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BD-Myanmar sea boundary arbitration case!

i'm very hot headed person bro

Okay :/

OK if myanmar wants to conquer Chittagong they will have to go through this....



That's what I've been trying to say!
exactly! Burma BD clash will be an Kargil type incident where Artillery will play a crucial role........

our military already holds the key strategic posts on high grounds, it will be a mass suicide for the burmese military to enter. It is possible, but they will suffer huge casualties, knowing they are commies, they will sacrifice a lot if they wanted to in a hypothetical war :P
I admit that I am not an expert on Maritime laws. But I do have the common knowledge that Nations
are allowed to have EEZ upto 200 nm from their coast. Pics in the links I gave in my pervious post
clearly shows how india violating Intl maritime laws. Our claim is well with 200 nm from our coast
but the map shows that India is infringing on our rightful share of the bay.You guys can't win this
battle legally so you guys have propped up a puppet regime here in our country.

Well, its good that atleast read the 200 Nautical mile part but you should also know..that if you are entitled to to 200 M from your base line..so are we ans so are Burmese...and when there are overlapping zones ..as it happens for neighboring countries ..no one gets full 200 Miles but equivalent distance from their bases lines ..eg each country on will only get 170 M as their EEZ..so that they do not overlap.
Well, its good that atleast read the 200 Nautical mile part but you should also know..that if you are entitled to to 200 M from your base line..so are we ans so are Burmese...and when there are overlapping zones ..as it happens for neighboring countries ..no one gets full 200 Miles but equivalent distance from their bases lines ..eg each country on will only get 170 M as their EEZ..so that they do not overlap.

You're talking about the equidistant method here.

It doesn't apply in our case, because Bangladesh's coastline is concave. So the equity method can be used instead.

There are many case studies in which the disputes involving countries with concave coastlines were solved on the basis of equity.

I will look for the links and post them here later.
I am from NE Indian Bengali Hindu. My parents migrated to India in 1971, basically it took them almost 4 years to get all the relatives to India. I am born in India. Migration is a fact but the way it was portrayed by our Assamese brothers are totally misleading and baseless. Most of the people labelled as illegal immigrant are the landless people who were displaced by Bhramaputra erosion. They are floating poor people have no permanent address. I seen some Bihari Muslims migrated from Bangladesh but never seen any Bengali Muslim migrated. We have a distinct immigrant community who keeps in touch with one another so I know the facts.

My ancestors came as an illegal immigrants and BSF welcomed us with Garland and Bangladeshi flag waiving and there was band baja also to welcome us.

Do, you want to listen some more masaledar story false Flag.
Transit and corridor isnt the same stuff. Technically yes, you are getting free transit. We are using that 1 billion dollar loan from india, for which we can mostly use for to buy indian goods to build the transit infrastructure, then pay you back the billion dollars+interest. So we should be getting transit fee in dolar only.

LOL free are you on weed?? You guys are charging too much service fee and taxes on transit. We are building rail line which you guys suppose to build. Still, saying we are giving everything free like an idiot. There is deal where India is spending free for rail lines (apart from 1 billion loan), roads. Plus your government signed a deal, its not like you a soap and paid 30 taka to him immediately and then again buy a rice and paid 50 taka immediately.

Most of the illegal migration, are done by cattle smugglers. However they are not there to stay in india. As for the permanent migration from BD to india, i dont think there is much immgration in that cause. Basically because its not financially feasible to take the risk of going to india and face the same economic consequences as well. BDR was causing a rucus cause they claimed The construction of the fence was intruding and taking up land of bangladesh.

You do illegal immigration because India has much less population density than Bangladesh and much more job opportunity because our per capita income is 2.3-3 times that of Bangladesh.

My ancestors came as an illegal immigrants and BSF welcomed us with Garland and Bangladeshi flag waiving and there was band baja also to welcome us.

Do, you want to listen some more masaledar story false Flag.

