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Bangladesh proposes procurement of high-end military equipment from US

I do. I do in louder voice than you I believe. All common folks do. Govt sometimes can't do because of diplomatic issue. Remember, Islam is deep inside the heart of Bangladeshi Muslim society, so Muslim brotherhood is. It's perhaps better than you have, keep it in mind . We are just peace loving folks, but when something worse happen we are the front liner to protests.

And we have problems with Hindutva govt of India and it's ideology, but we have no problem with common peacefull Hindus. They are Bangladeshi ( even I have no slightest problem with any Indian or other countries Hindus) so our own folks. It's called equal status. And that's all.

My words exactly! Bravo!

Just one last thing for your information. Hasina doesn't represent us, neither any other politicians do. We used to vote for them because we have no other option.

People are silent against Hasina because simply they don't want to see khaleda zia again. Give us brave and iron man like Erdogan, or a Mahathir Muhammad, we will instantly dump our current leaders.

But the question is, is it possible to create leaders like them overnight? No it's not possible.

I wanted to add that Hasina is the better of the two evils. We all know she has flaws, but she's way better than Khaleda, who offers nothing but churi and churi alone. You need a strong educated leader to deliver the goods - and uneducated Khaleda ain't it.

Hasina stayed because she continues to deliver results, in the form of an improved economy, improved human development factors as well as defense spending.

Granted the elections are a sham - but people here put up with those because democratic elections in a third world country is no guarantee that churi will stop.

People put up with her India boot-licking and churi because she delivers on the other fronts. If she didn't (and stopped pleasing the army leaders), she would get booted out so fast it'd make people's heads spin.
Honestly you will never get a full picture on BD "overall" opinion here at PDF....to be able to explain the dissonance from their delusions and dreams vs reality (as you point out, the 95% "mandate" yet no revolution or even small resistance out on the street regarding it).

Those that have gathered here generally have a deep-set psyche issue. Hypothetically, would it really make much sense querying the few armenians that may gather on a nationalist turk forum as a full representative take on Armenian perspective? Or the few israelis that gather in far right european ethno-fascist forums?...These are apt corollaries given what bipartisan BD society accuses Pakistan of at large.

So everyone else ought to broadly understand...that if any such types manifest of this combination, they very likely have a skewed psyche from the norm....and one simply has to take that into account....at least till you actually visit the source country to judge for yourself directly....or some better avenue to judge it.

Why are you even here?
I wanted to add that Hasina is the better of the two evils. We all know she has flaws, but she's way better than Khaleda, who offers nothing but churi and churi alone.
Exactly. And that's the reason I continuously speak for Hasina and keep defending her every time although I am not a fan of any political party.

Yes that's true that she has weak side for India because when her father died, she was under Raw protection and it's raw who convinced her that they ( India) are their friend.

Look carefully about sheikh mujib, he was never India sided and I believe Indian agents who were hiding inside his party was responsible of his killing.

However although Hasina is India sided but there is no way that she is Indian stooge. She just consider India friend and it's a mistake no doubt. And I wish in her life time she will see how bad sanghis can be. Also bjp is not Congress she already understand.

Hasina stayed because she continues to deliver results, in the form of an improved economy, improved human development factors as well as defense spending

Right. And I wish she will not retire until 2030. I want her to fulfill our force goal 2030.

And do you know why some folks are anti Hasina? Simply because she want Bangladesh to stand on it's own feet.

Granted the elections are a sham -
Sham election is more than welcome in the present status of Bangladesh. Actually what shall you choose between food and vote bilal? I will choose food every single time no doubt. Vote is just a luxury things to them who can't eat.

I know many will start beating me who took democracy as cult like religion, but in the end democracy is nothing if you can't give food to your people. So sham election with food is much more desirable than pure election with hungry mouth.

but people here put up with those because democratic elections in a third world country is no guarantee that churi will stop.
She is already taking steps to stop churi. You see the cleaning operation in Bangladesh? Wait and see, she will solve lots if problems in future. Bangladesh can do much better if it's assets will be well distributed. Yes people will be rich no doubt. But rich people should pay 50% tax ( rich mean literally rich business men not talking about others, as the rate is not charming for tax here) , and also corruption should be end.

