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Bars, Nightclubs, Lottery, Casinos, HorseRacing - Why can't we have those things?

whenever an apparently muslim says that religion is between men and God and it has nothing to with the state or society it means he has never bothered to read Quran and he is nothing but a jahil .
Well it is between man & God but they fail to realize that the man also happens to be living among other people, not like he's living in a vacuum & in isolation where his actions won't have an effect on other people, either good or bad. Most if not all of the rulings & commandments of Allah are sent down to PREVENT & DETER the bad effects. Islamic punishments are supposed to be a deterrence, not just punishment. As I said above, both pork & alcohol are haram. But pork doesn't carry a legal punishment while alcohol does EVEN though both are sins. The reason is OBVIOUS.
This logic is flawed. Just because people do wrong things doesn't mean you bring it out in the open and encourage it. Every society has good and bad people. Sorry you will not have "those" things.
whenever an apparently muslim says that religion is between men and God and it has nothing to with the state or society it means he has never bothered to read Quran and he is nothing but a jahil .

Wow, you truly made your case. Good job.

I pray and am a Muslim. But no, only you're right : )
ultimately, it ALL boils down to hypocrisy versus impartiality. THAT is something even atheists & other nonmuslims would even understand. Think about it for a second & ask yourself a simple question...would YOU let your loved ones partake in activities that YOU partake in? If the answer is a NO then you are a hypocrite. For example...you on the weekends like to go to nightclubs & get drunk off your arse, go home driving drunk risking the lives of yourself & others while you tell yourself that your body & senses can handle the alcohol. But would YOU let your own son or daughter do the same thing? I'm pretty sure your answer would be an emphatic HELL NO! But if you on the weekends like to go for a nice walk in the park followed by going to the gym and then a watch a movie in the theatres, would you allow your own son or daughter do the same thing? Yeah I'm sure you would be fine with it...because there are no open dangers and risks involved in going for a walk in the park, exercising at the gym and watching a movie in the theaters. See my point?
Many Pakistanis drink, dance and gamble often at underground parties. Why can't we have bars, nightclubs, lotteries, sportsbetting and casinos and tax the shit out of them for the national exchequer?

Why do we have this facade where everyone is wonderfully Muslim? In Defence, private parties are protected by the Police to keep unwelcome public out.

Why should pious and often hypocritical Muslims impose their pseudo-morality on others?

Pakistan used to have bars, ballrooms and was a fun place to be at one time.

In the west, lottery revenue is used to provide for students and elderly.

Turkey has all of these things. Why can't Pakistan have anything fun?
Then all drugs sud be leaglize why cant we have them in every store many people do smoke weed and stuff and you know how our law is so strong as soon as drugs will be introduced law will be more strict right.
May be if you like to read about islam just read what Prophet Mohammad said about drugs instead of reading or listening ghamdi.
Matter fact if you like to drink openly then drink as much you want but there will be true muslim who will stop you by froce if not then verbaly even if he cant do that i will consider it wring doing in his heart which will show how weak is your deen.
I agree. Allah the merciful is right.
but who gets to dictate what is ALLAH's will? Who has the master code library?

Is it the Sunni or Shia?
Is it Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi or Hanbali?
Is it Jafari or Akhbari?
Is it Taliban or Sufi?
Is it the easy-going Southeast Asians or Hyper-Indo/Pak Muslims?
Is it ISIS or Al-Qaeda?
let me guess ... it's gumnaam who gets to decide all of our fate.

You are assuming I do all of those things. I am more interested in the revenue, tourism these activities could bring. Finally, do you watch tv or listen to music or smoke cigarettes? There are some interpretations of Islam where those things are also haraam.

There are many things that are much worse that are haram that are condoned in some segments of our "perfect society": corruption, robberies, bribes, homosexuality, prostitution, bacha-bazi (The worst of them all), murder, acid-attacks, discrimination | Why not eliminate these things before going after some guy that wants to have a Murree Beer?

Yet you remain in the West; Giving us lectures but probably enjoying bars and casinos yourself!

Every holier-than-thou is judging me here. YOU ARE ALL MISSING MY POINT>
I don't want to DRINK, I want to tax the people in Pakistan who drink. I want people that tour our mountainous area, our beaches to inject their tourism dollars with ATTRACTIONS that they want and desire?

Also I never mentioned prostitution but it is interesting that most of the hyper-mullahs went there first!

You seems to be lost in Islam... There is one Truth the Quran and secondary the Hadiths... What you seems to refer as truth are just " Interpretation in jurisprudence"...
The Quran tells you The thing that are forbidden no need to read 2000 pages of tafsir to know that Alcohol and drugs are haram... Actually anything that bring more harm than benefit is Haram/discouraged...
And you don't need 2000 years of Knowledge to know that making profit on Forbidden things IS also Haram...

