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Bars, Nightclubs, Lottery, Casinos, HorseRacing - Why can't we have those things?

The Fards, Vajib behaviors and our beloved Prophet's (sav) Sunnah , only a small part consists of our duties to Allah. Much of it is about good morality, good education, healthy living, hardworking and honest trade, a harmonious social order.

Unfortunately, while Muslims today are rejecting (Takfir ) each other, or thinks they have the authority to decide who is a good Muslim and who is a bad Muslim : our educational and cultural level is threatened, we do not trade honestly, we do not live healthy, we lose our moral values and smiling face. The role of women in social life is in the background in most Islamic countries. Sexual hunger and moral collapse are institutionalized within us step by step.

So what does it matter if you don't drink, don't play lotto? We will pay the price of our sins to Allah. We pray for Allah's sake. We do not drink to gain God's approval (except for health issues) . All this must remain between God and the individual.

Those who preach Islam can tell what is right and what is wrong. We can learn from Sunnah of our beloved Prophet(sav) and follow in his footsteps by researching relevant sources.

However, there is no compulsion in our religion. To choose to walk (or not) in that path is each individual's own conscientious problem.

Our problem is not a religious problem, dear friends. The problem we have is civilization.

First we need to stand up our civilization.

To stand up you have to remove what is blocking you from doing it... and there is quite a lot to remove in our societies unfortunately...
Many Pakistanis drink, dance and gamble often at underground parties. Why can't we have bars, nightclubs, lotteries, sportsbetting and casinos and tax the shit out of them for the national exchequer?

Why do we have this facade where everyone is wonderfully Muslim? In Defence, private parties are protected by the Police to keep unwelcome public out.

Why should pious and often hypocritical Muslims impose their pseudo-morality on others?

Pakistan used to have bars, ballrooms and was a fun place to be at one time.

In the west, lottery revenue is used to provide for students and elderly.

Turkey has all of these things. Why can't Pakistan have anything fun?

Which portion of Pakistani society does that? What percentage do you think is involved in that type of activity?
Which portion of Pakistani society does that? What percentage do you think is involved in that type of activity?
it doesn't matter for him... what he want is to get the same "Fun" that he has in the states back in Pakistan when Summer vacation kicks in...
See.. now you ego is hurt... and you selling off your shirt...
But it's indeed the same... but as long it's at a large scale it doesn't bother you... when it touch you it's ok...

It's like those guys who wish every female is naked on the street but the moment their sisters/daughter or moms do it... it become a problem...
You are the problem... put that deep in your brain...

No, your analogy is wrong, you're being a retard and let me tell you why.

Family is an institution that provides you with emotional support and close connection. A state is nothing like that or even comparable.

If one of your family members does something you do not approve of, you can as a parent stop them till they're not above 18 or 21 or whatever you consider adult age: you have that authority because of reasons given above. But even beyond that - what will you do? Kill them?

Let me play the family card on you now. If your daughter or sister goes into prostitution (even if it's not legal, people find ways around), and you find out? Honestly, what will you do? Honor kill her if she doesn't stop?

The Fards, Vajib behaviors and our beloved Prophet's (sav) Sunnah , only a small part consists of our duties to Allah. Much of it is about good morality, good education, healthy living, hardworking and honest trade, a harmonious social order.

Unfortunately, while Muslims today are rejecting (Takfir ) each other, or thinks they have the authority to decide who is a good Muslim and who is a bad Muslim : our educational and cultural level is threatened, we do not trade honestly, we do not live healthy, we lose our moral values and smiling face. The role of women in social life is in the background in most Islamic countries. Sexual hunger and moral collapse are institutionalized within us step by step.

So what does it matter if you don't drink, don't play lotto? We will pay the price of our sins to Allah. We pray for Allah's sake. We do not drink to gain God's approval (except for health issues) . All this must remain between God and the individual.

Those who preach Islam can tell what is right and what is wrong. We can learn from Sunnah of our beloved Prophet(sav) and follow in his footsteps by researching relevant sources.

However, there is no compulsion in our religion. To choose to walk (or not) in that path is each individual's own conscientious problem.

Our problem is not a religious problem, dear friends. The problem we have is civilization.

First we need to stand up our civilization.

