Myanmarese incursion by preparing 30 warships in Chittagong and Khulna, a Navy official stationed at Chittagong told The Daily Star.

However, Foreign Minister Dipu Moni at a press conference yesterday rejected reports about the heavy military build-up by Myanmar along Bangladesh border, saying it is a routine movement of the security personnel.

"I had talks with our ambassador, an army officer, in Myanmar and he told me that it is a routine practice," she said, adding, “Foreign Secretary Mijarul Quayes also called the Myanmar ambassador in Dhaka and the envoy conveyed him the same message.”

Ground reality did not support the foreign minister's claim as various sources in the military, Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) and intelligence agencies said that the situation on the border remained tense.

"The situation at Bangladesh-Myanmar border has remained tense," Major General Mainul Islam, director general (DG) of BDR, said last night.

The BDR DG met State Minister for Home Affairs Shamsul Haq Tuku yesterday and 'normally' discussed the border situation.

"I am going to place some proposals tomorrow (Monday) to include construction of more Border Operations Outposts across the border and a few more battalions to strengthen the border guards," he told The Daily Star.

An intelligence agency official said Myanmar has doubled its military presence at the border over the last couple of weeks, a move that has prompted Bangladesh to take similar measures.

"Myanmar has sent in 37/57mm artillery guns that will bring Chittagong under their firing range," the Navy officer told The Daily Star after the foreign minister claimed normalcy at the border.

Based on the information so far gathered, we suspect that Myanmar is making preparation for a short-scale naval conflict, he said.

"Suspicious military preparations have been going on at the Myanmarese side of the border over the last two months," an intelligence official said, adding that the Myanmar army has newly deployed two battle units at their side.

Earlier Myanmar had deployed nine Light Infantry Battalions in its border with Bangladesh. As part of their repeated provocative acts, the junta has violated international border rules and constructed illegal barbed wire fences along the frontier.

"We in the Bangladesh Navy suspect that Myanmar wants to intrude into our sea and declare a large chunk of area as their Maritime Exclusive Zone," the Navy official said.

The Myanmar junta can intrude into the Bangladeshi waters any time to claim ten nautical miles area, which covers the disputed block, which is thought to be a big source of oil and natural gas, he said.

Sources said after Bangladesh's maritime boundary talks with Myanmar ended inconclusively in April, Bangladesh Navy made a deployment plan last September and sent it to the government for immediate action.

The deployment plan urged the government to strengthen maritime patrol at the Bay of Bengal and arrange joint naval exercises with friendly countries.

Meanwhile, sources in Sittwe (formerly known as Akiab) said that Myanmarese Air Force Tatmadaw has stationed three fighter planes at the Sittwe airfield. Sittwe is only 80km away from Chittagong airport.

Twelve warships are constantly patrolling the Bay area, which borders Bangladesh, the sources added.

According to Bangladesh Navy sources, a new Myanmar navy frigate, built with the Chinese help at Yangon, has arrived at the Bay of Bengal.

"There have also been new tanks and armoured columns are pouring in using the 40km road that they have recently built," said another Navy officer.

He said Bangladesh has kept around 30 warships standby in Chittagong and Khulna to repulse any Myanmarese incursion. “The Myanmarese army personnel are regularly infiltrating into Bangladesh territory in the guise of civilians to gather information.”

Briefing newsmen, Foreign Minister Dipu Moni also said she had no information about whether Myanmar's border guards were trying to push Rohingya refugees across the border.

In reply to a question, the foreign minister said Myanmar is not violating international laws by erecting barbed wire fences along Bangladesh border as well. "Myanmar is constructing fences in their territory conforming to international laws," she said.

Dipu Moni also said the movement of the Myanmar security forces has no link with Bangladesh's decision to seek UN arbitration to determine maritime boundary between the two neighbouring countries.

Asked whether Bangladesh asked China to mediate to resolve the crisis, she replied that she had no idea about any official proposal in this regard.

Meanwhile, no new leave for the navy men are now being granted, as all leaves in the Bangladesh Navy have been restricted, sources at the navy said.

The Daily Star - Details News
I get it Third eye.It was more out of frustration.Look at our misery.


When you are in trouble you rarely have friends. Those who read of your misery invariably gloat on your troubles. The replies you get will invariably be the ' I told you so...' variety.

Its best to hold tight,introspect & act,
It seems that leon was right after all. The Myanmar threat should be taken seriously. Apparently Myanmar has come out of China's influence and is moving towards the Indian side. The Indian COAS is now visiting Myanmar and do not be surprised if they support them in a war.

Thank you sir.

I am at least glad that our military always had an eye on the potential threat from Myanmar.That's what I can deduce from the level of intelligence they are gathering from Burma.(unfortunately some of the fellow BD members here thought otherwise.this will be an eye opener for everyone,including those sitting in power.)

