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Bangladeshis going to India in huge number every day

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Bangladeshis really consider India their second home. Trust me. Nothing is stopping Bangladeshi to go India every day. Indian BJP may rant on Bangladeshis for cow smuggling and illegal migration but legal migrants are also huge in number. Every day it is increasing. Indians and Bangladeshis are really twin brothers. :cheers:

Bangladeshis going to India in huge number every day


Though the passage of the passport passengers traveling on the pilgrimage trip to Benapole check post Immigration and custom officials from both countries are happy to manage the passengers.

Even after the Eid holiday, every day Bangladeshis going to India from the Benapole checkpost, 5 to 6 thousand passengers every day. Someone is going to visit India for treatment, someone to visit the country, someone to visit relatives. Bangladeshi going to India from different districts after entering the country after the formation of the Benapole checkpost immigration, Indian police set them on line in the no-mansland area for a long time in the passport and bag serial. Indian police have questioned these passenger addresses of long line people, visa tenure, where to stay in India.

Passengers complained that Indian laborers are making money from the passenger and they have the opportunity to enter India by line. As a result, the delayed entry of passengers in India is delayed. Passengers are suffering from this. Women, children, patients and old people are being victimized more.

It takes longer time in India to take the time to seal a passport in Bangladesh. Every day passengers entering the no-man land area to enter India at 8 am, they are entering India at noon. In no-man's land area, passengers are getting sick due to sun and sunset due to no passenger camps.

Benapole Sonali Bank Manager ARM Rakibul Hasan said that on the 6th of June from 9th June, 15 thousand 931 passengers of the country have collected traveler from the bank booths, which amounted to Tk 80 lakh from government revenue.

Read more: Accepting chargesheet in Nusrat murder case, next hearing on June 20

Benapole Check Post Immigration OC Md. Abul Bashar Mia said that after the Eid, every 5 to 6 thousand passengers going to India every day with the Benapole check post. Almost equal number of passengers coming from India. From June 6 to June 9, 3 to 51 minutes, there were 32 thousand 630 passport passengers in India and Bangladesh. Passengers are suffering due to lack of arrangement for the passengers in the No-Mansland area. In Benapole immigration, there is no problem, but due to the slow pace of the Indian immigration authorities, the passengers who arrived in the morning were entering India on noon.


বেনাপোলে ভারতগামী যাত্রীদের ঢল

কাজী শাহ্জাহান সবুজ, বেনাপোল (যশোর) সংবাদদাতা
১৪:৪৯, ১০ জুন, ২০১৯

বাংলাদেশ-ভারত নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ডে যাত্রীদের দীর্ঘলাইন। ছবি : ইত্তেফাক

ঈদের ছুটি শেষ হলেও ভ্রমণ পিপাসু ভারতগামী পাসপোর্ট যাত্রীদের ঢল নেমেছে বেনাপোল চেকপোস্টে। যাত্রীদের সামাল দিতে হিমসিম খাচ্ছে দুদেশের ইমিগ্রেশন ও কাস্টম কর্মকর্তারা।

ঈদের ছুটি শেষ হলেও প্রতিদিন বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট দিয়ে ভারতে যাচ্ছে ৫ থেকে ৬ হাজার পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী। কেউ চিকিৎসা, কেউ বেড়াতে, কেউ বা যাচ্ছে আত্মীয় স্বজনের সঙ্গে দেখা করতে। দেশের বিভিন্ন জেলা থেকে আসা এসব যাত্রীরা ভারতে যাওয়ার সময় বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট ইমিগ্রেশনের আনুষ্ঠানিকতা শেষে ভারতে ঢুকতেই নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ড এলাকায় ভারতীয় পুলিশ তাদেরকে লাইনে দাড় করিয়ে পাসপোর্ট ও ব্যাগ সিরিয়ালে দেখছে দীর্ঘক্ষন ধরে। দীর্ঘলাইনের এসব যাত্রীদের পাসপোর্টের ঠিকানা, ভিসার মেয়াদ, ভারতে কোথায় অবস্থান করবেন এসব নানা প্রশ্ন করছে ভারতীয় পুলিশ।