Amen to that.
it doesn't matter for him... what he want is to get the same "Fun" that he has in the states back in Pakistan when Summer vacation kicks in...

lol.. Yeah, you are right but a lot of Pakistanis here in the states are religious and it is only a small portion that are doing these things. Unfortunately nowadays its the minority trying to impose its will on the majority. Especially in the Muslim countries.
Which portion of Pakistani society does that? What percentage do you think is involved in that type of activity?
Upper class society. In cities like Karachi,Lahore & ISB parties which involve alcohol,drugs prostitutes and sex are normal for upper class.
lol.. Yeah, you are right but a lot of Pakistanis here in the states are religious and it is only a small portion that are doing these things. Unfortunately nowadays its the minority trying to impose its will on the majority. Especially in the Muslim countries.

Illiterates are in the majority as well, your point?
Guys dont forget despite not having all this there are still 8.9 million drug addicts in the country. There are still brothels. There are underground nightclubs. Point is if someone is meant to do bad they will do it so people who are complaining please stop.
No, your analogy is wrong, you're being a retard and let me tell you why.

Family is an institution that provides you with emotional support and close connection. A state is nothing like that or even comparable.

If one of your family members does something you do not approve of, you can as a parent stop them till they're not above 18 or 21 or whatever you consider adult age: you have that authority because of reasons given above. But even beyond that - what will you do? Kill them?

Let me play the family card on you now. If your daughter or sister goes into prostitution (even if it's not legal, people find ways around), and you find out? Honestly, what will you do? Honor kill her if she doesn't stop?

Family is a group... Society is a Group... Both work the same... Rules...Obligations.. and so on...
So yes... it's fundamentally the same... that's why a society crumble when the Family nucleus is destroyed...

And as for you Q... It's not because someone did something wrong that I shall "Accept it"... If my Daughter want to sell herself... and after speaking to her she still refuse... then she is more than welcome to take her *** and leave... Simple as that... same in the society... there is a Cultural balance and if someone wish to drive out from it and still refuse to come back... Then he/she more than welcome to get out...
I'm not going to advocate haram by telling a friend or stranger to go drink, but I am also not going to stop a guy who wants to drink.

Brother, i'm the same - but the state has a different responsibility to the individual. We have duties as a collective, and our representatives, whatever form they take also have representatives.

I think on paper Pakistan has the right balance. The haram is prohibited legally for those who are Muslim, and is not prohibited for those who are not. Of course we all know in practicality it is not the case - it's pouring out of our ears.
Upper class society. In cities like Karachi,Lahore & ISB parties which involve alcohol,drugs prostitutes and sex are normal for upper class.

Drinking, drugs and gambling elements are present in middle upper class and upper class societies.

But extramarital sex and prostitution, you will find in all classes, although to a much, much lesser extent.

Family is a group... Society is a Group... Both work the same... Rules...Obligations.. and so on...
So yes... it's fundamentally the same... that's why a society crumble when the Family nucleus is destroyed...

And as for you Q... It's not because someone did something wrong that I shall "Accept it"... If my Daughter want to sell herself... and after speaking to her she still refuse... then she is more than welcome to take her *** and leave... Simple as that... same in the society... there is a Cultural balance and if someone wish to drive out from it and still refuse to come back... Then he/she more than welcome to get out...

The only common denominator you could find between family and state is "group."

Yet you want to convince me that your analogy applies.
Pakistan is a muslim country. It might be packed to the rafters with harami, but we shouldn't be promoting haram. As for fun - if these are the only fun things for you, i feel for you.
Says the Pakistani living in the UK where all these things are legal and freely enjoyed at one's discretion.
I'm not going to advocate haram by telling a friend or stranger to go drink, but I am also not going to stop a guy who wants to drink.
Sharab is bad for health that's why it should be banned
No one should be allowed to drink
Cigarettes should also be banned people don't let their children drink because it's bad for health not because it's haram
lol.. Yeah, you are right but a lot of Pakistanis here in the states are religious and it is only a small portion that are doing these things. Unfortunately nowadays its the minority trying to impose its will on the majority. Especially in the Muslim countries.
Because the Majority of Rightful Muslims are weak in their Deen... Even the good ones will doubt what is good and bad when he sees the "West".

Many wish their country to flourish or at least being recognized by others... and they equal their lack of dev by their lack of "Western" Values and therefore everything that goes with it....

And even if they don't fall into that Western Fun trap... they became numb to it's propagation... and we see some example in this same thread...
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