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Bangladesh to execute 152 soldiers for mutiny crimes

afaik, almost all military members and their relatives already know who and how this mutiny takes place. More of a reason for BAL to rig the elections because if CTG comes back, it might turn out to be a slaughtering of Awami league
1. This was clearly a RAW op to annihilate BDR and punish Shakil who was the Sector Commander, Rangpur during the Padua Battle. When two BD nationals were abducted and killed by BSF, Shakil had asked DG Fazlur Rahman to either free him to take action or revert him to BA. Upon receiving clearance from the DG, BDR had literally wiped out the BSF BOP responsible for the killing of our nationals. A counter attack by BSF/ITBP resulted in their mass lynching by infuriated villagers. Truck load after truck load of BSF dead bodies were seen to be taken away after the battle. Major repairs had to be carried out in the BSF BOP. Totally fresh personnel were brought in. It was the greatest single debacle that these criminals in uniform suffered in their history.
adding to that
Most of the officers were affiliated with Jamaat and BNP and many also 'Disturbed' the businessmen and ministers during the CTG rule. It would have probably taken way too much time to transfer them and give them mickey mouse positions so what better way to get rid of them than that? But most people I met from the military families do know that Indians and AL were the main directors of this incident so hopefully, payback is due.
adding to that
Most of the officers were affiliated with Jamaat and BNP and many also 'Disturbed' the businessmen and ministers during the CTG rule. It would have probably taken way too much time to transfer them and give them mickey mouse positions so what better way to get rid of them than that? But most people I met from the military families do know that Indians and AL were the main directors of this incident so hopefully, payback is due.
BA officers then, and generally even now, were/are a professional lot not affiliated with any particular political party. However, they are nationalists subscribing to Bengalee Muslim identity. They are not secularists or atheists but are motivated Muslims.
Whats BD posters' take on it? I mean trial? fair?

some elderly ones sentenced say they are innocent

Maybe. Though, the planners are still free. I had a chat with an army colonel once, and he said that it was Awami Leaguers.

They did in revenge because many of the senior AL leaders (including Hasina) were jailed during the previous caretaker government.

There's are youtube links that recorded the conversation between Hasina and grieving BA officers after the Pilkhana tragedy.

Simply type in: "Open secrets of BDR mutiny"

The conversation is in Bengali however.

Youtube was once banned in Bangladesh over this. But, the content is still there. The response of the officers do not sound positive regarding Hasina's handling of the incident. One doesn't need to understand Bengali to come to that conclusion.

If we look at recent comments regarding the army from Hasina, she is nervous about them. That is why she had been buying all kinds of toys for them to keep them happy. But still, relations are cold between them. And of-course, this "trial".
BA officers then, and generally even now, were/are a professional lot not affiliated with any particular political party. However, they are nationalists subscribing to Bengalee Muslim identity. They are not secularists or atheists but are motivated Muslims.
I have to disagree with the first part. They might not be too including in party affairs but many do get their promotions and places through political favour which is a very very sad fact. Moeen himself was wrongfully given his place by Zia but in this game, no one is loyal. I know a few of my relatives who were transferred, demoted or given insignificant jobs because of their affiliation with BNP. You will also find that many of the top leaders in the military atm are very AL friendly and that is for a reason.
@asad71 Bhai, I still did not receive the answers I asked in post #7 of this thread in previous page.

In a country like Bangladesh, where it is common to have incompetent political leadership (2 Begums) and incompetent Chief of Staff (Gen. Moeen), then my argument is that the Armed forces subordinate senior,. mid-level and junior officers must act outside the chain of command, in national emergencies, where clearly wrong and anti-national command or order is given by these known incompetent leaders.

1. First case for this kind of situation is Gen. Moeen extending Army rule illegally from 3 months allowed in constitution to 2 years, Army officers should have revolted against Moeen and removed him from power to maintain its pledge to uphold the constitution

2. 2nd case would be Gen. Moeen making a safe-exit deal with Hasina and help bring Hasina to power in a rigged election, Army should have revolted against it

3. 3rd case is finally the Pilkhana case, where Army should have violated both orders from Hasina and Gen. Moeen to storm the compound immediately after the Mutiny started

From my limited understanding, it is not Awami League or India, but rather our own Army, whose job is to protect the country from external threat, have failed us and have given the country to foreign agents, because they were not smart enough to understand what their duty really is? Or they are just too corrupt and callous?

In a way, it was poetic justice. Since the Army failed the nation twice (1&2), the same Awami League and India who came to power using the Army, then turned around and tried to deliver a near fatal blow to the Army, so they do not raise their head again, and remain subservient to AL and India.

Again another national emergency is coming up, AL and India trying to set up neo-BAKSAL rule with a sham election and people may rise up against this, what will Army do this time?
Yes, this is the reason why AL
afaik, almost all military members and their relatives already know who and how this mutiny takes place. More of a reason for BAL to rig the elections because if CTG comes back, it might turn out to be a slaughtering of Awami league

Yes, the possibility of a legal military takeover via a CTG scares AL leadership like Taposh, Mirza Azam, that killer Nanak and certainly SHW who have conspired with the DADs. DADs did the carnage with a promise from the very top that they would not be hanged. DADs organized the massacre only to be hanged by Court orders. All were planned by the AL high ups.

