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Bangladesh urges Pakistan apology for 1971 ‘crimes’

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I believe one day other countries will follow us if we can declare or establish the idea of "BROTHER NATION" between Bangladesh and Pakistan.

I think, you are freshman at the Internet collage. Enjoy your journey and while you are at it... Checkout (Google) for Organization of Islamic Conference.
Enough of this thread.. Can we just bury it?
BD government not going to try anybody who is not a current BD citizen. Even I am doubtfull about that. There are too many prioritites.
Enough of this thread.. Can we just bury it?

@ iajdani

Look, everyday new members are coming here. There is a chance of getting new ideas from them. So how do u know that there is nothing more new to discuss. So keep patient and look what the new members say.

If Pakistani government say sorry to Bangladesh then I think it will be beneficial for the bi-lateral relation between two countries.

Bangladeshis are very peaceful and generous people.
They forget past easily.
Bangladeshis are very emotional, so if Pakistan say sorry to Bangladesh then Bangladeshis will call pakistan as "Brother Paksitan". Like in 1999 Wasim Akram said that we lost to our brothers and we were happy for this, that time every Bangladeshi felt happy for his generous comment.
Great Wasim Akram.
Pakistan government can follow Wasim Akram then Pakistan will get a lot of popularity in Bangladesh.

Though the new Bangladeshi generation know Pakistan as failure country. But, anyway, I strongly believe, if Pakistan say sorry then there is a great possibility for the establishment of "Brother Nation" theory/idea/relation.

The "Brother Nation" idea is described below:

((((.....In BROTHER NATION idea , if two country become BROTHER NATION or declared as BROTHER NATION, then the peoples of both countries can access or travel between two countries without visa, help each other in difficulties.

Then the peoples of both country can feel them self as like their own country.
..There may have same currency like euro.
...Or currency swap agreement.
....There may have free trade zone between two country.
.....There may have the strong unity and exchange of technologies.
......But remember, the both country is different.
........But the world will say them as "BROTHER NATION".

The "BROTHER NATION" concept or idea can be modified by others opinions in later. This just an initial thinking of me.
In the 'Brother Nation' concept there should be some criteria like visa free access (like between the USA and Canada) , same currency like euro...etc.... ))))

The People or members of this forum can make a group or page in Facebook to judge the popularity of this concept by inviting the peoples of Bangladesh and Pakistan.
There, in that group or page, the intention of this idea will be clearly defined.
Where people of both countries can give their opinions that either they want to consider Bangladesh or Pakistan as their "Brother Nation" or not.

I believe one day other countries will follow us if we can declare or establish the idea of "BROTHER NATION" between Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Original idea is by raresoul.
Brother Bangladesh+Brother Pakistan.
I think, you are freshman at the Internet collage. Enjoy your journey and while you are at it... Checkout (Google) for Organization of Islamic Conference.

I'm 24 and using net from 2002. Also I've knowledge of hacking, reading and writting in net, so 'm not fresh.
Whatever happened happened.
IRP is over it.
I would suggest that BD burries it too.
Long Live IRP.
Long Live BD.
Too late for any such actions now. I don't see any sense in trials being held now, unless Bangladesh is looking to pick a fight with Pakistan for whatever reasons.

too immature to say that. Israel kept on Nazi hunting long after 2nd world war ended. Do you think Pakistan-Bangladesh relation is normal at public and political level? Nobody is picking a fight here. What is due should be acknowledged.
Its not just me; many young pakistanis who have read up history know that the debacle of 1971 was solely the mistake of GoP at the time; and agree that the rulers of the time were at fault; but to implicate the entire Pakistani nation as perpetrators of a crime is a bit too much.

Is the new generation of Pakistanis personally responsible for 1971? Musharraf has already apologised as head of state of Pakistan. What more could you ask for; a tribunal? Well my friend the people of that time are dead; and no longer in the decision making process of GoP.

West Pakistan lost many people too; should we ask for an apology from bangladesh too? No body in Pakistan is asking Pakistan and Bangladesh to come back together; both of us have happily gone our own separate ways and as always we wish the best to our Bangladeshi brothers.

what bhutto and military generals and the pakistani soldiers and the pakistani officers did in 1971 were bad but then it's not a responsibility of pakistanis?!!? why do you use islamic "republic" of pakistan then??? if you are a republic country, then your government's deeds are your responsibility.

Musharraf does not represent the new generation. He was in the army in 71 and was "eager" to join the war of atrocities in december 71 according to his bio i think. he was lucky that he could not get the opportunity though. and who told u he apologized? pakistanis always say that. but can u show me any reference or proof??? when did he say he is sorry as the head of the state of pakistan??? what he said was something like "what happened in 71 was excess from both side" or something. And well I do not know if you pakistanis do this deliberately or you learnt this from Israelis, but how could you compare death of hundreds of west pakis with the death of millions of Bengalis in 71:what:.
Misdeeds of the Awami League Militants:

2. It is necessary that this painful chapter of the events in East Pakistan be looked at in its proper perspective. Let it not be forgotten that the initiative in resorting to violence and cruelty was taken by the militants of the Awami League, during the month of March, 1971, following General Yahya Khan's announcement of the 1st of March regarding the postponement of the session of the National Assembly scheduled for the 3rd of March 1971. It will be recalled that from the 1st of March to the 3rd of March 1971, the Awami League had taken complete control of East Pakistan, paralysing the authority of the federal government. There is reliable evidence to show that during this period the miscreants indulged in large scale massacres and rape against pro-Pakistan elements, in the towns of Dacca, Narayanganj, Chittagong, Chandraghona, Rangamati, Khulna, Dinajpur, Ghafargaoa, Kushtia, Ishurdi, Noakhali, Sylhet, Maulvi Bazaar, Rangpur, Saidpur, Jessore, Barisal, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Pabna, Sirajgonj, Comilla, Brahman Baria, Bogra, Naugaon, Santahar, and several other smaller places.

