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Bangladesh Plans to Buy 24 Russian Jet Trainers

Mi-171SH which BAF operates as close air support can only be armed with rocket pods, and not with guided ATGMs like the Indian Mi-17 V5s.

The Mi-171Sh is armed with a Shturm-V high-precision guided missile system. The missiles can destroy modern battle tanks protected by explosive reactive armour, fortified points and aerial targets.

The Shturm-V missile complex launches Ataka supersonic missiles equipped with a hollow-charge warhead for defeating armoured targets. The missile can destroy aerial targets with a fragmentation warhead and lightly armoured combat materiel by using a high-explosive warhead.

The Mi-171Sh is also provided with hardpoints to carry up to 80 S-8 unguided rockets and GSh-23L 23mm cannons, with an ammunition load of 500 rounds.

Small arms, such as the 7.62mm PKT machine gun, PK machine gun and RPK light machine gun, are mounted in the nose and rear fuselage sections. The gun pivots provided at the doorway and near the windows allow the onboard troops to operate these weapons during flight.

how many 4th gen fighters BAF does have?

not much only 8 , on the process to buy more.
well,then we can discount your attack helo fleet in case there is a Indo-Bangladesh war as Mi-17 isn't much help during war,especially against a air defence system and manpad..I lacks agility that gunships generally have..we learnt that in a hard way..hope you'll learn that soon.. ;) by the way,is Bangladesh buying Mi-17 V5??

you add a machine gun and stab wing equipped with unguided rocket pod,and it'll have enough attack capability,but thats not an attack helo,thats what i tried to say..got it??

Only the rate of climb of Mil-17 is a bit low(8m/s), the speed is not half bad. Anyway, our force is not for assault, certainly not against India. Our forces are defense oriented. About SAM/MANPAD vs 17ISH, i believe our defense experts thought well about situations like those ;)
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Mi-171SH which BAF operates as close air support can only be armed with rocket pods, and not with guided ATGMs like the Indian Mi-17 V5s.

an offtopic post..

I didn't post the news,but you know,IAF posted a full squadron of Mi-17 V5 in Barrackpore IAF base(near Palta)..I saw unusually high activities of Mi-17s around barrackpore area 1 and 1/2 years ago(as mostly helos like Cheetah,Chetak and cheetal came in the HAL unit near barrackpore for repair in the past).and then this news was published.

Latest IAF choppers inducted in Barrackpore - Times Of India

do you think India will use these new Mi-17 V-5s in the attack role even when we know it'll be a great mistake??we saw how much inferior attack platform these helos was during Kargil..
@BDforever The CAS version of the Mi-17 is a pseudo-gunship at best. Not a dedicated gunship like the Cobra or Tiger.

i already said it is not a fully attack helicopter, but some capability of attack alone with transportability at low price, very good choice.
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I highly doubt the number of yaks we will buy will be 24. The $1 billion is not really that much to accommodate 24 yaks plus the other hardware.

The total basic price of YAK-130 is 15m add spares and other associated training and equipment say double it to 30m for the next two decades as these would be primarily Trainers so the airframes would not be used as harshly as a regular interceptors atleast.

30m X 24 = 720m but I've previously mentioned the number of hours would be lower as it is a Trainer only when need arises would be deployed as light fighter/interceptor.

BAF has T-37, il-39 and FT-6 as trainers so it makes sense to replace all of them in favor of much advance Trainer/Light Fighter.
That would be interesting if Bangladesh goes for armed Z-19 in the future some sort of Bangladesh AH-1 there is already armed version option mentioned apart from scout duties or the cheaper version WZ-9/G still has its positives and fulfills its operational scope.
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