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‘Bania’ India can’t attack Pakistan, says Hafiz Saeed

These sort of guys should be in jail and not spewing venom when relations between two countries are already very tense

on what charges?

Only once is history ..India has attacked Pakistan..and the results were great.

well india supported terrorists and saboteurs against Pakistan which was already knee-deep dealing with a civil war-like situation thousands of kilometers away from the Mainland

kind of like what india accuses Pakistan of now (which - if it's true, i'd say its a damn good revenge) :)

hafiz Saheed (founder of LET, LEJ) should be make Pm of pakistan. Rahi sahi kasar bhi puri ho jayegi....

Your knowledge is inaccurate

HS has nothing at all to do with LeJ...no ties or affiliation.

The day it makes sense to attack, India can & will.

As of now, it does not make sense. It will be counter productive. It shall destroy years of painstaking work done to being Pak to where it is,

"the day it makes sense"

when is that? when the holy cow gods come home? :laugh:

i thought your modi was an untouchable character who would flex those huge scary muscles india has
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on what charges?

well india supported terrorists and saboteurs against Pakistan which was already knee-deep dealing with a civil war-like situation thousands of kilometers away from the Mainland

kind of like what india accuses Pakistan of now (which - if it's true, i'd say its a damn good revenge) :)

Well the things is Pakistan tried pretty much the same tactics in Kashmir against India... even launched direct attack on it on 3 occasions..but you have enjoyed no such success.

Capabilities of both nations are differ vastly..when India launches an attack, it achieves success..may that be in East Pakistan or Siachen..when Pakistan launches an attack ..it is at best able to get ceasefire like 65 or 48 and at worst a defeat as in Kargil.
To my dear d*** ***d HS,"Female of the species is more deadlier than the male".
Well the things is Pakistan tried pretty much the same tactics in Kashmir against India... even launched direct attack on it on 3 occasions..but you have enjoyed no such success.

With or without Pakistani intervention - Kashmiris still reject india and burn your flag as one of their past-times. On Kashmir you enjoy a zero success rate.

Capabilities of both nations are differ vastly..when India launches an attack, it achieves success..may that be in East Pakistan or Siachen..when Pakistan launches an attack ..it is at best able to get ceasefire like 65 or 48 and at worst a defeat as in Kargil.

6 peaks in iOK are still in control by Pakistan, including Point 5353. The others are Pt Aftab-I, Pt Saddle Ridge, Pt Bunker Ridge, Shangruti and Dhalu Nag.

1965 was more than just a "ceasefire" we decimated about 1/3 of your air force
Dam look at Indians How one Hafiz Saeed is making them go crazy they are pissing in their pents
mr you up so early,,,,mr go brush your teeth,comb your beard n hair,n go to madr,,,,err,,school
after that we talk,ok mr :enjoy:
With or without Pakistani intervention - Kashmiris still reject india and burn your flag as one of their past-times. On Kashmir you enjoy a zero success rate.

And your citizen burn your flag in Balochistan and your citizen make a mockery of your constitution and laws in Wazirstan.

My point was you have done everything we had done in Bangladesh and more ..insurgency in Bangladesh lasted 7 short months , it has been 25 yrs to your insurgency in Kashmir, have fought and lost three wars in Kashmir...It is you who have enjoyed zero success rate in Kashmir .

6 peaks in iOK are still in control by Pakistan, including Point 5353. The others are Pt Aftab-I, Pt Saddle Ridge, Pt Bunker Ridge, Shangruti and Dhalu Nag.

I hope some day, you can figure out the difference b/w a peak and a ridge..only point 5353 is a peak ..and rest all are lower ridges of the same peak.

