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Jamaati & Shibir Organizations != Islamic organizations....

All the propagandists should have this basic knowledge before launching propaganda.
Shooting at national mosque - Awami League terror police shooting as if Bangladeshis living in occupied territories in Palestine. CaPtAiN_pLaNeT, captain of awami terror brigade here to justify Awami terror attack on national mosque? That goes to show what ideology brews in his mind, not far from Shahbagh bloggers

Do you have the basic knowledge on shooting??? Tear Gas or rubber bullet != real bullet. This is the Jamaat, Shibir scums those who used the mosque as a barrier to launch attack on public property and vandalizing cars and buses. Not only that these Jamaat, Shibir activists set fire on the carpet of the national mosque and broke the wall of the mosque to get bricks for throwing towards the police. This can not be act of any true muslims.

‘A true Muslim can never do this’


Staff correspondent, bdnews24.com

Published: 2013-02-23 15:17:08.0 Updated: 2013-02-23 16:38:39.0


Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner Benazir Ahmed expressed his ‘shock’ after visiting the site from where the ‘Islamists’ launched violent attacks on Friday.

After visiting Baitul Mukarram National Mosque on Saturday along with other police officials, the DMP commissioner told journalists, the “Islamists who had positioned themselves inside the national mosque were detonating hand bombs within the place of worship. The prayer mats were set on fire as the militants broke the mosque’s wall to hurl brick bats at the police.”

‘The Muslims of Bangladesh are faithful. But I am shocked and speechless after this visit to the mosque.”

“A true Muslim can never take part in something like this. This is extreme anarchy, the result of a wicked intention”, he added.

The DMP top brass urged the people of faith to remain alert against “those who use religion as a shield for their activities”.

On the attacks targeting journalists, the Police Commissioner said, “Attacking police tantamounts to sedition. They have attacked journalists because they want to destroy the democratic structure of the country”.



Twelve Islamist and like-minded parties brought out an ‘Anti-Ganajagaran’ procession after midday prayers on Friday. Similar processions against the Shahbagh movement were brought out in several other parts of the country. They resorted to vandalism in Chittagong and Sylhet, destroying the protest podiums erected as a show of solidarity to Shahbagh’s demands. The protesters “desecrated” the Shaheed Minars at Sylhet and Feni. The national flag was torn and stamped in Chandpur.

Although these attacks were unleashed under the banner of the 12 like-minded Islamist parties but police said that it was the Jamaat-e-Islami which had led the violence. Home Minister Mohiuddin Khan also suspected Jamaat to be the main force behind the attacks.

The Islamists smashed a gate at Topkhana Road in front of the Workers’ Party office, which was erected demanding capital punishment for war criminals.

Violent clashes followed after the protesters showered the police with brick bats. The law enforcers fired rubber bullets and tear-gas shells to control the situation. A number of hand bombs were also detonated at that time.

Police have filed 11 cases over Friday’s violence in Dhaka, implicating thousands, including Islami Oikya Jote Chairman Abdul Latif Nezami.
More details on the video... about the destructive activities of Jamaat & Shibir...

23 Feb 2013 05:46:26 PM Saturday BdST
‘এ লড়াই ধর্মের বিরুদ্ধে নয়’


ছবি: মজিবুর/বাংলানউজটোয়েন্টিফোর.কম

রায়েরবাজার বধ্যভূমি থেকে: আমাদের লড়াই, আন্দোলন কোনো ধর্মের বিরুদ্ধে নয়। এ লড়াই মানবতাবিরোধী অপরাধে জড়িতদের বিরুদ্ধে। একাত্তরের রাজাকার, আল বদরের বিরুদ্ধে। যারা একাত্তরে লক্ষ মানুষকে হত্যায় প্ররোচনা যুগিয়েছে, লক্ষ মা-বোনের অসম্মান করেছে।

রায়েরবাজার বধ্যভূমিতে গণজাগরণ মঞ্চের সমাবেশে এসব কথা বলেন ছাত্রলীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক নাজমুল আলম সিদ্দিকি।

সারা বাংলার মানুষকে স্বত:স্ফূর্তভাবে গণজারণ মঞ্চে আসার আহ্বান জানিয়ে তিনি বলেন, “আপনার আমাদের মঞ্চে আসুন, দেখুন সেখানে দাঁড়িয়ে আমরা কি বলি। কাদের বিরুদ্ধে আমাদের এ আন্দোলন।”

