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Bangladesh’s example: Give secularism, tolerance a chance in Pakistan

For your info Cricket tour is not decided by Supreme court. Instead it has been asked Government to respond why this tour should not be called illegal as Pakistan is not safe for foreign nationals. It describes Bangladesh High court has some still credibility unlike in Pakitan where judges position has been demoted even far below to the generals ... to keep on carrying out dictatorship, corruption in its army.

Not everything is suitable for everyone. As Bangladesh can not become USA now ... same way Pakistan can not also become Turkey or Malaysiya now. Better think and start with Bangladesh then think about something else. Bangladesh will remain as one of the top 5 fastest growing economy up to 2050 as predicted recently.... Where is Pakistan in it...??? No where. Pakistan has lot to learn from Bangladesh. If Bangladesh would have emerged as an independent country in 1947 it would have been long ahead then both Pakistan n India. Bangladesh has almost catch Pakistan despite loosing 24 years and 2 decades due to devastation of the war of 1971.

Fastest growing economy you will be... But in 2050 Pakistan will be ahead of you in economy and almost everything.
I always like your long posts. Very well stated!:woot:

I would disagree somewhat here. Pakistan has so many things Bangladesh does not have. Pakistan has vast reserves of gold, coal, oil and other natural resources. It is very strategically positioned and its coastal cities have chance of being like Hong Kong or Dubai if land route to Russia and China can be ensured.

As God declared, "for every problem there is a solution". For each of pakistan's problem there was, is and there will be solutions. Only if Pakistan learns to set its priorities right will there be any progress. And that can be achieved with secularism

Those resources are going to remain untapped unless we improve our Governance ! Period ! Our priorities need to be reset but not in the way you are proposing for progress can only be achieved through better Governance not by substituting one ism for another, for that would be a cosmetic change only !
LOL BD people, you can overtake us, that is if your country isn't underwater due to global warming. Btw, BD you only have 20 years until Greenland's icecaps melt...
Fastest growing economy you will be... But in 2050 Pakistan will be ahead of you in economy and almost everything.

This is the projection up to 2050..


Where is Pakistan in it??? But we will be happy if Pakistan can also keep pace with its other south asian neighbor...
All of the above is intrinsically linked to Governance not the religiosity or the secularity of the state ! Had any one of those things been a boon of anything other than Governance then we wouldn't see a country like NK in such a bad state, secular countries all over the world in Africa and the rest of the developing world suffering ! Look around you in every one of the success stories, whether its China or Brazil or Turkey their fortunes didn't turn because they were Secular, because that part was achieved at the inception decades ago, but when they improved their law and order situation, their economy and by bringing in people with integrity to run the country - or Governance as its called in normal parlance !

I never claimed that secularism is the magic stick to bring all those. I said: It is the way to prevent hypocrisy. Preventing hypocrisy is the first step to all those factors.
This is the projection up to 2050..


Where is Pakistan in it??? But we will be happy if Pakistan can also keep pace with its other south asian neighbor...

oh dear... our GDP will always be higher than yours BD... that's what i meant... oh btw by 2050 bd future looking rough with global warming...
Those resources are going to remain untapped unless we improve our Governance ! Period ! Our priorities need to be reset but not in the way you are proposing for progress can only be achieved through better Governance not by substituting one ism for another, for that would be a cosmetic change only !

I would urge you to read the history of Kemal Ataturk and his actions in Turkey. He completely eradicated religious and sectarian hypocrisy. Till you have hypocrisy, you cannot achieve good governance and everything.

Pakistan needs a Kemal Ataturk.
This is more detail projection...

The 10 Fastest Growing Economies Of The Next 40 Years - Business Insider

#4 Bangladesh
#4 Bangladesh

Wikimedia Commons
YoY growth rate: 7.5%

GDP in 2050: $5.0 trillion

Bangladesh is starting out at the bottom with a GDP per capita that's just 4% of the US, but with recent political stability and a young population it could get impressive growth rates over the next decades.

Projections provided by Citi. GDP in 2050 (PPP) was given by Citi or estimated using growth rate.

Read more: The 10 Fastest Growing Economies Of The Next 40 Years - Business Insider

Pakistan will have to maintain at least 6% average GDP which is unlikely up to 2050 to reach the economical size of Bangladesh of 5 trillion usd by 2050 though it will have almost 1.5 time more population. So you can say even if Pakistan reach there it will have 33% less per capita gdp then Bangladesh. Else a small GDP also.
oh dear... our GDP will always be higher than yours BD... that's what i meant... oh btw by 2050 bd future looking rough with global warming...

Don't be so over-confident and arrogant. As far as i read from official statistics, bangladesh is well on way to catch up to pakistan.
sorry, if sea levels rise just ONE meter, 18% of BD will be underwater
Where is Pakistan in it???

Projection for 2050? Anyone person knows it's not as simple as that; anything can change this projection; are you sure you're going to keep up with this growth rate for a whole 40 years?
Icewolf is right, it's no conspiracy theory; with rising sea levels and increasing BD population, you'd really need a miracle economy to survive
This is more detail projection...

The 10 Fastest Growing Economies Of The Next 40 Years - Business Insider

#4 Bangladesh
#4 Bangladesh

Wikimedia Commons
YoY growth rate: 7.5%

GDP in 2050: $5.0 trillion

Bangladesh is starting out at the bottom with a GDP per capita that's just 4% of the US, but with recent political stability and a young population it could get impressive growth rates over the next decades.

Projections provided by Citi. GDP in 2050 (PPP) was given by Citi or estimated using growth rate.

Read more: The 10 Fastest Growing Economies Of The Next 40 Years - Business Insider

Pakistan will have to maintain at least 6% average GDP which is unlikely up to 2050 to reach the economical size of Bangladesh of 5 trillion usd by 2050 though it will have almost 1.5 time more population. So you can say even if Pakistan reach there it will have 33% less per capita gdp then Bangladesh. Else a small GDP also.

We have 4% right now... Lol for only 4 years Pakistan's economy plops and BD's getting excited :woot:
Really now? Not an iota?
You forgot really the Ayub Era? Poverty was in fact on the decrease all the way until Benazir can in, economy doing quite good until last few years of Musharraf era etc. I don't know if you're being sarcastic :rolleyes:

No I wasn't being sarcastic I was talking about that in an ideological sense ! In my view this isn't ideologically the Pakistan that Jinnah and Iqbal wanted or the Pakistan that was a culmination of countless millions of sacrifices...we've regressed terribly from the ideals that we fought for ! However I do not prescribe to Secularism either because it, in my view, isn't compatible with Islam...but Pluralism and Impartiality are the very essence of Islam ! However still, this Islam vs Secularity debate is completely moot because our issues pertain much, much more to our abysmal state of Governance then our ideology ! If Pakistan had brought corruption down to acceptable levels, avoided 30 years of conflict and had let democracy prevail....we wouldn't be having this debate right now because most, if not almost all, of those issues would have been non existent !
I would urge you to read the history of Kemal Ataturk and his actions in Turkey. He completely eradicated religious and sectarian hypocrisy

He completely eradicated Islam from governance not "hypocrisy".
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