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Bangladesh Pushes back refugees from Myanmar

Or a better question is: why are some of you advocating military intervention which you are neither capable of or being able to afford than just allowing them to settle in Bangladesh if they so wish (which I'm sure they would). Give them opportunities in your glorious, civilised, prosperous flood-plain of a land.

Off topic but necessary..PDF Mods should change the ranking system of posters based on the flat count of posts. It should be based on the weight of the post too. Look at this alaungphaya, with his current 89 posts he should be demoted to a lower ranking soldier instead of current rank Lieutenant and continuing that once to batman of other PDF officer ranking members.... :lol: .
Eventually beyond a point India will have to step in and stop the bloodshed. But as it has happened elsewhere for other boat people, its going to be an impasse at best. Once the seed of hatred has taken root, the local majority is jst going to simmer till things eventually boil over at a later date. Bangladesh taking them in is not the answer. They will have to learn to live peacefuly and integrate seamlessly on their own land. Or they will be slaughtered.

After all india has the responsibility to pour water on flame ignited by india (overtly or covertly) too .
What you say is right in the abstract but it ignores the historical context in Burma. The Rohingyas have faced centuries of discrimination. Do they have access to the same education and career options as other Burmese? It sounds like there is fairly complete segregation, not just of the Rohingyas, but also other ethnic minorities in Burma.

The challenge for Burma is to educate everybody -- all ethnic groups -- to respect others and to forge a national identity that includes all groups. Part of that would involve reversing the segregation and providing equal opportunities to all.

What better might happen educating everybody? This nut alaungphaya (skeptical on identity) claims he was educated in west maybe Cambridge (forgot) and he's been sounding like stone age guy. Well all educated Burmese will open university of racism, fascism with proper (!) education.
I dont think so... Its just a rumor. Rohingyas are not a mass which may worry AL that much.

For vote bank our politicians can do anything unimaginable and all rumors regarding bal are true as they didn't show any will to break the rumors and bringing the truth to the people.
Forgive me. What part of sending back voluntary refugees and attempting to incite an islamic jihad inside Arakan is civilised?. My backward, Burmese brain just can't comprehend.

In fairness, I do think the Rohingya should be able to choose where they would rather settle but no society can truly contain sectarian violence. I also hold firm that BD should have a role to play.

Your Burmese brain is unsophisticated because you yourself support the weird views of the GoM on Rohingyas. They are Arakanese and you have occupied that territory. So, its all the people are Burmese citizens. You must accept this fundamental thing. You are unfair to Rohingyas. Have you ever, I say, ever, heard similar approach taken by any other govt in this world? You guys still remain half human in your approach.

Can't say how reliable the news is. Anything is possible in the politics of Bangladesh!

And what's more, Jamaat is NOT a terrorist group. It is a legitimate and a legal political party.

Though I hate this Jamat for their past (as well as current) activities, I surely can say they are not stupid like bal/bnp and they don't get involved in loose business. The Burmese claim of 10 intruders from BD might be true but they possibly were sent by some other not Jamati.
Eventually beyond a point India will have to step in and stop the bloodshed. But as it has happened elsewhere for other boat people, its going to be an impasse at best. Once the seed of hatred has taken root, the local majority is jst going to simmer till things eventually boil over at a later date. Bangladesh taking them in is not the answer. They will have to learn to live peacefuly and integrate seamlessly on their own land. Or they will be slaughtered.
India will never intervene, we are not USA, we dont play world police.
It is a bilateral issue, we dont need to get into that mess unnecessarily.

They mostly concern themselves over their own protection. It is a controversial party due to their alleged roles in the 1971 war. But then, there's nothing particularly shining about them.

