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Battles, Airstrikes in Pakistan Kill 250

If the Taliban, trained in the Pakistan madrassas, are Indian agents, then it indeed indicates that the Indians are real super.

Islamic religious fanatics, tools of non Islamic country and people!

A real rich story!

So, are you suggesting that their (Taliban's) faith in Islam, that they profess so loudly, is so weak? I thought Moslems put their faith first and then nationality, as I read in one of the posts on the forum.

Rather pathetic and frustrated an excuse!

Like Indians, be bold to face the terrorists and fight them back. Excuses, no matter how ingenuous they maybe, will not help Pakistan.

Stand fast and kick the terrorist hard instead!

The Army must be trained how to combat these terrorists rather than think of running the country! Professionalism is the call of the hour or else we will have more of them surrendering to the terrorists without a shot.

Harsh words, but as a person who dislikes terrorists, this is how I look at this sordid drama that is happening in NWFP and neighbouring environs.

Terrorists of all hues against any country, must be sorted out.

Mr.Salim please read the comments made by your fellow indian Mr. Bull who says why complain when the favour is returned. I wouldnt comment more
:pakistan:hi every one eid mubarik
regarding this news post of 2006 we must understand that truce was acctualy never liked by the west cause of their vested interests so malicious prpogand campaign was massively launched to humilate and creat a bad image so forget about it this will keep on popping up here and there what we need to understand is that ground realities are different truce may work and why to opt for truce is that locals and tribals as already mentioned do not want to side millitants , so by having a truce job can be done and aviod colleteral damage also . West and dont forget india is trying its best to keep the army involved in this war and through this type of proppganda wants to creat rift between masses and army so keep an open eye to analyse what acttually is the purpose of this type of news coverage
Mr.Salim please read the comments made by your fellow indian Mr. Bull who says why complain when the favour is returned. I wouldnt comment more

You must understand that neither Bull nor I represent India as a bloc.

He is an independent poster, as I am.

I have no lien over his opinion, nor does he claim that he has any over mine.

We are two independent entities, with independent minds, capable of independent opinions.

Therefore, if you expect all Indians here to scratch each other's back, I am afraid you are making the cardinal mistake of thinking the we are here as some sort of a group. Maybe that is why there is so much of redundant stuff being stated.

Please understand I am an independent poster as anyone else.
You must understand that neither Bull nor I represent India as a bloc.

He is an independent poster, as I am.

I have no lien over his opinion, nor does he claim that he has any over mine.

We are two independent entities, with independent minds, capable of independent opinions.

Therefore, if you expect all Indians here to scratch each other's back, I am afraid you are making the cardinal mistake of thinking the we are here as some sort of a group. Maybe that is why there is so much of redundant stuff being stated.

Please understand I am an independent poster as anyone else.

Ok understood and agreed:toast_sign: Coming back to your orginal post. One thing that i want to comment on that tailban were trained in pakistani madrassa's during the soviet war but that ended. That was then done because US to wanted it to be done, so why to blame pakistan all out. Secondly i have never ever stated in my post that tailban are actually indian agents, no they are not and please when i say indian backed elements that does not mean that those are tailban as a whole. A few examples i might quote here the BLA, Abdullah mehsud. These people are actually acting under the indian influence from afghanistan, they have nothing to do with tailban as a whole or anything related to do with against US and NATO forces, their sole purpose is to destabilize pakistan. Recent example the killings of chinese personals, attack on SSG, bomb blast within islamabad resulting in the killing of civilians, ISI personal being targeted etc.
Ok understood and agreed:toast_sign: Coming back to your orginal post. One thing that i want to comment on that tailban were trained in pakistani madrassa's during the soviet war but that ended. That was then done because US to wanted it to be done, so why to blame pakistan all out. Secondly i have never ever stated in my post that tailban are actually indian agents, no they are not and please when i say indian backed elements that does not mean that those are tailban as a whole. A few examples i might quote here the BLA, Abdullah mehsud. These people are actually acting under the indian influence from afghanistan, they have nothing to do with tailban as a whole or anything related to do with against US and NATO forces, their sole purpose is to destabilize pakistan. Recent example the killings of chinese personals, attack on SSG, bomb blast within islamabad resulting in the killing of civilians, ISI personal being targeted etc.

