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Bangladesh to be the world’s largest prison?

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Do you disagree with me, when I say that Bangladeshi immigrants are hard working and eager to improve themselves?

Yes no doubt they are hard working, but how would like if they flood hong kong and change the demography to become the majority aye?
Do you disagree with me, when I say that Bangladeshi immigrants are hard working and eager to improve themselves?

More or less everybody irrespective of nationality are hardworking and eager to improve themselves.Bangladeshi immigrants are happy to work even for a lower wage than the others because, that wage is more than what they would have earned in their own country.The same goes for an Indian/Pakistani worker in Middle-East.

The problem is not with Bangladeshis,the problem is with those who are illegal immigrants.They have flocked in such a high numbers,that they have significantly hampered the economy of Indian states like Assam and West Bengal.
Well, you have a chance now, to make your first post on this thread that is actually relevant to the topic. :azn:

On topic: I have no idea why India is constantly complaining about Bangladeshi immigration. All the Bangladeshi immigrants I have known are hard working and eager to improve themselves.

First of all, it is doubtful if you have any background to understand the Bangladeshi 'immigration' problems in India.

The bottom line is not 'immigration' but 'illegal immigrants'.

That should ring a bell.

On hardworking.

All illegal immigrant the world over have to be hardworking. They have no options.

If they are not hardworking, then they will get reported to the authorities and deported without ceremony.

The reason why illegal immigrants flourish is because they can be made to work at lower rates and with very few basic amenities. This is not a problem with India alone. It is a phenomenon that is experienced the world over.

Given human greed, and that is not confined to any race alone and instead is universal, promotes the use of illegals at low cost and hence helps allow unscrupulous men to make huge profits.

That is the saga of the illegals.

In India, there is another phenomenon and that is the 'vote bank'.

Bangladeshis, being Muslim, assists certain political parties to increase their vote tally, as they are claimed to be secular, and these parties turn the Nelson's eye to illegal immigrants.

These illegal immigrants, being of the lower economic strata of society in Bangladesh, are no strangers to hardwork and deprivations. If you visit the thread on the monsoon depression, you will note that those mostly affected are those of the lower economic strata and so they know what hardship is all about.
What a Title post by person and so called Barrister with his hands still in cookie Jar.

Prison has all sides surrounded by walls but here we have only fencing, But what about Bangla's borders with Burma ? Does it have imaginary wall so Fencing ?

No wonder BD is feeling pinch.
Bangladeshis- Unwanted guests in its neighboring countries

Bangladeshi illegal immigrants to its neighboring countries cause great alarm in India and Burma. The illegal immigrants’ issues have rocked Indian Parliament many times and caused strong protests from students, civil societies and many intellectuals.
The illegal immigrants pose great danger to the Arakanese people in western Burma, and the large influx of immigrants without any check could endanger Arakanese or cause minority in their own land. Some humanitarian activists are supporting these illegal immigrants without taking account of venerable people whose populations are very small.

There were 67,906 tribal people out of the total population of 91,765 in 1876 in Tripura State in India (Naih). The tribal population of Tripura was reduced to minority people by these illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. In the 1991 Indian census, there were 353,345 tribal people out of 2,757,205 of total population (Naih). According to the Home Ministry’s statistics of India, there are 15 millions illegal immigrants in India from Bangladesh (Ved). According to Anand Kumar, there are around 20 million illegal immigrants. The Assam governor said that around 6,000 illegal immigrants are entering Assam everyday (Sandham). If the statement of the Assam governor is right, there would be 180,000 Bangladeshis a month and 2,160,000 a year. As India is a country with varieties of languages and people, it is hard to detect these illegal immigrants. The Bangladeshi immigrants speak Bengali, and India already has Bengali speaking people in India.

The 2001 Bangladesh census states that there are 123.1 million people with a density of 834 people square kilometer. The population could be doubled to 250 millions by 2050 (sdndbd.com). The area of Bangladesh is 144,000 square kilometers. The Bangladeshi population is increasing immensely. Since 1965, the annual population growth has been estimated around two to three per cent. The reason for the enormous population growth in Bangladesh is that the Islamic law permits polygamy, and it is prevalent in Bangladesh (O’Donnell). Bangladeshis also take pride in having many children to provide cheap labors instead of quality of life. According to O’Donnell, most girls marry at the time of puberty or soon afterward. He further states that the government does not keep family planning as a priority. The initiative of family planning called “Family Planning Association” was twenty-first in the list of government priorities.

