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Barkha Dutt slams Arnab Goswami, says 'ashamed to be from same industry as him'

@Joe Shearer

This country is surviving because the number of patriots in this country
is far more than the number of DALALS and Pakistani Agents -- ie the Barkha dutts are far less
than Arnab Goswamis

Barkha makes us angry because for the First time in India's history ; a traitor has got a
public platform to spread her venom which she does quite happily

Thankfully her game is over

This company survives because it is a country.

It is a country because of our constitution and because of the rule of law it upholds. Not because of your vicious comments in an anonymous Internet forum.

Barkha makes you angry because she takes sides which you don't agree with. Your sort cannot handle dissent.

Barkha : A Pro Congress journalist.......Normally called as "Pressitutes"

Arnab : A Pro BJP (pro Modi) Journalist ...... Normally called as "Nationalist"

All these days the supporters of the above journalists used to fight each other, now it is the journalists themselves.......

I note that you are hugging the middle of the road to your bosom, or the top of the fence in a more fundamental way, as usual. If you think that Presstitute and Nationalist are equivalent, you have lost your moral compass. I am sorry to see you in this state. Genuinely sorry.
You can keep using the words that have been used against you, but I defy you, your whole pack, to show me one post where I lied, where I was bigoted, or where I was racist. Do it; show that you can. Or shut the **** up.

Does Thy Mother know you weareth her drapes?

Chill out Joe. Don't twist your self. We are playing a long drawn out chess match here. You are trying to change us and you are convinced you are right. Strangely we also feel the same way.

You have labelled enough people with your taunts. So, don't take it too personal when some one dishes it back. That's the nature of forums. Grow a bit of thick skin. I don't really want to get into proving you right or wrong. It's not worth my effort. Fact is you throw around those words pretty loosely. Stop that and see how the world responds to you.

To be honest I immensely enjoy many of your posts.
But on certain issues we will NEVER see eye to eye and things will get testy if we debate.
Is this round 3 between us? I am good for a lot more...

I am an out and out Hindutva guy and it will never change. I wear it on sleeve. You are what you are and you look down on us. In all honesty I can't let that pass and will keep calling you out(directly or indirectly).
I Won't change...I repeat, I won't change.

Now shut the **** up...

Barkha : A Pro Congress journalist.......Normally called as "Pressitutes"

Arnab : A Pro BJP (pro Modi) Journalist ...... Normally called as "Nationalist"

All these days the supporters of the above journalists used to fight each other, now it is the journalists themselves.......

I think this is one of great achievements of BJP.
2 years back if some one said there would be a day journalists would be fighting each other, I would have called them mental :D

Barkha makes you angry because she takes sides which you don't agree with. Your sort cannot handle dissent

Her crying all over the internet abusing Arnab clearly showed us who can't handle dissent.
@Joe Shearer , you still debating with them? I had soft corner on them till few days ago... slowly I understood their motive in this forum.. some are here to debate wide range of issues, like defence, finance, political.. but few are here to debate only on Religious- political issues ... regardless of what you are saying... they just assume that you are against particular party or ###### you know it... and they start abusing... if you respond in similar tone... they play victim card ... I just wonder for years ... I debated with pak, chinese members... they used to abuse us... it's fine because they are full of hatred, nothing there to be surprise.... but now a days
.. fellow Indians started abusing on pak defence forum... they just don't want to hear your voice against their beloved political party... all they need your blind support.... if an incident arises from own political supporter... then they start claiming it was framed .... no matter what is the issue... and what you are debating... they just don't want to listen your voice ....
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I note that you are hugging the middle of the road to your bosom, or the top of the fence in a more fundamental way, as usual. If you think that Presstitute and Nationalist are equivalent, you have lost your moral compass. I am sorry to see you in this state. Genuinely sorry.

