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Bangladesh protests Pakistan Parliament resolutions


dude Bangladesh can hate Pakistan till the end of this world,we Pakistanis can care less, get this straight read: Bangladesh is insignificant for Pakistan & vice versa. & whether you guys like or dislike our Quaid-i-Azam Md. Ali Jinnah is of no significance to us or our country or to him either, because he was our father of the nation. & we Pakistanis love him & that's what matters ,not what bd thinks of him & lastly no Bangladesh is not what Jinnah wanted Pakistan to be like, he wanted Pakistan to be a progressive country like Turkey & Malaysia & need less to say Bangladesh is far from it. & as for sabag or whatever that is' thanks but no thanks, we are not interested to have an organised mob justice, just in case you dint know Pakistan has a very independent judiciary where politicians, prime ministers & even military leaders are not spared ! but that is through a proper judicial procedures & NOT through the whims & emotions of cheering mob justice, Pakistanis with all their problem are an open minded people. our media & intelligentsia even debates about the views of Maulana abul kalam azad & Maula maududi who had opposed our independence, we also talk about a sensitive matter like cabinet mission plan with non other then the ex-foreign minister of India mr jaswant singh & we also criticise our politicians & military for the wrongs done to Bangladesh in 1971, neither do we get insecure if some one questions the partition, but rather we debate the subject as students of history. yes we have our problems & big ones @ that & we are trying to solve them, but that does not take away the fact that we as a people are open to constructive criticism , & take pride in this trait, after all sir', we are a multicultural,multi ethnic & multi linguistic society, we are not hammed in a land & surrounded by a big neighbour from 3 sides ,instead Alhamdulillah we have a country spanning almost 8 lakhs
75 thousand sq km, encompassing great cultures & societies from the mountains of Azad Kashmir & gilgit-baltistan to the plains of Punjab to the terrains of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa & F.A.T.A to the deserts of Sindh all the way to the coasts of Baluchistan & from the borders of China to the borders of Iran all the way to the waters of Oman ! we have our own region to take care of, instead of wasting time on what anybody sitting 3000 km away thinks about us
even with its problems, Alhumdulillah for everything Allah gave to Pakistan. afsos hai hamara, ke humein ethnic diversity ar geography se jasey kam mila, shayed hamara dimag ar socho bhi bahuti chhoti ho gaya
bro are you talking about the one in chittagong? i'm from there. some people including me intentionally or unknowingly call it "indoora road". but it's sad and nothing short of scandalous that we are made to commemorate a colonizer but not a liberator

I didn't know there is road named after Indira in Chittagong. I was taking about the one in Dacca.
This is what I mean. AL bastards has renamed many things after 71 to satisfy their Hindu fathers reside in Dilli.

Who the hell is Surya Sen?
well i wouldn't have too much reservation naming smth after Surya Sen. but not at the cost of destroying symbols of the very leaders for whom we have the borders of BD in the first place!! this is too much hatred and too much fascism

I didn't know there is road named after Indira in Chittagong. I was taking about the one in Dacca.
my bad i had mistaken that there was another in Chittagong. i mixed it up with Andar Qilla :lol:
even with its problems, Alhumdulillah for everything Allah gave to Pakistan. afsos hai hamara, ke humein ethnic diversity ar geography se jasey kam mila, shayed hamara dimag ar socho bhi bahuti chhoti ho gaya

bro,why do you think like that, my post were for that iambengali guy he constantly provokes Pakistan, so I had to reply to him ,& no Bangladesh is not small it is nearly 45 thousand sq km larger then south Korea,
bro I am a well wisher of bd & I agree that wrongs were done to bd by west Pakistan
I always believe that bd can become an economically as well as militarily a very strong nation & No India cannot stop that even if it doesn't like it or it goes against their interest just like how it could not stop Pakistan from becoming a nuclear power, just like China could not stop South Korea from become a strong nation even though it went against their interest they could do nothing but had to reconcile with the fact that South Korea is a strong nation is India more stronger then China ? no its not so if south Korea do it so can Bangladesh, think about it if South Korea can have U.S by its side why cant Bangladesh have China ? but for that you need patriotic honest & sincere leadership & people & yuths who knows the value of military strength , you need guys who admire people like Shaheed Zia-ur-Rahman, Kamal Ataturk of Gallipoli, Erdogan of turkey, Mahatir of Malaysia & Park Chung-hee of South Korea & not useless poet lovers & emotional gullible crowds

