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The correct answer is that pork is haram in Islam as a matter of faith, and thus by definition cannot be judged by logic or science.

The best answer ever.
I agree.
Faith may or may not coincide with science.
Scientific theories can be proved today,abolished tomorrow based on new research.
Faith remains the same.
I wanted this bold part. Thanks for your answer.

Sorry to @Safriz, if I offended you in any way. I was just curious. My apologies.

Thanks for the reply.

No sir you didnt offend me but the other guy did.
You are asking questions and raising your doubts,nothing wrong with that.
The other guy i was referrong to is passing judgements based on some farce he isnt even aware of..
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The best answer ever.
I agree.
Faith may or may not coincide with science.
Scientific theories can be proved today,abolished tomorrow based on new research.
Faith remains the same.

he used the word logic too, which is a much different word then science, a crazy mad guy will be following something which doesnt make sense to him

would i be believing some faith which doesnt make sense to me?

so its just like following the faith just because my parents told me too, so whats good is the faith
You tried to degrade Pakistan, while getting caught with your hands down your pants :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Atleast research before you try to smart talk, kid!!

So saying that Muree Beer is crap = degrading Pakistan? lmfao.

Muree Beer is available in a lot of countries( doesn't have to be exported llegally). How do you think it landed in the US?
@<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=136502" target="_blank">KRAIT</a></u>, you still didnt answered my unbolded part of the comment :azn:
i just keep waiting
you also said that there were videos about beef, i have failed to find them, i need your precious guidance here
Sorry, didn't see it.

All red meat is bad for you, new study says - Los Angeles Times

The conclusion of a new study, published this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine, that found that the risk of dying at an early age -- from heart disease, cancer, or any other cause&#8212;rises in step with red-meat consumption.

Study: Too much red meat may shorten lifespan - CNN.com

Partially cooked meat can carry pathogens.
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So saying that Muree Beer is crap = degrading Pakistan? lmfao.

Muree Beer is available in a lot of countries( doesn't have to be exported llegally). How do you think it landed in the US?

Maybe u drank too much Murree Beer "in Bangladesh" and now you are drunk. Murree Beer is not available in USA right now, though it will be, and its definently not available in BD, now I know you are lying in every post, probably some homeless guy living in his mothers basement :rofl: :rofl:
he used the word logic too, which is a much different word then science, a crazy mad guy will be following something which doesnt make sense to him

would i be believing some faith which doesnt make sense to me?

so its just like following the faith just because my parents told me too, so whats good is the faith

The trouble is 'logic' is a very relative term...same thing can be logical to me but wont make any sense to somebody else.
Yourself being a muslim may have read islamic history..
Try to figure out where our graph started to go down.
When people started learning 'Mantiqq' and tried to find logic about everything in Islam.
Read when the order came for 'hurmat' of Alcohol.
Didnt come the first day,or it had been hard on people.
But when it came,there was Alcohol flowing on the streets of Mecca.
Maybe u drank too much Murree Beer "in Bangladesh" and now you are drunk. Murree Beer is not available in USA right now, though it will be, and its definently not available in BD, now I know you are lying in every post, probably some homeless guy living in his mothers basement :rofl: :rofl:

Oh FFS! Read the article posted in the first post. Muree Beer is already available in a lot of countries.

I myself was surprised to see Muree beer in Bangladesh, which is why there was an ! at the end of the sentence. It seems like you return dumber after each ban.:lol:
Sorry, didn't see it.

All red meat is bad for you, new study says - Los Angeles Times

The conclusion of a new study, published this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine, that found that the risk of dying at an early age -- from heart disease, cancer, or any other cause&#8212;rises in step with red-meat consumption.

Study: Too much red meat may shorten lifespan - CNN.com

Partially cooked meat can carry pathogens.

even being vegetarian has its health effects

Side effects of becoming vegetarian | MNN - Mother Nature Network

2. Increased risk of colorectal cancer: One would assume that heavy meat eaters would have a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer but a review published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of the aforementioned Oxford study reveals, &#8220;Within the study, the incidence of all cancers combined was lower among vegetarians than among meat eaters, but the incidence of colorectal cancer was higher in vegetarians than in meat eaters.&#8221;
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Oh FFS! Read the article posted in the first post. Muree Beer is already available in a lot of countries.

I myself was surprised to see Muree beer in Bangladesh, which is why there was an ! at the end of the sentence. It seems like you return dumber after each ban.:lol:

It only says its avaliable in Dubai, European countries, and Texas. Nowhere does it say its in Bangladesh... Again you got caught with hands down your pants trying to instigate a lie!
It only says its avaliable in Dubai, European countries, and Texas. Nowhere does it say its in Bangladesh... Again you got caught with hands down your pants trying to instigate a lie!


I prescribe you, 2 doze of comprehension skills
10 doze of common sense
10 doze of knowledge

Now off you go son. And stop obsessing over your hands in pants so much!
I tried Muree beer just the other day, that too at a Hotel in Bangladesh! :cheesy:

Its nothing to write home about, infact it was one of the shittiest beer I have ever tried. Only selling point is, Beer made in an Islamic country.

Lolz, what a hater.

And now you will tell me you like Amstel.

Nigga, please.
Pork is haram because in the desert landsof Arabia, pigs didn't give any value, rather damage to the enviroment to the Arabian people, whereas camels, horses, cows, etc did.

One of my Muslim friends (when I was a kid and innocently offered him a sandwich during recess break) told me that Allah (or Mohammad - I forget who) trapped the Devil in the pig and since then it is forbidden to eat pork.

I don't know if he was yanking my chain. He is a devout Sunni muslim, though he loves dogs and used to have a lovely tan doberman when we were kids.
happens all the time parents have weak concepts end up making **** and bull stories since you talked about dogs a friend of mine referring the panting said a dog always has sex on his mind???? as far as i remember they do it to 'cool' down...can't sweat from the furry coat nevertheless he may be a devout muslim now
( seriously hate the negative connotation associated with pig i had a piglet on shirt as a child drew different responses my father didnot like it but one of my aunts asked me if i knew what a baby pig was called?)
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