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Banu CTD Siege ends with 2 SSG personnel martyred along with all Terrorists

It is a real bum why we have stopped sending in Mujahideen, while these Indian Taliban would be a pain in our *** for a foreseeable future.
Na we do retaliatory actions that's the problem. After the Johar town Blast our Mujahids did raided their Rajouri signal HQ and killed like 8 of their soldiers
Na we do retaliatory actions that's the problem. After the Johar town Blast our Mujahids did raided their Rajouri signal HQ and killed like 8 of their soldiers
And I can't even remember when that happened. That stream of Mujahideen like the 90s is what is needed. Can it be done again?? Like a group of may be 100 or more ?? Or have we given that policy up for good...
Why FC or police special forces were not send first, they have also specific branches/units for this task.
Why FC or police special forces were not send first, they have also specific branches/units for this task.
They can be effective force multipliers when we are on the offensive, in the aid of regular infantry during a large scale op , and have the luxury to pick the time and place of our choosing. Zarrar however, is built to come in when shitstorm is already in progress....
And I can't even remember when that happened. That stream of Mujahideen like the 90s is what is needed. Can it be done again?? Like a group of may be 100 or more ?? Or have we given that policy up for good...
Yeah it can be done again. Pick a weapon and give a weapon to your kids and come across the border. If you cant put yourself or your kids to the job. Then don’t put others kids , its as simple as that
Do you know what a load-bearing vest is you absolute tit of brain.

Injured beyond grief the soldier in the second picture seems to have life-changing injuries, f*ck fest!

I may have a tit of a brain but I am still better than your brain with zero processing ability.
You write crap and spew nonsense and actually defend it. I gotta give a credit to you…… stupid and proud of it!

I am with my patient ex military and I asked him about clothing issue you raised and he is calling you a complete idiot… not me it’s him !!
I think he was referring to earlier report suggested that some interrogator took weapon with him into the interrogation, and that's when the Taliban they were interrogating turn the weapon on him and lead to the situation.
to me its depth of criminal negligence and laziness that a CTD official allowed himself to be overpowered and seen his weapon snatched off him. I get it that its never unheard off and criminals sometime sover power policemen but that is usually at the scene of crime in a dynamic situation but not in an investigation center. I wonder why that CTD guy didnt have other colleagues next to him to neutralize the situation other than give the unthinkable possibility that one of them was working for the terrorists or they were negligent.

I don't know what became of this force, our personnel were known to train with British SAS, US Army rangers, Marines and Navy SEALS on regular basis. but this war on terror for 20 years has really affected it badly. looking at terrorist videos ambushing our convoys and attacking our check posts is painful because on many if not all situations the troops are seen as lax in their attitude or stunned at the sudden ferocity of attack and taking too long to recover and regroup.

US troops in comparison comparison in Iraq and Afghanistan faired much better. to be fair American forces had the option to pack up and leave via Pakistan but we are stuck in this place repeating the story of 1980s and 2000s somewhere in future
Rip to the fallen.
No respect changed for the ordinary officer or soldier of Pak Army. But the hatred for the corrupt and selfish ones at the top is increasing every single day.
appeasement and even support of TTP was allegedly the brainchild of General Faiz Hameed. he advocated that and this is something PTI found very convenient as well because it never preferred armed response to this death cult. during General Faiz tenure as Corps commander in Peshawar and as ISI chief TTP was pampered and many TTP leaders let go as a part of reconciliation which this death cult used to regroup and reorganize.
that temporary lull in the short past was that silence before the storm.

but Gen Faiz was not alone in this, he had the approval of Gen Bajwa as well , Afghan Taliban were approached and requested to move their TTP guests deep inside Afghanistan away from Pakistani borders as a first step of that reconciliation.
now the people of KPK and beyond will reap the fruits of this reconciliation.

Wah, this is SSG ? American Traffic Police is better fighting force than our Top Tier SF, the amount SSG soldiers died in such incidents raise a serious question on their training, they can't fight TTP without loss, and they intend to fight IA ? Allah Khair kare.
start a new thread and start counting the number of SSG dead right from the Red Mosque operation to this Bannu CTD center. SSG has been decimated with hundreds of its men killed.
From what I could understand from the DG ISPR statement which DAWN quoted, 1 was shaheed on the spot of the scuffle, one got injured but passed away in the hospital, and the remaining SM was shaheed in the op. So all the CTD personnel were shaheed. Was the SM on deputation to the CTD or was there for interrogation?

this incident is a big **** up.
something which is being suppressed or ignored is that the most important terrorists escaped the place by the time the authorities woke up and ordered someone to tell someone to suit up and get in the vehicles and start cordoning off the place,.

it bet it was at least 5 or 6 hours if not a day rom the time CTD was in TTP hands that army started cordoning the area and blocking escape routes.
wait to see the smug videos of the main terrorists to appear on social media in the near future.
then I will remind you of this post.

there are differing and confused accounts of how many terrorists were killed or captures (conveniently omitting if anyone escaped or was polite enough to wait till the place was locked down). some claim that 25 terrorits died, some say 10 died some say all 33 died. whether all hostages were killed during or before the raid or anyone of them survived?

the account of dead and injured security personnel is also changing and retracted.
this entire episode is a tale of shambles embarrassment and no amount of sharing the pictures of Maj Abid Zaman SSG can hide the reality that everything about this entire episode was wrong. the way that place was being manned and protected, the way the CTD staff was conducting itself and the way the TTP terrorists were being kept up to the point of unknown amount of time taken for the authorities to wake up and take action when the terrorists started uploading the videos on social media.

I may have a tit of a brain but I am still better than your brain with zero processing ability.
You write crap and spew nonsense and actually defend it. I gotta give a credit to you…… stupid and proud of it!

I am with my patient ex military and I asked him about clothing issue you raised and he is calling you a complete idiot… not me it’s him !!
Regardless of how messily this entire situation was handled and my opinion on it, you’re talking to a person who was literally mentioning K/D ratios in real life AT missions, that’s how seriously he views this stuff. It’s all a video game to these people, that with little to no knowledge of how things actually happen, they deduce that a bad K/D ratio will lead to morale issues in the PA. Lmfao.
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