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Bangladesh to reject China’s proposals on Rohingya crisis

10:40 AM, November 19, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 11:09 AM, November 19, 2017
Neighbours must have good ties, Myanmar tells Bangladesh
It stresses having frequent meetings between two countries

When Bangladesh is seeking genuine efforts from Myanmar to resolve the Rohingya crisis with growing international pressure on it on the issue, Myanmar’s Union Minister for Information Dr Pe Myint on Saturday, November 18, 2017, lays emphasis on maintaining good relations as neighbours. In this Reuters photo taken on November 16, 2017, a Rohingya refugee child looks on in the Palong Khali refugee camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
UNB, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
When Bangladesh is seeking genuine efforts from Myanmar to resolve the Rohingya crisis with growing international pressure on it on the issue, Myanmar’s Union Minister for Information Dr Pe Myint has laid emphasis on maintaining good relations as neighbours.
“It’s necessary... it’s essential... we’re neighbours. We must have good relations,” he told AKM Moinuddin, UNB staff writer, on Saturday adding that his country is willing to cooperate with Bangladesh in all aspects.
Also READ: China wants to facilitate bilateral dialogue
Responding to a question, Dr Myint, also a prominent writer, said there should be frequent meetings between Bangladesh and Myanmar at all levels to strengthen the relations between the two countries.

“We've to relate to each other [sic] more actively,” said the Myanmar Information Minister laying emphasis on people-to-people contact and cultural bonding.

Ahead of ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Myanmar, Bangladesh wants to make the best use of high-level visits from a number of countries, including China and Japan on Saturday and Sunday, to mount pressure on Myanmar and expedite talks for sending back Rohingyas to their homeland.

Bangladesh is also expecting louder voice from the international community at the meeting to be held here at Myanmar capital on November 20-21and greater pressure on Myanmar to resolve the Rohingya crisis.Dr Myint also laid emphasis on cooperation between journalists between the two countries.
He mentioned that Myanmar is still at a nascent stage of democratic transition and is facing a number of challenges in various sectors, including media.

The ASEM foreign ministers meeting will bring together foreign ministers from Europe and Asia who will discuss how to address key challenges affecting the two continents, such as security, trade, climate change, sustainable development goals and connectivity, an official told UNB.

This meeting will kick start the preparations for the 12th ASEM Summit which will be hosted by the EU in Brussels in October 2018.

The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) was established in 1996 as a forum for dialogue and cooperation between Europe and Asia and aims to strengthen the relationship between the two continents.

The ASEM summit is organised every two years, in Asia and in Europe alternately, to set out the priorities of the partnership. Ministerial meetings are organised in between the ASEM summits, including one meeting of Foreign Affairs ministers.

Earlier on Saturday morning, the Information Minister spoke at the inaugural session of the 11th Asia-Europe Foundation Journalists' Seminar as the chief guest with its theme 'Shaping Perceptions and Minds towards Achieving the SDGs'.

Executive Director of the ASEF Ambassador Karsten Warnecke also spoke on the occasion.

The Information Minister said media can plan an important role in helping the governments implement the Sustainable Development Goals. "But media should be ethical and professional in presenting stories accurately," he said.

Dr Myint laid emphasis on more cooperation among countries and share best practices and take positive actions to take forward the SDGs agenda.

Karsten Warnecke highlighted ASEM activities and described what they want to achieve through more cooperation to promote understanding, strengthen relationships and facilitate cooperation among the people, institutions and organisations of Asia and Europe.

On Friday evening, a dinner party was hosted in honour of journalists participating in the 11th Asia-Europe Foundation Journalists' Seminar at Tungapuri Hotel.

The dinner was attended by the Information Minister, Permanent Secretary, senior departmental officials, media representatives from member countries of Asia-Europe Foundation and Myanmar media representatives.

"Today is an auspicious day for our country and our people. It's a rare chance in a hundred year for a member country to host this kind of seminar. We're honored and happy for the guests coming in person to attend the 11th Asia-Europe Foundation Journalists' Seminar and share their experiences," he said.

Asia-Europe Foundation Education Department Director Leonie Karen Nagarajan briefed the journalists about the programmes of 11th Asia-Europe Foundation Journalists' Seminar.
Don't intervene when a perception is useful. Its a broader derivative of a famous Napoleon quote.

