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BBC: Can technology fix India's filth and corruption?

Jun 12, 2014
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United States
This is a very interesting watch. I'm very encouraged that India is applying advanced technologies to solve these social problems. These efforts are commendable. I'm confident that Modi-ji's 'Clean India' campaign will transform India into a sanitation superpower by 2020!

Great initiative.. This kind of social ground up programmes work much better than those high profile projects that at most times gives politicians limelight but nothing really happens on the ground
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yes. technology can fill the gaps.

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Corruption is not in anybody's DNA. Corruption comes out of opportunity. Un-audited and uncontrolled power gives rise to corruption. Unquestioned power, unchallenged authority is also corruption.

@Joe Shearer Would you like to share a few words on the topic ?

Last, but not the least, wanted to say this, compromise is corruption.
yes. technology can fill the gaps.

Content to refer to

Corruption is not in anybody's DNA. Corruption comes out of opportunity. Un-audited and uncontrolled power gives rise to corruption. Unquestioned power, unchallenged authority is also corruption.

@Joe Shearer Would you like to share a few words on the topic ?

Last, but not the least, wanted to say this, compromise is corruption.

I agree.. Actually that app on corruption need to be introduced region wide.. Sri Lanka will definitely benefit of such a thing.. @Godman , @Azizam @Saradiel @NGV-H
It will come slowly and steadily. One of the main reasons I want the present govt to continue is stability and continuity of programmes, reforms and progress. Besides, they are strong willed. I'm not a fan of all the beef nonsense etc though.
This is a very interesting watch. I'm very encouraged that India is applying advanced technologies to solve these social problems. These efforts are commendable. I'm confident that Modi-ji's 'Clean India' campaign will transform India into a sanitation superpower by 2020!

Admirable as that is but I think India needs to also address the "humans as beast" problem. In 2015 women and men should not be used as donkey or draught animals. This is a moral question and is blight on humanity in 2015.


Man as Beast - India
yes. technology can fill the gaps.

Content to refer to

Corruption is not in anybody's DNA. Corruption comes out of opportunity. Un-audited and uncontrolled power gives rise to corruption. Unquestioned power, unchallenged authority is also corruption.

@Joe Shearer Would you like to share a few words on the topic ?

Last, but not the least, wanted to say this, compromise is corruption.

Why do you want a negative-minded idiot to rain on your parade? :-)
Just to give you a hint: I think technology is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for reform and for upliftment.

Agree the key is education, More specifically education with civic conscience and deterrents, Humans are creatures of habit, No matter if you spend billions on infrastructure if people don't face serious consequences they wont change their habits

Especially for less developed countries you need this.. Heavy fines on littering and strict policing on the environment have made a huge difference in Sri Lanka over the last five years or so.. Maybe that's something that India could emulate

On the corruption front though there is a long long way to go, It is ingrained in people, And wont be as easy to eradicate
Just to give you a hint: I think technology is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for reform and for upliftment.
It's not sufficient, it's an additive ingredient. It may not be solution to the problem. It helps in quicker in better auditing of who gets what amount of money and who spends what on what purpose. That helps in more accurate reports. That creates the sense of being watched over, which is not wrong in fact.

Let the melancholy in you come out :)

At least a few instances ?
It is a nice grassroots initiative with good intention. A guy in the video said that he can't use internet because he doesn't know English even though he has Internet connection. Question to Indian friends here, how many percent of Internet contents in India is in Hindi? Or Internet is pretty much only for English speaking population in India?
During my years at Univ., within my univ at-least a friend was working in a research project where portable toilets would be able to separate water and purify it for drinking purposes or something like that and they thought best location to test this technology and export it to a massive scale would be India.

I cant even think of drinking the "purified" water no matter how scientifically clean it is...

Now we are obviously talking liquid experiments, dont go get ideas for brownies....God, your mind is dirty
Admirable as that is but I think India needs to also address the "humans as beast" problem. In 2015 women and men should not be used as donkey or draught animals. This is a moral question and is blight on humanity in 2015.


Man as Beast - India

I don't understand what is your problem with that? If people wants to sweat it out and someone is willing to pay them to do honest work let it be. This is far more commendable than these folks turning into thugs, terrorists, prostitutes etc... Not everyone can sit on their A.. and earn their living.
Technology cannot only be used against corruption but it is also used to aid corruption. just seeing one side here!
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