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Bangladesh to execute 152 soldiers for mutiny crimes

^ May be they came out squeaky clean because Hasina and AL conducted the investigation and destroyed all evidence against them, killed many already and now are going to kill the rest with this verdict. 

India may not have been directly involved, but knowing how close Hasina is to UPA/Congress, and how their Armed forces were ready to act to save Hasina, I doubt that they had no prior information, if Hasina and higher up in AL were involved.

So, if Hasina and AL were involved in this mutiny then why they are not seen backing these mutineers but instead sending them to gallows.

Also, I have one more question...

This mutiny by BDR happened in Feb. 2009.

How could a govt. which was sworn in January 2009 with two third majority pull this off in less than one month and come out squeaking clean??

And why would a new govt. having received overwhelming mandate from people start with a mutiny??
Mutinity happen because BDR was not satisfied with their treatment as campare to Army. All their bosses were from army. They were ill treated. Also BDR is more connected to Jamaat and BNP and army is more connected to AL. What India has to do wit h it.
As usual delirious and delusional Indians making absurd and funny statements. Just read the posts from the beginning of the thread, may be you will understand something for a change.

We don't have all the answers, but we are stating what we know and making some educated guesses, some of which may or may not be true.

Why would Hasina kill the mutineers, simple, they have done their job and now they are no longer useful, they are better dead than alive, because no threat of them talking ever, disclosing what happened.

One month is enough time to prepare. Another evidence of Hasina's involvement is that most BNP leaning anti-India patriotic and capable officers were transferred to BDR just before the mutiny, so all of them could be killed and not become a threat for AL later.

Many say the election was rigged with help of Gen. Moeen, but even if it was not rigged, people were sufficiently mad with Khaleda Zia and her sons, due to their corruption. In Bangladesh no incumbent party ever won election, that has been the history since we had democracy from 1991.

BDR is not connected to Jamat-BNP nor Army is connected to AL, all are professional forces, only some high ranking officers have political connections. After the Mutiny BDR which is now BGB has become a personal guard for Hasina and AL used against Jamat-BNP protesters to kill them. They also killed Hefajot e Islam people. So if they were connected to Jamat-BNP, how did they change after Mutiny? I would welcome other Bangladeshi posters to dispel these nonsense ideas.
Mutinity happen because BDR was not satisfied with their treatment as campare to Army. All their bosses were from army. They were ill treated. Also BDR is more connected to Jamaat and BNP and army is more connected to AL. What India has to do wit h it.
India has everything to do with whatever happens in Bangladesh. From childbirth to death of street dogs, there's a RAW agent who's to blame.
Suprise most of BD members dont know reasons of mutinity..BDR persons were Poorly paid and ill-treated foot soldiers whereas all officer are from army..These Paramilitary soldiers could not serve as UN peacekeepers, unlike their army counterparts...
Suprise most of BD members dont know reasons of mutinity..BDR persons were Poorly paid and ill-treated foot soldiers whereas all officer are from army..These Paramilitary soldiers could not serve as UN peacekeepers, unlike their army counterparts...

for some reasons these BD people fail to see reasonable conclusions from facts presented. I don't see connection from BSF to BDR to AL.
for some reasons these BD people fail to see reasonable conclusions from facts presented. I don't see connection from BSF to BDR to AL.

And where did BSF come from?

The point being that some people incited them to commit those acts of violence against their commanding BA officers. Those officers were the most senior and most talented in the BA. The same who jailed many senior politicians during the previous caretaker government administration.

Yes, there were dissatisfaction among the BDR personnel on a host of issues such as pay, unable to serve in UN missions, long work hours, etc; but did that explain their violence against their superiors and their families? A bloody mutiny? I do not see any justification in such.

And last, but not the least, the mutiny was highly organized and professional. They were not a bunch of hooligans with guns. Someone guided them.

In Bangladesh, greasy hands can get one anywhere.

If they had an election on 2009, the AL would have lost all due to their handling of the crisis. The rest is another story. And their popularity hadn't been increasing at all since then due to a range of issues.
No matter how hard the morons try blood of those lost lives are in their hand as much as hasinas .the program which got all those officers under one roof started an hour late.which BTW is unheard of,I know cause I have 2 family member who worked in BDR.As head of the state PM supposed to be there as planned and she canceled at the last moment.why?when Nanok and Sahara went inside they did not asked for the officers, they talked to the soldiers and came out.when at 10:30 am Army asked to go inside they where denied.? Why?most of them would have been saved.the mass killing started around noon.did hasina knew that?
There are so many questions. And no answers.and off course it was pree planed murder spree.by rule every arms inside the BDR headquarters are accounted for.senior officer sign for it to be allocated. The armory was under attack after 10 o'clock. Then how did the soldiers got their hand on arms before that? Who supplied them?
This can go on till eternity. Unless that bit.. And her spwans man up and say it ,we will never know.
This thread has crossed its limit.its time to close.
Mod? Are you there?
asad71 Bhai, with due respect to you and other retired or serving armed forces officers, I have several hard questions to ask:

1. In 2007 when General Moin illegally came to power in a coup, why did the patriotic subordinate officers continue to accept him as their commanding officer?