যাত্রীরা অভিযোগ করেন, ভারতীয় লেবার যাত্রীদের কাছ থেকে টাকা নিয়ে লাইনের পাশ দিয়ে ভারতে প্রবেশের সুযোগ সৃষ্টি করে দিচ্ছে। ফলে লাইনে থাকা যাত্রীদের ভারতে প্রবেশ করতে বিলম্ব হচ্ছে। এতে ভোগান্তিতে পড়েছেন যাত্রীরা। বেশি ভোগান্তির শিকার হচ্ছে নারী-শিশু, রোগী ও বৃদ্ধরা।

বাংলাদেশে একটি পাসপোর্টে সিল মারতে যে সময় লাগে সেখানে ভারতে তার থেকে সময় বেশি লাগে। প্রতিদিন যে সব যাত্রী সকাল ৮টার সময় ভারতে ঢোকার জন্য নো-ম্যান্স ল্যান্ড এলাকায় লাইনে দাঁড়ায় তারা দুপুরের দিকে ভারতে প্রবেশ করছে। নো-ম্যান্স ল্যান্ড এলাকায় কোন যাত্রী ছাউনি না থাকায় রোদ ও গরমে যাত্রীরা অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়ছে।

বেনাপোল সোনালী ব্যাংকের ম্যানেজার এ আর এম রকিবুল হাসান জানান, গত ৬ থেকে ৯ জুন দুপুর ৩টা ৪৫ মিনিট পর্যন্ত ভারতগামী ১৫ হাজার ৯৩১ জন পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী এ ব্যাংক বুথ থেকে ভ্রমণকর সংগ্রহ করেছে, যা থেকে সরকারের রাজস্ব আয় হয়েছে ৮০ লাখ টাকা।

এ ব্যাপারে বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট ইমিগ্রেশন ওসি মো. আবুল বাশার মিয়া জানান, ঈদের পর বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট দিয়ে প্রতিদিন ৫ থেকে ৬ হাজার যাত্রী ভারতে যাচ্ছে। ভারত থেকে আসছেও প্রায় সম পরিমাণ যাত্রী। ৬ জুন থেকে ৯ জুন দুপুর ৩টা ৫১ মিনিট পর্যন্ত এ পথে ভারত-বাংলাদেশ যাতায়াত করেছে ৩২ হাজার ৬৩০ জন পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী। নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ড এলাকায় যাত্রী ছাউনির ব্যবস্থা না থাকায় যাত্রীরা কষ্ট পাচ্ছে। বেনাপোল ইমিগ্রেশনে তেমন কোন সমস্যা না হলেও ভারতীয় ইমিগ্রেশন কর্তৃপক্ষের ধীর গতির কারণে সকালে আসা যাত্রীরা দুপুরে ভারতে প্রবেশ করছে।


Indian in general never showed in animosity towards BD in general.In spite of so much of hatred shown by BD posters towards Hindus of India, we never get out of the way to place ourselves as enemy of BD...This proves that we are not against BD or Bengali people in general...Rather we are against illegal immigration that is changing political landscape of our country...That is a valid concern from our end which should be understood by BD in a friendly manner..

Rather i have mentioned in one of my post, BD people should be given with long term visa to come, stay and work in our country if needed...As long as you are our guest, we will always welcome you with open arm...
Bangladeshis really consider India their second home. Trust me. Nothing is stopping Bangladeshi to go India every day. Indian BJP may rant on Bangladeshis for cow smuggling and illegal migration but legal migrants are also huge in number. Every day it is increasing. Indians and Bangladeshis are really twin brothers. :cheers:

Bangladeshis going to India in huge number every day


Though the passage of the passport passengers traveling on the pilgrimage trip to Benapole check post Immigration and custom officials from both countries are happy to manage the passengers.

