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Bangladesh's GDP per capita has crossed Pakistan's GDP per capita

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Disastrous if Kashmir goes to Pakistan. India would be more stable without Kashmir. Although I'd prefer India and Pak keep fighting over the holy land of Kashmir. Fight Fight Fight.
Bold part: No, India will be more disaster-prone if India-held Kashmir goes to Pakistan. Note that many of the big sources of river water is in kailasha/Manosa Sarovara lakes in the north of Kashmir. It is the source of water for the Sutlej, Indus, the Ganges and Brahmaputra. So, once Kashmir is in Pakistan, the latter will use it as a time bomb to deprive water to both India and BD.

So, there is little prospect that India will ever relinquish the control of sources of these rivers by gifting Kashmir to Pakistan. It will be the starting of the demise of what is now India. BD should want Kashmir to be with India for its own future economic and political security. A peaceful solution of Kashmir with the two contesting countries accepting the status quo is the best solution for our region.
Bold part: No, India will be more disaster-prone if India-held Kashmir goes to Pakistan. Note that many of the big sources of river water is in kailasha/Manosa Sarovara lakes in the north of Kashmir. It is the source of water for the Sutlej, Indus, the Ganges and Brahmaputra. So, once Kashmir is in Pakistan, the latter will use it as a time bomb to deprive water to both India and BD.

So, there is little prospect that India will ever relinquish the control of sources of these rivers by gifting Kashmir to Pakistan. It will be the starting of the demise of what is now India. BD should want Kashmir to be with India for its own future economic and political security. A peaceful solution of Kashmir with the two contesting countries accepting the status quo is the best solution for our region.
By stable I meant politically stable. Didn't know about the water issue.

Pakistan don't really have the ability to take Kashmir from India though. They should be happy with the parts of Kashmir they have.
Pakistan has got its own local brands of hotels, a bigger achievement than having international chains which repatriates most of the profits.

Serena is a five star chain of hotels in Pakistan, present in Islamabad, Faisalabad, Quetta and many 3-4 stars hotels in Gilgit, swat and Hunza. Also present in some African countries and Kabul.

Avari is a local Pakistani chain of hotels, 5 star properties in Karachi, Lahore, Dubai, 4 star in Islamabad.

PC is a local Pakistani chain of hotels with seven properties in all the major cities, more coming up.

Nishat is a luxury chain of boutique hotels in Lahore, 2 properties there.

Many other local chains...

Mariott is present in Karachi and Islamabd, Ramada is many cities.

Serena Islamabad and PC Karachi is on the list of 'one of the leading hotels of the world'.

Isb Serena


Brother you are wasting your time with ignorant people,they only know the brand "Cow Pee"
By stable I meant politically stable. Didn't know about the water issue.

Pakistan don't really have the ability to take Kashmir from India though. They should be happy with the parts of Kashmir they have.

In reality, Pakistan should accept the 35% of Kashmir with it. Pakistan-held Azad Kashmir has a significant geographical importance. This part of Kashmir has deprived India a common border with Afghanistan and, therefore, land connection with the countries of central Asia. However, the army Generals and politicians together have created such a hype in Pakistan that there is very little prospect that it will accept any solution except the inclusion of entire Kashmir to it.
In reality, Pakistan should accept the 35% of Kashmir with it. Pakistan-held Azad Kashmir has a significant geographical importance. This part of Kashmir has deprived India a common border with Afghanistan and, therefore, land connection with the countries of central Asia. However, the army Generals and politicians together have created such a hype in Pakistan that there is very little prospect that it will accept any solution except the inclusion of entire Kashmir to it.

It is 37% of area of Kashmir which Pakistan holds, if Aksai Chin is considered as Indian territory which is not. Aksai Chin is under China control. So Actual area which Pakistan holds of Kashmir if looked into India-Pakistan context is more, about 43% of Kashmir is under Pak control, excluding Aksai Chin.