In the End it doesn't matter if you wish that or this... Since using it and profiting from this is Haram... and Haram shall stay Haram... otherwise you are opening the pandora box... and then, we will get the Western madness of... " As long as it doesn't harm anyone... then let it be..."

Second, You don't know me... Even if I don't know you... your "Writings" give us enough... to know you are in the wrong... Maybe you didn't know... or you did and still didn't care...

Last you don't need to play with Haram to grow your economy... one day or another you will pay for it... as the West is doing right now...
So instead of that... give other types of solutions... instead of the easy way...
Yes, and that's hypocrisy.

Sir you can't make a human being a saint yet considering ideology of the country Govt can't promote acts as mentioned earlier. Turkey or KSA are not ideological estates as Kamal Ata Turk had no space or love for religion on other hand KSA is formed by Al Saud family with backing of West, Wahabi ideology was used for own benefits, now they are opening Night clubs in KSA and even have plans to built a whole city for such acts in the name of tourism.

If some Muslim thinks that Un Islamic acts are his personal matter than he should revisit his religion.
Why cant Pakistan be like Philipines and Thialand, Everything OP wants in Pakistan plus 50c dances $10 full service...this way men don't need to work and just collect money and lots and lots and lots of taxes. Why stop half way!!

Yes, and that's hypocrisy.

hypocrisy isn't always a bad thing, I might indulge in extra martial affairs that doesn't mean i will ask my Son to do that same or not stop him from doing it.
Put it this way - everyone on this forum has had a wank, yet nobody has whipped it out at the dinner table during a family meal.

So wank is okay? Can we tax it?
Why cant Pakistan be like Philipines and Thialand, Everything OP wants in Pakistan plus 50c dances $10 full service...this way men don't need to work and just collect money and lots and lots and lots of taxes. Why stop half way!!

hypocrisy isn't always a bad thing, I might indulge in extra martial affairs that doesn't mean i will ask my Son to do that same or not stop him from doing it.

You mullahs are behaving like drama queens.

Can somebody giving me a islamic ranking of badness for the things i suggested. Surely lottery wont turn the heaven that is pakistan into hell.
Allah has given us Humans an intellectual brain , most of us understand the consequences of our decisions be it Drinking , Gambling or Prostitution . You have given a choice to chose bad over good or good over bad ,Humans can judge and they judge, lets be honest we as Humans have bias and judge all the time .
He's saying to legalise it, smarty.
When any body can do it, it does not mean that an Islamic authority starts to condone such acts.
Pakistan is rampant with corruption= lets fukcing legalize corruption.
In Kasur , there is a gang involved in rape of children= lets legalize that too because people are doing it anyway.

When an Islamic authority condones such acts this means that every "lallu panju" , who wont even drink or gamble under normal circumstances will be patronized by the govt.

Now I would also like to bring to your consideration the fact that Islam has banned such acts under the banner of being 'haram'. Now convincing someone by the commandments of quran are a far fetched dream I admit. But for a country with practicing Muslims, I think all Islamic commandments can be integrated into policy making without any need for further arguments.
I've been to all North African countries except for libya. And seeing how they are. I'm glad Pakistan is conservative. I was in Marrakech and I saw a mother wearing a hijab and abaya and next to her was her daughter wearing a tight miniskirt and string top. And then I saw something similar again in casa Blanca. But then I went to Tunisia and I came to realize that almost everyone in Tunis is trying to be European.
A Sinner anxiety decrease by making others Sinners...
And a Sinner will find "Meaning" for his Sins...

Welcome Where Desire is your God...
Many Pakistanis drink, dance and gamble often at underground parties. Why can't we have bars, nightclubs, lotteries, sportsbetting and casinos and tax the shit out of them for the national exchequer?

Why do we have this facade where everyone is wonderfully Muslim? In Defence, private parties are protected by the Police to keep unwelcome public out.

Why should pious and often hypocritical Muslims impose their pseudo-morality on others?

Pakistan used to have bars, ballrooms and was a fun place to be at one time.

In the west, lottery revenue is used to provide for students and elderly.

Turkey has all of these things. Why can't Pakistan have anything fun?

sure why not.

use the PM portal for suggestions. I think mr. Khan would like your idea and may even ask for investments.

how much can you bring into Pakistan?
I've been to all North African countries except for libya. And seeing how they are. I'm glad Pakistan is conservative. I was in Marrakech and I saw a mother wearing a hijab and abaya and next to her was her daughter wearing a tight miniskirt and string top. And then I saw something similar again in casa Blanca. But then I went to Tunisia and I came to realize that almost everyone in Tunis is trying to be European.

The poor state of Muslims unfortunately...
That's what happen when you "legalize"...
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