Yes as evidenced by their increasing tourist visits to India (and vice versa). On per capita basis, how many times more contempt for BD do they have (even among the 0.1% who even have heard of BD in first place) on basis of the actual realised interaction levels (tourism, trade, soft culture etc)...lets see you put a number out for it....focus it on actual visitors both ways if you want.

There is an old ancient word in Chinese for India, does one exist for "Bangladesh"? Does "Bangladesh" find any reference in the journey to the west for example? This all plays a role in what China thinks when they even come across the name "Bangladesh" in first place....it has to be explained which cultural orbit/sphere/history they are contained within....and the sum total of importance is really what you can buy from China and what they can prod India with potentially in the long run (without overplaying any serious tech given the severely compromised nature of BD politics and military)

Many Chinese have "contempt" for various countries, Japan, US, UK, India for all various reasons. But the fact contempt is showered on such countries belies that the Chinese fundamentally recognise their sizeable reach, relevance and presence to their own rise and sustained existence. BD is just a trinket and a pawn that holds precisely 0 sway in the typical Chinese mind....you are not even worthy of a sustained feeling from the middle kingdom types....you are simply an inanimate unrecognized frivolity used and abused as a passing poke/joke....just like everyone else does with you too...and it will never change however much you beg and bray...till you actually make something of yourselves by yourself.

No one cares if you are beefing up from power level 0.1% to 0.3% when you have quite visibly shown you cant even wield/use the 0.1%. 3 million of you are fertilizing your own soil by no choice of their own supposedly and you trumpet that (cause and claimed number) as your biggest achievement and play for sympathy. That very underlying nature ingrained and cultivated into you illustrates why you just got your behind handed to you by MM, and will do so again. In your specific case, a particular promise was that BD will "shoot down" the very next MM airspace violator....we all know how that turned out, not once, not twice, but several times.

Now sod off, I am talking to a member from an actual country that matters here....not to you.

The amount of butt-hurt in this post is truly saddening and a little disturbing at the same time.

China may not like either the US or Japan but it respects their economic and technogical prowess.
The UK, it is neutral towards it but also respects it's economic and technological prowess for such a small nation.

China sees India as a poor and technologically backward dump. Unlike BD, it has had the benefit of 7 decades of independence but too chaotic and incompetent to move forward.

Carry on with your delusions that India is anything more in this planet than as a pawn for the US to try to contain China. You Hindus of S Asia have been slaves for the best part of a millennia for your inherent nature.
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Go for it then. China has no mutual defence treaty with Myanmar, so there is no situation in which China will fight a war on Myanmar's behalf.

If BD wanted they could squash Myanmar tomorrow, but let's see if Hasina cares enough to do that.

I don't know if you're joking, but the questions of squashing Myanmar is out-of-the-question right now, even if we could. The entire Rakhine area is rather indefensible from a land-war standpoint...however Naval invasion won't be as easy.

Although their army is derided sometimes as poorly equipped and 'all show'/'no go', and corrupt Tatmadaw officers are siphoning most of the supposed defense money any way, we cannot afford a war (or a skirmish even) with that country at this time. That is not how we resolve things.

Any solution imposed on Myanmar will be decided by international consensus by the larger economic powers and may very likely be economic sanctions. That option must be completely exhausted before acts of aggression take place.

However countries like Argentina have gone to war with the British for far, far less.

The amount of butt-hurt in this post is truly saddening and a little disturbing at the same time.

China may not like either the US or Japan but it respects their economic and technogical prowess.
The UK, it is neutral towards it but also respects it's economic and technological prowess for such a small nation.

China sees India as a poor and technologically backward dump. Unlike BD it has had the benefit of 7 decades of independence but too chaotic and incompetent to move forward.

Carry on with up your delusions that India is anything more in this planet than as a pawn for the US to try to contain China. You Hindus of S Asia have been slaves for the best part of a mellenia for your inherent nature.

Post of the month and probably the quarter!

Well spoken! :cheers:

The fact that this Lalgiri (mental case) hangs around our section month after month and writes these Looooong-A$$ butthurt troll posts indicates what inferiority complex his ilk has.

