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Bangladesh urges Pakistan apology for 1971 ‘crimes’

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Hey man, did not you ever hear of riot in Pakistan? No communal tension? No shia sunni conflict? Somewhere I saw even in Pakistan Muhajer got some problems and people get killed every now and then.
Even if we do take your claim as true, what should be the rule of the army of a country? Should they stop the violence or go in a spree to start one of the heiness genocide in the history of mankind?

See my earlier post, there was not a single incidence of any violence against Biharis after 1971 in the last 38 years in Bangladesh. This track record speaks for itself.

So we're discussing the Bengali killing of Biharis in East Pakistan, and you now go on the defensive and start talking about Pakistan. That's clever, and you're welcome to discuss it on another thread. Let me ask, do you justify murder, by saying, well people in Pakistan do it, so why shouldn't I? That is how you're arguing.

Anyhow, that aside, you claim there's not violence on Biharis, and Bangladeshis feel all love for them since independence. Funny how they're all quarantined in little concentration camps then, isn't it. I suppose you can't get close enough to make anymore incidences of violence against them.

"After independence of Bangladesh the flood gates of oppression opened wider, many thousands more Biharis were killed, all of their homes and businesses were confiscated, they were fired from their jobs, their bank accounts seized, their children expelled from schools and they once more had to seek refuge. International Red Cross created camps to save them from total annihilation. Most did not want to live in Bangladesh after the battering they had received."
Home - Stranded Pakistanis, Biharis, Stateless in Bangladesh and Pakistan

How is that not killing them following independence? That is real discrimination.
Really?? what speciallity you got except for the size and military that can never be compared to Bangladesh?? care to elaborate? This is a Pakistani forum doesnt mean you can do whatever you want. Learn to show some respect as we did.. To tell you the truth, Bangladesh stands on a far better position than Pakistan...
The stragetic location of Pakistan itself puts Pakistan into a different league altogether.Besides, Pakistan is not a landlocked country.I'll reply in details when i get back from school.Hell even with economic problems and screwed up economy we're far better then BD ever will be.
Really?? what speciallity you got except for the size and military that can never be compared to Bangladesh?? care to elaborate? This is a Pakistani forum doesnt mean you can do whatever you want. Learn to show some respect as we did.. To tell you the truth, Bangladesh stands on a far better position than Pakistan...

With all due respect, but you can never compare Pakistan with Bangladesh. Pakistan has diverse land and is a strategically important country. Pakistan is surrounded by countries that are making massive progress. Eventually Pakistan will benefit. Despite the instability etc. Pakistan is miles ahead of Bangladesh. We don't even know whether Bangladesh will exist considering the rising sea levels due to climate change. Bangladesh is an extremely vulnerable country to flooding.
So we're discussing the Bengali killing of Biharis in East Pakistan, and you now go on the defensive and start talking about Pakistan. That's clever, and you're welcome to discuss it on another thread. Let me ask, do you justify murder, by saying, well people in Pakistan do it, so why shouldn't I? That is how you're arguing.

Anyhow, that aside, you claim there's not violence on Biharis, and Bangladeshis feel all love for them since independence. Funny how they're all quarantined in little concentration camps then, isn't it. I suppose you can't get close enough to make anymore incidences of violence against them.

"After independence of Bangladesh the flood gates of oppression opened wider, many thousands more Biharis were killed, all of their homes and businesses were confiscated, they were fired from their jobs, their bank accounts seized, their children expelled from schools and they once more had to seek refuge. International Red Cross created camps to save them from total annihilation. Most did not want to live in Bangladesh after the battering they had received."
Home - Stranded Pakistanis, Biharis, Stateless in Bangladesh and Pakistan

How is that not killing them following independence? That is real discrimination.

They were in refugee camps only because they were not taken back by Pakistan for the last 38 years. They shown alligiance to Pakistan and are Pakistani citizen. Those who shown alligiance to Bangladesh are in very good condition in Bangladesh and doing very good.
On top of that Bangladesh gone a step further and been insisting them to take Bangladeshi citizenship since long and untill the newer generation who shown alligiance to Bangladesh and became Bangladeshi citizen.