The timing of the visit is suspicious,especially when we know India have already supplied them with tanks and arms.
But something does not yet fit in.China is still in better position than India,in case of Burma.May be India will try to use this as a gateway to Burmese oil.

But the question is,they are then going to find a totally hostile neighbour named Bangladesh,which certainly they does not want.So I don't think India will risk so much for oil.

But don't know about covert ops though.

Instead of India,US has more to gain from a possible war.
This has Potential for aggravating the situation.But in a sense Bangladesh now have a strong back up.

Bdmilitary .com website is reporting.
Joint Bangladesh-US naval Special Forces exercise to be held
Exercise “Tiger Shark” will be held in Chittagong between the Bangladesh Navy and United State Navy Special Operations Forces through the month of November.

Now those who are doubting about the reliability of Bdmilitary,I think this is reliable.Last time they reported Navy buying helicopters,it turned out to be true,as BAF gave training to Navy for naval air wing.
And we will hear more of it,if it is confirmed.
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Now look at the timing of all these incidents:

1.Burma mobilising troops.
2.Indian COAS in Burma visit.
3.BD-US military exercise.

I wonder how are they related.
I think, India may sell its weapons to Burma, but may still choose to remain neutral in a war. To reverse this, BD population will have to revise their attitude towards that country. This will bring Indian hegemony on BD, which the population detaste very much.

China needs Burma in all the seasons, because the latter can give connectivity to the Bay of Bengal to the former. China has already bought in advance the natural gas from some of the Burmese fields. China is also planning to build an unloading facility in Sittwe where the middle-east oil will be unloaded and then pumped via pipeline to China.

Burmese Junta has all along been supported by China. China needs Burma in case of a showdown with India and it has more leverage upon Burma than India can ever have. Supplying a few dozen this and that weapon may not change the equation.

I do not think, China will endorse Burma to wage a war on BD. The present situation has roots in last year's showdown between BD and Burma in the Bay of Bengal. Immediately after, the Burmese military started to fortify its positions across the border. They have now almost finished building a garrison town 5 km away from the border.

It may be that the Burmese are just fortifying their garrison with tanks and artilleries. It means it is a permanent Burmese buildup only 5 km away from the border. The Burmese Junta had lost face last year when it had to withdraw from the maritime territory in the Bay of Bengal. So, naturally, they have opted to build a garrison. Now, a future showdown in the Bay will be reciprocated on the land, even if Burma does not initiate a war this time.
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I think, India may sell its weapons to Burma, but may still choose to remain neutral in a war. To reverse this, BD population will have to revise their attitude towards that country. This will bring Indian hegemony on BD, which the population detaste very much.

China needs Burma in all the seasons, because the latter can give connectivity to the Bay of Bengal to the former. China has already bought in advance the natural gas from some of the Burmese fields. China is also planning to build an unloading facility in Sittwe where the middle-east oil will be unloaded and then pumped via pipeline to China.

Burmese Junta has all along been supported by China. China needs Burma in case of a showdown with India and it has more leverage upon Burma than India can ever have. Supplying a few dozen this and that weapon may not change the equation.

I do not think, China will endorse Burma to wage a war on BD. The present situation has roots in last year's showdown between BD and Burma in the Bay of Bengal. Immediately after, the Burmese military started to fortify its positions across the border. They have now almost finished building a garrison town 5 km away from the border.

It may be a troop build up when seen from BD, but it may also be that they are just fortifying their garrison with tanks and artilleries. It means it is a permanent Burmese buildup near our border. Note that the Burmese Junta had lost its face last year when it had to withdraw from the maritime territory in the Bay of Bengal. So, the building of a garrison is the natural reaction of the Burmese generals.

Off course it has roots in the last year's naval stand off.
The Burmese immediately sent their naval crew for better training after standoff.And they have been preparing for another stand throughout the year.

China will be the loser if there is a war between BD-Burma.And a war will allow US in the region.I am just hoping they can diffuse the situation like last year.
Thank you sir.

I am at least glad that our military always had an eye on the potential threat from Myanmar.That's what I can deduce from the level of intelligence they are gathering from Burma.(unfortunately some of the fellow BD members here thought otherwise.this will be an eye opener for everyone,including those sitting in power.)

The timing of the visit is suspicious,especially when we know India have already supplied them with tanks and arms.
But something does not yet fit in.China is still in better position than India,in case of Burma.May be India will try to use this as a gateway to Burmese oil.

But the question is,they are then going to find a totally hostile neighbour named Bangladesh,which certainly they does not want.So I don't think India will risk so much for oil.

But don't know about covert ops though.

Instead of India,US has more to gain from a possible war.

