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Bangladeshi electrocuted while damaging border fence lighting

Sorry for my poor english due to the fact that I don't have a colonial master to educate me :D, at least you know what I mean by Isolant...I though french and english use the same word. And I don't need physics lesson from a national that his nation only sell fish sauce and vietnamese cuisine :omghaha:but I think I'm better of on receiving physic lesson from Indian because you guys are able to laungh a 30% Vikrhant built and it's still amazinly able floating :angel:


Try harder Mr pissdoffdragon; you sure need many lessons. Physics , English and goD alone knows what else. :no:
Maybe you could go down to BD. They are quite advanced in their studies and very helpful besides. That will do you a world of good in acacemic achievements.
The Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladesi's , Lankans all speak good english in forum...

Do you hold the same opinion for them or are you smart enough to find another explanation???

I was addressed to Mr. Capt.Popeye when I said that, you're entitle to speculate what ever you want ;)
Sorry for my poor english due to the fact that I don't have a colonial master to educate me :D, at least you know what I mean by Isolant...I though french and english use the same word. And I don't need physics lesson from a national that his nation only sell fish sauce and vietnamese cuisine :omghaha:but I think I'm better of on receiving physic lesson from Indian because you guys are able to laungh a 30% Vikrhant built and it's still amazinly able to float :

The Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladesi's , Lankans all speak good english in forum...

Do you hold the same opinion for them or are you smart enough to find another explanation???

No Sparkie; that will need chinglish lessons; because all that the unfortunate Chinese were taught by the oppressive Japanese Colonisers during the Colonisation of China was at Nanjing. Sadly that was not language lessons. Just a cruelly infernal incident in History.
Try harder Mr pissdoffdragon; you sure need many lessons. Physics , English and goD alone knows what else. :no:
Maybe you could go down to BD. They are quite advanced in their studies and very helpful besides. That will do you a world of good in acacemic achievements.

I need the specitic physic lesson on how to make a 30% built and still able to float, any Indian can give me this lesson :smokin:
No Sparkie; that will need chinglish lessons; because all that the unfortunate Chinese were taught by the oppressive Japanese Colonisers during the Colonisation of China was at Nanjing. Sadly that was not language lessons. Just a cruelly infernal incident in History.

Thats bad. Let me empathize with him, it was not his fault anyway.
No Sparkie; that will need chinglish lessons; because all that the unfortunate Chinese were taught by the oppressive Japanese Colonisers during the Colonisation of China was at Nanjing. Sadly that was not language lessons. Just a cruelly infernal incident in History.

At least the oppresive Japanese colonisers learn how to write Kanji lessons but I can't said the same about the oppressive Englishman colonisers which make english the official language of India :lol: we chineses are so envy of Indians...it's just too cruel indeed in our history :cry:
Nothing at all, dude. The bloke is just confused as hell.
But still trying hard. That is commendable atleast in some measure.

But with the limited control over language, he is still trying is best to make his voice heard on an international platform.

So show some respect towards him, everybody is not perfect. In life you do stumble upon people with serious limitations, who may seem like retarded to most sane ones.

So if you insult him , i will report your posts.
Poor bangali RIP, indian BSF electrocuted him deliberately, Why was his body lying 75 yards in indian territory.

It is open news that India has build the border fencing inside its territory & our security patrols are patrolling on both sides of the border in Bangladesh & Pakistan border. so if any one is electrocuted on fence, the person body will remain in Indian territory. that whys BGB has requested for body so that they can perform their last ritual. Otherwise we would perform same ritual here. Also just giving a example so that you can get idea. When 5 Indian soldier were killed, their body was on Pakistani side of fence but well inside Indian territory.
damn these barbed wire.
bangladeshi brother was just one step away from becoming an indian.
if he would have crossed that fence i myself would have helped him to get ration card and voter id :angel:

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
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