I dont want to hurt anybody here but Biharis had a reputation of one of the most notorious people in Dhaka before 1971.

PS: your reference link to a NGO site which is promoting for fund raising is grossly misleading for the real facts. I never heard that NGO is doing anything for those refugees.
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With all due respect, but you can never compare Pakistan with Bangladesh. Pakistan has diverse land and is a strategically important country. Pakistan is surrounded by countries that are making massive progress. Eventually Pakistan will benefit. Despite the instability etc. Pakistan is miles ahead of Bangladesh. We don't even know whether Bangladesh will exist considering the rising sea levels due to climate change. Bangladesh is an extremely vulnerable country to flooding.

There is no point in comparing Bangladesh with Pakistan. As my Pakistani friend earlier said Bangladesh and Pakistan are completely two different kind of country. We may had a brief period together but our history culture and values completely different. Even Islam is different.
One small observation, Paksitan is surrounded by progressive nations so that Pakistan will progress. Keep it up bro.. but make sure you dont pull those nation backward as being their neighbour.
Do you even know what Islam means and how Islam should be practiced? How do you think Islam is different???????????????

We followed a Islam which is hugely influenced by Sufi concept and we were converted by the Priests from Mecca and Yemen. Whereas in rest of the sub continent Islam came through mostly by persian, turks and mughal influene which calls for "Fear of Allah" whereas we call for "Love for Allah". This core concept made us inherently non violent.
There is no point in comparing Bangladesh with Pakistan. As my Pakistani friend earlier said Bangladesh and Pakistan are completely two different kind of country. We may had a brief period together but our history culture and values completely different. Even Islam is different.
One small observation, Paksitan is surrounded by progressive nations so that Pakistan will progress. Keep it up bro.. but make sure you dont pull those nation backward as being their neighbour.

True, thankfully we differ in every aspect. I'm glad that Bangladesh which frankly was a huge liability for Pakistan is now on its own. We could have never bore the burden of a flooded Bangladesh. I know we are surrounded by countries like China who are our allies. There is huge potential and some people are raged out of jealousy. Don't worry dude, we don't pull nations backwards and don't form a burden on others. We have all the ingredients to become a tiger in this region and we will. No offence , but you just worry that you don't get consumed by water. One hell of a challenge if you ask me.
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We followed a Islam which is hugely influenced by Sufi concept and we were converted by the Priests from Mecca and Yemen. Whereas in rest of the sub continent Islam came through mostly by persian, turks and mughal influene which calls for "Fear of Allah" whereas we call for "Love for Allah". This core concept made us inherently non violent.

That's untrue. Vast majority of people in Bangladesh mostly follow the JI/TJ type of Islam which is very close to narrow-mindedness like the Taliban. In England Bengali community have the largest Islamic madrassa known as the Dewsbury madrassa where they only teach how to revise the Quran by heart and beat up children with wooden, plastic, bamboo and metal sticks. I'm talking about British born and bred youth that are thrashed by imported Salafi savages. I've seen it from very close. Such Bengali madrassas in Europe neglect modern studies because they consider it to be a sin and totally unlawful. Heck, Salafi scholars in your country even consider the tv to be unlawful. The biggest Islamic gathering in the world of the Deobandi sect occurs annually in Bangladesh. It's sponsored by Saudi Arabia. Pakistan and India were the countries that were flooded with Sufi Islam from the likes of Turkey, Persian influence, CAS etc. There are countless shrines of such Sufi's all across Pakistan and India which are even visited by many Westerners. Get your facts straight. Here is a of a handful of well-known Sufi shrines in Pakistan:

Bibi Pak Daman
Data Durbar Complex
Golra Sharif
Mohra Sharif
Tomb of Shah Jamal
Moinuddin Chishti
Abdullah Shah Ghazi
Imam Ali-ul-Haq