You have not understood my post then......
@Joe Shearer , you still debating with them? I had soft corner on them till few days ago... slowly I understood their motive in this forum.. some are here to debate wide range of issues, like defence, finance, political.. but few are here to debate only on Religious- political issues ... regardless of what you are saying... they just assume that you are against particular party or ###### you know it... and they start abusing... if you respond in similar tone... they play victim card ... I just wonder for years ... I debated with pak, chinese members... they used to abuse use... it's fine because they are full of hatre, nothing there to be surprise.... but now a days
.. fellow Indians started abusing on defence forum... they just don't want to hear your voice against their beloved political party... all they need your blind support.... if an incident arises from own political supporter... then they start claiming it was framed .... no matter what is the issue... and what you are debating... they just don't want to listen your voice ....

FYI, I was abused by the guy you are addressing your post to. For no other reason but that he did not agree with my views. And I got called a bigot because of that.
I think this is one of great achievements of BJP.
2 years back if some one said there would be a day journalists would be fighting each other, I would have called them mental :D

Getting the support of a news channel is not an achievement, probably that is the easiest thing a party an do ..... Probably BJP's arrogance stopped them from getting their support, now they have got an arrogant guy as their supporter......
@Joe Shearer , you still debating with them? I had soft corner on them till few days ago... slowly I understood their motive in this forum.. some are here to debate wide range of issues, like defence, finance, political.. but few are here to debate only on Religious- political issues ... regardless of what you are saying... they just assume that you are against particular party or ###### you know it... and they start abusing... if you respond in similar tone... they play victim card ... I just wonder for years ... I debated with pak, chinese members... they used to abuse use... it's fine because they are full of hatre, nothing there to be surprise.... but now a days
.. fellow Indians started abusing on defence forum... they just don't want to hear your voice against their beloved political party... all they need your blind support.... if an incident arises from own political supporter... then they start claiming it was framed .... no matter what is the issue... and what you are debating... they just don't want to listen your voice ....

Perhaps you should check old posts and see who started abusing whom first.
And who is playing the victim card now?

You may pretend not see the bile in his posts but we do. So, please stop playing this angel routine. It's getting stale.
If you want respect, first learn to respect others.

Getting the support of a news channel is not an achievement, probably that is the easiest thing a party an do ..... Probably BJP's arrogance stopped them from getting their support, now they have got an arrogant guy as their supporter......

Oh I have seen Arnab screw BJP pretty frequently.
There are a numerous things I don't like about Arnab but he has a pretty consistent stand on anti-nationals. Whether it's TRP or genuine, I have no idea though.
Getting the support of a news channel is not an achievement, probably that is the easiest thing a party an do ..... Probably BJP's arrogance stopped them from getting their support, now they have got an arrogant guy as their supporter......

i would be worried if BJP was getting support from ilks like Bharka , Rajdeep and Sagarika.. for 14 years Modi along with his supporters are hounded, attacked called fascists and all kinds of nonsense and we are called arrogant.. Its funny seeing people play Mental Gymnastics in order to divert blame....
FYI, I was abused by the guy you are addressing your post to. For no other reason but that he did not agree with my views. And I got called a bigot because of that

Welcome to the club.
"They" can abuse us because we have a difference view on how to live our lives but god forbid we give it back...They go all Barkha Dutt on us ;)
FYI, I was abused by the guy you are addressing your post to. For no other reason but that he did not agree with my views. And I got called a bigot because of that.

That is mutual feeling bro..
Does Thy Mother know you weareth her drapes?

I agree, my English is better than yours. You shouldn't even try this: doth thy mother know thou weareth her drapes? Whatever the words mean.

Chill out Joe. Don't twist your self. We are playing a long drawn out chess match here. You are trying to change us and you are convinced you are right. Strangely we also feel the same way.

No, I am not trying to change you, strangely enough. I am addressing the middle ground, the lurkers, the fence sitters, those who tend to get intimidated by your bullying tactics and your personal attacks into thinking twice about their fundamental and fundamentally correct values, or into keeping a discouraged silence. I have given up thinking that you will change. Religious bigotry has to do with religion, and that has to do with faith, not with reason. There is no possibility that you can be reasoned out of your positions.

