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Bangladesh Navy

For the bolded parts,

Even you calling India doesn't have reliable ASW capabilities, at least they are more better than your country Navy in ASW area. Tell me, India has more than four or five decades operating Submarine in their Navy, they has inducted more dedicated ASW frigate and corvette in their Navy than all your surface combatant ships summed together in BN history, they has more ASW helicopter than all of your Helicopter in Bangladeshi armed forces inventory, they have more times drilling in ASW tactical and doctrinal with all their inventory and although for all of that efforts alone it still will be insufficient enough to tackle what they seemed to see as their primacy threat the PN Submarine fleet and the Chinese ones, but it will be more than enough to handle Bangladeshi Navy, in which your Navy just only will get their first subs maybe couple years from the time i typing this comment. I will tell you, buying a submarine is one thing, operating them is another whole story, experience is very matter to increase their effectiveness. Sorry to say your Navy is still a newbie in this matter. Or i will say it harshly for you, your country is still nothing right now in undersea warfare.

I think its not about boasting.... its about some strategic realities are aren't totally related to latest military hardware.... e.g. length of sea route, depth of sea, architecture of coastline, neighbouring countries (number of possible fronts to confront), etc..... one may have the biggest navy, but they may also have to protect the longest coastline.... one may have the most sophisticated weapons, but they may be faced with the dilemma of keeping an eye on several fronts, which would divide their forces....

who's winning or who's losing was never under any scrutiny.... what matter is the price to pay for a win.... if winning was the only course to follow, then everyone would've built only weapons..... finding a submarine is like finding a needle in a haystack.... whatever submarine it is.... and the most effective target for a submarine is not heavily-guarded enemy ships.... enemy SLOC, which is much more vulnerable.... thats where the price of winning would hurt the most....
And in case of any conflict between BD(which I dont predict much) India has to protect its maritime boundaries on more then one front. The additions are going to be a massive force multiplier in the future,
And we can easily do that.I dont understand what point you are trying to make here??
though im uncertain about their induction date cause of unavoidable delays and bureaucratic tangles(not only in case of IND) for now IN is vulnerable.kilos are very good class of subs but till then IN is vulnerable.
IN is vulnerable?? Vulnerable against whom??Nobody can challenge IN in Indian ocean other than America and China.And China only because we have less submarines due to Bauddom and beauracracy.Nobody will be able to challenge IN in future after we acquire some more subs that we are building like Scorpenes and Nuclear submarines or future subs that we will acquire
And about the link i did mention an apology note about not being able to post links due to the minimum posts requirements and number of days logged in as a member... u can search the web though. im sure u'll find it, on the archive of the Sunday Guardian titled "Indian navy ship nearly collided with US navy tanker".
And what point you are trying to make here?? Dou you want me to show the list of Chinese,Russian and American naval accidents?? We are having so many accidents because we are inducting ships at a very fast pace,the accidents will be reduced when our new bases will be ready.
And my initial post was based on the long run, since with inducting more subs, cause they are not only a multiplier but also a big danger to warships and sea lines and since India is also on on the process of inducting hunter subs we should not let them have the edge on this.
What you are talking about?? what do you mean by we should let India have an edge?? We already have a very big edge over BD and in no way you can fill that gap beacause of the fact that we have a very gig economy.We can alwasy outspend you.Our coast guard is more than enough for your surface vessels.
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now you are sounding ignorant like him LOL
He called IN unproffessional and insulted IN.He should be thankful that i didnt insulted BD anywhere in my post.
Btw Add one one Destroyer and what i said will be true.
you tell me what makes you right (if you have military knowledge) :rofl:
Some of the coast guard ships can easily accomodate VLS that will counter all of your frigates and corvettes.(BD doesnt have any destroyers,has it??).And One destroyer to create havoc and sink anything BD has.Coast guard have there own aerial branch which i think is bigger that BD's naval aerial branch.Now tell me where i am wrong??
Some of the coast guard ships can easily accomodate VLS that will counter all of your frigates and corvettes.(BD doesnt have any destroyers,has it??).And One destroyer to create havoc and sink anything BD has.Coast guard have there own aerial branch which i think is bigger that BD's naval aerial branch.Now tell me where i am wrong??
by that logic, even our patrol vessel has space for adding missile, and no BD does not have any destroyer, to take out that coast-guard, do not need destroyer, corvette is enough (not even frigate needed LOL) yes one destroyer can destroy anything but not everything LOL and as if BD Navy does not have any anti-air system. first learn military stuff then talk
by that logic, even our patrol vessel has space for adding missile,
We have the advantage of numbers.For e.x. we sold one coast guard ship to Sri Lanksa and they converted it into a very deadly system.Which patrol vessel you are talking about?? Some of our coast guard ships are very big and are equivalent to corvettes of other countries.
and no BD does not have any destroyer, to take out that coast-guard, do not need destroyer, corvette is enough (not even frigate needed LOL)
Yeah i can understand that but BD has a very small flleet.In no way would your frigates or corvettes would be able to destroy our our Destroyer.Our Destroyers have superior AESA radar which will detect your ships from a very long range and one Brahmos missile and the target is finished.What you said would have been true if two very large navies would have been fighting.
as if BD Navy does not have any anti-air system.
What anti-air system do you have?? It is irrelevant anyway.By aerial branch i meant helicopters which will be used for attacking fast attack missile boats.
first learn military stuff then talk
Dont get emotional.I never claimed to be an expert.Everyone is here to learn.
We have the advantage of numbers.For e.x. we sold one coast guard ship to Sri Lanksa and they converted it into a very deadly system.Which patrol vessel you are talking about?? Some of our coast guard ships are very big and are equivalent to corvettes of other countries.
again i said converting is different issue, Padma class patrol vessel has capacity to have missile ( not fitted right now)
Yeah i can understand that but BD has a very small flleet.In no way would your frigates or corvettes would be able to destroy our our Destroyer.Our Destroyers have superior AESA radar which will detect your ships from a very long range and one Brahmos missile and the target is finished.What you said would have been true if two very large navies would have been fighting.
you said one Destroyer, i am talking about that. One Destroyer can not take out our whole missile fleet.
What anti-air system do you have?? It is irrelevant anyway.By aerial branch i meant helicopters which will be used for attacking fast attack missile boats.
so you think we only have fast attack missle boat ?LOL
Dont get emotional.I never claimed to be an expert.Everyone is here to learn.
i am not getting emotional, get over excited sometimes :P sorry :)
again i said converting is different issue, Padma class patrol vessel has capacity to have missile ( not fitted right now)
I think it is better to talk in numbers.You post the list of frigates,corvettes and patrol vessels(that can carry VLS or missiles) and i will do the same for our Coast guard ships we have.
you said one Destroyer, i am talking about that. One Destroyer can not take out our whole missile fleet.
Yeah i meant only one destroyer.Let me make it more clear.You will send your patrol vessels + frigates + corvettes and we will send our ships refitted with missiles and VLS.Now the equation looks pretty balanced.(or it may be higher or lower for BD,it will be clearer when we will post no.).Now if any of your corvettes are more powerful than our coast guard ships then we will send our lone Destroyer to take care of that particular ship.Add to that attack helicopters and assets used of searching.These things will give us a decisive edge
so you think we only have fast attack missle boat ?LOL
Read the above part.
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