I, for one, believe an illegal military take over does not scare the AL conspirators, because the military will be unable to pursue the Pilkhana issue any further.

There's a constitution that forbids army take over.
Which constitution? The one written in 72? Revised in 78?changed in 83? Or re written in 96? Or the one we have now the faded mutilated version done by AL this time around?
@eastwatch good points.

Several questions:

1. Do you think Hasina and AL higher ups pulled it off by themselves, or they received advise or material help from external sources.

2. And is this contract an attempt to pacify the Army:
Padma bridge consultancy goes to army | Job includes supervision of approach roads, service areas

3. Hasina may go for a one sided election, I think that is how AL is planning, but what will the army do if there is total break down of law and order in a such a scenario from opposition resistance?

I think January will be an interesting month.
Which constitution? The one written in 72? Revised in 78?changed in 83? Or re written in 96? Or the one we have now the faded mutilated version done by AL this time around?

That one.

Though, many things can potentially happen considering how volatile the situation is already. 
@eastwatch good points.

Several questions:

1. Do you think Hasina and AL higher ups pulled it off by themselves, or they received advise or material help from external sources.

2. And is this contract an attempt to pacify the Army:
Padma bridge consultancy goes to army | Job includes supervision of approach roads, service areas

3. Hasina may go for a one sided election, I think that is how AL is planning, but what will the army do if there is total break down of law and order in a such a scenario from opposition resistance?

I think January will be an interesting month.

I forgot to mention one thing. The AL are giving the army several business opportunities ranging from banking to ice-cream parlors.

So yes, that is meant to pacify the army.

The military already own vast swathes of land and businesses. A job in the Bangladesh Army is perhaps the most relaxing job in the world. What have they got to lose? It'd apply to the relative newbies at least.
1) As far as I know, the DADs and others in the BDR went to the central leaders of both the political parties long before the last general election in order to seek remedies of the Jawans' grievances.

2) When AL came to power, its leaders like Taposh, Azam, and Nanak conspired with the DADs who are BDR non-commissioned Officers and brought about the carnage. If it is true, then certainly the DADs received enough assurances from them that there will be a) no army attack during the carnage, b) the criminals will be allowed to flee and, c) the DADs/others will not be hanged.

3) However, only if the DADs do not mention about that conspiracy during the trial, the AL leaders would arrange for lenient punishments - this is what I assume.

4) Indian involvement is possible, but may not be needed because AL itself can hatch such a small localized conspiracy by itself and use the DADs to kill the BA Officers whose fellow Officers had killed their party leaders in 1975 and have tormented their leaders during Emergency. I believe, a conspiracy hatched by India would have been certainly exposed by the CIA before the operation.

5) Padma Bridge will be built by the next govt, so it may not be a necessary bribe, but I am sure the almost $4 billion worth of arms purchase by the present govt is certainly to soothe the minds of army Officers.

6) However, the arms purchases may not pacify the BA Officers whose comrades-in-arm were viciously killed by the AL conspiracy. This is what I hope.
If Hasina and AL were involved in the mutiny, how they came out squeaking clean?
^ May be they came out squeaky clean because Hasina and AL conducted the investigation and destroyed all evidence against them, killed many already and now are going to kill the rest with this verdict. 
1) As far as I know, the DADs and others in the BDR went to the central leaders of both the political parties long before the last general election in order to seek remedies of the Jawans' grievances.

2) When AL came to power, its leaders like Taposh, Azam, and Nanak conspired with the DADs who are BDR non-commissioned Officers and brought about the carnage. If it is true, then certainly the DADs received enough assurances from them that there will be a) no army attack during the carnage, b) the criminals will be allowed to flee and, c) the DADs/others will not be hanged.

3) However, only if the DADs do not mention about that conspiracy during the trial, the AL leaders would arrange for lenient punishments - this is what I assume.

4) Indian involvement is possible, but may not be needed because AL itself can hatch such a small localized conspiracy by itself and use the DADs to kill the BA Officers whose fellow Officers had killed their party leaders in 1975 and have tormented their leaders during Emergency. I believe, a conspiracy hatched by India would have been certainly exposed by the CIA before the operation.

5) Padma Bridge will be built by the next govt, so it may not be a necessary bribe, but I am sure the almost $4 billion worth of arms purchase by the present govt is certainly to soothe the minds of army Officers.

6) However, the arms purchases may not pacify the BA Officers whose comrades-in-arm were viciously killed by the AL conspiracy. This is what I hope.

India may not have been directly involved, but knowing how close Hasina is to UPA/Congress, and how their Armed forces were ready to act to save Hasina, I doubt that they had no prior information, if Hasina and higher up in AL were involved.
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