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As Awami League night time massacre continues, latest victim was police own DIG for transport. This police offocial was found dead in the middle of a night in a garments industry. This official should have known transport used for removing dead bodies from Motijheel and where dead bodies were dumped. This is part of next phase of killing of high/mid ranking officials who were involved and aware of the genocide executed in Motijheel. Just like BDR officials were systematically killed in jail because they had information on who were involved in peelkhana massare.

Report in bangla
??????? ?.??? ????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ???? : ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?
But this 2500 dead claim will put BNP into much deep trouble as it is already known that this is much much exaggerated figure..................On the next day Inu gave this ultimatum to opposition.

Are you still trying to ‘cover-up’ the Genocide committed by BAL----by way of peddling the issue in the garb of “ 2500 deaths or 2499 or 49 or 9 ?” unnecessary debate to distract the attention of the world and domestic conscientious to ‘non-issue’ ? What really you are up to ?

The issue-at-hand is whether BAL has attacked the unharmed gathering (that too when most were sleeping---a torture act because any sleeping assembly is ‘peaceful’) and has dishonored and violated the rights of any human life in criminal manner in Shapla Slaughter case ?

What if the number is 200 not 2000 or even 20---as long as it is an ‘assembly’ ? Does any ‘smaller no.' reduce the crime ? You think so ? It is now on BAL Govt. to conduct / allow a Judicial / International Investigation to dispel the doubt----which they will never agree to, you bet.

If you do not protest now effectively, they are known to have plan & determination of 100,000 such more deaths in just near future----if required to ensure the continuation of ruling this poor Bangladesh. This was only the ‘test’ case to be sure that Bangladesh has unluckily produced so far enough of ‘those elements’ so that they can proceed unabated. The plan is well-thought, and supported.

Read below today’s (you don’t have to go far) Post no 378 by Asad71’s in this thread:

…….It is pertinent to point out here that, the constitution of Bangladesh pledges to respect the International Laws and moreover Bangladesh has signed that Universal Declaration of Human Rights. So, our Govt. cannot ignore its liability to protect the citizens from the police and ruling party thugs.

This incident of mass murder by police indicate the serious scenario of falling “rule of law” in Bangladesh. The Republic is bound to ensure the democratic rights and safety of life and property of every citizen. Furthermore, it has responsibility to ensure citizens fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution. But, by killing, torturing and injuring the participants of demonstrations, Govt. has grossly violated human right of life.

Article 35 of the Constitution of People’s Republic of Bangladesh says that, “No person shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman, or degrading punishment or treatment.” But Police have violated this right by reckless shooting at unarmed Hefazat activists. The unprovoked attack of peaceful sit-in and restraining from lawful demonstration violated some very basic human rights which Bangladesh is committed to protect. The practice of oppression amounts to defiance of freedom of association and assembly recognized by Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Bangladesh is a signatory of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) 1966 which incorporated certain fundamental human rights. Bangladeshi security forces cannot impose unreasonable restrictions on the right of peaceful
assembly held in accordance with law as provided article 21 of the Covenant.

....Please raise your voice in a way that it is heard. Time is passing by quickly.....before all of us meet the next.
cross posted:

When there is no rule of law and no justice, people take up law in their own hand and some use religious extremism to get even with the oppressors. I do not support religious extremism period. But we should all know what pushes people towards religious extremism, how they find an opening to get into a society. First there has to be injustice, second there has to be sponsors of extremism who are interested to spread it for their geopolitical goals. Because of secular extremist Awami Leaguers and their Indian supporters, we have the first condition fulfilled. Now as soon as this situation gets into the radar of wealthy foreign nationals who want to spread their extremist version of Islam, the 2nd condition will be fulfilled. I squarely blame our Army for the emergence of this situation and who ever they are receiving instructions from to not intervene and take out this dictatorial regime and bring democracy back by holding a free and fair election. The Army (with whoever's instruction they are following) has failed our nation, because they could not do their job when we needed them most. The Army still has time to do their part. But if these scum Awami's orchestrate another sham rigged election and come back to power, then we can say that Army has truly failed us. I for one will urge everyone here to spread the word and support the following:
- strip the Army and its welfare association of all businesses
- strip their UN Peace Keeping duty by law
- establish alternate power centers that are more powerful than Army, like Marines and National Guard, who can save the nation, even if the Army fails us, like they are doing now
As much as a I hate saying this....

This will gradually turn into an armed conflict if things keep going this way. It was just as I feared and suspected.

How does one say compromise in Bengali?