Even after the Eid holiday, every day Bangladeshis going to India from the Benapole checkpost, 5 to 6 thousand passengers every day. Someone is going to visit India for treatment, someone to visit the country, someone to visit relatives. Bangladeshi going to India from different districts after entering the country after the formation of the Benapole checkpost immigration, Indian police set them on line in the no-mansland area for a long time in the passport and bag serial. Indian police have questioned these passenger addresses of long line people, visa tenure, where to stay in India.

Passengers complained that Indian laborers are making money from the passenger and they have the opportunity to enter India by line. As a result, the delayed entry of passengers in India is delayed. Passengers are suffering from this. Women, children, patients and old people are being victimized more.

It takes longer time in India to take the time to seal a passport in Bangladesh. Every day passengers entering the no-man land area to enter India at 8 am, they are entering India at noon. In no-man's land area, passengers are getting sick due to sun and sunset due to no passenger camps.

Benapole Sonali Bank Manager ARM Rakibul Hasan said that on the 6th of June from 9th June, 15 thousand 931 passengers of the country have collected traveler from the bank booths, which amounted to Tk 80 lakh from government revenue.

Read more: Accepting chargesheet in Nusrat murder case, next hearing on June 20

Benapole Check Post Immigration OC Md. Abul Bashar Mia said that after the Eid, every 5 to 6 thousand passengers going to India every day with the Benapole check post. Almost equal number of passengers coming from India. From June 6 to June 9, 3 to 51 minutes, there were 32 thousand 630 passport passengers in India and Bangladesh. Passengers are suffering due to lack of arrangement for the passengers in the No-Mansland area. In Benapole immigration, there is no problem, but due to the slow pace of the Indian immigration authorities, the passengers who arrived in the morning were entering India on noon.


বেনাপোলে ভারতগামী যাত্রীদের ঢল

কাজী শাহ্জাহান সবুজ, বেনাপোল (যশোর) সংবাদদাতা
১৪:৪৯, ১০ জুন, ২০১৯

বাংলাদেশ-ভারত নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ডে যাত্রীদের দীর্ঘলাইন। ছবি : ইত্তেফাক

ঈদের ছুটি শেষ হলেও ভ্রমণ পিপাসু ভারতগামী পাসপোর্ট যাত্রীদের ঢল নেমেছে বেনাপোল চেকপোস্টে। যাত্রীদের সামাল দিতে হিমসিম খাচ্ছে দুদেশের ইমিগ্রেশন ও কাস্টম কর্মকর্তারা।

ঈদের ছুটি শেষ হলেও প্রতিদিন বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট দিয়ে ভারতে যাচ্ছে ৫ থেকে ৬ হাজার পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী। কেউ চিকিৎসা, কেউ বেড়াতে, কেউ বা যাচ্ছে আত্মীয় স্বজনের সঙ্গে দেখা করতে। দেশের বিভিন্ন জেলা থেকে আসা এসব যাত্রীরা ভারতে যাওয়ার সময় বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট ইমিগ্রেশনের আনুষ্ঠানিকতা শেষে ভারতে ঢুকতেই নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ড এলাকায় ভারতীয় পুলিশ তাদেরকে লাইনে দাড় করিয়ে পাসপোর্ট ও ব্যাগ সিরিয়ালে দেখছে দীর্ঘক্ষন ধরে। দীর্ঘলাইনের এসব যাত্রীদের পাসপোর্টের ঠিকানা, ভিসার মেয়াদ, ভারতে কোথায় অবস্থান করবেন এসব নানা প্রশ্ন করছে ভারতীয় পুলিশ।

যাত্রীরা অভিযোগ করেন, ভারতীয় লেবার যাত্রীদের কাছ থেকে টাকা নিয়ে লাইনের পাশ দিয়ে ভারতে প্রবেশের সুযোগ সৃষ্টি করে দিচ্ছে। ফলে লাইনে থাকা যাত্রীদের ভারতে প্রবেশ করতে বিলম্ব হচ্ছে। এতে ভোগান্তিতে পড়েছেন যাত্রীরা। বেশি ভোগান্তির শিকার হচ্ছে নারী-শিশু, রোগী ও বৃদ্ধরা।

