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Bangladesh-Pakistan Defence Relations

bangladesh, should be ashamed of them shelf india u gave them freedom from pakistan, nd know instead of askin india for a technical assistance for military hardware are runnin back to pakistan.... india has far more technical superiority in compareable to pakistan. so comeon wake up.... before ur back stabbed.......

You seem to be a great *******...never mind, but you proved it yourself...dont **** the hell out of our Pak-Bangla friendship...
At this time we're consdering India as our biggest enemy and as day passes by its(India) getting more troublesome for us...how dare you tell about Indo-Bangla friendship while the BSF killing 93 people year including infants in a year(in average) and raping women...how do expect us to get technologies and weapon from our biggest ******* enemy!!...those shitty techno...ohh i doubt does India have its own technology???if it really exists, then...........well, im just guessing...
Pakistani military may be smaller than you in numbers...but technologically they've proven themselves far better than you...!!

We did not liberate Bangladesh to get it in the hands of you... remember it...
Agreed..India did not help BD to spread freedom.They did it to destabilize Pakistan.If IA ARMY and Indians were really honest they would not loot BD after winning the war.
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come on own up, i know my histroy well instead of thankin india ur too blamin on her, wake up would'nt it been da sacrifices of indian soldiers nd airmen bangladesh would never exist. when would you get your independence? if it wouldnt been da assistance of indian army u would just remain the sissy baby of pakistan, till wen would your ill trained mukti bahini fight using predictible tactics with pak soldiers, nd the same countries u fought nd was ur enemy is ur ally now????

Did I not mention INDIA HELPED????Read before you write.
Tell me when did India enter the war officially??3rd December and the war was over within 16th DEC.
Before that mukti bahini fought against Pakistan army.So what do you mean by....till wen would your ill trained mukti bahini fight using predictible tactics with pak soldiers
There were bengali officers defecting from Pakistan army,so "ill trained" is not the right choice of words.
India's contribution can never be ignore,as that would be ungrateful.But India lost its respect because of its BAD HABIT of interfering in others matters.Like RAW's role in aiding the Shanti Bahini insurgents in CHT hill tracts and lot more.India captured south talpatti island which is Bangladeshi land.
India built Farrakka barrage on an International river and now it will turn parts of BD into desert.
These are fair enough reason to anger any BD national.
Oh...and BSF's killing and raping;forgot to mention that:angry:
I don't know about others,but we do not hate Indian people but its the Indian policymakers and military who are totally irritating.

btw :welcome: to :pdf:,sorry I had to be rude as ur statements aren't so pleasant.
Why this reunification thing even surfaced after so many years after Pakistan or India. Why few of the people cant accept the fact that, Bangladesh is a country with all its pride!!! We have come a long way and have already developed our own personality/identity and that is quite different than that of Pakistan or India. There is noway a Bangladeshi will go back and try to learn Urdu or Hindi or do some of the stuffs which will totally contradict our culture and values. We are what we are and are proud of that.. You better accept it.. EARLIER THE BETTER

guys guys guys...... i dont really know wat u r on about. reunification over here doesnt mean formin one state. reunification mean lik scraping visa system for the ppl of two countries, signing defence pact, free trade agreement, more joint ventures and stuff lik that. in pakistan everyone respects Bangladesh as a country. no one is even thinking of reunification lik pre 1971 era as it will not help any of the country.
pakistan and bangladesh are two brother muslim countries. ppl have got feeling for each other despite wat happened in the past. we here in pakistan are happy for u coz u r happy. and remember if india ever attacks bangladesh, pakistan will be the first one to lend a helping hand. then ppl will just call it a strategic move and no one will care about our feelings.
defence pact bw pak and bangladesh will be of great importance if ever signed and will further strengthen the national security of both the countries.
some of u guys still need to move fwd and stop thinkin about pak as ur enemy. india did help u. no doubt in that. but its the intention which matters. india helped u to harm pakistan and not bec india had some feeling for u guys.
anyways thats wat i think and i might be wrong.
You seem to be a great *******...never mind, but you proved it yourself...dont **** the hell out of our Pak-Bangla friendship...
At this time we're consdering India as our biggest enemy and as day passes by its(India) getting more troublesome for us...how dare you tell about Indo-Bangla friendship while the BSF killing 93 people year including infants in a year(in average) and raping women...how do expect us to get technologies and weapon from our biggest ******* enemy!!...those shitty techno...ohh i doubt does India have its own technology???if it really exists, then...........well, im just guessing...
Pakistani military may be smaller than you in numbers...but technologically they've proven themselves far better than you...!!