Aaposh ..... i have been predicting civil war for the last 6 months but most nearly everyone thought I was crazy ....
Aaposh ..... i have been predicting civil war for the last 6 months but most nearly everyone thought I was crazy ....
Munshi Bhai, when I opened the thread " Civil War Has Started...", I was ridiculed by RAWAMY dalals but as much fake ness and delusion as they were wrapped by Malaunic AKA 'Mujib Coat', I saw it happening even more clearly. Surely the form, scope and nature of it wouldn't match case by case with others as everyone in the past was unique by its term; preface of the newly civil war was definitely written by now.
. .
Please read the following text in Bangla of a survivor of 6th May, 2013's genocide to find out on who is leading our extermination, thanks.

গণহত্যা থেকে জীবিত ফিরে আসা একজন হেফাজতকর্মীর জবানবন্দী।

তা হুবহু তুলে ধরলাম।

গুলির শব্দে চমকে উঠে জেগে উঠলাম।
দেখলাম সার্চ লাইটের বিক্ষিপ্ত আলো ভেদ করে কয়েকজন ছাত্রলীগ কর্মীর মুখ। দিনের বেলা যারা আমাদের কে মতিঝিল আসতে বাধা দিয়েছিলো ।আশ্চর্য!ওদের গায়ে পুলিশের পোশাক!বুঝতে অসুবিধা হলোনা,ছাত্রলীগে*র কুকুরগুলো আইনের পোশাক পরে বেআইনি কাজে নেমেছে।চারদিকে লাশের স্তূপ। তার মানে এখানে তান্ডব চালিয়ে গেছে ওরা। অথচ আমার ঘুম ভাঙ্গলো এই মাত্র। আমার ঘুমকি এতটাই ভারি। ওরা কি আমাকে মৃত ভেবে গুলি করেনি?
আমার দিকে আলো আসতে দেখে মরার ভান করে শুয়ে পড়লাম। আড় চোখে দেখলাম ওরা গাড়িতে লাশ তুলছে।আমাকে লাশ ভেবে গাড়িতে তুলতে আসবে নাতো তাহলে তো বিপদ।কয...়েকজনের গোঙানির শব্দ শুনছিলাম। গুলি করে তাদের গোঙানি চিরতরে নিস্তব্ধ করে দেয়া হলো। এই পাশবিক কাজটা করতে ওদের একটুও হাতকাঁপলো না!আমার কাছে পৌঁছার আগেই লাশে লাশে ভরে গেছে গাড়ি। তাইতো অন্তত কিছুক্ষণের জন্য আমাকে লাশের সঙ্গী হতে হলো না।এভাবে আর কিছুক্ষণ শুয়ে থাকলে পরের গাড়িতে লাশের সঙ্গী হতে হবে। তাই একটা রিক্স নিয়ে পালানোর সিদ্ধান্ত নিলাম। শোয়া থেকে উঠে খুব সাবধানে দৌড়াচ্ছিলাম। তবুও কয়েকজন পুলিশ আমাকে দেখে ফেললো।ওরা আমার পিছু নিলো।এলোপাতাড়ি * গুলি ছুঁড়তে লাগলো।একটা গুলি গেলো ঠিক আমার কানের পাশ দিয়ে।একটা লাশের গায়ে হোঁচট খেয়ে পড়লো একজন পুলিশ সদস্য।তাকে নিয়ে কয়েক সেকেন্ডের জন্য ব্যস্ত হয়ে পড়লো পুলিশ গুলো। এই সুযোগটাকে কাজে লাগাতে চেষ্টা করলাম কিন্তু বেশিদূর যেতে পারলামনা। এক র্যাবসদস্যের একদম মুখোমুখি গিয়ে পড়লাম।আমার ভীত চেহারা দেখে র্যাবের সদস্যটি আমাকে আমাকে অভয় দিয়ে বললেন, ভয় পাবেন না।আপনি নিরাপদ।র্যাব সদস্যটি আমাকে এক জায়গায় লুকিয়ে ফেললেন।পুলিশগুলো* এসে ফিরে গেলো।আমাকে বাঁচানোর জন্য মিথ্যে বললেন র্যাব সদস্যটি। বললেন এখানে কাউকে আসতে দেখেননি তিনি। পুলিশগুলো চলে যাওয়ার পর আমাকে বের হওয়ার ইঙ্গিত করলেন র্যাব সদস্যটি। তিনি আমাকে খুব সাবধানে এক জায়গায় নিয়ে এলেন।সেখানে একটি উঁচু দেয়াল ছিলো।নিজের কাঁধে তুলে সেই দেয়াল টপকাতে তিনি আমাকে সাহায্য করলেন। তিনি আমাকে এখান থেকে পালিয়ে যাওয়ার রাস্তা বলে দিলেন। এভাবে এক র্যাব সদস্যের সহযোগিতায় আমি জীবিত ফিরে এলাম। খোদার কসম, এই কাহিনীর এক বর্ণও মিথ্যে নয়।
Please read the following text in Bangla of a survivor of 6th May, 2013's genocide to find out on who is leading our extermination, thanks.

