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Bangladeshi Peacekeepr Dies in Congo

I'm glad to hear that you're doing good. I'm good as well, thanks.

As long as the Awami League is keeping ties in good terms with the Military of the BD, things won't change.

At least not in the short run. BD's Army needs tough guys like those in Turkey or Egypt.

Bd army once considered themselves as continued version for Mughal Islamic Army of subcontinent but I think it no longer the case. They are now pure Bengali-Mushrik inspired nationalist.

You can go though the thread find out that Indian dropping crocodile tear for fallen Bd solder whereas Bangladeshis like us has no feeling. I find it very peculiar and disturbing development.

I believe either Saudi Arabia or Kuwait finance (heavy discount) Bangladesh navy's oil needs hoping that they will show up during crisis but I think you guys will be disappointed.

You guys better of divert your resources to Pakistan instead. They at-least not Ghaddar.
what did bd army do in peacekeeping mission that can be considered being 'mercenary'? Are not the whole peacekeeping force a mercenary force then (to which many countries like India and pakistan countribute).

It depends on what kind of a mission is given to an army per country, the role it plays, and the nature of the mission. Otherwise, India or Pakistan would severely be criticized over its peacekeeping mission, while in fact they both are contributing to the restoration of law and order.

Its not for me to make case of bd contributing to peacekeeping forces, they same guys will celebrate when an african country makes favourable trade deals with BD in appreciation of bd peacekeepers.

True. I also think it depends on the nature of each mission. Sometimes things get ugly especially in African countries.

I am not denying Indian influence in bd but we are not god

Nobody said India is a god or a human-right champion my fellow. I never suggested such thing, and I dare not to speak on behalf of anyone except myself.

India ought not to be blame for its tremendous amount of influence over the current regime in the BD, after all. If there is someone to blame, then it should definitely be the politicians in power in the BD.

What India wants is a friendly Gov't in the BD, that's all.

USA has more influence on your country than we do in bd, and I rarely see you constantly bitching about it.

Friendly countries toward KSA do have influence on her, not just the US, but the list include your own country as well. Similarly, we do have influence over countries of which we perceive to be friendly toward us including the Republic of India. Having an influence is no crime, but the degree of it as well as the outcome is what ought to be criticized.

Having an influence over countries is a key tool in politics of the modern days.

As for the US influence over KSA, I actually never complained about it at all, for personal reasons which I wasn't keen on revealing. But since you brought it up, I think you do deserve an answer.

I do support the Obama administration, I don't agree on every single policy they take, but as I did cast my vote for him, I can tell you that I'm in good terms with it.

KSA is entitled to reject any influence which it perceives negatively, just as much as all sovereign stated do.

what did bd army do in peacekeeping mission that can be considered being 'mercenary'? Are not the whole peacekeeping force a mercenary force then (to which many countries like India and pakistan countribute).
Its not for me to make case of bd contributing to peacekeeping forces, they same guys will celebrate when an african country makes favourable trade deals with BD in appreciation of bd peacekeepers.
I am not denying Indian influence in bd but we are not god. USA has more influence on your country than we do in bd, and I rarely see you constantly bitching about it.

Bd army once considered themselves as continued version for Mughal Islamic Army of subcontinent but I think it no longer the case. They are now pure Bengali-Mushrik inspired nationalist.

You can go though the thread find out that Indian dropping crocodile tear for fallen Bd solder whereas Bangladeshis like us has no feeling. I find it very peculiar and disturbing development.

I believe either Saudi Arabia or Kuwait finance (heavy discount) Bangladesh navy's oil needs hoping that they will show up during crisis but I think you guys will be disappointed.

You guys better of divert your resources to Pakistan instead. They at-least not Ghaddar.

I believe either Saudi Arabia or Kuwait finance (heavy discount) Bangladesh navy's oil needs hoping that they will show up during crisis but I think you guys will be disappointed.

We never offered or gave any financial assistance to the BD armed forces, but Kuwait did.

I don't think Kuwait's intentions are based on defense basis, I think they're grateful for the BD for supporting them during the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq.

