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Bangladesh Navy

type056 is not frigate, its corvette :disagree:
well, classification is a little confusing at times, as it depends more on the requirements, rather than what it would be called.... the new Steregushchy-class corvettes (2,200t) of the Russian Navy are bigger than our Type 053H2 frigates..... corvettes are actually light frigates (FFL/FLG), nothing else.... it depends on what you call light and what you don't.... the purpose of our Durjoy-class is more like a corvette, but because of their size (64m, 650t) they were designated LPC.... their pennant number is also in "P", rather than "F".... the Bijoy and Dhaleswari (Castle-class) have pennants of "F"..... it matters little, as long as it serves the purpose..... the US Navy as dumped frigates altogether, and went for the brand new type - Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)..... anyway, too much talk for this designation stuff..... be cool.... :)
well, classification is a little confusing at times, as it depends more on the requirements, rather than what it would be called.... the new Steregushchy-class corvettes (2,200t) of the Russian Navy are bigger than our Type 053H2 frigates..... corvettes are actually light frigates (FFL/FLG), nothing else.... it depends on what you call light and what you don't.... the purpose of our Durjoy-class is more like a corvette, but because of their size (64m, 650t) they were designated LPC.... their pennant number is also in "P", rather than "F".... the Bijoy and Dhaleswari (Castle-class) have pennants of "F"..... it matters little, as long as it serves the purpose..... the US Navy as dumped frigates altogether, and went for the brand new type - Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)..... anyway, too much talk for this designation stuff..... be cool.... :)
Type 056 corvette will be 89 meter long anyway warship classification depends on weight and armaments in which case type056 classified as corvette according to BN's measurement :-)
Type 056 corvette will be 89 meter long anyway warship classification depends on weight and armaments in which case type056 classified as corvette according to BN's measurement :-)
well, 89m is the Chinese version.... as far as I've seen from a report on BN, our version would have a helicopter hangar at the back, and would stretch the hull a bit further....
Type 056 is a corvette and not a frigate.
Has BD ever considered buying these things from India??
How many you are geting and will you construct some of them here in BD as some posters are making it to be??
a few days back, a govt. high official (Defense Advisor to the PM) confirmed for the first time that "As part of the move, two submarines will join its fleets by 2015. Besides, two modern frigates are being built in China while two others in the country"
a few days back, a govt. high official (Defense Advisor to the PM) confirmed for the first time that "As part of the move, two submarines will join its fleets by 2015. Besides, two modern frigates are being built in China while two others in the country"
he mistook it by saying frigate as you know very few bdian have military knowledge lol
nop, frigate has 8 ashm missile while corvette has 4, is there any plan to arm type056 corvette with 8 missile ? LOL
don't take it to the missile alley..... :D remember that Indian Navy corvettes are like floating arsenals!!..... Kora-class carry 16 missiles!!!..... while the Kamorta-class corvettes are 3,000t and 109m..... a lot bigger than our BNS Bangabandhu!!
as I said before, actually there's no point arguing about ship classification..... it depends on the role they play in each navy....
even within the Indian Navy, which makes a great use of corvettes, Abhay and Veer-classes are less than 500t, while the Kamorta-class is said to be as much as 3,000t..... Kora and Khukri are in between (1,300t).... but 3,000t will be a frigate in any navy's standard.....

again, there's another confusion between frigates and destroyers..... some navy's frigates are bigger than other navy's destroyers!!..... RN Type 23 frigates are as much as 4,900t..... Indian Navy Rajput-class is almost about the same displacement (though longer)..... there was a time when 4,000t frigates were never heard of.... now its common..... Arleigh Burke-class destroyers were considered massive.... now JMSDF (Atago-class) and ROKN (Sejong the Great-class) destroyers are even bigger!!

if we go into aircraft carriers, this confusion will compound further!!! :D
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