Fact is India never held point 5353 in the first place..it is a peak where LOC passes..however the only truth to the matter is ..Attempt was made by India to capture this peak after Kargil was over, but could not capture this peak.
Fact and fiction on Point 5353

1965 was more than just a "ceasefire" we decimated about 1/3 of your air force

In 1965 Pakistan lost more land area, more men and more materials..its war reserves were but all but over and India had barely used 14% of its front line ammo....you were lucky to even get a ceasefire.
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doesn't matter… these musalmans also ruled india for 800-1000 years.

Why doesn't matter ? When Indians tight your screw all we see from your side is Hindu, Baniya, Hindu, Baniya. Look how many threads starting with Hindu word has been initiated by Pakistani moosalmaan.

On your above rant, which is mere a bickering of no consequence, my answer is following.

Good stay with your factitious past, make a wooden dildo, write name of all dead and buried Mugals, Arabs Mongols and Turks invaders and keep masturbating it for next thousands of years. Hindus will keep ruling the Union of India against your frustration and likes.

Last time heard from Hasan Nisaar that you Muslim were struggling for 'do waqat ke roti', as poor and donkey cart drivers like any of other ethnicity living in sub continent were. Only thing your people are good at is 'Afsaana nigari'' romanticizing with your tormentors and dubious debatable past.
And your citizen burn your flag in Balochistan and your citizen make a mockery of your constitution and laws in Wazirstan.

My point was you have done everything we had done in Bangladesh and more ..insurgency in Bangladesh lasted 7 short months , it has been 25 yrs to your insurgency in Kashmir, have fought and lost three wars in Kashmir...It us you enjoy zero success rate.

Majority of Baloch support Pakistan whereas majority of Kashmir (both sides) reject india since 1948

Fact is India never held point 5353 in the first place..it is a peak where LOC passes..however the only truth to the matter is ..Attempt was made by India to capture this peak after Kargil was over, but could not capture this peak.
Fact and fiction on Point 5353
Point 5353 is approx. 450-500 meter within iOK side of line of control.... nice cover-up attempt there
Majority of Baloch support Pakistan whereas majority of Kashmir (both sides) reject india since 1948

When did you conduct this plebiscite and came up with these results?..Remember it was Kashmiris who captured Pakistani SSG troops, who had infiltrated in Op Gibraltor and handed them over to Indian govt...and it was Kasmiris who informed Indian army about Pakistani infiltration in Kargil.

Point 5353 is approx. 450-500 meter within iOK side of line of control.... nice cover-up attempt there

And how many soldiers did you loose to capture this one peak?..was it 4000 as your prime minister claims or was 227 as you army chief claimed you never know, who is lying in Pakistan( probably everyone is)...and the fact that India never held this peak in first place.

But you do know this right, that entire Kargil area was captured from Pakistan itself in the first place, in 1971
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Only once is history ..India has attacked Pakistan..and the results were great.
Is that when we split India in 3 pieces in 1947?
Or when we captured 31% of Kashmir in 1948?
Or when we captured another 4% and handed over a part of Kashmir to China?
Oh may be you are referring to the proxy war by Muqti Bani terrorists, you can' t take credit for it.
Is that when we split India in 3 pieces in 1947?

So you accept, that India existed before 1947 and Pakistan was just born out India?

3 pieces?
Are you counting dismembering of Pakistan also as splitting of India?

BTW what India did to Pakistan is called splitting a country in to two..Pakistan 'separated' from India.
It is a subtle but a very crucial difference.

Or when we captured 31% of Kashmir in 1948?

And Ended up loosing 69% of Kashmir to India..and this is despite the fact Indian arrived much later than Pakistanis did in Kashmir.

Or when we captured another 4% and handed over a part of Kashmir to China?

If Kashmir were to ever become a part of Pakistan, you have already ceded a part of their territory to China, without asking their opinion...so much for respecting the Kashmiri wishes.

Oh may be you are referring to the proxy war by Muqti Bani terrorists, you can' t take credit for it.

I am very well referring to training and equipping Mukti Bahini and consequent military defeat, we jointly imposed on Pakistan.
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