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Barkha Dutt slams Arnab Goswami, says 'ashamed to be from same industry as him'

Self-satisfactory rhetoric?

Whom should I be satisfying? You? Your friends and associates? The pack of wild and woolly primitives who bay for blood, while sodomising their male disciples and raping the females? Have you thought what you wish me to be doing instead of what I am doing?

About rhetoric, don't you think it rich coming from a fribble like you? How have you contributed to the forum? Other than by telling everyone else how much you hate them, and why? Have you anything to compare to the substantial material I have contributed?

Do you think before you start bad-mouthing people, or is it just the way you were brought up?
Cheers, you just displayed your complete mindset in one post :-). You continue to feel yourself as self righteous, sole torch bearer of morality and secularism here, if that satisfies your ego and arrogance you hold within yourself but enough members here had argued with you in past to known how rattle when your cover is blown.
pakistani channels and journalists have openly challenged their army and its narrative.. you should look around here... then you will realize how brave(or stupid one can say) they are...
you joined recently... may be some pakistani can help you.. just read their threads in which they abuse their own journalists and call them traitor and raw agent... I can guarantee you will find them 'reasonable' :)
It will be hard to find an indian journo who will do equivalent of finding Kasab's parents there by completely undermine their own army/govt massively...

First find Indian equivalent of Kasab to begin with. You are indulging in false equivalence kindly stop doing that to push your illogical point of view.

As far as Pakistani channels and journalists openly challenging their army and it's narrative goes, who else will they challenge when the better part of their independent history is governed by their Army.
@Joe Shearer

This country is surviving because the number of patriots in this country
is far more than the number of DALALS and Pakistani Agents -- ie the Barkha dutts are far less
than Arnab Goswamis

Barkha makes us angry because for the First time in India's history ; a traitor has got a
public platform to spread her venom which she does quite happily

Thankfully her game is over
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Water of a duck's back. She was back yesterday Shashi this and Shashi that.

Yes I know ; but NDTV's and her own credibility has been hit

TRP ratings are already bad for NDTV

The english news viewer has better options ; that is why Rajdeep is quiet these days

NDTV's loss is India Today's gain

As far as Shashi etc are concerned ; any platform is OK

They have to remain in the public eye or else they will be forgotten
Yes I know ; but NDTV's and her own credibility has been hit

TRP ratings are already bad for NDTV

The english news viewer has better options ; that is why Rajdeep is quiet these days

NDTV's loss is India Today's gain

As far as Shashi etc are concerned ; any platform is OK

They have to remain in the public eye or else they will be forgotten

You are not getting me. I believe the woman is anti national. But you are talking about credibility, trp, etc. There are more important issues at stake.
You are not getting me. I believe the woman is anti national. But you are talking about credibility, trp, etc. There are more important issues at stake.

That channel cannot be banned

We cannot put her in jail

She will keep barking ; but for Any journalist -- credibility is everything

Who remembers the bimbos of Hindi news channels

Do you read the reader's comments on Barkha's facebook posts and her
own articles on NDTV website that she has written in last few months
(including one just yesterday )
ever since that JNU thing broke out

Now a days
How many people criticise her rudely ; frankly and openly

JNU started the decline of her credibility and Hafiz saeed has put the final nail in her coffin
That channel cannot be banned

We cannot put her in jail

She will keep barking ; but for Any journalist -- credibility is everything

Who remembers the bimbos of Hindi news channels

Do you read the reader's comments on Barkha's facebook posts and her
own articles on NDTV website that she has written in last few months
(including one just yesterday )
ever since that JNU thing broke out -- Now a days
How many people criticise her rudely ; frankly and openly

JNU started the decline of her credibility and Hafiz saeed has put the final nail in her coffin

I see what you are saying brother.

But some people are less dangerous in public than out of sight.
I see what you are saying brother.

But some people are less dangerous in public than out of sight.

You are right ; we have to tolerate her as we tolerate the Kashmiri Leaders like Geelani
and Kanhaiya kumar and company

But IB must be keeping a FILE on Her ; tapping her phones and doing
other things that are done to
monitor National security threats

By the way ; Barkha's BIGGEST problem is NOT Arnab Goswami himself

It is That Public opinion has swung against her and IN favour of Arnab Goswami
You are right ; we have to tolerate her as we tolerate the Kashmiri Leaders like Geelani
and Kanhaiya kumar and company

But IB must be keeping a FILE on Her ; tapping her phones and doing
other things that are done to
monitor National security threats

By the way ; Barkha's BIGGEST problem is NOT Arnab Goswami himself

It is That Public opinion has swung against her and IN favour of Arnab Goswami

Frankly speaking this thread was never about Arnab in the first place. I've been pretty open in saying in previous posts that I do not believe in his personal life he has any good feeling for Muslims. You may argue. You may not. But it is my belief.