গণহত্যা থেকে জীবিত ফিরে আসা একজন হেফাজতকর্মীর জবানবন্দী।

তা হুবহু তুলে ধরলাম।

গুলির শব্দে চমকে উঠে জেগে উঠলাম।
দেখলাম সার্চ লাইটের বিক্ষিপ্ত আলো ভেদ করে কয়েকজন ছাত্রলীগ কর্মীর মুখ। দিনের বেলা যারা আমাদের কে মতিঝিল আসতে বাধা দিয়েছিলো ।আশ্চর্য!ওদের গায়ে পুলিশের পোশাক!বুঝতে অসুবিধা হলোনা,ছাত্রলীগে*র কুকুরগুলো আইনের পোশাক পরে বেআইনি কাজে নেমেছে।চারদিকে লাশের স্তূপ। তার মানে এখানে তান্ডব চালিয়ে গেছে ওরা। অথচ আমার ঘুম ভাঙ্গলো এই মাত্র। আমার ঘুমকি এতটাই ভারি। ওরা কি আমাকে মৃত ভেবে গুলি করেনি?
আমার দিকে আলো আসতে দেখে মরার ভান করে শুয়ে পড়লাম। আড় চোখে দেখলাম ওরা গাড়িতে লাশ তুলছে।আমাকে লাশ ভেবে গাড়িতে তুলতে আসবে নাতো তাহলে তো বিপদ।কয...়েকজনের গোঙানির শব্দ শুনছিলাম। গুলি করে তাদের গোঙানি চিরতরে নিস্তব্ধ করে দেয়া হলো। এই পাশবিক কাজটা করতে ওদের একটুও হাতকাঁপলো না!আমার কাছে পৌঁছার আগেই লাশে লাশে ভরে গেছে গাড়ি। তাইতো অন্তত কিছুক্ষণের জন্য আমাকে লাশের সঙ্গী হতে হলো না।এভাবে আর কিছুক্ষণ শুয়ে থাকলে পরের গাড়িতে লাশের সঙ্গী হতে হবে। তাই একটা রিক্স নিয়ে পালানোর সিদ্ধান্ত নিলাম। শোয়া থেকে উঠে খুব সাবধানে দৌড়াচ্ছিলাম। তবুও কয়েকজন পুলিশ আমাকে দেখে ফেললো।ওরা আমার পিছু নিলো।এলোপাতাড়ি * গুলি ছুঁড়তে লাগলো।একটা গুলি গেলো ঠিক আমার কানের পাশ দিয়ে।একটা লাশের গায়ে হোঁচট খেয়ে পড়লো একজন পুলিশ সদস্য।তাকে নিয়ে কয়েক সেকেন্ডের জন্য ব্যস্ত হয়ে পড়লো পুলিশ গুলো। এই সুযোগটাকে কাজে লাগাতে চেষ্টা করলাম কিন্তু বেশিদূর যেতে পারলামনা। এক র্যাবসদস্যের একদম মুখোমুখি গিয়ে পড়লাম।আমার ভীত চেহারা দেখে র্যাবের সদস্যটি আমাকে আমাকে অভয় দিয়ে বললেন, ভয় পাবেন না।আপনি নিরাপদ।র্যাব সদস্যটি আমাকে এক জায়গায় লুকিয়ে ফেললেন।পুলিশগুলো* এসে ফিরে গেলো।আমাকে বাঁচানোর জন্য মিথ্যে বললেন র্যাব সদস্যটি। বললেন এখানে কাউকে আসতে দেখেননি তিনি। পুলিশগুলো চলে যাওয়ার পর আমাকে বের হওয়ার ইঙ্গিত করলেন র্যাব সদস্যটি। তিনি আমাকে খুব সাবধানে এক জায়গায় নিয়ে এলেন।সেখানে একটি উঁচু দেয়াল ছিলো।নিজের কাঁধে তুলে সেই দেয়াল টপকাতে তিনি আমাকে সাহায্য করলেন। তিনি আমাকে এখান থেকে পালিয়ে যাওয়ার রাস্তা বলে দিলেন। এভাবে এক র্যাব সদস্যের সহযোগিতায় আমি জীবিত ফিরে এলাম। খোদার কসম, এই কাহিনীর এক বর্ণও মিথ্যে নয়।

Sources please.

