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Bangladesh woos investors with India-specific SEZs

There you go again. Bangladesh has unemployment rate of 5% where as India has 10%. Do not forget Bangladesh is a bottom-up society unlike India which is top-down society.

Due to top down society majority of the economic boom or development goes to the top class and middle class not to the poor. But in Bangladesh all the development is coming from bottom level. So its poverty rate is lower then India.

Do not forget Bangladesh is employing now 3-5 million woman alone in the RMG sector. Micro finance is also playing a big role to bring woman to the workforce. Unlike India where poor womans are unemployed and is suppressed in the society.

N keep your illegal migration story with you.

dont tell me dude, I ve seen..I see every day hundreds of BDs in Mumbai and Suburbs doing "bhangar/batali wala" work...they dont ve passport/visa… nothing... but just bcoz they ve some kind of similarity with Indian part of Bengal, they take an advantage and roam around freely....ours is very huge country, security system lacks in many things…and as a democratic country, we don’t ve stringent laws to prosecute those people….

BUT, our border security people do have enough rights to take on these people if seen while infiltrating in our territory…Also, better u ppl STOP cooking up stories of BSF killing innocent BDs …and stay put in your prosperous country...
That figure was faulty. The reduced figure mainly to allot less amount to the ration food for the poor.Thats why Indian government officially adjusted that. But last year due to further protest to the official base line of anyone earning 30 rupee a day is not poor, Indian government is defining a new base line. So it is likely that it will further increase the poverty percentage.

Yes, idiot $1 equal to 50 rupees approx. and world Bank benchmark is 1 Dollar. And that 30 rupees case was about giving extra benefits to poor and World Bank still follow 1 dollar bench mark and in Bangladesh 31% people still earn less than $1 a day, India had that back in 2001. :lol: :lol:
Yes, idiot $1 equal to 50 rupees approx. and world Bank benchmark is 1 Dollar. And that 30 rupees case was about giving extra benefits to poor and World Bank still follow 1 dollar bench mark and in Bangladesh 31% people still earn less than $1 a day, India had that back in 2001. :lol: :lol:

Do you have any idea about economics or PPP. If you had then you would not quote that like fool. That was adjusted figure taking in to consideration inflation and other factor.

N yes I did not wanted to post it but as you are keep on posting all these crap, then listen you said that India has lots of money to give away to the poor thats why they have kept the people below poverty line is 37%.

So listen if India has lots of money then ask Indian government to feed the hungry Indian childrens. Latest report pointed out that more then 1/3rd of the Indian children goes to bed hungry.

The survey randomly picked up families from economically weaker sections of the Indian society.

Under this backdrop, 29 per cent of the Indian families covered by the survey said they did not have enough to eat.

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"About one-third (over 29 per cent) of the Indian families surveyed said they were forced to cut back on food. While one in five Indian families (17 per cent) said their children had to skip school so they could work to help pay for food.

This percentage was much more than Bangladesh, where only 6 per cent of the children were forced to skip schools to supplement household incomes," the report stated.

"India is ranked fifth among the six countries surveyed, just above Nigeria, where the rate of school dropout is about 30 per cent."

Citing the report, Whitbread said: "About 24 per cent of the families said their children had to go without food for an entire day while 27 per cent Indians could never afford to buy meat, milk and vegetables each week.

Even Bangladesh fared better on that count. When it comes to going without food, Pakistan (12 per cent), Bangladesh (11 per cent) and Peru (14 per cent) fare much better than India (24 per cent) in the global standing. Only Nigeria's percentage is higher in this category (27 per cent)."

Read more at: Rising food prices force India to go hungry: Survey : North News - India Today

That was quite natural as India has more malnutrition children percentage wise then Bangladesh. Stop your show up with faje pride. Come to the ground and see the reality.

N regarding subsidy Bangladesh government provide more subsidy then India. Price of food and fuel is much cheaper in Bangladesh then India thats why. Each year Bangladesh provide 6 billion USD worth of subsidy. But I hardly doubt India provide 50 billion USD subsidy if take in to account Indian population compared to Bangladesh.
Do you have any idea about economics or PPP. If you had then you would not quote that like fool. That was adjusted figure taking in to consideration inflation and other factor.

