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BD Ranked 1st as UN Peacekeeper

South Asian countries do it for a extra money - both to the government as well as the individual soldiers. Lets not lie and put a spin to it and call it 'honour'.

That is indeed the reality. Its just the fact that both the assigning Govts. and the individual soldiers get paid in USD that alone is one of the biggest incentives. The UN also pays for the upkeep maintenance of the equipment, vehicles etc which actually subsidises the cost of ownership. Plus its a Diplomatic Assignment, which means that the troops concerned were able to buy and bring things at duty-free prices which in earlier times was a prized perk.

Then the South Asian countries because of their colonial heritage are considered to be reasonably well trained forces. If the Myanmar Army or the Mozambican Army were to offer their troops to the UNO (at least for the economic reasons above) there will just be no takers.
Like-wise Armies from Western or European countries are reluctant to offer their troops for peace-keeping duties. The UN can scarcely afford to use them and their parent Armies are reluctant to let them become cannon-fodder in some third-nation conflicts.

So there are many aspects to this.
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You mentioned all the aspects there are to it!
1. Money for individual soldiers and governments.
2. Equipment usage gets subsidized.
3. For western nations - the money(incentive) offered is not that high as it is for us - exchange rate
4. They are not willing to lose soldiers over 3rd world countries unless they get resources - which is not possible under UN mandate.
5. South Asian soldiers are generally bloody well trained. Western nations(UN) Short of western armies, prefer South Asian soldiers over other regions. They are relatively less prone to bribery by warring factions, or running/shying away from combat and are willing to kill to maintain peace.

All others who spout trash about honour and dignity are liars.
You mentioned all the aspects there are to it!
1. Money for individual soldiers and governments.
2. Equipment usage gets subsidized.
3. For western nations - the money(incentive) offered is not that high as it is for us - exchange rate
4. They are not willing to lose soldiers over 3rd world countries unless they get resources - which is not possible under UN mandate.
5. South Asian soldiers are generally bloody well trained. Western nations(UN) Short of western armies, prefer South Asian soldiers over other regions. They are relatively less prone to bribery by warring factions, or running/shying away from combat and are willing to kill to maintain peace.

All others who spout trash about honour and dignity are liars.

Implying dignity and honour cannot stack with money? :what:
For Bangladeshi members who have negative views on participation of our troops in UN mission...please think twice before commenting. Our troops built a country Sierra Leone with hard labor and as rewards Bangla is now the official language of Sierra Leone and also our troops got citizenship for outstanding performance there in building the nation.

Bengali language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are many such great achievements by our troops. If there's money, there will be greed. It doesn't mean they are earning the money sitting idle there, it's there hard earned money. One notable thing is our army is said to be the only complete professional one because due to its small size almost all members in their job life join UN mission.

Also with participation everyone builds influence, so did we without contributing money. Even USA is scary over our role in UN as they think we might have our influence in the countries we have our mission, look at the wikileaks:

Watch Bangladesh's UN troops: US - bdnews24.com
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