The Taliban and the Mujh were trained in Pakistan madrassas. Therefore, Pakistan has to bear the Cross. It was not that US wanted it alone. It was wanted by Zia to sidestep the illegitimacy of his regime. There was nothing better than to bring some semblance of piousness by cranking in religion. Who can oppose religion?

Musharraf understands the Frankenstein released by Zia on Pakistan. He is trying to rein it in by aligning with the US in the WoT. Don't underestimate Musharraf. He is killing two birds with one stone! But he is handicapped since a large majority of Pakistanis are too religious and believe the Mullahs (Red Mosque) and the Godforsaken frauds of Taliban in NWFP. Yet, he is trying.

Islam is not a religion that is a straw in the wind. Therefore, to believe that India (non Moslem country) can influence the Taliban or even a part of it, is something I cannot believe. Yes, money plays a role, but Islam is more than money; at least it should be to those who claim to be the sole custodians of Islam! Or are you suggesting that it can be bought?

I also cannot believe that US would allow India to operate to foist horrible terrorists of Taliban and AQ wherein the US and NATO soldiers are unable to perform their task. And die like flies!

Please remember Bush is under attack in the US. He has to show progress. Can he afford to be shown as taking a beating in both Iraq and in Afghanistan on which he has placed the credibility of his government and his political and strategic acumen?

He is a man who brooks no opposition to his ideas. He surely would not like to be portrayed as a total failure as is appearing in both Iraq and in Afghanistan.

Think it over!
The Taliban and the Mujh were trained in Pakistan madrassas. Therefore, Pakistan has to bear the Cross. It was not that US wanted it alone. It was wanted by Zia to sidestep the illegitimacy of his regime. There was nothing better than to bring some semblance of piousness by cranking in religion. Who can oppose religion?

Musharraf understands the Frankenstein released by Zia on Pakistan. He is trying to rein it in by aligning with the US in the WoT. Don't underestimate Musharraf. He is killing two birds with one stone! But he is handicapped since a large majority of Pakistanis are too religious and believe the Mullahs (Red Mosque) and the Godforsaken frauds of Taliban in NWFP. Yet, he is trying.

Islam is not a religion that is a straw in the wind. Therefore, to believe that India (non Moslem country) can influence the Taliban or even a part of it, is something I cannot believe. Yes, money plays a role, but Islam is more than money; at least it should be to those who claim to be the sole custodians of Islam! Or are you suggesting that it can be bought?

I also cannot believe that US would allow India to operate to foist horrible terrorists of Taliban and AQ wherein the US and NATO soldiers are unable to perform their task. And die like flies!

Please remember Bush is under attack in the US. He has to show progress. Can he afford to be shown as taking a beating in both Iraq and in Afghanistan on which he has placed the credibility of his government and his political and strategic acumen?

He is a man who brooks no opposition to his ideas. He surely would not like to be portrayed as a total failure as is appearing in both Iraq and in Afghanistan.

Think it over!

:pakistan:nice discussion just discuss it with open mind without emotional influences. talibans were trained in pakistan but these were left at the mercy of no body aftr cold war :sniper:and if u leave a trained mercenary:guns: without job and activity where he should fall he fell in the hands of al qaeda this taliban i am talking of a innocent student of madrassa not the alqaeda member but unwillingly and un intentionally working for alqaeda he may not be knowing who is at the top of all this and 7 or 8th hand will be only visable to him and he may be working on his instructions
same thing apply for usa and india like it or not india and usa never wants pakistan to be stable country so its no the matter of religon that religious teachers will be working for india directly its a big canvas please look beyound ...Any taliban which now media says ``muqami taliban`` who is doing a terrorist act may not be knowing that he is playing in the hands of indian agents or cia so for him the canvas is very short he is only acting on wrong motivation being given to him by his religious teacher and teacher is again has been wrongly motivated in the chain so no body really knows the hidden hand working . and regarding money gentleman money has a power and it attracts and belive it or not dollor$ is a factor in fata which is actively working for destabelising pakistan
happy reading :wave:

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