বাংলাদেশে একটি পাসপোর্টে সিল মারতে যে সময় লাগে সেখানে ভারতে তার থেকে সময় বেশি লাগে। প্রতিদিন যে সব যাত্রী সকাল ৮টার সময় ভারতে ঢোকার জন্য নো-ম্যান্স ল্যান্ড এলাকায় লাইনে দাঁড়ায় তারা দুপুরের দিকে ভারতে প্রবেশ করছে। নো-ম্যান্স ল্যান্ড এলাকায় কোন যাত্রী ছাউনি না থাকায় রোদ ও গরমে যাত্রীরা অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়ছে।

বেনাপোল সোনালী ব্যাংকের ম্যানেজার এ আর এম রকিবুল হাসান জানান, গত ৬ থেকে ৯ জুন দুপুর ৩টা ৪৫ মিনিট পর্যন্ত ভারতগামী ১৫ হাজার ৯৩১ জন পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী এ ব্যাংক বুথ থেকে ভ্রমণকর সংগ্রহ করেছে, যা থেকে সরকারের রাজস্ব আয় হয়েছে ৮০ লাখ টাকা।

এ ব্যাপারে বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট ইমিগ্রেশন ওসি মো. আবুল বাশার মিয়া জানান, ঈদের পর বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট দিয়ে প্রতিদিন ৫ থেকে ৬ হাজার যাত্রী ভারতে যাচ্ছে। ভারত থেকে আসছেও প্রায় সম পরিমাণ যাত্রী। ৬ জুন থেকে ৯ জুন দুপুর ৩টা ৫১ মিনিট পর্যন্ত এ পথে ভারত-বাংলাদেশ যাতায়াত করেছে ৩২ হাজার ৬৩০ জন পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী। নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ড এলাকায় যাত্রী ছাউনির ব্যবস্থা না থাকায় যাত্রীরা কষ্ট পাচ্ছে। বেনাপোল ইমিগ্রেশনে তেমন কোন সমস্যা না হলেও ভারতীয় ইমিগ্রেশন কর্তৃপক্ষের ধীর গতির কারণে সকালে আসা যাত্রীরা দুপুরে ভারতে প্রবেশ করছে।


Troll thread .
This girl did call India her home,

Merge both countries India and Bangladesh and then you don't have to do this stuff.
Troll thread .
This girl did call India her home,

View attachment 568257

And her father stupidly tried smuggling her across a border barrier known to be frequented by criminal elements in the dead of night.

Then you lot will cry and bitch about NRC and the next step after that.

Your illegal scum ruin the name of rest of Bangladeshis.

Merge both countries India and Bangladesh and then you don't have to do this stuff.

Nope. There are ok and good bangladeshis and they can file their paperwork as required to visit India and build up credible history for visits.

There are however also many bad and worthless Bangladeshis present that only deserve to stay put on their side of border....so no question of merging while they are in significant enough numbers as deemed by us.
You deserve eachother. :agree:
Goodluck :cheers:
You people should unite and become a province of afghanistan , your forefathers were afghans and they made you muslims. If you become a part of them kashmir conflict will end since afghans are our ally.

No intention to troll

Truth is, afghanistan is ALREADY a part of Pakistan. We pretty much have a lot of power & influence over that nation. The afghans desperately hate us for it.
Even if you become trillion dollar economy still afghans are your forefathers. They gave islam to you and hence you use their names to name your missiles. You will remain inferior to them, if united they will be your rulers not the other way around.

Why do pakistanis like you come on indo-bangla threads?
Get lost from here

hey retard, you are on a PAKISTANI WEBSITE.