There are two options for Myanmar. Either take the Rohingyas back and give them citizenship and accept them as their own or lose western investors and forever be a slave of China.

Bangladesh and Myanmar could have be such good partners in economic development......

Also to add another point it seems like our lazy diplomats finally woke up and taking a strong stance. May this continue
Have you gone insane!
The Buddhist terrorist monkeys will slaughter them once they set foot in Burma

So what do you propose, keep them here forever ? That is not the solution Bangladesh is seeking
brother, with your whore of modi, hassina, nothing will happen

but I think the best solution is keep all Rohingyas especially when Turkey has vowed to pay for all the expenses and avenge the buddhists animals diplomatically and militarily with the help of Russia and China

you can easily build a consensus in the Muslim world and beyond against burma, but hassina is a traitor herself
Keeping rohingyas and doing what ? Keep them forever in refugee camps ? Or try to integrate into the Bangladeshi society. Isn't this a win for Myanmar.

What if Turkey flips after Erdogan is gone ? Nothing is permanent in geopolitics.

What military solution with the help of China and Russia. Are you even following the events. China and Russia will NEVER intervene militarily in Myanmar. As a matter of fact China and Russia BOTH voted against an UN resolution regarding the matter YESTERDAY.

You are too idealistic and silly with your name calling.
Keeping rohingyas and doing what ? Keep them forever in refugee camps ? Or try to integrate into the Bangladeshi society. Isn't this a win for Myanmar.

What if Turkey flips after Erdogan is gone ? Nothing is permanent in geopolitics.

What military solution with the help of China and Russia. Are you even following the events. China and Russia will NEVER intervene militarily in Myanmar. As a matter of fact China and Russia BOTH voted against an UN resolution regarding the matter YESTERDAY.

You are too idealistic and silly with your name calling.

So are you suggesting that its okay for fellow Muslims to be slaughtered like animals?

You are more worried about me calling Hasina the whore that she is? Remember that she is responsible for this mess
China's bilateral method worked for the Kokang in Myanmar, they recognised them as citizens and accepted them back.

But Bangladesh seems intent on wrecking their relations with China, on the bidding of Modi's India. And it is the Rohingya who are paying the price.
Why are you dragging Modi's India here when China itself is the worst political offender of Bangladesh by favoring atrocities committed by MM military telling it as MM's internal affair. But, this MM affair is hurting BD. So, how come it is just a pure internal affair of MM? China is worried about the Arakanese gas fields, is not it? China has become an economic animal.
China's bilateral method worked for the Kokang in Myanmar, they recognised them as citizens and accepted them back.

But Bangladesh seems intent on wrecking their relations with China, on the bidding of Modi's India. And it is the Rohingya who are paying the price.

@ Since 1976, China is our best Military Friend. It all started in 1976, when suddenly Deputy Chief Martial Law Administrator (DCML) & Chief of Army Staff General Zia silently went China. After that thinks were in track.

@ After that our rudimentary, disorganized, ill fed, ill trained army were being organized with the help of China at the one hand and Pakistan on the other. Initially land forces were given more importance. Soon, importance on Navy, Air Force and other para-military forces were given. Just within 06 years our army came up as a Defensive fighting force. But our beloved friend did not liked it. Soon, the conspiracy begin and instigated the Chittagong Hill Tract Insurgency problem but their this mission was a complete failure rather our military strength became more strong day by day. The problem lingered for long 27 years. Finally, again with Indian interference the problem was solved in 1997 but on ground their presence was missing.

@ By the time the crisis was solved, Bangladesh Army has became formidable force not only in own country but it also got recognition internationally. Soon, Bangladesh became the world largest troops contributing nation in UN Forces.

@ Things were going very fast and in a planned manner but once Hasina came to Power and Modi came things started changing in India's favour. And then suddenly Hasina's Govt canceled the deal with China in making a "Deep Sea Port" at Kutub Dia/Moheskhali instead gave contract to India to make at Putuakhali.
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China does not care unfortunately; their record is that of pacification and non-interference.
The only action is in the hands of people like Bangladesh to confront Burma and ASEAN submit was silent at this very topic; where were Malaysia/Indonesia who claim to have moral grounds and yet were quiet like unixes.
Until the Burmese junta is castrated nothing will happen.
When Pakistan soldiers did the same in East Pakistan; India did step in; it is time for Bangladesh to have some back bone and take direct action.
brother, with your whore of modi, hassina, nothing will happen

but I think the best solution is keep all Rohingyas especially when Turkey has vowed to pay for all the expenses and avenge the buddhists animals diplomatically and militarily with the help of Russia and China

you can easily build a consensus in the Muslim world and beyond against burma, but hassina is a traitor herself

Turkey is not going to be paying for the cost of keeping the rohingyas forever.... no country would....BD is on her own in bearing this cost....