You guys better of divert your resources to Pakistan instead. They at-least not Ghaddar.

We maintain relations with almost everybody, but we never helped anyone in need to expect them to pay us back in the future.
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What do you think about the tensions the BD is having with Burma, and which side do you expect India to take in this issue?

BD has a small border problem with Burma. Burmese want to push out Rakhine muslims from Arakan state back into Bangladesh and that is causing some friction between them.They had dispute over maritime dispute over EEZ and ST. Martin's Island which was resolved by International maritime court.

They have no probability of fighting with each other.Even if they want to, they share very small land border to make themselves effective and their Airforce and Navy is non existent.


India would maintain a strict neutral stand even if a full blown war breaks out.

While current regime of Bangladesh is pro India, our relations with Myanmar is free of religious baggage. In Bangladesh, Jammati's are crying foul over access granted to Indian Trucks which cuts down transportation costs for Indian North-East state; Myanmar has offered complete access from it's port of sittwe which is even more economical for India.
It depends on what kind of a mission is given to an army per country, the role it plays, and the nature of the mission. Otherwise, India or Pakistan would severely be criticized over its peacekeeping mission, while in fact they both are contributing to the restoration of law and order.


You are not getting the situation here.

Bangladeshi Army has taken up a UN Mission on order of Bangladesh's Government. It is like any other UN Mission and like any other Army fighting under UN Flag.

No Solider fighting under UN flag is a mercenary irrespective of what he do on duty. If he commits an illegal act, he becomes a war criminal, not a mercenary.

If that particular solider under UN flag is a mercenary, then a member of Saudi Arabia's Army would also be a mercenary.

This is a usual show of stupidity you could expect from Bangladeshi's on this forum who are all members of Islamofascist group, Jammat-e-Bangladesh.

You are not getting the situation here.

Bangladeshi Army has taken up a UN Mission on order of Bangladesh's Government. It is like any other UN Mission and like any other Army fighting under UN Flag.

No Solider fighting under UN flag is a mercenary irrespective of what he do on duty. If he commits an illegal act, he becomes a war criminal, not a mercenary.

If that particular solider under UN flag is a mercenary, then a member of Saudi Arabia's Army would also be a mercenary.

This is a usual show of stupidity you could expect from Bangladeshi's on this forum who are all members of Islamofascist group, Jammat-e-Bangladesh.

Point taken.

But the argument that I was trying to make was based on the notion which is " Some rules are meant to be broken " I do understand that Peace Mission are monitored by the UN, which means that double-crossing them will have serious consequences.

The Jammat-e-Bangladesh is another story bro, :lol: I wouldn't trust their political wing either:

Can Bangladesh overtake Pakistan's economy in size? | Page 6
BD has a small border problem with Burma. Burmese want to push out Rakhine muslims from Arakan state back into Bangladesh and that is causing some friction between them.They had dispute over maritime dispute over EEZ and ST. Martin's Island which was resolved by International maritime court.

They have no probability of fighting with each other.Even if they want to, they share very small land border to make themselves effective and their Airforce and Navy is non existent.


India would maintain a strict neutral stand even if a full blown war breaks out.

While current regime of Bangladesh is pro India, our relations with Myanmar is free of religious baggage. In Bangladesh, Jammati's are crying foul over access granted to Indian Trucks which cuts down transportation costs for Indian North-East state; Myanmar has offered complete access from it's port of sittwe which is even more economical for India.
I don't get it,why the people who run your country don't take this wonderful ideas of yours in consideration before begging for a corridor through BD?
If going through Myanmar is cheaper, as you put it,it is wise to take that path.don't you agree?
But ,still India is after BD link road.Why?
Its a long term strategy, political of course.
I don't get it,why the people who run your country don't take this wonderful ideas of yours in consideration before begging for a corridor through BD?
If going through Myanmar is cheaper, as you put it,it is wise to take that path.don't you agree?
But ,still India is after BD link road.Why?
Its a long term strategy, political of course.