It's like me going to a filed and complaining about Indians shitting in it.
Even if you become trillion dollar economy still afghans are your forefathers. They gave islam to you and hence you use their names to name your missiles. You will remain inferior to them, if united they will be your rulers not the other way around.

Why do pakistanis like you come on indo-bangla threads?
Get lost from here

Correction: The majority of the Pushtun population have ALWAYS lived in Pakistan. EVEN today.

The ancient Pushtun war lords who brought Islam to the region were ALL born in modern day Pakistan. That is WHY a lot of afghans are frustrated and claim regions of Pakistan as being their own.

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, SriLanka need to make a union of some sort. I am concerned the subcontinent could get left behind China, US, Russia etc in not so distant future.

Pakistan CAN NEVER EVER be part of a union that involves india and/or bangladesh. Truth is, we are ALREADY part of a defacto union with China thanks to CPEC. This can NEVER EVER be changed now.
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, SriLanka need to make a union of some sort. I am concerned the subcontinent could get left behind China, US, Russia etc in not so distant future.
Are not you concerned that the South Asian countries are already 500 years behind other countries? You are talking in the future tense to my surprise.

Merge both countries India and Bangladesh and then you don't have to do this stuff.
What about Pakistan. It was also a part of Hindustan/Delhi since time immemorial until 1947. Thanks to Bengali Muslims that you are living in a separate country. So, how about Pakistan joining its mother country as well?
Are not you concerned that the South Asian countries are already 500 years behind other countries? You are talking in the future tense to my surprise.

What about Pakistan. It was also a part of Hindustan/Delhi since time immemorial until 1947. Thanks to Bengali Muslims that you are living in a separate country. So, how about Pakistan joining its mother country as well?
Thank you for that my dear Bengali friend .
It was not me from poor old Pakistan who consider India his second home. But it was Bangladeshi like you . As I have said countless times , Bangladesh has shun religion and two nation theory . Bangaldeshi doesn't belive in sepertion for religion but they belive in a seperate state for bengalis.
A seperate state for Bengali or the dream of bengal is incomplete without the merger of two sides of bengal .
And hence the issues you face daily of moving with each other and other stuff .
Pakistan on the other hand is a union and based in religion and two nation theory.
Only one ethnicity of pakistan is shared with India the rest are not.
For instance is one of the ethnicity want it which it doesn't then others 30 or so don't want it.
So it would be stupid to say that.
But bangaldesh on the other hand has no purpose of being a separate nation.
They are created in the name of Islam and two nation theory and they have rejected it . So instead of getting a new country they must go back to their roots and unite with India to unite ethnic bengla state under Indian union . Which would be win win for both.

And her father stupidly tried smuggling her across a border barrier known to be frequented by criminal elements in the dead of night.

Then you lot will cry and bitch about NRC and the next step after that.

Your illegal scum ruin the name of rest of Bangladeshis.

Nope. There are ok and good bangladeshis and they can file their paperwork as required to visit India and build up credible history for visits.

There are however also many bad and worthless Bangladeshis present that only deserve to stay put on their side of border....so no question of merging while they are in significant enough numbers as deemed by us.
Lol you Indians.
Khabhi khabhi to Hassi ati hai yar.
Dil main han aur mun pe na ...
Acha tell me one thing , are all Indian good?
Forexample if you want to merge bangaldesh then you have to merge it with all its faults . You cannot cherry pick it.
Besides of you are non Bengali you cannot understand this. Bengalis from both sides feel the bond and want to be united and who are you to dictate them.
Acha tell me one thing , are all Indian good?
Forexample if you want to merge bangaldesh then you have to merge it with all its faults . You cannot cherry pick it.

Hence priority is to improve ourselves by dealing with bad Indians and improving opportunity for the goods ones we have inside our borders to begin with.

Why add to problem by having more bad sorts? That is for those good people of the other country to fix and deal with.

Good people from Bangladesh and rest of world can fill in paperwork and get in line to visit....its that simple.

We have no reason or desire to merge Bangladesh into union, we have enough problems to deal with as it is.