নাজমুল বলেন, “এ বধ্যভূমি আমাদের আস্থার জায়গা, অনুপ্রেরণার জায়গা। মুক্তিযুদ্ধে এখানে নির্মমভাবে হত্যা করে এদেশের বুদ্ধিজীবীদের হত্যা করা হয়। আজ আমরা সেসব নরপিশাচের বিরুদ্ধে সকলে একত্রিত হয়েছি। আমরা যার যার ধর্ম পালন করি। ধর্ম নিয়ে আমাদের কারো কোনো বিরোধ নেই। অথচ জামায়াত-শিবির চক্র আমাদের আস্থার জায়গা পবিত্র ভূমি মসজিদের জায়নামাজে আগুন দিয়েছে, মসজিদের মধ্যে ককটেল ফুটিয়েছে। গণজাগরণ মঞ্চ নিয়ে বিভ্রান্ত ছড়াচ্ছে। আমরা জানি না হাদিসের কোন পাতায় লেখা আছে মসজিদের ইমামকে লাঞ্ছিত করা যায়, জায়নামাজে আগুন দেওয়া যায়। ওই হায়েনারা আমাদের শহীদ মিনার ভেঙেছে, পতাকায় আগুন দিয়েছে। কিন্তু ওরা বাঙালির মন থেকে পতাকা পোড়াতে পারবে না।”

বিএনপি নেতা সাদেক হোসেন খোকাকে সাবেক মুক্তিযোদ্ধা আখ্যায়িত করে নাজমুল আলম বলেন, “গণজাগরণ মঞ্চ বিষয়ে আপনার বক্তব্য ও জামায়াতের পক্ষে অবস্থানের কারণে আপনি মুক্তিযুদ্ধ অংশ নিলেও এখন আর আপনাকে মুক্তিযোদ্ধা বলতে পারছি না।”

বাংলাদেশ সময়: ১৭৩৩ ঘণ্টা, ফেব্রুয়ারি ২৩, ২০১৩
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Do you have the basic knowledge on shooting??? Tear Gas or rubber bullet != real bullet. This is the Jamaat, Shibir scums those who used the mosque as a barrier to launch attack on public property and vandalizing cars and buses. Not only that these Jamaat, Shibir activists set fire on the carpet of the national mosque and broke the wall of the mosque to get bricks for throwing towards the police. This can not be act of any true muslims.

Your statement sounds much like copy of Awami League terror leaders an ministers, terming majority Muslim population of Bangladesh as Jamaat. You know notingabout Islam but advocating terror attack on Muslims. Muslims under Indo Awami Leage terror occupation has to resists, just Palestinan try to break out of Zionist occupation.
Your statement sounds much like copy of Awami League terror leaders an ministers, terming majority Muslim population of Bangladesh as Jamaat. You know notingabout Islam but advocating terror attack on Muslims. Muslims under Indo Awami Leage terror occupation has to resists, just Palestinan try to break out of Zionist occupation.

:lmao: :lmao: Nothing new in your post apart from some old rent. 90% of the population here in Bangladesh are muslim and only 4.6% out of them support Jamaat. Now when these Jamaatis along with shibir went out in the street for destruction of public property, vandalizing of cars, buses and attack general public what do you expect Police to do in that case??? Just seat down and enjoy the show??? Now for the time being think it is USA not Bangladesh then what would be reaction of the police against such destructive mob???

Before preaching Islam and muslim here look at your own face first in the mirror?? Are you a true muslim?? pray 5 times a day??? Someone who continuously lie through his teeth has no right to preach others on Islam.

I dnt know which Awami League minister said what and when he termed majority of Bangladeshi as Jamaat but all available statistics shows that Jamaat is a minority in Bangladeshi politics who got only 4.6% vote in the last election. This time it will be far less then last time. Thanks to all these sort of destructive activity along with destruction of public property that they are carrying out using the name of Islam.

পাকিস্তানি ব্লগ এ শাহবাগ নিয়ে লেখা আসছে। পাকিস্তানি দের অনেকেই জামাত ইসলাম কে পছন্দ করে না। পাকিস্তানি রাও শাহবাগের নতুন প্রজন্ম কে দেখে অনুপ্রানিত। একটাই প্রার্থনা- এই অনুপ্রেরনা ছড়িয়ে পড়ুক সারা বিশ্বে।

Kader Siddiqui one of the most valiant war hero was called “ ra zza kar” because he opposed and criticized attack on Islam by Shabagh fascist and he called on Awami League to put it's ministers (home and manpower minister among others) in trial for their role as “ ra zza kar”. Awami League home minister subsequently sued Kader Siddiqui which Kader Siddiqui laughed about. In his article today, Kader Siddiqui replied back to “ ra zza kar” labeling a by saying “ if I am ’ra zza kar’ then Sheikh Mujib was ‘ra zza kar’ commander.”

