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Bangladesh's GDP per capita has crossed Pakistan's GDP per capita

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Let's see,

48 Pakistan's victory,
65 Pakistan's victory,
71 Pakistan's defeat,
99 Pakistan's victory,
02 Standoff Pakistan's victory,
08 Standoff Pakistan's victory,
16 Isolation Attempt Pakistan's victory.

Other than 71 defeat, Pakistan has not lost any war. 71 was due to bangali traitors and mutkia terrorist group. Pakistan was fighting 2000 km's away from mainland with only 42000 Troops against mutkia terrorists of 1 million and 200,000 indian army troops.

Who told you Pakistan will fight conventional war? If it's existence is threatened then Pakistan will take the opponent down too along with nations that are supporting that opponent. Pakistan have nothing to loose as the economy is not in trillions and Pakistanis believe in ghazi and Shaheed theory.

It depends how you define victory.
The world has seen Pakistani prowess in 1965, 1971 and Kargil. Talk of conventional weapons, only which can be used in a future war. Nuclear weapons should better be kept in the museums for the next generations to see. Point is, Pakistan is economically weak. So, how do you expect to continue a war against your neighbor for more than two weeks? How about Afghanistan? Do you think, it will not slice into Pakhtuniya and Baluchistan when Pakistan is busy in its east?

We saw indian military prowess after Mumbai 2008 and Uri 2016. When india was too weak, powerless and impotent to attack Pakistan even though india is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege...............:azn:..............india is too weak, inferior and pathetic to threaten Pakistan despite these overwhelming odds.
Even hitler did not dare to use chemical weapons in 2nd world war fearing the other guy going to use it against.
I dont think PK will even go within a mile of that button if another nuclear country attacks it.

Bengali babu, if Pakistan's existence is threatened then it will take down the opponent too.
You know similar pics can be found for Pakistan If one Googles. What you are you trying to pull? People were posting shiny buildings and roads earlier to compete. You want someone too post the poor side of Pak, poverty and violence?

Show me any link that CTG people or the Hiil tracts people alone want to separate from BD.
At least they are not attacking with AK-47. :sniper:
Other than 71 defeat, Pakistan has not lost any war. 71 was due to bangali traitors and mutkia terrorist group.
You guys are living only in your make belief world of ignorance. Keep on believing those trashes. By the way, how come after making hundreds of wins why Kashmir still remains a part of India? So, read some neutral books instead of reading the writings of all your retired generals.
Bengali babu, if Pakistan's existence is threatened then it will take down the opponent too.
No you wont. Redrawing a border does not mean a nation existence is obliterated. It can keep on exist with new border and a new name. We seen this many times in this sub continent.

We saw indian military prowess after Mumbai 2008 and Uri 2016. When india was too weak, powerless and impotent to attack Pakistan even though india is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege...............:azn:..............india is too weak, inferior and pathetic to threaten Pakistan despite these overwhelming odds.

India is prudent and in advantageous position. Why would it take the risk of a war when it already scored and leading with huge margin(occupying Kashmir).
You guys are living only in your make belief world of ignorance. Keep on believing those trashes. By the way, how come after making hundreds of wins why Kashmir still remains a part of India? So, read some neutral books instead of reading the writings of all your retired generals.

Bangali babu you need to know on what cause Pakistan was fighting. 48 was to defend GB and liberated parts of Kashmir in which Pakistan succeed, 65 was to defend Lahore which again was success, 99 was to capture Kargil which Pakistan did but later withdrew on orders of nawaz sharif but still the tiger post was kept under Pakistan control until today which oversees all strategic roads, 02 Standoff was under open media and world knows about it, 08 india deployed army to take revenge of Mumbai but once pakistani forces were deployed india withdrew, 16 india begged world to sanction pakistan and cut diplomatic ties, India even presented it's theories in brick summit in india in which all Russia, China, etc rejected indian theory. Even trump's America refused to cut diplomatic ties and instead UK appriciated pakistan's efforts against terrorism. Keep living in your denial lungi land.

No you wont. Redrawing a border does not mean a nation existence is obliterated. It can keep on exist with new border and a new name. We seen this many times in this sub continent.

Redrawing of border will result in Pakistan using it's tactical nukes after which india will try to blackmail Pakistan with nukes which means Pakistan's existence will be on stakes, this will be the reason of Pakistan launching it's own missiles. Pakistan knows it will go down in full fledged war and it will make sure it takes india down too.
Bangladeshi leadership is more visionary and has better understanding of our region. They are taking freebies from India and China left, right and centre and are just keeping calm and carrying on.

They've clearly figured out that animosity with much larger neighbour for no reason is clearly not the way forward. No wonder they've been doing better in some socio-economic indicators than anybody in the region.

Whereas, Pakistan has gone to a different route. At the time of the partition inherited much larger portion of Indian armed forces when compared to population. So, to justify their existence they've created existential threat in India. Creating this security state has not served them well over the years in my opinion.

It is for Pakistani civilian leadership to realise, arms race with India is futile and shift the power centre from Pindi to Islamabad. India as a percentage of GDP spends less on military budget and still manages to spend 10 times more than what Pakistan does and this gap will only widen over time.