But bottom line if you want to know? I will take a right leaning educated Hindu over an educated suave Hindu Jai Chand. Any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.
Well well, I thought you did not want to debate me anymore!

I wanted to comment on the crap you have posted but I realized that you will not change. You are a lost cause Joe. I have nothing but pity for you.
I genuinely envy your knowledge but what a waste. Carry on with your lies and bigoted & racist posts.

One thing though, the rant about bad English. Yes, I concede you can articulate much better.

Now wipe the froth from the sides of your mouth ;)

Actually, I wasn't debating you. I took you as a symbol of all the others whose attitudes, whose mischief-making dividing of India, I hold to be treacherous.

It is amusing to see you talk about commenting about what I posted, since I took each flimsy little flippancy of yours and tore it to little bits - just to demonstrate how flimsy each was, not to aggravate you or anybody else. You mention my being a lost cause; there lies the difference between your pack's attitude and mine. I believe in the right cause, not whether it is won or lost. Do you really think, after watching what positions I have taken, whether I could care less if anyone else thinks it is a cause worth following?

You can keep using the words that have been used against you, but I defy you, your whole pack, to show me one post where I lied, where I was bigoted, or where I was racist. Do it; show that you can. Or shut the **** up.

Finally, it is interesting that you think that good articulation goes with frothing at the mouth. It would seem contradictory to the ordinary Joe in the street, but you are not he, are you?

Sir with al due respect, I am not habitual to intellectualise such debate to paint everything in grey whereas in reality credentials of both can be judged by their actions in public..... The very intrinsic nature of journalism is to remain unbiased & put forth the factual version to the audience to form the opinion to ensure the all the laid values of democratic republic are preserved at any cost.

So far, so good. I see nothing here that I could not agree to.

But there is a big but here especially in the context of Indian news media which has inseparable & overt association with leftist ideology.... They are not interested to play the vital role of the fourth column of democratic set up however they consider propagating certain ideology (left or right leaning) as a holiest job...

I disagree with the leftist bias that you argue. I have more than enough examples of the opposite, starting with that despicable bastard Rusi Karanjia who ran Blitz to blackmail people.

Now in this case, to judge their credential what we have to do is, simply check the content which they present to their respective audiences ..... There is always a Lakshman Rekha which should not be crossed even though you are a critique to certain ideology/version or against the sentiments of majority of ppl & these critical opinion or twisted facts should not stems from hate which they are known to peddle over the years....

Sure. So what is the point? That both these are tainted? Sure they are.

I am not sure I got what you are objecting to. Other than my having posted.:D

Cheers, you just displayed your complete mindset in one post :-). You continue to feel yourself as self righteous, sole torch bearer of morality and secularism here, if that satisfies your ego and arrogance you hold within yourself but enough members here had argued with you in past to known how rattle when your cover is blown.

Good. I am delighted that you could grasp it all. Great progress. Next we will begin you with the multiplication tables.

Why should I not be righteous? And what makes you think I am self-righteous? I do feel isolated, in terms of morality; whose fault is that, mine, or yours? I do feel that you are a pack of rabid bigots, and detest secularism because it implies that you are forbidden to hate Muslims and Christians other than in your private thoughts and discussions and you are forbidden to express these hateful patterns of speech and behaviour in public. So what is incorrect about my considering that there are few who uphold secularism, and those few do not include you?

Don't even bother to take up personal attacks. Those who had argued with me in the past also knows that I know how to take care of myself. Cover blown indeed. I have published my pictures and informed the whole forum of my work, so what makes you so superior? Do you dare to do that yourself? Or do you prefer to point to my public profile while skulking in the shadows yourself?
Barkha : A Pro Congress journalist.......Normally called as "Pressitutes"

Arnab : A Pro BJP (pro Modi) Journalist ...... Normally called as "Nationalist"

All these days the supporters of the above journalists used to fight each other, now it is the journalists themselves.......

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