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BBC: " More Poor in INDIA " than 26 poorest African countries combined

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India also have "More number of Rich people" than the whole Africa combined so what???????? :meeting: :meeting:
Why compare a country against a continent? What is the % break down by country? What is the population of these 26 countries?

The numbers may sound alarming but then one should compare apples to apples. Typical masala journalism. Can someone put the % poverty of these african countries vs % of poverty in India.
see the bigger picture mate.. Poverty is only one of the human development indicators

Pakistan slips further in human development index

Pakistan is one of the worst 46 countries on HDI of UNDP (ironically an index co developed by a Pakistani)

and remember, that the data used for measuring poverty in Pakistan has not been released since 2005-2006 and thats the time the $hit hit the fan in Pakistan , economy wise.. So your comment is a little self serving and quite misguided.. ;)

---------- Post added at 10:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 PM ----------

As they say.. "Shuru kisne kiya tha " :lol:

When was the last Pakistan census done, do they actually know how many poor are there in Pakistan?


51%, thats sad too.
loool. It's really funny that Chinese people care about poverty in India.

It's the game of big numbers you see. Why don't you mention the fact that India's population is WAY MORE than those 26 African nations?
Btw I believe this news is over a year old? And India pulls 15-20 million out of poverty EACH YEAR! That also is more than entire population of some of those countries. Why not mention that? But yess I do agree that poverty is a problem.

Plus India being a beaucratic democracy can't act like autocratic communist China where governments controls people's sperms and decides how many children one should have, what channels can one watch, or what songs can one listen to, or how much does one earn? No severe human rights violation in my country, I get to vote every five years, I decide who'd govern us, I can follow any religion I want to, I can talk against anyone I like openly! Try talking agianst CCP or Chinese premier in China and see what happens. I can protest. don't have to worry about tianament square.

And btw China isn't some super-rich country either. China is a country where disabled people are forcufully made to go to work despite of their disability and work in some house which they call 'factory' and make fake, cheap and low quality goods so their government can dump it into American/European markets. It barely makes into the list of top 100 nations by per-capita income. <- FACT!

And please don't even get me started about Pakistan.
A year back news which is already posted coming alive again for the entertainment of known hate mongering retards.

Hats off to moderation @ pdf.:tup:

y dont you just leave the forum, if you like to complain and whine about it every time??
Yes, by the same MPI study, India has 56% poor. According to other studies, poverty levels in India is estimated at 80% of the total population.

OMG that is soooooo increeedible, every time I have been to india, it is simply shocking at the shabby state of the place.
Bihar , west bengal and uttar pradesh are the leadt developed state of india coz of lack of industry. There main thing is still Agriculture ... recently when tata wanted to open plant in west bengal ,,it face relentless opposition from state gov .. how do you expect devlopment without industralization...
Bihar has understood it n moved on right path
At 11.44%, Bihar is India's fastest growing state - Rediff.com Business
Rest of the state will also catch ,, don't worry

Solution to all problem is industralization and employment oppur
Eight Indian states : can anyone name these 8 states ?

Let me guess and tell you why I guessed such. But bear with me if my guess is wrong:

1) UP. UP had a fabulous history, except in recent centuries. It must be in the top of the list, because this state is the most infamous in death of pregnant women as revealed by many articles.
2) West Bengal. Lots of natural disasters, illegal immigrants and starvations. When I hear my Indian friends chat, they make fun of the people there as if they are low.
3) Orissa. A glorious ancient Kingdom has never recovered since later days. Suffer many natural disasters. Poor farmers are repeatedly committing suicide.
4) AP. NE Indians are deeply discriminated due to their Mongoloid looking and social unrest.

That’s all I can guess. Who can help with the rest?
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