As illegal immigrants are increasing, the chief ministers from five states in the north eastern states of India asked the federal government to increase security along the international borders (Illegal). For political reasons, these illegal immigrants got voting rights in India, and they are the vote bank of certain political parties. The Supreme Court of India issued notices to the federal government of India and federal Election Commission on 10 December 2004 to strike off the names of these illegal immigrants from voters’ lists (Reddy). The federal government of India took up the issues with Bangladeshi government, but there has not been much result. In January and February of 2003, the Union Home Minister urged the Bangladesh government to take back its people from India. APJ Abdul Kalam, the president of India also voiced his concerned over the illegal immigrants at the joint session of federal parliament (Pathania).

The government of India took many initiatives to protect its border from intruders or illegal immigrants. It decided to fence its border with Bangladesh, a project that is to be completed by 2007. The government also established ‘border management’ within its ministry to focus attention on border related issue. The government has also decided to issue national identity card to track down illegal immigrants.
Contrast to Indian government, the Burma government has done nothing much to check illegal immigrants. The district of Buthi Daun and Maung Daw in western Burma are now dominated by illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. Now, these illegal immigrants are spread all over to Arakan State and other parts of Burma. The illegal bangladeshi are now claiming themselves to be of the “Rohingyas tribe,” but many Arakanese claim that there is no such word or people in Arakan history. The Arakan National Council, the apex body of political parties and civil societies of Arakan, has not recognized “Royingyas” and there is no “Rohingyas” in the list of ethnics group in Arakan National Council website. In 1978, the Burmese government expelled 200,000 to Bangladesh (O’Donnell).

There are several reasons that cause large number of migrate to its neighboring countries. The first reason is a basic need. As the population is so large, food and shelters become scare because Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world. The other reasons are economics and politics. After 1970s, there was political instability in Bangladesh (Datta). There is less employment opportunity and the neighboring countries are better in economics than Bangladesh. In Arakan State in Burma, they farm, fish and perform other prosperous economic activities.

Unless the Bangladesh rejects Islamic laws of polygamy and enforces effective family planning, population will be growing. The growing population will make the country lag behind other countries, and it can also provoke its neighboring countries on the issue of illegal immigrants, because Bangladeshis will migrate to India and Burma as long as population is growing.
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”. Adolf Hitler quotes

That was 70 years ago. In this day and age spreading misinformation is not that easy.
Bangladeshis- Unwanted guests in its neighboring countries

Bangladeshi illegal immigrants to its neighboring countries cause great alarm in India and Burma. The illegal immigrants’ issues have rocked Indian Parliament many times and caused strong protests from students, civil societies and many intellectuals.
The illegal immigrants pose great danger to the Arakanese people in western Burma, and the large influx of immigrants without any check could endanger Arakanese or cause minority in their own land. Some humanitarian activists are supporting these illegal immigrants without taking account of venerable people whose populations are very small.

There were 67,906 tribal people out of the total population of 91,765 in 1876 in Tripura State in India (Naih). The tribal population of Tripura was reduced to minority people by these illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. In the 1991 Indian census, there were 353,345 tribal people out of 2,757,205 of total population (Naih). According to the Home Ministry’s statistics of India, there are 15 millions illegal immigrants in India from Bangladesh (Ved). According to Anand Kumar, there are around 20 million illegal immigrants. The Assam governor said that around 6,000 illegal immigrants are entering Assam everyday (Sandham). If the statement of the Assam governor is right, there would be 180,000 Bangladeshis a month and 2,160,000 a year. As India is a country with varieties of languages and people, it is hard to detect these illegal immigrants. The Bangladeshi immigrants speak Bengali, and India already has Bengali speaking people in India.

The 2001 Bangladesh census states that there are 123.1 million people with a density of 834 people square kilometer. The population could be doubled to 250 millions by 2050 (sdndbd.com). The area of Bangladesh is 144,000 square kilometers. The Bangladeshi population is increasing immensely. Since 1965, the annual population growth has been estimated around two to three per cent. The reason for the enormous population growth in Bangladesh is that the Islamic law permits polygamy, and it is prevalent in Bangladesh (O’Donnell). Bangladeshis also take pride in having many children to provide cheap labors instead of quality of life. According to O’Donnell, most girls marry at the time of puberty or soon afterward. He further states that the government does not keep family planning as a priority. The initiative of family planning called “Family Planning Association” was twenty-first in the list of government priorities.