Kashmir is main issue, India being bigger in size doesn't matter. For some even giving up AJK/GB will mean more prosperous Pakistan but thats not how it works. Looking at situation of India and BD, its not like they have left behind Pakistan to such extent as its being claimed here. India still can't keep of 60% of population off the railway tracks.
Eat missiles, drink missiles, live with missiles.
If Pakistan existence is jeopardized, it will make sure that happens to the invader or opponent. Which is the reason why Pakistan got missiles of 3500 to 4000km range and missiles with a range of 5000 to 7500 are in developing mode. Entire india and it's puppies are in range of Pakistani missiles. Pakistanis dont call their country Supa pawa but if push comes to shove, whatever required to take opponent down along with yourself.
We saw indian military prowess after Mumbai 2008 and Uri 2016. When india was too weak, powerless and impotent to attack Pakistan even though india is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege...............:azn:..............india is too weak, inferior and pathetic to threaten Pakistan despite these overwhelming odds.

Bombay carnage was an internal security issue. We know that the Indian internal security people were dumb in dealing with the matter. But, they were still inexperienced with the onslaught of fanatics. However, it should not be said India was fearful to attack Pakistan after that.

Why do you think, a country should start a war for that kind of tiny reason? Indians are not that stupid. A war costs the economy. Pakistan may believe in eating grass in times of necessity, but may not be India. But, anyway, we have seen all those false Martial Race propaganda of both PA and IA troops in our land in 1971.

Bombay carnage was an internal security issue. We know that the Indian internal security people were dumb in dealing with the matter. But, they were still inexperienced with the onslaught of fanatics. However, it should not be said India was fearful to attack Pakistan after that.

Why do you think, a country should start a war for that kind of tiny reason? Indians are not that stupid. A war costs the economy. Pakistan may believe in eating grass in times of necessity, but may not be India. But, anyway, we have seen all those false Martial Race propaganda of both PA and IA troops in our land in 1971.

Ask your master's they were threatening and send army on borders.

In mid December Indian fighter planes allegedly intruded Pakistan's air space at two places.[8] On 22 December, the PAFbegan combat air patrol (CAP) over several cities, including Islamabad, Lahore, and Rawalpindi, to avert any further air intrusion.[9][10] Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said, "Pakistan defence forces and armed forces are ready to face any challenge, as Pakistan has the full right to defend itself". Pakistan PM Yousuf Raza Gilani said, "Pakistan remains united and is ready to fight anyone to defend itself".[11] Pakistani Defense Minister Ahmad Mukhtar Chaudhry said, "If India tried to thrust war, then the armed forces of Pakistan have all the potential and right to defend [Pakistan]".[12]

Escalations and back-door responseEdit

According to Pakistani media, India had started deploying troops along the Rajasthan border, and had tightened security in and around the defence airstrips. More radars and quick reaction teams were then deployed along the India-Pakistan border. Indian forces were on regular firing exercises at locations, like Lathi Firing Range in Jaisalmer, Mahsan in Bikaner, Suratgarhand Ganganagar.[13]

On 23 December, Kamal Hyder, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Pakistan, wrote that the Pakistan "navy, marines air force andarmy were on red alert" and that "the chiefs of Pakistan's armed forces together with the Chairman Joint Chiefs were holding what had been described as an emergency meeting at joint headquarters in Rawalpindi". He also wrote that "[t]he Pakistan air force have been seen visibly in a number of locations flying close to the Pakistani-India border, in what is being described as an aggressive patrolling mode, following reports that India is planning pre-emptive strikes against locations in Pakistan". A Pakistan airforce spokesperson said "n view of the current environment, the PAF has enhanced its vigilance".[14] Pakistan army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, said that Pakistan would mount an equal response "within minutes", to any Indian attack.[15] Pakistan continued to combat air patrol over several cities.[16]

The PAF F-16s in Action, Pakistan beganCombat Air Patrol over several cities

The Taliban and affiliated groups openly declared their solidarity with Pakistan. The banned Tehrik-e-Taliban had proclaimed that they would send "thousands of (their) well-armed militants" to wage jihad against India if war should break out. Hundreds of would-be bombers were equipped with suicide jackets and explosive-laden vehicles.[17]

On 24 December, P.K. Barbora, the air officer commanding-in-chief of Western Air Command, said "[t]he IAF has earmarked 5,000 targets in Pakistan. But whether we will cross the LoC or the International Border to hit the enemy targets will have to be decided by the political leadership of the country".[18] India Today reported that "Indian Air Force fighter planes are engaged in round the clock sorties. An unusual hectic activity of Indian Air Force has been visible along the border for past some days".[19] On the same day, Stratfor confirmed that "the state government of Rajasthan has ordered residents of its border villages to be prepared for relocation".[20] President Asif Ali Zardari said "We will defend the country till the last drop of our blood",[21] and "we will defend the country till our last breath".[22] Pakistan began deploying warplanes to forward air bases

Whatever our REAL GDP figures, we still have the ability to wipe bangladesh off the face of the earth. You would not be able to do that to us.
This kind of Pakistani mentality may force BD military generals to send troops in India's west if a war breaks out. EBR troops saved Lahore in 1971, but this time they may capture it. Can you stop it? BD wants Kashmir to be with India because it will guarantee water in our river system.
This kind of Pakistani mentality may force BD military generals to send troops in India's west if a war breaks out. EBR troops saved Lahore in 1971, but this time they may capture it. Can you stop it? BD wants Kashmir to be with India because it will guarantee water in our river system.

Nobody gives a fk what you want. Who are you to decide the fate of Kashmiris. Keep worshipping your master. Pakistan saved Lahore in 65 not bangladeshis.
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