3. Harrowing tales of these atrocities were narrated by the large number of West Pakistanis and Biharis who were able to escape from these places and reach the safety of West Pakistan. For days on end, all through the troubled month of March 1971, swarms of terrorised non-Bengalis lay at the Army-controlled Dacca airport awaiting their turn to be taken to the safety of West Pakistan. Families of West Pakistani officers and other ranks serving with East Bengal units were subjected to inhuman treatment, and a large number of West Pakistani officers were butchered by the erstwhile Bengali colleagues.

4. These atrocities were completely blacked out at the time by the Government of Pakistan for fear of retaliation by the Bengalis living in West Pakistan. The Federal Government did issue a White Paper in this behalf in August 1971, but unfortunately it did not create much impact for the reason that it was highly belated, and adequate publicity was not given to it in the national and international press.

5. However, recently, a renowned journalist of high-standing, Mr. Qutubuddin Aziz, has taken pains to marshal the evidence in a publication called "Blood and Tears." The book contains the harrowing tales of inhuman crimes committed on the helpless Biharis, West Pakistanis and patriotic Bengalis living in East Pakistan during that period. According to various estimates mentioned by Mr. Qutubuddin Aziz, between 100,000 and 500,000 persons were slaughtered during this period by the Awami League militants.

6. As far as we can judge, Mr Qutubuddin Aziz has made use of authentic personal accounts furnished by the repatriates whose families, have actually suffered at the hands of the Awami League militants. He has also extensively referred to the contemporary accounts of foreign correspondents then stationed in East Pakistan. The plight of the non-Bengali elements still living in Bangladesh and the insistence of that Government on their large-scale repatriation to Pakistan, are factors which appear to confirm the correctness of the allegations made against the Awami League in this behalf.

Provocation of the Army

7. We mention these facts not in justification of the atrocities or other crimes alleged to have been committed by the Pakistani Army during its operations in East Pakistan, but only to put the record straight and to enable the allegations to be judged in their correct perspective. The crimes committed by the Awami League miscreants were bound to arouse anger and bitterness in the minds of the troops, especially when they were not confined to barracks during these weeks immediately preceding the military action, but were also subjected to the severest of humiliations. They had seen their comrades insulted, deprived of food and ration, and even killed without rhyme or reason. Tales of wholesale slaughter of families of West Pakistani officers and personnel of several units had also reached the soldiers who were after all only human, and reacted violently in the process of restoring the authority of the Central Government.


Magnitude of Atrocities

31. In the circumstances that prevailed in East Pakistan from the 1st of March to the 16th of December 1971, it was hardly possible to obtain an accurate estimate of the toll of death and destruction caused by the Awami League militants and later by the Pakistan Army. It must also be remembered that even after the military action of the 25th of march 1971, Indian infiltrators and members of the Mukti Bahini sponsored by the Awami League continued to indulge in killings, rape and arson during their raids on peaceful villages in East Pakistan, not only in order to cause panic and disruption and carry out their plans of subversion, but also to punish those East Pakistanis who were not willing to go along with them. In any estimate of the extent of atrocities alleged to have been committed on the East Pakistani people, the death and destruction caused by the Awami League militants throughout this period and the atrocities committed by them on their own brothers and sisters must, therefore, be always be kept in view.

32. According to the Bangladesh authorities, the Pakistan Army was responsible for killing three million Bengalis and raping 200,000 East Pakistani women. It does not need any elaborate argument to see that these figures are obviously highly exaggerated. So much damage could not have been caused by the entire strength of the Pakistan Army then stationed in East Pakistan even if it had nothing else to do. In fact, however, the army was constantly engaged in fighting the Mukti Bahini, the Indian infiltrators, and later the Indian army. It has also the task of running the civil administration, maintaining communications and feeding 70 million people of East Pakistan. It is, therefore, clear that the figures mentioned by the Dacca authorities are altogether fantastic and fanciful.

33. Different figures were mentioned by different persons in authority but the latest statement supplied to us by the GHQ shows approximately 26,000 persons killed during the action by the Pakistan Army. This figure is based on situation reports submitted from time to time by the Eastern Command to the General Headquarters. It is possible that even these figures may contain an element of exaggeration as the lower formations may have magnified their own achievements in quelling the rebellion. However, in the absence of any other reliable date, the Commission is of the view that the latest figure supplied by the GHQ should be accepted. An important consideration which has influenced us in accepting this figure as reasonably correct is the fact that the reports were sent from East Pakistan to GHQ at a time when the Army Officers in East Pakistan could have had no notion whatsoever of any accountability in this behalf.

34. The falsity of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's repeated allegation that Pakistani troops had raped 200,000 Bengali girls in 1971 was borne out when the abortion team he had commissioned from Britain in early 1972 found that its workload involved the termination of only a hundred or more pregnancies.

Hamoodur Rehman


Plenty of blame to go around, and apologies need to go both ways.

The accounts mentioned here as well as others on this thread and elsewhere, debunk the genocide claim thoroughly. Even Mujib was throwing around widely different numbers here and there.

The HR report remains one of the most thorough reports on the events in EP, and barring the commissioning of an impartial investigation into the events surrounding EP, no other claims should be taken as credible.

The apology question has been answered through Musharraf, and the sensitive comments of many others, Pakistani and Bangladeshi.

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