Both Sinn Fein and Jamaat are legal -.-

Not acceptable though, during last bnp/ji term this jamati opperessed many Hindus that didn't come on media. I directly talked to such a victim family member. Banning both bal and ji and keeping bnp in some observing like status peace may come.
i actually had good impression on Myanmar before... Now i know why there are so many insurgency among them. Actually you cant measure them on our scale... People in Bangladesh have no ethnic pride or whatever, india is also another country where various groups live in harmony. But in Burma, the largest group Bamar ( from Bamar the word burma or myanmar derived) controls everything. Every other people hates them. Actually they hate each other.... Bamars are using rakhaines against rohingyas! They have already started to build new Bamar settlements in Arakan in order to control rakhaines and Arakan
Avisheik is not Pakistani or indian, so a prefix with Bangladeshi isn't required only Bangladeshi will do.
Well, are not hindus of bangladesh considered to be too close to India.
I recently went to meet my bangladeshi friend and he introduced me to his mates, one of them shows quite a lot of knowledge about India(to my amazement). My friend later told me in hushed voice in kitchen 'he is hindu'. :)
How the geography of Myanmar plays if there is a military intervention from Bangladesh. Seems to me Arakan is completely separated from Main land Burma through a mountain. We certainly have a military advantage in Arakan. Whats your take Asad?

Not in this thread please.

1.The only sure communication link between Akyab and Rangoon is the steamer service. Takes 3 days! There have been many reports about a planned land link. But nothing has ever materialized. There is no railway in Arakan. There used to be a stretch of railway line from Maundaw to Buthidong built by the British. This has disappeared and is used as an unmetalled road.

2. To use the flight from Akyab to Rangoon, you need a pass issued by the military. Rohingyas are automatically barred unless a hefty bribe is paid.

3. In the event of a military conflict Burma will not be able to deploy and maintain sufficient force. And even that would mean weakening of other fronts where Burma has been fighting insurgencies for ever.

4. Very cleverly Burma has recently struck a deal with ALP (Arakan Liberation Party) who are a Rakhine insurgent group. Against certain benefits ALP has been provided arms and given two bases. ALP has been launched by Burma to do the main butchery, the Tatmadaw and Na Sa Ka remaining at a distance watching the killings.
Well, are not hindus of bangladesh considered to be too close to India.
I recently went to meet my bangladeshi friend and he introduced me to his mates, one of them shows quite a lot of knowledge about India(to my amazement). My friend later told me in hushed voice in kitchen 'he is hindu'. :)

A certain Babu used to work for my father's company, a diploma engineer. We heard that he built houses or bought apartment in Kolkata and finally moved there. Most Bangladeshi Hindu's once they have the means, make preparation over decades to move to India. Bangladesh do not have religious discrimination like what we hear about in India. But yet Hindu's move to India, I guess mainly because they feel safer and more importantly for better future economic outlook for their family. India never complains about this Hindu migration, but claims its own West Bengal Muslims as illegal migrants. This clearly exposes their hypocrisy and hatred towards Muslims.
All the money paid to repatriate Rohingiyas came from Saudi Arabia. Dont give a flying ***** on something you dont know.

And despite all the animosity it will be whole sub continent behind us. China will ask us to get it done quick.. USA will be in BOB watching the fun... Russia is making huge investment in BD. You know your relation with Thais. They openly say $hit about you when their president visited Bangladesh last time. Malaysia and Indonesia will be in our side.. You can go to North Korea or who??? I dont know aman.. Combodia?

You missed...they will have india.
A certain Babu used to work for my father's company, a diploma engineer. We heard that he built houses or bought apartment in Kolkata and finally moved there. Most Bangladeshi Hindu's once they have the means, make preparation over decades to move to India. Bangladesh do not have religious discrimination like what we hear about in India. But yet Hindu's move to India, I guess mainly because they feel safer and more importantly for better future economic outlook for their family. India never complains about this Hindu migration, but claims its own West Bengal Muslims as illegal migrants. This clearly exposes their hypocrisy and hatred towards Muslims.
Given the history and basis of partition and the fact that hindus dont feel safe in pakistan or bangladesh( not to same degree I agree), dont you think we have a moral obligation to allow hindus to come here. We should not encourage that (I dont think GoI has encouraged hindu migration) but those who end up here for fear of prosecution should be safe.

Even in UK, if you are a muslim and from bangladesh you will have less chance of being accepted as a refugee (unless the prosecution is political) than a hindu simply because bangladesh is a muslim majority country.

I understand you are saying quite a few hindus come for economic migration, but I dont think it will be humane thing to deny them entry.

About illegal bangladeshi staying in India, they never came as refugee. They never sought GoI's help, they just sneak in (and out into bangladesh)

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