As illegal immigrants are increasing, the chief ministers from five states in the north eastern states of India asked the federal government to increase security along the international borders (Illegal). For political reasons, these illegal immigrants got voting rights in India, and they are the vote bank of certain political parties. The Supreme Court of India issued notices to the federal government of India and federal Election Commission on 10 December 2004 to strike off the names of these illegal immigrants from voters’ lists (Reddy). The federal government of India took up the issues with Bangladeshi government, but there has not been much result. In January and February of 2003, the Union Home Minister urged the Bangladesh government to take back its people from India. APJ Abdul Kalam, the president of India also voiced his concerned over the illegal immigrants at the joint session of federal parliament (Pathania).

The government of India took many initiatives to protect its border from intruders or illegal immigrants. It decided to fence its border with Bangladesh, a project that is to be completed by 2007. The government also established ‘border management’ within its ministry to focus attention on border related issue. The government has also decided to issue national identity card to track down illegal immigrants.
Contrast to Indian government, the Burma government has done nothing much to check illegal immigrants. The district of Buthi Daun and Maung Daw in western Burma are now dominated by illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. Now, these illegal immigrants are spread all over to Arakan State and other parts of Burma. The illegal bangladeshi are now claiming themselves to be of the “Rohingyas tribe,” but many Arakanese claim that there is no such word or people in Arakan history. The Arakan National Council, the apex body of political parties and civil societies of Arakan, has not recognized “Royingyas” and there is no “Rohingyas” in the list of ethnics group in Arakan National Council website. In 1978, the Burmese government expelled 200,000 to Bangladesh (O’Donnell).

There are several reasons that cause large number of migrate to its neighboring countries. The first reason is a basic need. As the population is so large, food and shelters become scare because Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world. The other reasons are economics and politics. After 1970s, there was political instability in Bangladesh (Datta). There is less employment opportunity and the neighboring countries are better in economics than Bangladesh. In Arakan State in Burma, they farm, fish and perform other prosperous economic activities.

Unless the Bangladesh rejects Islamic laws of polygamy and enforces effective family planning, population will be growing. The growing population will make the country lag behind other countries, and it can also provoke its neighboring countries on the issue of illegal immigrants, because Bangladeshis will migrate to India and Burma as long as population is growing.

Well this is the first time I've heard people from here goto Burma. Wonder how much your GOV pays you guys to talk crap like this 24/7. We have sheltered millions of Burmese refugees since their military takeover , we provide them food and support and whatever social service they require and now those illiterates are
rhyming the Indian disease as it seems. They still
keep on coming in once in awhile but we are civilized
people end of the day, we should help them anyways.

By the way, Rohingyas are not Arakanese? Wow!
Bangladesh should formulate its own propaganda center
as it seems.
Rohingya people

The protest on fence was because of constructing
a structure inside 150 feets of the border which
is by law not agreed. It has military perceptions.
IMO India should build that fence fast. If Bangladeshis want to come to India they better come legally.

Cmon yaar, if you just tell Monmahan uncle to make indian visa processing fee a quarter of the price of an indian cattle, I'm sure the cattle traders would reconsider crossing border "legally".
i dont care about burma or wateva but my blood boils when i see them, they keep shouting throughout the entire day cant understand assamese try to mingle with the local girls whenever possible. some of them work as robbers during the night and they scout targets during the day by posing as rickshaw wallas. they dont bath for like weeks and gets on the public busses with thier stinking bodies. all tge local people hate them because they have no hygine or manners. the bring up slums wherever possible. god knows what kind of bengali they speak even the local bangalis cant understand them. 70 % of the crimes done in guwahati are because of them. help us brothers or assam will be overrun by them. please all my assamese brothers vote for bjp or the f**king congress and audf will keep inviting them for vote bank. even the local bengalis hate them. The bsf should be given more power so that they can kill them before they can enter my state. btw is there any aasu members here ????
Well, you have a chance now, to make your first post on this thread that is actually relevant to the topic. :azn:

On topic: I have no idea why India is constantly complaining about Bangladeshi immigration. All the Bangladeshi immigrants I have known are hard working and eager to improve themselves.

Because there aint any illegal immigrant. Bunch of hindus are getting converted everyday, muslim in India are reproducing like hell and the end result is continued demographic changes in estern India. They need to find a way to get rid off those excess Muslims. The easiset way to do that by bashing them as Bangladeshi and trying to push them through our boder. But BDR is ever vigillant and foil every attempt by India to do these kind of heinous act.
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