During the war, borders were open for bengali refugees. Those who wanted to stay in india got citizenship
LOL free are you on weed?? You guys are charging too much service fee and taxes on transit. We are building rail line which you guys suppose to build. Still, saying we are giving everything free like an idiot. There is deal where India is spending free for rail lines (apart from 1 billion loan), roads. Plus your government signed a deal, its not like you a soap and paid 30 taka to him immediately and then again buy a rice and paid 50 taka immediately .

You do illegal immigration because India has much less population density than Bangladesh and much more job opportunity because our per capita income is 2.3-3 times that of Bangladesh.

-We havent charged a single dime as of yet, even though the services started last year.
-we are the ones building roads, dredging rivers with that 1 billion that we are supposed to pay back with interest.
-Buddy that rail track is 15km only and 5km is in indian territory
- I dont get what you are trying to say for the bold part
- There is a huge job opportunity for proffesionals, however job opportunity is the same for the illegal immigrants.
-We havent charged a single dime as of yet, even though the services started last year.
-we are the ones building roads, dredging rivers with that 1 billion that we are supposed to pay back with interest.
-Buddy that rail track is 15km only and 5km is in indian territory
- I dont get what you are trying to say for the bold part
- There is a huge job opportunity for proffesionals, however job opportunity is the same for the illegal immigrants.

Your government signed a 24 point deal. For service on Palatana Project Roads is being built in lieu of money. For that 11.5km section in Bangladesh IRCON is spending $57 million and rail line be transferred to Bangladesh railways later on. so, if you guys are providing service to us, are we suppose to spend on construction of service on which you guys are going to make money, I don't construct Railways or roads for if I want to take some service.
Plus in march your government is finalizing rates and tariffs on transportation which includes so many taxes.

Your government signed a 24 point deal. For service on Palatana Project Roads is being built in lieu of money. For that 11.5km section in Bangladesh IRCON is spending $57 million and rail line be transferred to Bangladesh railways later on. so, if you guys are providing service to us, are we suppose to spend on construction of service on which you guys are going to make money, I don't construct Railways or roads for if I want to take some service.
Plus in march your government is finalizing rates and tariffs on transportation which includes so many taxes.


- Our government signed the deal even though we were against it.
- Ok here is the big picture. We get 1 billion dollars on loan from you, which we can mostly spend on indian goods. We must use the money to build hundreds of kilometres of road, railways and dredge waterways, improve ports etc.

After we built them we must pay back india the 1 billion plus interest. And then if we let indians use these infrastructures for free, we will lose out a lot.
-Spending money on indian goods to construct the roads, will mostly help indian heavy industry, bangladesh heavy industry will suffer
-We will owe india money for building them roads and railways, if we do not get much money for transit it will be very hard to pay back
- Our government signed the deal even though we were against it.
- Ok here is the big picture. We get 1 billion dollars on loan from you, which we can mostly spend on indian goods. We must use the money to build hundreds of kilometres of road, railways and dredge waterways, improve ports etc.

After we built them we must pay back india the 1 billion plus interest. And then if we let indians use these infrastructures for free, we will lose out a lot.
-Spending money on indian goods to construct the roads, will mostly help indian heavy industry, bangladesh heavy industry will suffer
-We will owe india money for building them roads and railways, if we do not get much money for transit it will be very hard to pay back

Are you sure with Bold part, Read this article thoroughly, you Bangladeshi sounds like idiots when say you are giving everything free to India.
BD may earn $256m as charges per yr

The report says that in accordance with the Article-V of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1994, while no customs duty can be levied on transit goods, charges for infrastructure, administrative and other services as per international practices may be levied on the same.

The core committee has proposed to levy user fee, infrastructure development surcharge, congestion charge, air pollution charge, river pollution charge, noise charge, accident charge, security charge, administrative charge and institutional charge on transit goods.

The committee also proposed to levy customs and land port fee, foreign vehicle entry fee and fuel tax on transit cargoes. It also suggested taking bank guarantee on transit cargoes which is equivalent to total tax payable on import.

Yes, we know you don't have wish to trade with India because you guys only want a relation of smuggling and illegal immigration with India. That's what I wanted to listen from you that you guys want no trade relation with India and please stop talking bullshit of everything free.

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