I wish she will be successful in few years. We must keep I mind that although she is in power since 10 years, but actually got political stability since 2016. So actually 3 years! And we can't demand too much in such short time.

People put up with her India boot-licking and churi because she delivers on the other fronts. If she didn't (and stopped pleasing the army leaders), she would get booted out so fast it'd make people's heads spin.
Actually Indian chamchami is just BNP JAMAT propaganda. Look carefully they were more Indian Dalal than Hasina. Just they were hiding under the so called Islamic coat, and we have mass illiterate and pseudo educated mass who are easily brain washed by the bogus of Islamic party.

In reality BNP JAMAT is nothing but terrorists. The supporters of BNP will choose another non AL party I think.

And about army, army is patriot, and our saviour and protector. They are not outsider but our own folks, so it's not wrong to please them. Military is totally corruption free, so if their demand is a bit higher, I see no wrong in it.

Besides, khaleda zia was so top grade theif that she even stole from military budget. Do you remember the condition of electricity in 2004-2006? She looted the most from this section.

So she paid the price. And who can stole from military purchase, she is actually Indian Dalal. So I say it's not Hasina but khaleda zia is Indian stooge. I know all people will laugh at me, but I believe it's true. Otherwise why such greed that they will loot arms money? Finally I do not pay attention to others now. As long as we have strong military and it's intelligence like DGFI, we are safe, so our country is. Don't really care who is in power. Just I care who work for us!
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Exactly. And that's the reason I continuously speak for Hasina and keep defending her every time although I am not a fan of any political party.

Yes that's true that she has weak side for India because when her father died, she was under Raw protection and it's raw who convinced her that they ( India) is their friend.

Look carefully about sheikh mujib, he was never India sided and I believe Indian agents who were hiding inside his party was responsible of his killing.

However although Hasina is India sided but there is no way that she is Indian stooge. She just consider India friend and it's a mistake no doubt. And I wish in her life time she will see how bad sanghis can be. Also bjp is not Congress she already understand.

Right. And I wish she will not retire until 2030. I want her to fulfill our force goal 2030.

And do you know why some folks are anti Hasina? Simply because she want Bangladesh to stand it's own feet.

Sham election is more than welcome in the present status of Bangladesh. Actually what shall you choose between food and vote bilal? I will choose food every single time no doubt. Vote is just a luxury things to them who can't eat.

I know many will start beating me who took democracy as cult like religion, but in the end democracy is nothing if you can't give food to your people. So sham election with food is much more desirable than pure election with hungry mouth.

She is already taking steps to stop churi. You see the cleaning operation in Bangladesh? Wait and see, she will solve lots if problems in future. Bangladesh can do much better if it's assets will be well distributed. Yes people will be rich no doubt. But rich people should pay 50% tax ( rich mean literally rich business men not talking about others, as the rate is not charming for tax here) , and also corruption should be end.

I wish she will be successful in few years. We must keep I mind that although she is in power since 10 years, but actually got political stability since 2016. So actually 3 years! And we can't demand too much in such short time.

Actually Indian chamchami is just BNP JAMAT propaganda. Look carefully they were more Indian Dalal than Hasina. Just they were hiding under the so called Islamic coat, and we have mass illiterate and pseudo educated mass who are easily brain washed by the bogus of Islamic party.

In reality BNP JAMAT is nothing but terrorists. The supporters of BNP will choose another non AL party I think.

And about army, army is patriot, and our saviour and protector. They are not outsider but our own folks, so it's not wrong to please them. Military is totally corruption free, so if their demand is a bit higher, I see no wrong in it.

Besides, khaleda zia was so top grade theif that she even stole from military budget. Do you remember the condition of electricity in 2004-2006? She looted the most from this section.