Additionally, please post them in English.
Well deserved for murkho jati like us.probability is we as general ppl will get caught in the middle from where there is no return, either we have to kill or get killed for basic survival.
Please don't forget those, who have brought us up to this stage. If we were to drag back to the start of current run up, it would be the aftermath of BKZ's handover of power on 27th OCT. 2006, when RAWAMY dalals brought the signs of Kiamat to the people of BD by killing innocents on broad day-light.

Awami Brutality & Dark 28 Oct 2006 - YouTube
cross posted:

When there is no rule of law and no justice, people take up law in their own hand and some use religious extremism to get even with the oppressors. I do not support religious extremism period. But we should all know what pushes people towards religious extremism, how they find an opening to get into a society. First there has to be injustice, second there has to be sponsors of extremism who are interested to spread it for their geopolitical goals. Because of secular extremist Awami Leaguers and their Indian supporters, we have the first condition fulfilled. Now as soon as this situation gets into the radar of wealthy foreign nationals who want to spread their extremist version of Islam, the 2nd condition will be fulfilled. I squarely blame our Army for the emergence of this situation and who ever they are receiving instructions from to not intervene and take out this dictatorial regime and bring democracy back by holding a free and fair election. The Army (with whoever's instruction they are following) has failed our nation, because they could not do their job when we needed them most. The Army still has time to do their part. But if these scum Awami's orchestrate another sham rigged election and come back to power, then we can say that Army has truly failed us. I for one will urge everyone here to spread the word and support the following:
- strip the Army and its welfare association of all businesses
- strip their UN Peace Keeping duty by law
- establish alternate power centers that are more powerful than Army, like Marines and National Guard, who can save the nation, even if the Army fails us, like they are doing now

The most heart-rending part of the episode is ‘Army did not come out’. They refused, though, to participate in the killing---and that was laudable. Yet the deep anguish of the people is going to stem from their not coming out further as a body in time of need,----failing now their senior leaders, too, are under the shade of serious threat. It would had been better to come out together as a body.

Because, very likely the men and junior leaders will not survive the ‘internal stress & external agony’ for too long a time, and the body is liable to explode at some point----taking down with them all the seniors as well, and the moral assets of the Army that so far were achieved.

.....It is so sad a prospect. Please everyone see how you may contribute to save the nation.
The most heart-rending part of the episode is ‘Army did not come out’. They refused, though, to participate in the killing---and that was laudable. Yet the deep anguish of the people is going to stem from their not coming out further as a body in time of need,----failing now their senior leaders, too, are under the shade of serious threat. It would had been better to come out together as a body.

Because, very likely the men and junior leaders will not survive the ‘internal stress & external agony’ for too long a time, and the body is liable to explode at some point----taking down with them all the seniors as well, and the moral assets of the Army that so far were achieved.

.....It is so sad a prospect. Please everyone see how you may contribute to save the nation.

Like Al-Zakir and many others, I no longer have any sympathy for the Army. Like him, till they come out and prove their loyalty to this nation, all I have to say is this:

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"
The most heart-rending part of the episode is ‘Army did not come out’. They refused, though, to participate in the killing---and that was laudable. Yet the deep anguish of the people is going to stem from their not coming out further as a body in time of need,----failing now their senior leaders, too, are under the shade of serious threat. It would had been better to come out together as a body.

Because, very likely the men and junior leaders will not survive the ‘internal stress & external agony’ for too long a time, and the body is liable to explode at some point----taking down with them all the seniors as well, and the moral assets of the Army that so far were achieved.

.....It is so sad a prospect. Please everyone see how you may contribute to save the nation.

They refused, though, to participate in the killing---and that was laudable.
How did U come to the conclusion that they refused? Weren't RAB's commanders in killing party from officer's corp? Didn't they try to cover up the crime later on in press conference?
How did U come to the conclusion that they refused? Weren't RAB's commanders in killing party from officer's corp? Didn't they try to cover up the crime later on in press conference?

These people have lost their humanity when they accept or take part in killing fellow human beings, regardless of the numbers, 10, 50 or 3000.
Like Al-Zakir and many others, I no longer have any sympathy for the Army. Like him, till they come out and prove their loyalty to this nation, all I have to say is this:

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"

Not a good idea. The Army needs to stay loyal to whoever is in power. Once a section of the Army rebels against the gov, the rest of the Army will be used to crush the coup/revolt. It could turn into a Syria sort of situation.
. .

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