My thinking goes that the US has virtually no influence over Burma; China has been losing influence over Burma and India has now taken Beijing's place and has most influence over the country. India is not only concerned about oil but to ensure that its flanks are secure in case hostilities start in Arunachal Pradesh with China so BD must be neutralized.
I think, India may sell its weapons to Burma, but may still choose to remain neutral in a war. To reverse this, BD population will have to revise their attitude towards that country. This will bring Indian hegemony on BD, which the population detaste very much.

China needs Burma in all the seasons, because the latter can give connectivity to the Bay of Bengal to the former. China has already bought in advance the natural gas from some of the Burmese fields. China is also planning to build an unloading facility in Sittwe where the middle-east oil will be unloaded and then pumped via pipeline to China.

Burmese Junta has all along been supported by China. China needs Burma in case of a showdown with India and it has more leverage upon Burma than India can ever have. Supplying a few dozen this and that weapon may not change the equation.

I do not think, China will endorse Burma to wage a war on BD. The present situation has roots in last year's showdown between BD and Burma in the Bay of Bengal. Immediately after, the Burmese military started to fortify its positions across the border. They have now almost finished building a garrison town 5 km away from the border.

It may be that the Burmese are just fortifying their garrison with tanks and artilleries. It means it is a permanent Burmese buildup only 5 km away from the border. The Burmese Junta had lost face last year when it had to withdraw from the maritime territory in the Bay of Bengal. So, naturally, they have opted to build a garrison. Now, a future showdown in the Bay will be reciprocated on the land, even if Burma does not initiate a war this time.

Burmese is like a whore in this region. Chinese are helping, Indians are helping, Pakistains are helping, North Kroeans are helping even Bangladesh helped. What is going on here? Everybody is in loggerhead only to help Burmese the worst regime on the face of the earth after North Korea.
Burma, Bangladesh in Warship Standoff

Burma, Bangladesh in Warship Standoff
By LAWI WENG Monday, October 12, 2009

Burmese and Bangladeshi warships faced off across the Bay of Bengal on Monday as both nations built up naval and military forces along the border, according to a report in the Dhaka-based The Daily Star on Monday.

Quoting sources within the Bangladeshi armed forces, The Daily Star reported that Burma had on Sunday brought in heavy tanks, artillery guns, 12 warships and a frigate “as part of its preparation for a large-scale conflict with Bangladesh.”

The Bangladeshi daily said that according to a Bangladeshi naval official, Dhaka had reinforced its maritime border “in a bid to repulse a Myanmarese incursion by preparing 30 warships in Chittagong and Khulna.”

Bangladeshi Foreign Minister Dipu Moni reportedly rejected reports about the heavy military build-up on the border at a press conference on Sunday, saying it is a routine movement of security personnel.

However, the Bangladeshi daily cited several sources within the country’s defense services who suggested the Burmese regime was provoking a conflict.

The Irrawaddy was unable to independently confirm the reports with the Bangladeshi Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday.

Meanwhile, news of the standoff has to date gone unreported in Burma’s state-run press.

Tensions between Burma and Bangladesh mounted last week after Burmese armed forces began erecting barbed wire fencing along its Bangladeshi border.

According to The Daily Star, the Burmese government had deployed nine light infantry battalions to the border region. However, Khaing Mrat Kyaw, an editor at the Dhaka-based Narinjara news agency, told The Irrawaddy on Monday that only five battalions had been moved into position by Oct 7.

Bangladesh and Burma share a 320-kilometer border, partly demarcated by the Naf River, a regular route for smuggling and illegal crossings.

Tin Soe, an editor for the Kaladan Press Network, based in Bangladesh, said that a border-based military officer told Bangladeshi journalists in Dhaka on Sunday: “We will solve this conflict through diplomatic channels. If we can’t solve it, we have to go to war, because we don’t want to lose an inch of land.”

Tin Soe said that the people living near the border are worried about the potential conflict because they fear the Burmese junta’s troops will bury a lot of landmines along the border.

Dipu Moni said the Burmese government is not violating international law by erecting wire fence along its border with Bangladesh.

However, a Bangladeshi naval officer was quoted by The Daily Star as saying: “The Burmese government has sent in 37/57mm artillery guns that will bring Chittagong under their firing range.”

The naval officer reportedly said that according to Bangladeshi information gathering, the Burmese government is preparing for a short-scale naval conflict. He also noted that the Burmese had positioned three fighter planes at Sittwe airfield, which is only 80 km (50 miles) from Chittagong International Airport.

A Burmese analyst suggested that the Burmese government’s troop reinforcements could be related to an official Bangladeshi request on Oct. 8 to the United Nations to resolve the maritime boundaries dispute in the Bay of Bengal.
No offense meant , but if you feel your FM is worthless what advantage would you get by posting comments on a Pakistani forum ?

Another indian asset in question otherwise why it is indian heartburn who we see as worthless or not. And indians can not dictate where and how we discuss things. So buzz offf period.
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