We need to build consensus I absolutely agree.
Why are you dragging Modi's India here when China itself is the worst political offender of Bangladesh by favoring atrocities committed by MM military telling it as MM's internal affair. But, this MM affair is hurting BD. So, how come it is just a pure internal affair of MM? China is worried about the Arakanese gas fields, is not it? China has become an economic animal.

You are right, I apologize for saying bad things about your master Modi.

So what do you propose, keep them here forever ? That is not the solution Bangladesh is seeking

Turkey has said they will pay for it.

If Bangladesh sends the Rohingya back to Myanmar (as per Bangladesh's official policy) they will be killed. It's no different to killing them yourself.

But at least you will be paid by Modi.
Turkey is not going to be paying for the cost of keeping the rohingyas forever.... no country would....BD is on her own in bearing this cost....

We need to build consensus I absolutely agree.

BD is right to try the international way first.

If this does not work, then annexing Northern Arakan will sort this problem out once and for all.

You are right, I apologize for saying bad things about your master Modi.

Did you not notice how India did not join China and Russia to vote against Myanmar ethnic cleansing at the UN yesterday? India is trying to ***-kiss BD but it's real intentions are clear to see. Modi screwed up by publicly going to Myanmar to support the savages back in September. This is excellent for BD nationalists like me and so really pleased with Modi's stupidity.:D

Turkey has said they will pay for it.

If Bangladesh sends the Rohingya back to Myanmar (as per Bangladesh's official policy) they will be killed. It's no different to killing them yourself.

But at least you will be paid by Modi.

1. Turkey wont be paying forever.
2. Taking in Rohingya wil only reward Myanmar.
3. Rohingya will not be forced out of BD. They will only go back once they have guarantees of security and if that means BD annexation of Northen Arakan then so be it.
brother, with your whore of modi, hassina, nothing will happen

but I think the best solution is keep all Rohingyas especially when Turkey has vowed to pay for all the expenses and avenge the buddhists animals diplomatically and militarily with the help of Russia and China

you can easily build a consensus in the Muslim world and beyond against burma, but hassina is a traitor herself

I think, either you are too much delusional or ignorant.
Do you really think Turkey is really going to pay for all the cost of all the Rohingya Muslims for ever? I am not sure if BD Gov or the so called patriotic posters of BD are taking this suggestion of Turkey as granted and planning their strategy based on this opinion. Turkey is simply playing politics...What will happen when current Gov of Turkey change and then new regime comes up?

You guys have a habbit of not getting a solution of any problem in your Muslim world and dumping into the others to find a solution..Why Hassina is named and shamed?? Just because, Hasina try to have a normal relationship with their neighours???

Would it is a possible scenario, if BNP party is governing the BD and whole of the Muslim world will come to their rescue??? Muslim world and its unity is simply to means to food own people...The so called Muslim Ummah is to take control of the weak Islamic nation by stronger Muslim nations...If Muslims world would have been united, there will not be any blood bath in Afganistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and some other Afrcan nations...

India has absolutely no role to play in this scenario..India neither a P5 member nor any intended to take any sides when conflict is between 2 neighouring nations....Rather than addressing the problem in a proper manner, fanboys thinks, blaming Modi and India will solve Rohngya crisis...

Trust me, none of the Muslim world will come for BD even if any one expect Hasia is on power..Muslims world is simply doing some lip service and taking any execuse of Hasia to hide their in competencies...

At least, i admire Western world that their public stand up for human right violation in any part of the world...Same is in case of Western Gov too....But this is not the case with Islamic nations..How many mass protests did you see in rich Islamic nations for Rohingya's issue? Did you see anything happening in SA, UAE or Iran in a big scale rather than just some thousands people come forward for media publicity???

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