We did not liberate Bangladesh to get it in the hands of you... remember it...

sir just point that i would like to state -
when there is a conflict between 2 countries in south asia the said countries have to fight their war themselves.pakistan and india has fought several wars while there were lot of countries that provided logistical support to each party none of them actually intervened. the 2 parties had to fight themselves and all the losses that occured humatarian,economically etc were between the 2 countries who fought.
in the modern times no country wants to spoil its economy by an armed conflict<not even india and pakistan>
i am very pleased to see bangladesh grow as a nation in the world and make a place for itself.but considering india as an enemy and possibly act in way of armed conflict will destroy bangladesh s growth and push the country back by ages.
everyone knows that bangladesh is still not prepared to match india in military strength.atmost they can cause severe damage to india,but india with its huge size and economy will recover back but can bangladesh recover from the disasters of war so easily.<remember you can get all the help you need from pakistan,china or whosoever you want but the real war has to be fought between bangladesh and india and no 3rd country is going to intervene>
however bad india s military technology<according to you> might be it is still good enough to prevail against bangladesh.
so conflict is not the solution
<And would there be any problem if done so???? will you please enlighten us?????>

It depends on how deep is the animosity between PAK and BD after the independence of BD.

<Well said, it's a big insult by easily telling a country to "re-unite" with another country. People should think a second before they say certain things.>

In general, I would agree. However, in this case I hesitate to agree, since, BD was part of PAK. So, reunification may not be a bad thing (or possible), especially, to defeat the common enemy.

Indian forces have occupied a land near Pyrdiwah, since 1971. Border skirmishes almost occurring daily between BDR and BSF. In 2001, the first serious military conflict occurred for 3 days (with Indian forces suffered the most casualties). BDR did retake the land but could not hold on.
guys guys guys...... i dont really know wat u r on about. reunification over here doesnt mean formin one state. reunification mean lik scraping visa system for the ppl of two countries, signing defence pact, free trade agreement, more joint ventures and stuff lik that. in pakistan everyone respects Bangladesh as a country. no one is even thinking of reunification lik pre 1971 era as it will not help any of the country.
pakistan and bangladesh are two brother muslim countries. ppl have got feeling for each other despite wat happened in the past. we here in pakistan are happy for u coz u r happy. and remember if india ever attacks bangladesh, pakistan will be the first one to lend a helping hand. then ppl will just call it a strategic move and no one will care about our feelings.
defence pact bw pak and bangladesh will be of great importance if ever signed and will further strengthen the national security of both the countries.
some of u guys still need to move fwd and stop thinkin about pak as ur enemy. india did help u. no doubt in that. but its the intention which matters. india helped u to harm pakistan and not bec india had some feeling for u guys.
anyways thats wat i think and i might be wrong.

agreed india doesnt have any feelings for the muslim masses
u can take the example of kashmir that for over 60 years they r fighting for liberation but india is not only ruling over them but also voilating human rights a lot of women r raped on daily basis
there a lot of other liberations movements in india as well such as khalistan movement ,deccan liberation etc
this shows that india has no mercy for the common masses(specially muslims) she only wanted to harm pakistan in 1971
indian leadership after estaiblishment of paksitan started working on an agenda of dismembering it it without delay. east paksitan's soil proved very fertile for several reasons.(i think i dont need to mention them) and east pakistani masses who felt deprive and opressed by west pakistan (leadership only) fell an easy prey to them.:hitwall:
for example during civil war in east pakistan an indian leader mr A.K sibramneem said that "india should realize that its advantage is only in defeating pakistan which is no. 1 enemy of india and this is the golden moment which comes once in a century"
mrs gandhi said that"the two nation theroy has been sunk into bay of bengal as the bangladesh flag was unfurled"
source "witness to surrender" :frown:

but very unfortunate for india that it is islamic bond (which had been sunk according to indra:cheesy:) which is again keeping us united(although not under a federation)
sir just point that i would like to state -
when there is a conflict between 2 countries in south asia the said countries have to fight their war themselves.pakistan and india has fought several wars while there were lot of countries that provided logistical support to each party none of them actually intervened. the 2 parties had to fight themselves and all the losses that occured humatarian,economically etc were between the 2 countries who fought.
in the modern times no country wants to spoil its economy by an armed conflict<not even india and pakistan>
i am very pleased to see bangladesh grow as a nation in the world and make a place for itself.but considering india as an enemy and possibly act in way of armed conflict will destroy bangladesh s growth and push the country back by ages.
everyone knows that bangladesh is still not prepared to match india in military strength.atmost they can cause severe damage to india,but india with its huge size and economy will recover back but can bangladesh recover from the disasters of war so easily.<remember you can get all the help you need from pakistan,china or whosoever you want but the real war has to be fought between bangladesh and india and no 3rd country is going to intervene>
however bad india s military technology<according to you> might be it is still good enough to prevail against bangladesh.
so conflict is not the solution

AGREED 200%.
We can never defeat India by attacking them,unless we get all the gold from FORT KNOX :lol:
We are fielding a defensive army,so thinking we can attack India is like a dream.The faster we get the truth the better.
Agreed..India did not help India because to spread freedom.They did it to destabilize Pakistan.If IA ARMY and Indians were really honest they would not loot BD after winning the war.

thats right exactly...
sir just point that i would like to state -
when there is a conflict between 2 countries in south asia the said countries have to fight their war themselves.pakistan and india has fought several wars while there were lot of countries that provided logistical support to each party none of them actually intervened. the 2 parties had to fight themselves and all the losses that occured humatarian,economically etc were between the 2 countries who fought.
in the modern times no country wants to spoil its economy by an armed conflict<not even india and pakistan>
i am very pleased to see bangladesh grow as a nation in the world and make a place for itself.but considering india as an enemy and possibly act in way of armed conflict will destroy bangladesh s growth and push the country back by ages.
everyone knows that bangladesh is still not prepared to match india in military strength.atmost they can cause severe damage to india,but india with its huge size and economy will recover back but can bangladesh recover from the disasters of war so easily.<remember you can get all the help you need from pakistan,china or whosoever you want but the real war has to be fought between bangladesh and india and no 3rd country is going to intervene>
however bad india s military technology<according to you> might be it is still good enough to prevail against bangladesh.
so conflict is not the solution

I never said for Bangladesh should attack India...our country is now independent...we have our own military...we're developing our military so that they can act defensively while there is a war...no one knows the forests and other natural resources in Bangladesh better than our military...
if India attacks Bangladesh it would not be fighting our military only but, it will have to be fighting against a population of 150 million...
I never said for Bangladesh should attack India...our country is now independent...we have our own military...we're developing our military so that they can act defensively while there is a war...no one knows the forests and other natural resources in Bangladesh better than our military...
if India attacks Bangladesh it would not be fighting our military only but, it will have to be fighting against a population of 150 million...

just remember one thing brother. never let ur guards down if u want to live with dignity. its not about invading any country but about defending ur own motherland.
Budget expenditures 2007
Data source: 2007 CIA World Factbook