here is a post of mine regarding the potential of Bangladesh, I will never discourage a Bangladeshi because a economically as well as militarily strong Bangladesh is in Pakistan's national interest just like a strong Afghanistan is in India's interest ,bro,Pakistan is not Bangladesh's enemy never was never will be

bro remember loosing hope is gunah, it is like loosing faith ! see if you compare South Korea's size to China then you will see that South Korea is just 38,691 sq mi means 38 thousand 7 hundred sq mi, while China on the other hand is almost 3,800,000 sq mi ! means almost 3.8 million sq mi !
where as India is 1,240,000 sq mi which is 3 times smaller then China, Bangladesh on the other hand is 56,000 sq mi, which is 17,000 sq mi larger then south Korea ! in fact Bangladesh is larger then South Korea & Bhutan combined !
now, if Bangladesh is just too small & insignificant in front of India which itself is 3 times smaller then China ,then for all practical purposes South Korea shouldn't even exist ! isn't it ?
now bro do you know that south Korea has one of the strongest Militarily in the world
it has the strongest navy after China & India ! in fact the South Koreans have a "Green water navy"
it has one of the strongest air forces in the world, it has one of the largest land forces @ 653,000 active troops ( personals are NOT included in this) ,which means that they have 653,000 jawans ! ready to fight anytime, now be honest can China even think of doing that to South Korea of what India does to Bangladesh ? the answer is a big NO , why because the South Koreans are damn Strong ,they might be smaller then Bangladesh, while China might be larger then India but none the less, they are a self respecting, proud people who doesn't take sh!t from anybody, so if South Korea can do it, so can Bangladesh
just think about it
Awami league should growup
these acts will only grow hatred for bengladeshi peolpe among Pakistanis
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Do you know how much burden those illegal Bagalis are on our economy?? and for Indians please don't tell Pakistan what to do as its our matter and it has nothing do with India. They became teacher when some issue regarding Pakistan arises and they don't want others opinion on their issues which effects other countries too. This is their pure hippocratic behavior due to which Pakistan become need of Indian Muslims back in 1940s.

Your policy is not gong to change on our advice. You see, calling back diplomat is extreme step. India and Pakistan fought 4 wars but Diplomat were not called back. So post with some sense and not for the sake of writing. This is my friendly advice.
bro,why do you think like that, my post were for that iambengali guy he constantly provokes Pakistan, so I had to reply to him ,& no Bangladesh is not small it is nearly 45 thousand sq km larger then south Korea,
bro I am a well wisher of bd & I agree that wrongs were done to bd by west Pakistan
I always believe that bd can become an economically as well as militarily a very strong nation & No India cannot stop that even if it doesn't like it or it goes against their interest just like how it could not stop Pakistan from becoming a nuclear power, just like China could not stop South Korea from become a strong nation even though it went against their interest they could do nothing but had to reconcile with the fact that South Korea is a strong nation is India more stronger then China ? no its not so if south Korea do it so can Bangladesh, think about it if South Korea can have U.S by its side why cant Bangladesh have China ? but for that you need patriotic honest & sincere leadership & people & yuths who knows the value of military strength , you need guys who admire people like Shaheed Zia-ur-Rahman, Kamal Ataturk of Gallipoli, Erdogan of turkey, Mahatir of Malaysia & Park Chung-hee of South Korea & not useless poet lovers & emotional gullible crowds

here is a post of mine regarding the potential of Bangladesh, I will never discourage a Bangladeshi because a economically as well as militarily strong Bangladesh is in Pakistan's national interest just like a strong Afghanistan is in India's interest ,bro,Pakistan is not Bangladesh's enemy never was never will be
that's very appreciable and you are right. because i may have seen somewhere, i thought you were half-bangladeshi or something. but still, probably because of our geographic isolation from other muslim countries/cultures and constant brainwashing from BAL circles, there is a lot of ignorance on the diversity our nation was created out of and even on the diversity that still exists today. if we don't have some of these fundamentals right - if we are clueless about our own history and heritage - we won't get anywhere. nonetheless we are teeming with talent that just can't get channeled to anywhere meaningful. i've been fortunate enough to have met Bangladeshis from many walks of life: Hindu or Muslim or Christian, Bihari or Mohajir or Bengali and so on. i once met a Karachi based family in the States. they considered themselves ethnically Bengali and were originally from Bangladesh/East Pak. they had to migrate to Karachi around 1971 likely because they were Urdu-speaking Bengalis. these are some things that really gave me a feeling of grief and loss. they should've never had to leave their home...
there is this sick bengali-centrism promoted by some fascist BAL people and this is eating us up. all this made our minds very narrow as made evident by likes of iambengali and this wild behaviour shown by the effigy burners. this is the sad truth
Well I got some other account the version. Now how do we decide which is the right version? :)