2. When Gen. Moin continued to rule Bangladesh for 2 long years, under a veneer of CTG led by Fakhruddin Ahmed (FUA), why did the subordinate officers accept this joker as their commanding officer?

3. Did no. 1 and 2 have something to do with lucrative salary and benefits in UN Peace Keeping Force? Did this factor become more important for the Armed forces than protecting the country and its interest above all else?

4. On the day of the Mutiny, when both PM Hasina and Gen. Moin found out in the first few minutes that mutiny has broken out, and they did not issue order to go into Pilkhana barracks - knowing fully well that their comrade officers might be getting killed, why did they follow this criminally negligent and illegal order to wait and not go in?

5. I guess all of my question boils down to one thing only, when clearly the people under chain in command realize that the command given is going against their pledge to uphold the interest of the country above all else, is it not their duty to violate that command and if possible remove those issuing those treasonous commands from their position?

Frankly, I personally hold the Army mostly responsible for the mess we have in Bangladesh today. With their greed for UNPKF benefits, I think they not only took their eyes off the ball, they have also taken the country to a dangerous place. Not only that, with these series of steps, starting in 1/11 2007, they also jeopardized their own lives and future, the first result of which they received in this BDR Mutiny and there might be more to come.

Army is the most organized entity of the country with the maximum amount of firepower and hardware compared with anyone other entity or institution. They are the last arbiter of our independence and sovereignty and the final protector of the nation against external interference. Can you imagine the presence of RAW running wild in Bangladesh, doing the same thing Pakistan? Why is that the case? In our case, our joke of a DGFI is being run by RAW, according to many, can we imagine that for ISI? Why is it not like that in Pakistan?

No, asad71 Bhai, you guys have a lot to answer for. Please start with some answers to above questions.

1. BA like PA is a professional army with clear chain of command which ends with the Army Chief. 1/11 was MUA's decision, but if you recollect the prevailing condition, the nation had prayed for the military to take over.

2. You are absolutely on point regarding the UN missions. This has eroded the professionalism of the military. Military service is not about earning money, but about dedicating one's self to protecting the sovereignty of the motherland. UN jobs with fat benefits have made a dent here.

3. It is quite clear Hasina, MUA and DGFI ups knew about the conspiracy - to what extent or to what depth we do not know.

4. Pakistan is also feeling the pains caused by RAW. In our case RAW has made deep penetrations into all our organs -civil, military or intel, and mostly cultural.

5. Military law stipulates that an unlawful command need not be obeyed. On ground,however,regimentation, conditioning, loyalty to the commander, comrades and unit, overshadows the law book.

6. In the current situation, I sympathize with the commanders who have to tackle the internal dynamics/pressure building up within as a result of the political turmoil.
1. BA like PA is a professional army with clear chain of command which ends with the Army Chief. 1/11 was MUA's decision, but if you recollect the prevailing condition, the nation had prayed for the military to take over.

2. You are absolutely on point regarding the UN missions. This has eroded the professionalism of the military. Military service is not about earning money, but about dedicating one's self to protecting the sovereignty of the motherland. UN jobs with fat benefits have made a dent here.

3. It is quite clear Hasina, MUA and DGFI ups knew about the conspiracy - to what extent or to what depth we do not know.

4. Pakistan is also feeling the pains caused by RAW. In our case RAW has made deep penetrations into all our organs -civil, military or intel, and mostly cultural.

5. Military law stipulates that an unlawful command need not be obeyed. On ground,however,regimentation, conditioning, loyalty to the commander, comrades and unit, overshadows the law book.

6. In the current situation, I sympathize with the commanders who have to tackle the internal dynamics/pressure building up within as a result of the political turmoil.

RAW penetration in other spheres can be tackled, but once our Armed forces has been compromised we have become defenseless essentially. That is why unarmed protesters of the opposition are being killed with impunity, using RAB, Police, BGB etc. and there is no check and balance to prevent any of this anti-national activity.

Now how can we get out of this situation? Can the retired army officers play a role? I know one retired Brigadier General personally and he has a group of friends, mostly among junior and senior retired Armed forces officers. Do all of them remain connected with Sena Kalyan Songstha? How well has RAW penetrated the SKS:
SenaKalyan.org :: Corporate Overview

I think what we need is a retired personnel private intelligence gathering org, together with patriotic Civil Society Org. (CSO). The Bangladeshi PDF crowd we have assembled here in a way I believe is functioning as a rudimentary first step, but the people here do not have extensive contacts. The other thing is, it is probably better not to discuss much of this in public.
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