The list is endless.
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Great, what happened to the brotherhood of Bangladeshis and Pakistanis?
Pakistan an important country and all?
My ***, we should take care of our healthcare system, of all our corrupt entities and our war versus the Taliban and almost EVERYTHING for crying out loud in our nation BEFORE we can be considered as an important player in the WORLD.
Comparing ourselves with Bangladesh makes no sense, my Pakistani brothers, you are sounding exactly like Indians when they compare themselves to us, filled with pride and ego and selfishness, feeling superior while there is no need.
What will we achieve with this dick measuring contest?
Pakistan is a country which should not be boasting, even when we reach a certain stage in our development, maybe decades later where we have reached a bigger status, we still should be that very same country which seeks peace and respect, something our people reflect.
We should never have global ambitions, and we should never think ahead of us or become too big for our boots, it's simply not in our nature.
Bangladesh is here to stay, and anyone who thinks it will dissapear sooner or later apparently knows much better what Allah's (swt) will is than the allmighty himself.
^^ We are only comparing the capabilities of each country. We all know that despite all misery Pakistan still remains light years ahead of Bangladesh for obvious reasons. Pakistan has all the right ingredients in place such as natural resources and a flourishing environment to be successful. Good luck to the Bangladeshi's though. No pun intended.

On a side note, we need to get over the brotherhood bullcrap. Pakistan always first. These are the same people that are no where to be found when Pakistan is in trouble. Where is the so-called Islamic world now when Pakistan is suffering due to terrorism? We are only Muslims in name, but not in practice. We have had to suffer enough due to this brotherhood BS. It's time to put Pakistan's interests first. It's time to realize that Pakistan cannot bear the burden of the whole Islamic world. We cannot afford to make every problem ours. You're spot on in saying that if we manage to solve our problems it would be an achievement. Let's just focus on that.
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Guys lets not get carried away, Pakistan and Bangladesh are two brotherly countries...inseprably connected to eachother. December '71 is most probably the darkest chapter in our joint history, there was wrong doing on both sides and look who benefitted the most from it....not Pakistan nor Bangladesh!

Comon man from either side doesn't care much about the history, its the politicians who keep bringing this up to score political miles. More than 100 million Pakistanis and another 75 million Bengalis don't even have affinity with East/West Pakistan, these generations were born after 1971.

Lets lets not dive into the pool of hatred but lets join hands together to repair and build better, stronger and longer bridges between these brother nations.
That's untrue. Vast majority of people in Bangladesh mostly follow the JI/TJ type of Islam which is very close to narrow-mindedness like the Taliban. In England Bengali community have the largest Islamic madrassa known as the Dewsbury madrassa where they only teach how to revise the Quran by heart and beat up children with wooden, plastic, bamboo and metal sticks. I'm talking about British born and bred youth that are thrashed by imported Salafi savages. I've seen it from very close. Such Bengali madrassas in Europe neglect modern studies because they consider it to be a sin and totally unlawful. Heck, Salafi scholars in your country even consider the tv to be unlawful. The biggest Islamic gathering in the world of the Deobandi sect occurs annually in Bangladesh. It's sponsored by Saudi Arabia. Pakistan and India were the countries that were flooded with Sufi Islam from the likes of Turkey, Persian influence, CAS etc. There are countless shrines of such Sufi's all across Pakistan and India which are even visited by many Westerners. Get your facts straight. Here is a of a handful of well-known Sufi shrines in Pakistan:

Bibi Pak Daman
Data Durbar Complex
Golra Sharif
Mohra Sharif
Tomb of Shah Jamal
Moinuddin Chishti
Abdullah Shah Ghazi
Imam Ali-ul-Haq

The list is endless.

yes those madrassa are a problem in Bangaldesh and came from Dewbond and Mughal influnce. why you forget we belonged to India once and yes we got contaminated. I did not say there were no Sufi in Pakistan. But we were mainly got converted by SUFI and we follow that concept. Why dont we speak URDU??? Because we never influnced by Delhi's Islam.

Bangladesh follow JI and TI Islam??? that is so funny... dont want to comment any more.
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