So she paid the price. And who can stole from military purchase, she is actually Indian Dalal. So I say it's not Hasina but khaleda zia is Indian stooge. I know all people will laugh at me, but I believe it's true. Otherwise why such greed that they will loot arms money? Finally I do not pay attention to others now. As long as we have strong military and it's intelligence like DGFI, we are safe, so our country is. Don't really care who is in power. Just I care who work for us!

Excellent explanations Bhai.

I am hopeful about Hasina. We bitch and moan a lot, but at the end of the day, we should really stand up for a leader who cares for the interest of our own country, and not who take advantage of us and not who steal from us to make us poor.

Now question is - who will inherit Hasina's mantle. She is already 70.

Not too hopeful about Joy. He is quite inexperienced and detached from grass roots politics.
Because North Indians are also treating him like dog sh*t over in the Indian sub-forum.

Just *ignore* him for good or put up with his off-topic irrelevant drivel.

Sad situation like in any anxiety disorder case ....

No I don't ignore people.

I mean he is obviously free to post here.

But I don't appreciate the constant attacks and generalizations.

Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Not offensive verbal diarrhea.

Also, he is totally projecting with the deep seated psyche nonsense directed at Bangladeshis.
Excellent explanations Bhai.

I am hopeful about Hasina. We bitch and moan a lot, but at the end of the day, we should really stand up for a leader who cares for the interest of our own country, and not who take advantage of us and not who steal from us to make us poor.

Now question is - who will inherit Hasina's mantle. She is already 70.

Not too hopeful about Joy. He is quite inexperienced and detached from grass roots politics.
I just wish Hasina will stay till 2030. But I am not sure who will replace her. Perhaps we can find another alternative. I agree with you about Joy. He is not interested in politics or maybe Hasina herself doesn't like family dynasty.

Whoever comes, inside or outside from Mujib family, then I believe he/she has to prove himself/herself worthy. Perhaps after 2023-24 election it will be clear.

Now maybe we just can wait and observe.
I just wish Hasina will stay till 2030. But I am not sure who will replace her. Perhaps we can find another alternative. I agree with you about Joy. He is not interested in politics or maybe Hasina herself doesn't like family dynasty.

Whoever comes, inside or outside from Mujib family, then I believe he/she has to prove himself/herself worthy. Perhaps after 2023-24 election it will be clear.

Now maybe we just can wait and observe.

I don’t really follow Bangladeshi politics.

But from what little I have observed, Hasina is probably a necessary evil.

In a post Hasina period I hope a less apparently pro Indian leader emerges.
But from what little I have observed, Hasina is probably a necessary evil.
Yes that's true. She is too much India sided for now. I wish the truth reveal infront of her, so that she change her side.But it's highly unlikely though.
In a post Hasina period I hope a less apparently pro Indian leader emerges.
I want some leader with balls ( literally) , I don't find woman leadership useful. Women are mostly soft minded can't take the right decision in right time. Don't get me wrong, I am not against women rights, but in the end its true that if you are a leader, you must led by logic, not emotion. Ladies are genetically emotional.

And there is no place for pro Indian leader in future Bangladesh and that's why we are tolerating Hasina.

We are passing a special curve of history. This time will be written in history with golden letter. Look at our surroundings, what the hell is happening in our world? This is time to elevate our Bangladesh as well as our Muslim nation, so that we can stand tall again. And Bangladesh will play a big role in this procedure I believe, that's why we need educated and morally strong politicians so don't need to care any foreign entity.

Inshallah we will prevail, we have glorious past history! So we need a Dalal free administration and political atmosphere!
Yes that's true. She is too much India sided for now. I wish the truth reveal infront of her, so that she change her side.But it's highly unlikely though.
Hasina does not react to the Indian overtures, but can it be because it is unwise to unnecessarily pick a fight with someone with ten times more strength than yourself? India will not disturb us only when we become strong economically that with good planning also strengthens the military.

And the BAL policy of sweetened relationship with India is needed for its own survival. India has the money and influence to build a substitute political party through its agents inside the country that may topple BAL from power.

Note that a sham election is preferred by India that causes BAL to remain in power. I hope a situation arrives when BAL wins the popular votes.

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