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Bangladeshi Peacekeepr Dies in Congo

The Gov't in the BD never tried to solve intra-problems to begin with, and thusly, I think it is safe to say that the Army is expected to take a role in the decision-making process of the Bengal realpolitik.

In any democratic country, no. May be it is because of their history, but army is not supposed to interfere in governance. They are not trained to do so, neither is it their job. It is the job of the people. Even if they have problems with the current government, its not like any other party never ruled the country.

The majority BD posters here have a certain political bias. And it reflect from their posts. What they put forward as rational arguments is mostly propaganda or emotional rants. Which other people calls their soldier on an UN mission as mercenary? Celebrates his death?

As much as I respect your opinion, I disagree! :angel:
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Indian govt. destroyed democracy in Bangladesh and installed its puppet Awami League regime with 5% voter participation, by force of gun. Now they are calling Bangladesh a democratic country! It is also Indian govt. and their agent AL who bought loyalty of top Army officers with bribes to betray the wills and aspirations of people of Bangladesh. Naturally they have more sympathy for their colonial Army than Bangladeshi's themselves.
Bangladeshis calling their own soldiers traitors.......
IMHO, Army of no country deserve such disrespect from their own countrymen....:-)
It's Bangladesh. :coffee:

Indian govt. destroyed democracy in Bangladesh and installed its puppet Awami League regime with 5% voter participation, by force of gun. Now they are calling Bangladesh a democratic country! It is also Indian govt. and their agent AL who bought loyalty of top Army officers with bribes to betray the wills and aspirations of people of Bangladesh. Naturally they have more sympathy for their colonial Army than Bangladeshi's themselves.
It's India's fault now :omghaha: Speaking of being spineless.
Bangladeshi peacekeeper dies in Congo
Staff Correspondent, bdnews24.com
Innalillahi wa inna alaihi raji'un

i don't hate individual members of the armed forces. but the military as whole has been seriously compromised i think since BAL took power with first major event being the dreadful Peelkhana massacre. but how could cardiac arrest be the cause?
The Gov't in the BD never tried to solve intra-problems to begin with, and thusly, I think it is safe to say that the Army is expected to take a role in the decision-making process of the Bengal realpolitik.

I respect your opinion though, as always :smart:

Do you see Indians on this forum suddenly became patriotic Bangladeshis?

We don't expect the Armed Forces to topple the government. The military is there to protect the country from potential external enemy and we see news like this India not 'Enemy' in Bangla Wargames -The New Indian Express If India ceases to be our potential enemy then we have no enemy in God's world and we don't need an Army at all.
32 year old died of Heart failure ?

It's a common thing now a day, too much unhealthy food and lack of proper diet is causing early case of heart problem. My friend's nephew has heart problem and he is only in his early teens., though obesity is the cause in my friend's nephew case.
You know Bangladesh's army is fucked when Indians are defending it :rofl:
Whether this individual soldier was mercenary is questionable, but that the Armed forces as a whole has betrayed people of Bangladesh and sold them out to the highest bidder, is a fact. Traitors do not deserve to live.

So the army of Bangladesh should take orders from Jamaat Shibir?
Bangladeshis calling their own soldiers traitors.......
IMHO, Army of no country deserve such disrespect from their own countrymen....:-)

What a disgraceful Army this Bangladeshi Army must be ?

Any Army that is praised by its Enemy and considered a Traitor by its fellow citizens is a true disgrace to the colors.

As India surrounds Bangladesh land mass from all three sides and Bay of Bengal in the South , the only reason Bangladesh Armed Forces exist is to Protect Bangladeshi Citizens from India.

You will never see this with Pakistan Army. We will always love our Army and our enemies will always fear it and hate it.

That way we know our Army is doing its Job.
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What a disgraceful Army this Bangladeshi Army must be ?

Any Army that I praised by its Enemies and considered traitor by its fellow citizens is a true disgrace to the colors.

As India surrounds Bangladesh land mass from all three sides and Bay of Bengal in the South , the only reason Bangladesh Armed Forces exist is to Protect Bangladeshi Citizens from India.

You will never see this with Pakistan Army. We will always love our Army and you will always fear it and hate it.

That way we know our Army is doing its Job.
The army is OK , the posters are crazy.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
We will always love our Army and you will always fear it and hate it.
That way we know our Army is doing its Job.
.......according to your logic, the American Army is doing a pretty good job since Muslims all over the world hate them but Americans love them....

Any Army that is praised by its Enemy and considered a Traitor by its fellow citizens is a true disgrace to the colors.
we're not(I haven't, if you're talking about my post) praising Bangladeshi Army......I just said, 'Army of no country deserve such disrespect from their own citizen'......'cause the Army can never go against it's own country as it is their basic duty to protect it......
If the Army is against, the country cannot exist, but last I checked, Bangladesh as a country still exists....
So, people who're against their own Army are actually traitors....'cause they're against their own country.
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Bangladeshis calling their own soldiers traitors.......
IMHO, Army of no country deserve such disrespect from their own countrymen....:-)

You see only jamatis doing that.

They are a disgrace, nobody wants them. Not even the desert they seem so keen on.
Indian govt. destroyed democracy in Bangladesh and installed its puppet Awami League regime with 5% voter participation, by force of gun. Now they are calling Bangladesh a democratic country! It is also Indian govt. and their agent AL who bought loyalty of top Army officers with bribes to betray the wills and aspirations of people of Bangladesh. Naturally they have more sympathy for their colonial Army than Bangladeshi's themselves.

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