Brother you are wasting your time with ignorant people,they only know the brand "Cow Pee"
so true even some times this creatures even ignores World Bank Data. most of the Bangalis who are jumping like monkeys that Pakistan looted them search the WB data where it says Pakistan had the lower per capita them Indian & West Pakistan from 1960 (dont have older data) till 1965 when indian per capita growth was negative due to the lost of War with Pakistan and China. its just in 1964 that Pakistan take over east Pakistan and in 1966 take ove India. than again Bangladesh have higher per capita from 1974 to 1976. If west Pakistan was looting the billions of Dollars advance Jute economy of Bangladesh prior 71 then where it suddenly goes after 71 and Bangladesh become poorer? now dont say that mighty Pakistan Army destroyed all the jute crop and Bangalis are not even able to grow them again.

so true even some times this creatures even ignores World Bank Data. most of the Bangalis who are jumping like monkeys that Pakistan looted them search the WB data where it says Pakistan had the lower per capita them Indian & West Pakistan from 1960 (dont have older data) till 1965 when indian per capita growth was negative due to the lost of War with Pakistan and China. its just in 1964 that Pakistan take over east Pakistan and in 1966 take ove India. than again Bangladesh have higher per capita from 1974 to 1976. If west Pakistan was looting the billions of Dollars advance Jute economy of Bangladesh prior 71 then where it suddenly goes after 71 and Bangladesh become poorer? now dont say that mighty Pakistan Army destroyed all the jute crop and Bangalis are not even able to grow them again.


There are multiple elaborated threads on this topic ( Economy of East and West Pakistan from 1947 to 1971) . It is really tiresome to debate it again and again in random threads.

I suggest you go through the following thread and read the informative opening post.

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There are multiple elaborated threads on this topic ( Economy of East and West Pakistan from 1947 to 1971) . It is really tiresome to debate it again and again in random threads.

I suggest you go through the following thread and read the opening post.

then first ask your country mates not to bring this topic and blabber about it. BTW since the start this is a troll thread look at the thread and discussion all illogical and impossible for now.
Congrats BD for good strong economic growth,

Pak has now new buddies/ classmaates in the region (Nepal, Bhutan etc.) :P
True, we have no benefit if Indian Kashmir go to Pakistan.It will only reduce the number of Muslim in India.Kashmir in India is better for us,as Muslim majority areas will force India to maintain some sort of secularism.A secular India is our interest.And Kashmiri muslim are actually in far better condition that muslim of other part of India.They receives huge amount of money as a central govt. grant for the development of Kashmir.They are much better as a part of India than Pakistan.If it were to Pakistan,than it would have been another Balochistan. A neglected milking cow.

Agreed. Kashmir is the weak point India has. And It is in our interest if it remains that way. In modern world equipped with Cameras everywhere it is not easy to carry genocide. So the Kashmiris will thrive and continue to keep Delhi nervous. It is of no benefit to the Ummah if Pakistan gains entire Kashmir.
Bangladeshi leadership is more visionary and has better understanding of our region. They are taking freebies from India and China left, right and centre and are just keeping calm and carrying on.

They've clearly figured out that animosity with much larger neighbour for no reason is clearly not the way forward. No wonder they've been doing better in some socio-economic indicators than anybody in the region.

Whereas, Pakistan has gone to a different route. At the time of the partition inherited much larger portion of Indian armed forces when compared to population. So, to justify their existence they've created existential threat in India. Creating this security state has not served them well over the years in my opinion.

It is for Pakistani civilian leadership to realise, arms race with India is futile and shift the power centre from Pindi to Islamabad. India as a percentage of GDP spends less on military budget and still manages to spend 10 times more than what Pakistan does and this gap will only widen over time.
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BD is not a party?
We have as much right to Kashmir as pk do. Besides no of Muslim in India directly affect the interest of BD. There is no reason for BD to work or help to reduce that number when BD is working days and night to increase it. BD is doing far more things for sub continent Muslim than pk ever did.

Kashmir is not india therefore kashmiris are not indian muslims. The territory of Kashmir has only Pakistan, Kashmiris, China and India as concerned parties not a bengali who has contributed zilch.

First take care of people living in your land then talk about Indian Muslims.lol

Do I look stupid and not you yourself?

Another post proving my point.

Read history books not written by your privileged army generals. So, tell me when there was a plebiscite in Kashmir that you have claimed in your previous post. It is good you guys are living in your ignorant paradise.

You got comprehension issues or are you that thick? Quote where I said that there was a plebiscite in Kashmir.

And that line you adopted from your indian d@, dd, IES is pretty old now so come up with something new and indigenous. I have no access to Pakistani books as I live in US. In fact it seems like you guys are doing fine job licking your master and your awami written propaganda books. Keep living in your ignorantdesh.
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