Note: It goes show again and again - "war crime" was just pretext real target was Islamic value and aspiration in Bnagladesh. Attack on Kader Siddiqui and labeling him “ ra zza kar” because he protested attack on Islam exposes Indo Awami intention even futher.

Mahi B Chowdhury, Barrister Andalib and Omi Rahman Pial are calling to ban Jamaat and capital punishment of the war criminals...

Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS)

Inu urges pro-Islamic parties to shun Jamaat

DHAKA, Feb 23, 2012 (BSS) - Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal (JSD) president and Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu today urged the pro-Islam parties to call off their tomorrow's hartal severing links with Jamaat-e- Islami saying it was exploiting Islam actually to belittle Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) "I hope they (Islamic parties) will withdraw their hartal call," he told the JSD's national committee meeting at its party office at Bangabandhu Avenue. He added: "I urge the like minded Islamic parties to severe links with Jamaat-e-Islami . . as a matter of fact, Jamaat humiliates our beloved Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) with their preaching." Inu called Jamaat a "terrorist organization" and said "by calling the meaningless hartal in the name of Islam, they (again) insulted our beloved Prophet". The JSD chief also urged the main opposition BNP to cut off ties their extreme rightwing ally and extend hands to the government to expose to justice the Jamaat activists for terrorism. "I urge Begum Khaleda Zia, if you want to uphold democracy discard relations with Jamaat resist their fascist activities and offer your assistance for trial of the (Jamaat) terrorists," he said. "They used mosques to bring out their processions, damaged Shahid Minars and tiered off national flags, attacked journalists, damaged freedom fighters' offices and 'ganajagaran Manchas' at different places . . . all aimed to halt war crimes trial." Party general secretary Sharif Nurul Ambia, president of party's executive committee Mainuddin Khan Badal MP and women leader Shirin Akhtar, among others spoke on the occasion.

" Inu called Jamaat a "terrorist organization" and said "by calling the meaningless hartal in the name of Islam, they (again) insulted our beloved Prophet". The JSD chief also urged the main opposition BNP to cut off ties their extreme rightwing ally and extend hands to the government to expose to justice the Jamaat activists for terrorism. "I urge Begum Khaleda Zia, if you want to uphold democracy discard relations with Jamaat resist their fascist activities and offer your assistance for trial of the (Jamaat) terrorists," he said.
OMG! OMG!! OMG!!! The Dada commie's real fake ness is open now. A party of over 10 million's viable masses, that possesses the most democratic, honest, efficient and accounting values is being called a terrorist outfit by a dada commie, traitor? For yrs. I have been screaming that Chungabaz Dada-Commie's are real enemy of Islam, Muslim and BD. Now it's evident and too late.

After losing Jamanots in many elections, Commie shaitans conspired to get the grip of power through the traitor of century MUA/FUA's cunning ness. And grew balls by now to call JI/SHIBIR as terrorist outfit whereas he himself along with all other commies is the real terrorists. Which needs to be dealt immediately otherwise, he would bulldoze the issue like past 7 yrs. to kill many more of the finest sons of BD. BTW, his types just killed 9 more in last 3-4days...(??????? ?????? ? ???? ???? ??), Who are the terrorists then? Are JI/SHIBIR walas invading, vandalizing other's properties or his type? Is his GOVT’S appointed terrorist-polices killing JI/SHIBIR or Nastik, dalals? Are RAWAMY-TERRORISTS killing his type or JI/ SHIBIR walas? Then how could the victim of Government terrorism be terrorists? It's Bharati's line of thinking, name calling. And look at the timing of his cunning ness. Since JI/SHIBIR'S 27000+ leaders and activists are in jail, they are on run, receiving end of police's brutality and losing lives on daily basis; they are being called terrorists at that time by the worst opportunist/commie-Mo Fo. Hence, Inu Mo-Fo listen up, U are a terrorist by ministerial out-fit that U acquired through rigged election and never got people's nod on bulldozing UR own agenda to call the finest people as terrorists, so it's all UR and don't add our names in it.
Shamim Mohammed Afzal is Islamic thinker? He is one of the Awami League thug brought in foreign dancers to perform in Islamic foundation. Shamim Mohammed Afzal is known for attacking Islamic sentiment and that is why Awami League made him Islamic foundation DG.CaPtAiN_pLaNeT once again proved his heart and mind is against Islam just like Shahbagh fascist and nastiks.

So you are proving you own comment a circus saying he was made DG of Islamic Foundation for attacking Islam but you gave the example of dance party which he organized after becoming the DG. Any proof that he attacked the Islamic sentiment before becoming the DG or anything apart from the dance party??? So what was the judgement from court for filing the case??? Nothing as these are just act of some Jamaat cheer leader which does not have any validity.