Do you even begin to understand?

You have labelled enough people with your taunts.

Again, a fundamental error. I have labelled positions. Do you even know what distinction I am making? Do you care?

So, don't take it too personal when some one dishes it back.

Oh no, that red herring will not work very well. I am not taking it personally, I am undermining your argument in its fundamentals by asking you to point to my lies, my bigotry and racism, while I have pointed out every one of yours. So pretending that you are half-humorously, half-indulgently going off the issues I raised to let me down easily is a transparent dodge: you can't point to anything, so you say you don't want to point to anything and make it even more personal for me.

That's the nature of forums. Grow a bit of thick skin. I don't really want to get into proving you right or wrong. It's not worth my effort. Fact is you throw around those words pretty loosely. Stop that and see how the world responds to you.

It's not the forum. The forum is fine. It's the creeps who infest it. I couldn't possibly be referring to you, of course; far be it from me to insult you.

As for it not being worth your effort, of course it isn't! You wouldn't get anywhere, forget about how much effort you put in. And I have already told the lot of you: it isn't about getting to get you to respond better to me by not throwing words around loosely; I am not in a popularity contest, never was.

To be honest I immensely enjoy many of your posts.
But on certain issues we will NEVER see eye to eye and things will get testy if we debate.
Is this round 3 between us? I am good for a lot more...

Up to you.

I am an out and out Hindutva guy and it will never change. I wear it on sleeve. You are what you are and you look down on us. In all honesty I can't let that pass and will keep calling you out(directly or indirectly).
I Won't change...I repeat, I won't change.

Don't. I didn't ask for that.

Now shut the **** up...

LOL. And you think that is Abracadabra?

I think this is one of great achievements of BJP.
2 years back if some one said there would be a day journalists would be fighting each other, I would have called them mental :D

Yes, it is. And I am coming to it from exactly the other end. Go look for yourself who hate journalists. You could start with ISIS and the CCP. You are in excellent company.
Welcome to the club.
"They" can abuse us because we have a difference view on how to live our lives but god forbid we give it back...They go all Barkha Dutt on us ;)

"They" can abuse and Harass women in pdf too and Mods let them go scott free.
@Joe Shearer , you still debating with them? I had soft corner on them till few days ago... slowly I understood their motive in this forum.. some are here to debate wide range of issues, like defence, finance, political.. but few are here to debate only on Religious- political issues ... regardless of what you are saying... they just assume that you are against particular party or ###### you know it... and they start abusing... if you respond in similar tone... they play victim card ... I just wonder for years ... I debated with pak, chinese members... they used to abuse use... it's fine because they are full of hatre, nothing there to be surprise.... but now a days
.. fellow Indians started abusing on defence forum... they just don't want to hear your voice against their beloved political party... all they need your blind support.... if an incident arises from own political supporter... then they start claiming it was framed .... no matter what is the issue... and what you are debating... they just don't want to listen your voice ....

You have finally got it.

It is a handful of mischief-mongers who have nothing in their minds but hatred.
You have not understood my post then......

Perhaps. I am always open to correction. Never to equivocation.

Getting the support of a news channel is not an achievement, probably that is the easiest thing a party an do ..... Probably BJP's arrogance stopped them from getting their support, now they have got an arrogant guy as their supporter......

Isn't that simplistic and a convenient cop-out? Are we completely blind to the changes in ownership that took place so promptly after the elections?

Perhaps you should check old posts and see who started abusing whom first.
And who is playing the victim card now?

You may pretend not see the bile in his posts but we do. So, please stop playing this angel routine. It's getting stale.
If you want respect, first learn to respect others.

When you pose as nationalists, and set out to divide the country, and subvert its institutions, you forego your claims to respect.

Oh I have seen Arnab screw BJP pretty frequently.
There are a numerous things I don't like about Arnab but he has a pretty consistent stand on anti-nationals. Whether it's TRP or genuine, I have no idea though.
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