N yes I did not wanted to post it but as you are keep on posting all these crap, then listen you said that India has lots of money to give away to the poor thats why they have kept the people below poverty line is 37%.

Thanks for your bullshit. But how many Children attend school in Bangladesh because your literacy rate is still much lower than India. Even India's most illiterate State Bihar has 8-9% higher literacy than Bangladesh.

As for per capita income is consider for both India and Bangladesh PPP per capita income is 2.5 times higher than Nominal per capita income.
Thanks for your bullshit. But how many Children attend school in Bangladesh because your literacy rate is still much lower than India. Even India's most illiterate State Bihar has 8-9% higher literacy than Bangladesh.

There is certain reason behind that. In Bangladesh those who have the knowledge of grade 5 pass student are considered literate whereas for India those who can read and write are considered literate. Even though it is true in between 1971-1990 many people were left as illiterate but government has tried its best to make them literate. Bangladesh is planning to eradicate illiteracy in between 2015-2020.

Regarding your question enrollment rate at primary and secondary school has reached 99% and female enrollment rate is higher then boys which is unique in south asia and specially in India where female are much lagged behind then male.

Enrollment rate at pry & secondary levels

N for your per capita bullshit see my earlier post. Bangladesh is upgrading its data regarding GDP. In real the total gdp is almost 80-100% more then current value.
There is certain reason behind that. In Bangladesh those who have the knowledge of grade 5 pass student are considered literate whereas for India those who can read and write are considered literate. Even though it is true in between 1971-1990 many people were left as illiterate but government has tried its best to make them literate. Bangladesh is planning to eradicate illiteracy in between 2015-2020.

Regarding your question enrollment rate at primary and secondary school has reached 99% and female enrollment rate is higher then boys which is unique in south asia and specially in India where female are much lagged behind then male.

Enrollment rate at pry & secondary levels

N for your per capita bullshit see my earlier post. Bangladesh is upgrading its data regarding GDP. In real the total gdp is almost 80-100% more then current value.

nice when it is corrected then we will talk and lets stop this troll fest. Bangladesh do fare well in many fields, I concede that butthere are many fields you lag behind. So, do you support increase trade with India or you too the part of same emotional crowd who want to put Indian goods going through transit on fire.
nice when it is corrected then we will talk and lets stop this troll fest. Bangladesh do fare well in many fields, I concede that butthere are many fields you lag behind. So, do you support increase trade with India or you too the part of same emotional crowd who want to put Indian goods going through transit on fire.

lol 1st of all no one is against trade with anybody. But the perception is that it should be fare and equal. All Indian goods are coming in Bangladesh freely and through smuggling but India is creating lots of trade barrier to stop Bangladeshi export to India. Cloth export is just one example. Bangladesh is exporting billions of dollar worth of rmg to all over the world but it is almost nil in India. My question is why? They are restricting many other products through quality testing along with trade barrier. For a certain company product it does not require quality testing every time. It can be done periodically after every 1, 2, or 3 months. Even it rejected the offer a Bangladesh battery and renewable energy company rahimafrooz to set up plant in India as it would be very popular in India due to its quality product and low cost.


The Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB), however, deferred decisions on 15 FDI proposals, including those of Vodafone Essar and Bangladesh-based Rahimafrooz Batteries, and rejected seven applications.

N for transit no one denied it but every one asked it should be based on win win situation. Not a free one what India is wanting. The whole infra cost that will also need to be built is 7 billion and will go up when it will go to the implementation phase. N there is also a security issue. Overall India will gain enormous profit but it is not ready to share the profit. There is the main problem. BNP demanded 70% of the value that will be saved to be given as fee. It will save time and distance both but India rejected it.

Without a win win scenario it will never be implemented when India is creating lots of trade barrier in the same time, not giving legal share of water, creating dam to block water.
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