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Bangladesh will stand by India if Pakistan wages war against India

If India Pakistan war happens and reaches to extreme one can be certain nuke will come to play. As being indian accomplice, awami league and Hasina subjected Bangladeshi people to nuclear strike.

For Pakistan prudent thing to do - put Gopalganj and greater Faridpur district of Bangladesh under tactical (low yield) nuke target. That will raise the prospect of Awami league and its terror legacy vaporize from face of Bangladesh.

Rest of awami league terrorist should be sent to firing squad for looting , genocide and subjecting surrendering Bangladesh independence.
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People want things in life but the truth is that at that moment in time Kashmir had a legitimate rule,just like Syria today.We may not like it but it was legal.

Having a muslim majority doesn't make it an absolute truth.

It was the whole point of Partition

The populations had major issues their was brutal violence and a long history

The freedom movement in Kashmir had started a long time before, partition was a natural conclusion to the problems

Kashmir is culturally, faith wise, linguistically an extension of Northern Pakistan even physically they are essentially northern Pakistanis

As brutal as Partition was, south asia could have healed and moved on but the occupation of a Muslim majority state which rightly should have gone to Pakistan has caused 70 years of chaos
He subverted democracy, that's a key European tenant, you can't say that is right my friend.

That is coming rich from Pakistan- Which have had more years under Dictatorship than democracy- Is that what It offers to Kashmir, or had offered to East Pakistan- "Democracy"
Bangladesh can export Jamaati terrorists to India. India can use them as human shield. We have so many of them. Just ask how much needed.
But there face will be in opposite direction.....
That is coming rich from Pakistan- Which have had more years under Dictatorship than democracy- Is that what It offers to Kashmir, or had offered to East Pakistan- "Democracy"

What? Pakistan is under a democratic government.
He subverted democracy, that's a key European tenant, you can't say that is right my friend.

It was 1947(or 48?) and hell was breaking loose between you guys (Ind-Pak).I don't think democrcy was on the top of the agenda.Ok,Kshmir didn't have a referendum,nor did India or Pakistan.This beeing said,he was the ruler there,blessed by the British,the law and all.
What? Pakistan is under a democratic government.

We all know the state of democracy in Pakistan- do I need to elaborated the number of years under Military Dictatorship- or the strength of civilian Govt- over policy matters- Whenever there is civilian govt-
It was the whole point of Partition

The populations had major issues their was brutal violence and a long history

The freedom movement in Kashmir had started a long time before, partition was a natural conclusion to the problems

Kashmir is culturally, faith wise, linguistically an extension of Northern Pakistan even physically they are essentially northern Pakistanis

As brutal as Partition was, south asia could have healed and moved on but the occupation of a Muslim majority state which rightly should have gone to Pakistan has caused 70 years of chaos

Yet,you gave a part of it to the Chinese.
But of course....

Pakistan subjugated us, treated us as second class citizens and 2nd class muslims (on this forum after all these years, members still speak of our our level of 'imaan'), made us fight for the right to express ourselves in our own language and eventually killed, murdered, tortured and raped our women because we dared to be free.

If it weren't for our glorious...courageous...heroic...inspirational....( I can keep going) Mukti Bahini fighting the oppressive Pakistani regime and Army we would not have gained independence.

Pakistan to date refuses to acknowledge wrongdoings - instead, it rewrites history.

India is no great friend of Bangladesh - no big nation ever is, when it comes to a small neighbor. But the murderous BSF has a LONG, LONG way to go before it can even dream of the atrocities Pakistan committed against Bangladesh.
However if it weren't for the Indian helping hand - both militarily and humanitarian, victory and independence would have come at a much higher price.

So, yeah...while it may make zero difference (I am under no delusions as to our military or diplomatic 'clout')..it's natural, we'd side with India (morally) if Pakistan wrongfully attacked India.

Boot-lickers? Sure...if that's what you want to call us...I'd rather be that, than have muslim 'brothers' who gleefully raped their muslim 'sisters'.

The Pro - Jamaati faction on here most based in the UK is probably shedding tears of rage and cursing Sheikh Hasina and AL...It's cool fellas, if a war breaks out again, you can do what your spiritual forefathers did...join up with the razakars :lol:

Oof oof zeh moza moza gupshup khorai ba "glorious.....courageous.....inspirational"(lol). Sounds like you been watching too much Bollywood, Govinda
It was 1947(or 48?) and hell was breaking loose between you guys (Ind-Pak).I don't think democrcy was on the top of the agenda.Ok,Kshmir didn't have a referendum,nor did India or Pakistan.This beeing said,he was the ruler there,blessed by the British,the law and all.

As you say hell was breaking loose the People were essentially pakistani and instead of the natural conclusion were delivered on a plate to a people they considered their enemy

It was only Pakistani action that took northern kashmir and blocked india from central Asia Afghanistan Russia and beyond and opened a route to China
It was 1947(or 48?) and hell was breaking loose between you guys (Ind-Pak).I don't think democrcy was on the top of the agenda.Ok,Kshmir didn't have a referendum,nor did India or Pakistan.This beeing said,he was the ruler there,blessed by the British,the law and all.

It was the decision of the ruler of princely states which mattered the most- and even democratically elected Govt- of J&K unanimously passed Its constitution which says J&K is an integral part of India-
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