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Bangladesh-Pakistan Defence Relations

It is very uncivilized to point your finger at a particular individual like this. Every individual has the right to decide what he wants to believe. You hate him because he considers himself that, but that doesn't necessarily make him an "evil person". My personal opnion on this would be that these bangladeshis are patriots, not islamists, and they won't risk their country to get involved in the troubles of other muslim countries.

Whatever the case, please don't put a particular person's belief into the table of discussion. Thanks.

When Bangladeshis are labeled islamists, extremists and so on by indo-western media that leaves the door open to question what motivation, faith and context those accusation came from. Specially when person is from Bangladesh. There are some Bangladeshis who have sold their soul and service to indo-western propaganda blitz. And there are some who bought into these propaganda scheme.

Look at following article written by Joy, son of Awami league chief Hasina and also claimed to be her advisor. Joy Hasina's son spent his childhood and teenage years in india and adulthood in US. Not to mention his questionable personal conduct, he has very little touch with people of Bangladesh and their livelihood. Yet he sold his service to cause of indo western agenda and written blatant lie against people of Bangladesh and its armed forces. Infect most of his writing has eerie similarity with india based media propagannda. That leaves the door open to question his motive, faith, allegiance and everything he is associated with.

Islamic extremism is also on the rise in Bangladesh because of the growing numbers of Islamists in the military. The Islamists cleverly began growing their numbers within the Army by training for the Army Entrance Exams at madrassas. This madrassa training was necessary because of the relative difficulty associated with passing these exams. The military is attractive because of both its respected status and its high employment opportunities in a country where unemployment ranges from 20 percent to 30 percent for younger males. High demand for military posts has resulted in an entrance exam designed to limit the number of recruits. Before this madrassa Entrance Exam campaign, only 5 percent of military recruits came from madrasses in 2001. By 2006, at the end of the BNP’s reign, madrassas supplied nearly 35 percent of the Army recruits. In a country that has seen four military coup d’états in its short 37 year history, the astronomical growth of Islamists in the military is troubling to say the least.

Harvard International Review: Stemming the Rise of Islamic Extremism in Bangladesh

I would suggest you be prepared before perching.
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today 16 dec hahahahaha not allowed any bangladeshi here :lol:just joke


I think Pak and BD should celebrate this day as the ‘Day of Friendship’ or ‘Day of Reunion’ that would help to reduce the pain.
So what was the 1971 war about???? BD seceded and now wants to reunite???
And would there be any problem if done so???? will you please enlighten us?????

Why this reunification thing even surfaced after so many years after Pakistan or India. Why few of the people cant accept the fact that, Bangladesh is a country with all its pride!!! We have come a long way and have already developed our own personality/identity and that is quite different than that of Pakistan or India. There is noway a Bangladeshi will go back and try to learn Urdu or Hindi or do some of the stuffs which will totally contradict our culture and values. We are what we are and are proud of that.. You better accept it.. EARLIER THE BETTER
Pakistan to gift old submarines to Bangladesh Navy
Josy Joseph
Friday, June 02, 2006 23:14 IST

The Pakistan gift would provide the Bangladesh Navy its first underwater capabilties.

NEW DELHI: In a strategic decision that Indian policy planners are trying to comprehend, Pakistan has agreed to gift two of its old submarines to Bangladesh Navy.

Authoritative sources in the establishment told DNA that Pakistani authorities agreed to the gift when Bangladesh Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia visited Pakistan from February 12 to 14 earlier this year.

Pakistani authorities would refurbish and refit two of its old submarines for the Bangladesh Navy under the agreement.

The Pakistan gift would provide the Bangladesh Navy its first underwater capabilities. This raises several questions regarding Bangladesh’s strategic planning and forecast for the region.

As the information begin to trickle down to policy makers here, the new strength of Bangladeshi Navy is bewildering them. But they admit that they will have to ingrain Dhaka’s new strength into Indian strategic plans.

Sources said Pakistan would be refurbishing two of its Daphne class submarines, which are being decommissioned presently, and give it to Bangladesh Navy. Pakistan Navy had acquired four Daphne class submarined from France in 1969-70.

The Daphne class submarine PNS Hangor, which sunk Indian naval ship Khukri during 1971 war, was decommisioned on January 2, 2006 and is reportedly being converted into a museum ship.

Sources said the the two-submarine deal was the high point of Bangaldesh Prime Minister's visit to Pakistan. The deal was kept under wraps, but New Delhi now has authoritative information through its intelligence channels about Pakistan's strategic move.

Pakistan Navy has a small submarine arm and is presently in the process of inducting Agosta-90B submarines from France.

Sources watching Bangladesh are mystified by the move, given its small navy of just over 10,000 personnel. The Bangladesh Navy is limited mostly to coastal patrolling and is getting a modern frigate built in South Korea.

Indian efforts to woo the Bangladesh Navy, with a possible gift of a ship, has not gone too far. Indian Navy chief Admiral Arun Prakash had undertaken a visit to Bangladesh in December, and had made several offers including training for its personnel in Indian facilities and assistance on various other fronts.

DNA - World - Pakistan to gift old submarines to Bangladesh Navy
are we that friendly that we can establish 2 Airbases in Bangladesh Nepal n Sri-Lanka ?
Why this reunification thing even surfaced after so many years after Pakistan or India. Why few of the people cant accept the fact that, Bangladesh is a country with all its pride!!! We have come a long way and have already developed our own personality/identity and that is quite different than that of Pakistan or India. There is noway a Bangladeshi will go back and try to learn Urdu or Hindi or do some of the stuffs which will totally contradict our culture and values. We are what we are and are proud of that.. You better accept it.. EARLIER THE BETTER
Well said, it's a big insult by easily telling a country to "re-unite" with another country.
People should think a second before they say certain things.
bangladesh, should be ashamed of them shelf india u gave them freedom from pakistan, nd know instead of askin india for a technical assistance for military hardware are runnin back to pakistan.... india has far more technical superiority in compareable to pakistan. so comeon wake up.... before ur back stabbed.......

lolumaD? you helped them to create Havoc in Pakistan :) you raped thier women and blame it was Pakistani army.
bangladesh, should be ashamed of them shelf india u gave them freedom from pakistan, nd know instead of askin india for a technical assistance for military hardware are runnin back to pakistan.... india has far more technical superiority in compareable to pakistan. so comeon wake up.... before ur back stabbed.......

Don't you think its foolish and idiotic to ask for military assistance to a neighbouring country??Especially when fanatics like BJP can come to power.Can anyone give a guarrantee that they won't attack Bangladesh???
We are not asking for the subs,but they are giving it as a sign of goodwill.
One more thing,India did not give us freedom,but helped us to get it.Go read history books if any doubt persists.
bangladesh, should be ashamed of them shelf india u gave them freedom from pakistan, nd know instead of askin india for a technical assistance for military hardware are runnin back to pakistan.... india has far more technical superiority in compareable to pakistan. so comeon wake up.... before ur back stabbed.......
Not a good way to begin your first post with..;)
Have you introduced yourself...?
its your nationalism i respect but facts will never change by emotions.bangladesh is not a such power to make fregates or missles.and most important qes is for what.can you see the list of frigetes makers ??????

relible sorce of BD MILITRY BUDGET.if you like see please in that money what can you do ???????????

Bangladesh is the worlds major ship builder bro...
You can check that out on the thread started by me Bangladeh becoming a major ship builder...:cheers:
Brothers relax. No need to get high or low blood pressure.
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