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‘Bania’ India can’t attack Pakistan, says Hafiz Saeed

We started war in kashmir you started the lahore front sialkot front and end up with a defeat your air force was badly banged by PAF and still saying we just ended with defending lahore LOL

We have many major cities on border including sialkot lahore qasoor lol your closest city from border is amritsar in punjab side that too 45km away while we having Housing schemes in lahore near border area

Dude, you started the war, with an objective of capturing Kashmir. End result, you had more of your territories captured than the Indian territories you gained. How is it a victory?
India had the war forced on, and successfully defended Kashmir in the end result. How is it a defeat?

You claim all the victories of battles and wars, but in the end, it was India with its objective fulfilled and not Pakistan. How is it an Indian defeat and Pakistani victory?
Dude, you started the war, with an objective of capturing Kashmir. End result, you had more of your territories captured than the Indian territories you gained. How is it a victory?
India had the war forced on, and successfully defended Kashmir in the end result. How is it a defeat?

You claim all the victories of battles and wars, but in the end, it was India with its objective fulfilled and not Pakistan. How is it an Indian defeat and Pakistani victory?

Dude you guys dont even consider 1948 kashmir battle ur defeat in which pakistan took Gilgit baltistan and Azad kashmir from you :P and still says what we have in that territory lol

and may be you have forgot our forces captured indian land while defending lahore :p
Dude you guys dont even consider 1948 kashmir battle ur defeat in which pakistan took Gilgit baltistan and Azad kashmir from you :P and still says what we have in that territory lol

Not from India, you took it from the Kashmiri ruler. Indian army didn't move in till the tribal were at Srinagar. But that doesn't answers how 65' is a victory for Pakistan.
and may be you have forgot our forces captured indian land while defending lahore :p

Not from India, you took it from the Kashmiri ruler. Indian army didn't move in till the tribal were at Srinagar. But that doesn't answers how 65' is a victory for Pakistan.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha what ever jani our air force seriously played with you like playing with kids in 1965 war :P
Dude, you started the war, with an objective of capturing Kashmir. End result, you had more of your territories captured than the Indian territories you gained. How is it a victory?
India had the war forced on, and successfully defended Kashmir in the end result. How is it a defeat?

You claim all the victories of battles and wars, but in the end, it was India with its objective fulfilled and not Pakistan. How is it an Indian defeat and Pakistani victory?
It was Azad kashmir regular forces (AKRF) who attacked to capture kashmir in 1965 war. India tried to capture Azad kashmir after it and failed. They tried to revenge from Pakistan but we defended well. :pakistan:
and may be you have forgot our forces captured indian land while defending lahore :p
For a war you initiated, with a surprise attack, you only managed to capture 1/3 of the land India managed to capture from you.
End result, Indian objective fulfilled, Pakistan had a sever setback.
Termed as Pakistani victory.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha what ever jani our air force seriously played with you like playing with kids in 1965 war :P
May be, what good it do to you?
And still you lost it?? :coffee:

It was Azad kashmir regular forces (AKRF) who attacked to capture kashmir in 1965 war. India tried to capture Azad kashmir after it and failed. They tried to revenge from Pakistan but we defended well. :pakistan:

Spin it as you want. It is well known truth who attacked Kashmir in 65'. Indian objectives are well documented too.
May god bless you with million such victories!
We started war in kashmir you started the lahore front sialkot front and end up with a defeat your air force was badly banged by PAF and still saying we just ended with defending lahore LOL

We have many major cities on border including sialkot lahore qasoor lol your closest city from border is amritsar in punjab side that too 45km away while we having Housing schemes in lahore near border area

And that seems a stupidity that goes on unchecked due to lack of visionary leadership in pakistan.
Not from India, you took it from the Kashmiri ruler. Indian army didn't move in till the tribal were at Srinagar. But that doesn't answers how 65' is a victory for Pakistan.
Dogra rule was a part of India. Isn't it?
And that seems a stupidity that goes on unchecked due to lack of visionary leadership in pakistan.

this shows how peaceful pakistanis are they are enjoying and having houses near border too :P
Dogra rule was a part of India. Isn't it?
No, ruler of Kashmir was independent till the forces from Azad Kashmir moved in. It wasn't till he felt the threat of being overrun that he joined Indian dominion. It was actually a shitty move from Pakistan, whoever planned it. Kashmir had a probability of remaining independent before the attack.
Sure, keep celebrating. For all the victories you claim, you have zilch to show.


Indians dont take panga with pakistan you will piss in ur pants end of the war will be end of your hindu rule in this sub continent again :P
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