Ohh really? We dint know nor we think Banglasesh shud be back in India nor we want to do that. Just like you Jamatis even RSS extrimists are very big minority in India who dream of that Akhand Bharat thing. So you can relax. By the way this progress that Bangladesh is making is just coz of liberal people like Awami Leaugers. Religiuos shit will take to close to what Pakistan is here.
For your kind information dude I'm the Chief Convener of All Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Chatrodol Private Medical Branch. [ nationalist students wing of BNP for private medical ],so I'm not jamaati,you can relax. And what I say,is dream of all Awami leaguer . Not BNP's :rofl:

This is what I mean. AL bastards has renamed many things after 71 to satisfy their Hindu fathers reside in Dilli.

Who the hell is Surya Sen?
Killer of Innocent Muslims in the name of Purifying Chittagong and Independence.

For your kind information dude I'm the Chief Convener of All Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Chatrodol Private Medical Branch. [ nationalist students wing of BNP for private medical ],so I'm not jamaati,you can relax. And what I say,is dream of all Awami leaguer . Not BNP's :rofl:

Killer of Innocent Muslims in the name of Purifying Chittagong and Independence.
You are the member of a party founded by the very guy who declared independence and you bad-mouth Muktijodhhas??:hitwall:
You are the member of a party founded by the very guy who declared independence and you bad-mouth Muktijodhhas??:hitwall:

Surya Sen was no freedom fighter of Bangladesh independence, he revolted against British. Don't try to tell lies. These symbol of indian assets in Bangladesh should be removed.
Awami league should growup
these acts will only grow hatred for bengladeshi peolpe among Pakistanis

Well you have to decide, what you want to believe. As I've watched this from my own experience I can say,we consider Pakistanis our brother. When a Pakistani mix up with a Bd family , they mix up with em more closely thn Indian,cause we are brothers. And League ? What is it ? It always come to power by conspiracy and by India.

If there was no India,or not 3 side Indian border but a Pakistani or Chinese border than today there would be no sign of them in our politics.

Pakistanis need to understand , all our media ,all 14-15 media ,newspaper all's owner are AL minister,MP . So,during AL they can only see hatred through our chanel . these ch are equal to Geo.
So,my request don't believe in these news media like Bdnews24,daily star etc.

You'll always find there Good news for AL & India.

You are the member of a party founded by the very guy who declared independence and you bad-mouth Muktijodhhas??:hitwall:
You had mistaken my point . What I always say is truth about 72 . When it is about truth you have to support it . You guys,always say ," Zia is not a FF ", " Zia is a traitor "," Zia killed Muzib "... . But when we begin to reply hardly you guys say," Strange !! Why are you doing so,Zia is a FF,Great warrior " . Isn't it so funny ? Yes, my maternal grandfather was a British Indian army officer of Pune HQ ; Later he was in Awami Muslim League , and I learnt a lot from him.Anyways,coming to you point.If FF did any crime , why it can' t be war crime ? No matter,who did war crime,but a crime is crime.

And If Pakistan force or other ,no matter who ...did any thing good we all have to accept tht.

And Surya Sen is a terrorist,killer of Muslims.So,how could he become FF ?
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For your kind information dude I'm the Chief Convener of All Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Chatrodol Private Medical Branch. [ nationalist students wing of BNP for private medical ],so I'm not jamaati,you can relax. And what I say,is dream of all Awami leaguer . Not BNP's :rofl:

Killer of Innocent Muslims in the name of Purifying Chittagong and Independence.

@kobiraaz : How did it happen...one born anti-Bangladesh element in a BNP wing :o: ?
@kobiraaz : How did it happen...one born anti-Bangladesh element in a BNP wing :o: ?

To support truth,to support Islamic brotherhood and to support history can't be anti Bangladesh.But Indianism can. There is no confusion that ,in today's Bangladesh Only one thing matter.That is either you are with us or with Hasina. Again,who is Kobiraaz? Is he the BNP Chairperson,vice chairman or Medical deen ? Who is he? Or is he a Political Expert,who knows everything :smokin:
Surya Sen was no freedom fighter of Bangladesh independence, he revolted against British. Don't try to tell lies. These symbol of indian assets in Bangladesh should be removed.
WTF....I'm talking about ZIA!
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