If I am not wrong it is you who posted earlier that the dance party was a belly dance party... In arab countries it is very popular and arab girls are famous for belly dancing. So according to you are they hurting Islamic sentiment??? Just talk with logic considering your 40+ age instead of ranting like a 5 year old boy.

This is a belly dance in Arabic...

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কওমি মাদ্রাসা ও হাক্কানি ওলামা বনাম জামাতের ভণ্ডামি ইসলামি

বিশিষ্ট ইসলামী চিন্তাবিদ শামীম মোহাম্মদ আফজাল মহা পরিচালক ইসলামী ফাউন্ডেশন বাংলাদেশ - উনি একাত্তর টিভিতে একাত্তর জার্নালে জামাতে ইসলামীকে ইহুদি নাসারাদের সংগঠন বলে অবহিত করেছেন।

Whereas the above type's of Mullah doesn't have any intellectual ability to be compared with JI/SHIBIRSES leaders and his type unknowingly plays hand on MURTAD-RAWAMYS, the multifaceted deception of Commie's-Vondami like the followings are taking BD to the nadir of nation state's feet.

Multi-Decade Communist Deception and Disinformation Strategy (2 of 3) - YouTube

Multi-Decade Communist Deception and Disinformation Strategy (3 of 3) - YouTube
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@<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=27147" target="_blank">CaPtAiN_pLaNeT</a></u>, Islam is not Awamis thing. Since you are an Awami, I am treating as such. You people are fasiq and shameless.

This old Awami is pervert. Not so long ago, he arranged a half naked dance party in front of Imams in the name of cultural exchange. @<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=12518" target="_blank">idune</a></u> bhai post the article.

Who told here that Islam is a Awami thing??? It is even not the discussion here. Instead everyone is saying here that Islam is not a Jamaat thing as they are using Islam for their own benefit.... IF's DG is also right regarding Jammaat...Omi Rahman Pial said this about Islam and Jamaat....

Why I am only Awami but not Indian RAW agent, Jatiyo party, BNP and even Jamaat as well??
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&#2460;&#2482;&#2488;&#2494;&#2479;&#2492; &#2437;&#2486;&#2494;&#2482;&#2496;&#2472; &#2441;&#2453;&#2509;&#2468;&#2495;, &#2476;&#2453;&#2509;&#2468;&#2494;&#2453;&#2503; &#2471;&#2507;&#2482;&#2494;&#2439;


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Published: 2013-02-23 14:05:06.0 Updated: 2013-02-23 14:05:06.0
&#2476;&#2453;&#2486;&#2495;&#2455;&#2462;&#2509;&#2460; &#2441;&#2474;&#2460;&#2503;&#2482;&#2494;&#2479;&#2492; &#2447;&#2453;&#2463;&#2495; &#2439;&#2488;&#2482;&#2494;&#2478;&#2495; &#2460;&#2482;&#2488;&#2494;&#2479;&#2492; &#2479;&#2497;&#2470;&#2509;&#2471;&#2494;&#2474;&#2480;&#2494;&#2471;&#2496;&#2470;&#2503;&#2480; &#2474;&#2453;&#2509;&#2487; &#2472;&#2503;&#2479;&#2492;&#2494; &#2447;&#2476;&#2434; &#2472;&#2495;&#2489;&#2468; &#2476;&#2509;&#2482;&#2455;&#2494;&#2480; &#2480;&#2494;&#2460;&#2496;&#2476;&#2488;&#2489; &#2486;&#2494;&#2489;&#2494;&#2476;&#2494;&#2455;&#2503; &#2438;&#2472;&#2509;&#2470;&#2507;&#2482;&#2472;&#2453;&#2494;&#2480;&#2496;&#2470;&#2503;&#2480; &#2474;&#2509;&#2480;&#2468;&#2495; &#2437;&#2486;&#2494;&#2482;&#2496;&#2472; &#2441;&#2453;&#2509;&#2468;&#2495; &#2453;&#2480;&#2494;&#2479;&#2492; &#2476;&#2453;&#2509;&#2468;&#2494;&#2453;&#2503; &#2471;&#2507;&#2482;&#2494;&#2439; &#2470;&#2495;&#2479;&#2492;&#2503;&#2459;&#2503;&#2472; &#2476;&#2495;&#2453;&#2509;&#2487;&#2497;&#2470;&#2509;&#2471; &#2478;&#2497;&#2488;&#2482;&#2509;&#2482;&#2495;&#2480;&#2494;&#2404;

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Ha! Ha!! Public follows Rawamy's Dalalai ! Ha ! Ha !! Horse Shyte from RAWAMY Dalal's, Share Market Looter's site! Ha! Ha!! Captain of futuristic dalal of RAWAMY League has become public's mouth piece, Ha! Ha !!

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