A picture is worth thousand words. Bangladesh route is cheaper only for Tripura.For Mizoram and Manipur, Sittwe route is Cheaper. For Arunanchal,Assam,Meghalya and Nagaland, Siliguri Route is cheapest.

India was proposing transit as it would have brought economic benefit for Bangladesh and would have improved relation and would have created local interests that would provide India with more political clout. India neither needs nor have ever begged for transit.Once you people refused, we didn't even bother to ask again.

You are not getting the situation here.

Bangladeshi Army has taken up a UN Mission on order of Bangladesh's Government. It is like any other UN Mission and like any other Army fighting under UN Flag.

No Solider fighting under UN flag is a mercenary irrespective of what he do on duty. If he commits an illegal act, he becomes a war criminal, not a mercenary.

If that particular solider under UN flag is a mercenary, then a member of Saudi Arabia's Army would also be a mercenary.

This is a usual show of stupidity you could expect from Bangladeshi's on this forum who are all members of Islamofascist group, Jammat-e-Bangladesh.

Half of us aren't Jamaati. Jamaat couldn't even run the country. In fact I look up to people like General Osmani in the liberation movement. And why Jamaat, for all you know we could have been affiliated or support the other hundreds and thousands of islami factions in BD?
Point taken.

But the argument that I was trying to make was based on the notion which is " Some rules are meant to be broken " I do understand that Peace Mission are monitored by the UN, which means that double-crossing them will have serious consequences.

The Jammat-e-Bangladesh is another story bro, :lol: I wouldn't trust their political wing either:

Can Bangladesh overtake Pakistan's economy in size? | Page 6

You are suggesting that army should disobey government?
You are suggesting that army should disobey government?

No, Please go back to my posts here, and you will see that the critisim I brought was on an individual level, rather than the whole defense establishment.
No, Please go back to my posts here, and you will see that the critisim I brought was on an individual level, rather than the whole defense establishment.

I am not clear what you want to say by that statement. I inferred from your posts that you would like army to interfere in the governance. Because the defence establishment doesn't seem to be doing anything wrong. The boundaries of the country are intact, they follow the constitution, and sending troops to UNPKF is a global phenomenon, determined by the government. What is it that BD army doing wrong here?


@Yzd Khalifa

Sorry, misread your post. Ignore the above.
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Whether this individual soldier was mercenary is questionable, but that the Armed forces as a whole has betrayed people of Bangladesh and sold them out to the highest bidder, is a fact. Traitors do not deserve to live.

You must be a supporter of the guys who helped in the butchering of your own people. You must be proud of yourself.
Half of us aren't Jamaati. Jamaat couldn't even run the country. In fact I look up to people like General Osmani in the liberation movement. And why Jamaat, for all you know we could have been affiliated or support the other hundreds and thousands of islami factions in BD?
I agree, this labelling each other as jamati or hindu fascist should stop. Not everybody who hates India in bangladeshi is a jamati. Not everybody who want bd aliens out of India is a hindu fascist.
I am not clear what you want to say by that statement. I inferred from your posts that you would like army to interfere in the governance. Because the defence establishment doesn't seem to be doing anything wrong. The boundaries of the country are intact, they follow the constitution, and sending troops to UNPKF is a global phenomenon, determined by the government. What is it that BD army doing wrong here?


@Yzd Khalifa

Sorry, misread your post. Ignore the above.

No problem. It is always nice talking to you friend.
A picture is worth thousand words. Bangladesh route is cheaper only for Tripura.For Mizoram and Manipur, Sittwe route is Cheaper. For Arunanchal,Assam,Meghalya and Nagaland, Siliguri Route is cheapest.

India was proposing transit as it would have brought economic benefit for Bangladesh and would have improved relation and would have created local interests that would provide India with more political clout. India neither needs nor have ever begged for transit.Once you people refused, we didn't even bother to ask again.
Ha ha ha,goes to show without saying, you know jack shit about your own country.
Only in this February India BD had another meeting regarding corridor/transit through BD.
For reason unknown to us ,why this gov is currently denieing its masters voice for serve and to obay is a whole new shit hole altogether.
PS.repeatedly asking for something which is not someone's own,is called begging.
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