View this list in Alphabetic order View this list in alphabetic order View this list in alphabetic order
1 United States $2,660,000,000,000
2 Japan $1,639,000,000,000
3 Germany $1,344,000,000,000
4 France $1,211,000,000,000
5 United Kingdom $1,040,000,000,000
6 Italy $925,000,000,000
7 China $489,600,000,000
8 Spain $475,300,000,000
9 Netherlands $306,500,000,000
10 Australia $258,000,000,000
11 Sweden $210,500,000,000
12 Korea, South $209,500,000,000
13 Mexico $196,200,000,000
14 Belgium $195,500,000,000
15 Canada $181,800,000,000
16 Brazil $172,400,000,000
17 Austria $161,600,000,000
18 Russia $157,300,000,000
19 India $143,800,000,000
20 Switzerland $139,100,000,000
21 Denmark $138,900,000,000
22 Norway $133,100,000,000
23 Turkey $121,600,000,000
24 Saudi Arabia $107,600,000,000
25 Greece $106,700,000,000
26 Finland $101,000,000,000
27 Iran $100,600,000,000
28 Portugal $93,090,000,000
29 Indonesia $79,450,000,000
30 Taiwan $77,930,000,000
31 South Africa $75,930,000,000
32 Ireland $73,050,000,000
33 Poland $71,250,000,000
34 Czech Republic $62,530,000,000
35 Hungary $59,620,000,000
36 Venezuela $52,900,000,000
37 Colombia $52,290,000,000
38 Israel $49,570,000,000
39 Algeria $49,140,000,000
40 Argentina $47,600,000,000
41 Thailand $40,340,000,000
42 Romania $39,100,000,000
43 Malaysia $37,000,000,000
44 New Zealand $36,990,000,000
45 United Arab Emirates $36,890,000,000
46 Cuba $36,410,000,000
47 Ukraine $35,600,000,000
48 Iraq $34,600,000,000
49 Kuwait $33,620,000,000
50 Hong Kong $33,020,000,000
51 Egypt $31,830,000,000
52 Chile $26,680,000,000
53 Slovakia $26,140,000,000
54 Pakistan $25,650,000,000
55 Peru $25,180,000,000
56 Philippines $21,380,000,000
57 Morocco $20,390,000,000
58 Singapore $19,850,000,000
59 Luxembourg $19,790,000,000
60 Libya $19,300,000,000
61 Croatia $19,060,000,000
62 Nigeria $19,050,000,000
63 Kazakhstan $18,090,000,000
64 Qatar $16,890,000,000
65 Vietnam $16,630,000,000
66 Slovenia $16,350,000,000
67 Oman $12,810,000,000
68 Bulgaria $12,160,000,000
69 Serbia $11,120,000,000
70 Ecuador $10,460,000,000
71 Sudan $10,100,000,000
72 Lithuania $9,761,000,000
73 Angola $9,700,000,000
74 Puerto Rico $9,600,000,000
75 Syria $9,420,000,000
76 Tunisia $8,734,000,000
77 Bangladesh $8,694,000,000

Budget expenditures 2007 country rankings - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Political System

:eek:wow:eek:...shocked:eek:...BD in the last of all!!! i cant believe this...why the **** our govt dont keep an eye on MILITARY.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, i heard that Sheikh Hasina said if she came to power she would start buying Mig-29 in a quite large number for the BAF...is it true??now she's elected as the PM... lets see what ahppens...:coffee:
:eek:wow:eek:...shocked:eek:...BD in the last of all!!! i cant believe this...why the **** our govt dont keep an eye on MILITARY.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, i heard that Sheikh Hasina said if she came to power she would start buying Mig-29 in a quite large number for the BAF...is it true??now she's elected as the PM... lets see what ahppens...:coffee:

I think she should go for buying JF-17,as the maintenance of twin engine Mig-29 is more than JF-17.I think it is also cheaper than Mig-29,correct me if I am wrong.
I think she should go for buying JF-17,as the maintenance of twin engine Mig-29 is more than JF-17.I think it is also cheaper than Mig-29,correct me if I am wrong.

well, if its really affordable then why not go for Mig-29 as Sheikh Hasina said??
And I think Mig-29 is a better option than JF-17 if we dont face any financial problems...:)
Mig 29 is a better choice, but let me remind you all that Inducting a 4th Gen aircraft is easy but maintaining it is hard. The Iraqis bought Mig 29s but they failed miserable because of bad Infrastructure and Poor Pilot training. There should be a coherent approach towards the policies. Slow and steady wins the race. Since you guys already operate Mig 29s it will be all the easier to go for it and Improve on it.
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