Besides of you are non Bengali you cannot understand this. Bengalis from both sides feel the bond and want to be united and who are you to dictate them.

You can ask @itsanufy any time about this.

If Bangladeshis want to visit, they simply need to fill out the paperwork and go through the process to visit. We are not going to have open border with them ok? They are not Nepal or Bhutan to us.

If you want, you can do so with your pakhtoons and Afghanistan for that argument. This is our country and is our affair.....if you call me non-Bengali and thus no say....who are you as Pakistani? Mind your own business please.....East Pakistanis did what they did regarding you lot for a reason.
Hence priority is to improve ourselves by dealing with bad Indians and improving opportunity for the goods ones we have inside our borders to begin with.

Why add to problem by having more bad sorts? That is for those good people of the other country to fix and deal with.

Good people from Bangladesh and rest of world can fill in paperwork and get in line to visit....its that simple.

We have no reason or desire to merge Bangladesh into union, we have enough problems to deal with as it is.

You can ask @itsanufy any time about this.

If Bangladeshis want to visit, they simply need to fill out the paperwork and go through the process to visit. We are not going to have open border with them ok? They are not Nepal or Bhutan to us.

If you want, you can do so with your pakhtoons and Afghanistan for that argument. This is our country and is our affair.....if you call me non-Bengali and thus no say....who are you as Pakistani? Mind your own business please.....East Pakistanis did what they did regarding you lot for a reason.
Lol akhand bharat main bangaldesh nhn ata. Sirf Pakistan hi ata hai akhand bharat main?
All East Pakistanis did is become the pro Indian goons and they should be merged back to Indian union. Don't know why they opt to be a free country .
And bengalis on both sides want this .
The phustoons on Afghanistan would take some more time until they realize their true home is Pakistan and their masters from the northern aliance are just cheating them.. So it would take some time .
Not saying this to troll, but Bangladesh should really unite with India.
As you say, you guys are the same people.

Yes, we are same people but there are some radical people in Bangladesh and India also who deny the truth because of religious hatred. Other than that Indians and Bangladeshis are absolutely same people. We are Muslims but culturally we belong to Indian sub-group. :-)

Bangladesh will unite with India one day but Bangladesh will not become India but will become a part of Indian union with Nepal and Bhutan under an agreement. Bangladeshis will remain Bangladeshis under an Indian union.
Yes, we are same people but there are some radical people in Bangladesh and India also who deny the truth because of religious hatred. Other than that Indians and Bangladeshis are absolutely same people. We are Muslims but culturally we belong to Indian sub-group. :-)

Bangladesh will unite with India one day but Bangladesh will not become India but will become a part of Indian union with Nepal and Bhutan under an agreement. Bangladeshis will remain Bangladeshis under an Indian union.


I don't usually indulge in false flag nonsense.

But this guy is suspect.
‘Around 1.5m Bangladeshis visited India in 2018’
Prothom Alo English Desk | Update: 21:46, Mar 23, 2019


Assistant high commissioner of India in Chattogram Anindya Banerjee on Saturday said around 145,000 Bangladeshi nationals visited India last year on tourism, medical and business purposes, reports UNB.

At a press briefing at the assistant high commission's stall of the ongoing 27th Chattogram International Trade Fair, he also said Indian visa application centres have been opened in Brahmanbaria, Cumilla and Noakhali too to facilitate easy access to Indian visas.

Anindya said more Bangladeshi people are getting interested to make foreign trips following Bangladesh's economic advancement and enhancement of their living standard. "India is an ideal place for visit at a cheaper cost," he said.

Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Mahbubul Alam, its vice-president Syed Zaman Ahmed and directors Mostafa Chowdhury, Zahirul Islam Chowdhury and Anjan Shekhar Das were present.

Mentioning that India always provides assistance to Bangladesh as its true and trusted friend, Mahbubul expressed the hope that it will participate in the fair as a partner country in the future and sought assistant high commission's cooperation in this regard.

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